
681 lines
25 KiB

package nosql
import ""
func makeSelectStmt(
columns, table, joinItems,
whereClause interface{}, distinctClause interface{},
count interface{}, groupByClause interface{}, orderList interface{},
offsetClause interface{},
) (parsers.SelectStmt, error) {
selectStmt := parsers.SelectStmt{
SelectItems: columns.([]parsers.SelectItem),
Table: table.(parsers.Table),
if joinItemsArray, ok := joinItems.([]interface{}); ok && len(joinItemsArray) > 0 {
selectStmt.JoinItems = make([]parsers.JoinItem, len(joinItemsArray))
for i, joinItem := range joinItemsArray {
selectStmt.JoinItems[i] = joinItem.(parsers.JoinItem)
switch v := whereClause.(type) {
case parsers.ComparisonExpression, parsers.LogicalExpression, parsers.Constant, parsers.SelectItem:
selectStmt.Filters = v
if distinctClause != nil {
selectStmt.Distinct = true
if n, ok := count.(int); ok {
selectStmt.Count = n
if offsetArr, ok := offsetClause.([]interface{}); ok && len(offsetArr) == 2 {
if n, ok := offsetArr[0].(int); ok {
selectStmt.Offset = n
if n, ok := offsetArr[1].(int); ok {
selectStmt.Count = n
if orderExpressions, ok := orderList.([]parsers.OrderExpression); ok {
selectStmt.OrderExpressions = orderExpressions
if groupByClause != nil {
selectStmt.GroupBy = groupByClause.([]parsers.SelectItem)
return selectStmt, nil
func makeJoin(table interface{}, column interface{}) (parsers.JoinItem, error) {
return parsers.JoinItem{
Table: table.(parsers.Table),
SelectItem: column.(parsers.SelectItem),
}, nil
func makeSelectItem(name interface{}, path interface{}, selectItemType parsers.SelectItemType) (parsers.SelectItem, error) {
ps := path.([]interface{})
paths := make([]string, 1)
paths[0] = name.(string)
for _, p := range ps {
paths = append(paths, p.(string))
return parsers.SelectItem{Path: paths, Type: selectItemType}, nil
func makeColumnList(column interface{}, other_columns interface{}) ([]parsers.SelectItem, error) {
collsAsArray := other_columns.([]interface{})
columnList := make([]parsers.SelectItem, len(collsAsArray) + 1)
columnList[0] = column.(parsers.SelectItem)
for i, v := range collsAsArray {
if col, ok := v.(parsers.SelectItem); ok {
columnList[i+1] = col
return columnList, nil
func makeSelectArray(columns interface{}) (parsers.SelectItem, error) {
return parsers.SelectItem{
SelectItems: columns.([]parsers.SelectItem),
Type: parsers.SelectItemTypeArray,
}, nil
func makeSelectObject(field interface{}, other_fields interface{}) (parsers.SelectItem, error) {
fieldsAsArray := other_fields.([]interface{})
fieldsList := make([]parsers.SelectItem, len(fieldsAsArray)+1)
fieldsList[0] = field.(parsers.SelectItem)
for i, v := range fieldsAsArray {
if col, ok := v.(parsers.SelectItem); ok {
fieldsList[i+1] = col
return parsers.SelectItem{
SelectItems: fieldsList,
Type: parsers.SelectItemTypeObject,
}, nil
func makeOrderByClause(ex1 interface{}, others interface{}) ([]parsers.OrderExpression, error) {
othersArray := others.([]interface{})
orderList := make([]parsers.OrderExpression, len(othersArray)+1)
orderList[0] = ex1.(parsers.OrderExpression)
for i, v := range othersArray {
if col, ok := v.(parsers.OrderExpression); ok {
orderList[i+1] = col
return orderList, nil
func makeOrderExpression(field interface{}, order interface{}) (parsers.OrderExpression, error) {
value := parsers.OrderExpression{
SelectItem: field.(parsers.SelectItem),
Direction: parsers.OrderDirectionAsc,
if orderValue, ok := order.(parsers.OrderDirection); ok {
value.Direction = orderValue
return value, nil
func createFunctionCall(functionType parsers.FunctionCallType, arguments []interface{}) (parsers.FunctionCall, error) {
return parsers.FunctionCall{Type: functionType, Arguments: arguments}, nil
func joinStrings(array []interface{}) string {
var stringsArray []string
for _, elem := range array {
str, ok := elem.(string)
if !ok {
stringsArray = append(stringsArray, str)
return strings.Join(stringsArray, "")
func combineExpressions(ex1 interface{}, exs interface{}, operation parsers.LogicalExpressionType) (interface{}, error) {
if exs == nil || len(exs.([]interface{})) < 1 {
return ex1, nil
return parsers.LogicalExpression{
Expressions: append([]interface{}{ex1}, exs.([]interface{})...),
Operation: operation,
}, nil
Input <- selectStmt:SelectStmt {
return selectStmt, nil
SelectStmt <- Select ws
distinctClause:DistinctClause? ws
topClause:TopClause? ws
columns:Selection ws
From ws table:TableName ws
joinClauses:JoinClause* ws
whereClause:(ws Where ws condition:Condition { return condition, nil })?
groupByClause:(ws GroupBy ws columns:ColumnList { return columns, nil })?
offsetClause:OffsetClause? {
return makeSelectStmt(columns, table, joinClauses, whereClause,
distinctClause, topClause, groupByClause, orderByClause, offsetClause)
DistinctClause <- "DISTINCT"i
TopClause <- Top ws count:Integer {
return count, nil
JoinClause <- Join ws table:TableName ws "IN"i ws column:SelectItem {
return makeJoin(table, column)
OffsetClause <- "OFFSET"i ws offset:IntegerLiteral ws "LIMIT"i ws limit:IntegerLiteral {
return []interface{}{offset.(parsers.Constant).Value, limit.(parsers.Constant).Value}, nil
Selection <- SelectValueSpec / ColumnList / SelectAsterisk
SelectAsterisk <- "*" {
selectItem, _ := makeSelectItem("c", make([]interface{}, 0), parsers.SelectItemTypeField)
selectItem.IsTopLevel = true
return makeColumnList(selectItem, make([]interface{}, 0))
ColumnList <- column:SelectItem other_columns:(ws "," ws coll:SelectItem {return coll, nil })* {
return makeColumnList(column, other_columns)
SelectValueSpec <- "VALUE"i ws column:SelectItem {
selectItem := column.(parsers.SelectItem)
selectItem.IsTopLevel = true
return makeColumnList(selectItem, make([]interface{}, 0))
TableName <- key:Identifier {
return parsers.Table{Value: key.(string)}, nil
SelectArray <- "[" ws columns:ColumnList ws "]" {
return makeSelectArray(columns)
SelectObject <- "{" ws field:SelectObjectField ws other_fields:(ws "," ws coll:SelectObjectField {return coll, nil })* ws "}" {
return makeSelectObject(field, other_fields)
SelectObjectField <- name:(Identifier / "\"" key:Identifier "\"" { return key, nil }) ws ":" ws selectItem:SelectItem {
item := selectItem.(parsers.SelectItem)
item.Alias = name.(string)
return item, nil
SelectProperty <- name:Identifier path:(DotFieldAccess / ArrayFieldAccess)* {
return makeSelectItem(name, path, parsers.SelectItemTypeField)
SelectItem <- selectItem:(Literal / FunctionCall / SelectArray / SelectObject / SelectProperty) asClause:AsClause? {
var itemResult parsers.SelectItem
switch typedValue := selectItem.(type) {
case parsers.SelectItem:
itemResult = typedValue
case parsers.Constant:
itemResult = parsers.SelectItem{
Type: parsers.SelectItemTypeConstant,
Value: typedValue,
case parsers.FunctionCall:
itemResult = parsers.SelectItem{
Type: parsers.SelectItemTypeFunctionCall,
Value: typedValue,
if aliasValue, ok := asClause.(string); ok {
itemResult.Alias = aliasValue
return itemResult, nil
AsClause <- ws As ws alias:Identifier { return alias, nil }
DotFieldAccess <- "." id:Identifier {
return id, nil
ArrayFieldAccess <- "[\"" id:Identifier "\"]" { return id, nil }
/ "[" id:Integer "]" { return strconv.Itoa(id.(int)), nil }
Identifier <- [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* {
return string(c.text), nil
Condition <- expression:OrExpression {
return expression, nil
OrExpression <- ex1:AndExpression ex2:(ws Or ws ex:AndExpression { return ex, nil })* {
return combineExpressions(ex1, ex2, parsers.LogicalExpressionTypeOr)
AndExpression <- ex1:ComparisonExpression ex2:(ws And ws ex:ComparisonExpression { return ex, nil })* {
return combineExpressions(ex1, ex2, parsers.LogicalExpressionTypeAnd)
ComparisonExpression <- "(" ws ex:OrExpression ws ")" { return ex, nil }
/ left:SelectItem ws op:ComparisonOperator ws right:SelectItem {
return parsers.ComparisonExpression{Left:left,Right:right,Operation:op.(string)}, nil
} / ex:BooleanLiteral { return ex, nil }
/ ex:SelectItem { return ex, nil }
OrderByClause <- OrderBy ws ex1:OrderExpression others:(ws "," ws ex:OrderExpression { return ex, nil })* {
return makeOrderByClause(ex1, others)
OrderExpression <- field:SelectProperty ws order:OrderDirection? {
return makeOrderExpression(field, order)
OrderDirection <- ("ASC"i / "DESC"i) {
if strings.EqualFold(string(c.text), "DESC") {
return parsers.OrderDirectionDesc, nil
return parsers.OrderDirectionAsc, nil
Select <- "SELECT"i
Top <- "TOP"i
As <- "AS"i
From <- "FROM"i
Join <- "JOIN"i
Where <- "WHERE"i
And <- "AND"i
Or <- "OR"i
GroupBy <- "GROUP"i ws "BY"i
OrderBy <- "ORDER"i ws "BY"i
ComparisonOperator <- ("=" / "!=" / "<" / "<=" / ">" / ">=") {
return string(c.text), nil
Literal <- FloatLiteral / IntegerLiteral / StringLiteral / BooleanLiteral / ParameterConstant / NullConstant
ParameterConstant <- "@" Identifier {
return parsers.Constant{Type: parsers.ConstantTypeParameterConstant, Value: string(c.text)}, nil
NullConstant <- "null"i {
return parsers.Constant{Value: nil}, nil
IntegerLiteral <- number:Integer {
return parsers.Constant{Type: parsers.ConstantTypeInteger, Value: number.(int)}, nil
StringLiteral <- "\"" chars:StringCharacter* "\"" {
return parsers.Constant{Type: parsers.ConstantTypeString,Value: joinStrings(chars.([]interface{}))}, nil
FloatLiteral <- [0-9]+"."[0-9]+ {
floatValue, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(string(c.text), 64)
return parsers.Constant{Type: parsers.ConstantTypeFloat, Value: floatValue}, nil
BooleanLiteral <- ("true"i / "false"i) {
boolValue, _ := strconv.ParseBool(string(c.text))
return parsers.Constant{Type: parsers.ConstantTypeBoolean, Value: boolValue}, nil
FunctionCall <- StringFunctions
/ TypeCheckingFunctions
/ ArrayFunctions
/ InFunction
/ AggregateFunctions
/ MathFunctions
StringFunctions <- StringEqualsExpression
/ ToStringExpression
/ ConcatExpression
/ ThreeArgumentStringFunctionExpression
/ UpperExpression
/ LowerExpression
/ LeftExpression
/ LengthExpression
/ LTrimExpression
/ ReplaceExpression
/ ReplicateExpression
/ ReverseExpression
/ RightExpression
/ RTrimExpression
/ SubstringExpression
/ TrimExpression
TypeCheckingFunctions <- IsDefined
/ IsArray
/ IsBool
/ IsFiniteNumber
/ IsInteger
/ IsNull
/ IsNumber
/ IsObject
/ IsPrimitive
/ IsString
AggregateFunctions <- AvgAggregateExpression
/ CountAggregateExpression
/ MaxAggregateExpression
/ MinAggregateExpression
/ SumAggregateExpression
ArrayFunctions <- ArrayConcatExpression
/ ArrayLengthExpression
/ ArraySliceExpression
/ SetIntersectExpression
/ SetUnionExpression
MathFunctions <- MathAbsExpression
/ MathAcosExpression
/ MathAsinExpression
/ MathAtanExpression
/ MathCeilingExpression
/ MathCosExpression
/ MathCotExpression
/ MathDegreesExpression
/ MathExpExpression
/ MathFloorExpression
/ MathIntBitNotExpression
/ MathLog10Expression
/ MathRadiansExpression
/ MathRoundExpression
/ MathSignExpression
/ MathSinExpression
/ MathSqrtExpression
/ MathSquareExpression
/ MathTanExpression
/ MathTruncExpression
/ MathAtn2Expression
/ MathIntAddExpression
/ MathIntBitAndExpression
/ MathIntBitLeftShiftExpression
/ MathIntBitOrExpression
/ MathIntBitRightShiftExpression
/ MathIntBitXorExpression
/ MathIntDivExpression
/ MathIntModExpression
/ MathIntMulExpression
/ MathIntSubExpression
/ MathPowerExpression
/ MathLogExpression
/ MathNumberBinExpression
/ MathPiExpression
/ MathRandExpression
UpperExpression <- "UPPER"i ws "(" ex:SelectItem ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallUpper, []interface{}{ex})
LowerExpression <- "LOWER"i ws "(" ex:SelectItem ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallLower, []interface{}{ex})
StringEqualsExpression <- "STRINGEQUALS"i ws "(" ws ex1:SelectItem ws "," ws ex2:SelectItem ws ignoreCase:("," ws boolean:SelectItem { return boolean, nil })? ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallStringEquals, []interface{}{ex1, ex2, ignoreCase})
ToStringExpression <- "TOSTRING"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallToString, []interface{}{ex})
ConcatExpression <- "CONCAT"i ws "(" ws ex1:SelectItem others:(ws "," ws ex:SelectItem { return ex, nil })+ ws ")" {
arguments := append([]interface{}{ex1}, others.([]interface{})...)
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallConcat, arguments)
LeftExpression <- "LEFT"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws "," ws length:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallLeft, []interface{}{ex, length})
LengthExpression <- "LENGTH"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallLength, []interface{}{ex})
LTrimExpression <- "LTRIM"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallLTrim, []interface{}{ex})
ReplaceExpression <- "REPLACE"i ws "(" ws ex1:SelectItem ws "," ws ex2:SelectItem ws "," ws ex3:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallReplace, []interface{}{ex1, ex2, ex3})
ReplicateExpression <- "REPLICATE"i ws "(" ws ex1:SelectItem ws "," ws ex2:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallReplicate, []interface{}{ex1, ex2})
ReverseExpression <- "REVERSE"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallReverse, []interface{}{ex})
RightExpression <- "RIGHT"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws "," ws length:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallRight, []interface{}{ex, length})
RTrimExpression <- "RTRIM"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallRTrim, []interface{}{ex})
SubstringExpression <- "SUBSTRING"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws "," ws startPos:SelectItem ws "," ws length:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallSubstring, []interface{}{ex, startPos, length})
TrimExpression <- "TRIM"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallTrim, []interface{}{ex})
ThreeArgumentStringFunctionExpression <- function:ThreeArgumentStringFunction ws "(" ws ex1:SelectItem ws "," ws ex2:SelectItem ws ignoreCase:("," ws boolean:SelectItem { return boolean, nil })? ")" {
var functionType parsers.FunctionCallType
lowerFunction := strings.ToUpper(function.(string))
switch lowerFunction {
case "CONTAINS":
functionType = parsers.FunctionCallContains
case "ENDSWITH":
functionType = parsers.FunctionCallEndsWith
functionType = parsers.FunctionCallStartsWith
case "INDEX_OF":
functionType = parsers.FunctionCallIndexOf
return createFunctionCall(functionType, []interface{}{ex1, ex2, ignoreCase})
ThreeArgumentStringFunction <- ("CONTAINS"i / "ENDSWITH"i / "STARTSWITH"i / "INDEX_OF"i) {
return string(c.text), nil
IsDefined <- "IS_DEFINED"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIsDefined, []interface{}{ex})
IsArray <- "IS_ARRAY"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIsArray, []interface{}{ex})
IsBool <- "IS_BOOL"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIsBool, []interface{}{ex})
IsFiniteNumber <- "IS_FINITE_NUMBER"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIsFiniteNumber, []interface{}{ex})
IsInteger <- "IS_INTEGER"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIsInteger, []interface{}{ex})
IsNull <- "IS_NULL"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIsNull, []interface{}{ex})
IsNumber <- "IS_NUMBER"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIsNumber, []interface{}{ex})
IsObject <- "IS_OBJECT"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIsObject, []interface{}{ex})
IsPrimitive <- "IS_PRIMITIVE"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIsPrimitive, []interface{}{ex})
IsString <- "IS_STRING"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIsString, []interface{}{ex})
ArrayConcatExpression <- "ARRAY_CONCAT"i ws "(" ws arrays:SelectItem others:(ws "," ws ex:SelectItem { return ex, nil })+ ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallArrayConcat, append([]interface{}{arrays}, others.([]interface{})...))
ArrayLengthExpression <- "ARRAY_LENGTH"i ws "(" ws array:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallArrayLength, []interface{}{array})
ArraySliceExpression <- "ARRAY_SLICE"i ws "(" ws array:SelectItem ws "," ws start:SelectItem length:(ws "," ws ex:SelectItem { return ex, nil })? ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallArraySlice, []interface{}{array, start, length})
SetIntersectExpression <- "SetIntersect"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallSetIntersect, []interface{}{set1, set2})
SetUnionExpression <- "SetUnion"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallSetUnion, []interface{}{set1, set2})
MathAbsExpression <- "ABS"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathAbs, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathAcosExpression <- "ACOS"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathAcos, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathAsinExpression <- "ASIN"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathAsin, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathAtanExpression <- "ATAN"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathAtan, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathCeilingExpression <- "CEILING"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathCeiling, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathCosExpression <- "COS"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathCos, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathCotExpression <- "COT"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathCot, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathDegreesExpression <- "DEGREES"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathDegrees, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathExpExpression <- "EXP"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathExp, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathFloorExpression <- "FLOOR"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathFloor, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathIntBitNotExpression <- "IntBitNot"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntBitNot, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathLog10Expression <- "LOG10"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathLog10, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathRadiansExpression <- "RADIANS"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathRadians, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathRoundExpression <- "ROUND"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathRound, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathSignExpression <- "SIGN"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathSign, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathSinExpression <- "SIN"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathSin, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathSqrtExpression <- "SQRT"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathSqrt, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathSquareExpression <- "SQUARE"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathSquare, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathTanExpression <- "TAN"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathTan, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathTruncExpression <- "TRUNC"i ws "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathTrunc, []interface{}{ex}) }
MathAtn2Expression <- "ATN2"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathAtn2, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathIntAddExpression <- "IntAdd"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntAdd, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathIntBitAndExpression <- "IntBitAnd"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntBitAnd, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathIntBitLeftShiftExpression <- "IntBitLeftShift"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntBitLeftShift, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathIntBitOrExpression <- "IntBitOr"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntBitOr, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathIntBitRightShiftExpression <- "IntBitRightShift"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntBitRightShift, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathIntBitXorExpression <- "IntBitXor"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntBitXor, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathIntDivExpression <- "IntDiv"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntDiv, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathIntModExpression <- "IntMod"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntMod, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathIntMulExpression <- "IntMul"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntMul, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathIntSubExpression <- "IntSub"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathIntSub, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathPowerExpression <- "POWER"i ws "(" ws set1:SelectItem ws "," ws set2:SelectItem ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathPower, []interface{}{set1, set2}) }
MathLogExpression <- "LOG"i ws "(" ws ex1:SelectItem others:(ws "," ws ex:SelectItem { return ex, nil })* ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathLog, append([]interface{}{ex1}, others.([]interface{})...))
MathNumberBinExpression <- "NumberBin"i ws "(" ws ex1:SelectItem others:(ws "," ws ex:SelectItem { return ex, nil })* ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathNumberBin, append([]interface{}{ex1}, others.([]interface{})...))
MathPiExpression <- "PI"i ws "(" ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathPi, []interface{}{}) }
MathRandExpression <- "RAND"i ws "(" ws ")" { return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallMathRand, []interface{}{}) }
InFunction <- ex1:SelectProperty ws "IN"i ws "(" ws ex2:SelectItem others:(ws "," ws ex:SelectItem { return ex, nil })* ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallIn, append([]interface{}{ex1, ex2}, others.([]interface{})...))
AvgAggregateExpression <- "AVG"i "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallAggregateAvg, []interface{}{ex})
CountAggregateExpression <- "COUNT"i "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallAggregateCount, []interface{}{ex})
MaxAggregateExpression <- "MAX"i "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallAggregateMax, []interface{}{ex})
MinAggregateExpression <- "MIN"i "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallAggregateMin, []interface{}{ex})
SumAggregateExpression <- "SUM"i "(" ws ex:SelectItem ws ")" {
return createFunctionCall(parsers.FunctionCallAggregateSum, []interface{}{ex})
Integer <- [0-9]+ {
return strconv.Atoi(string(c.text))
StringCharacter <- !('"' / "\\") . { return string(c.text), nil }
/ "\\" seq:EscapeSequenceCharacter { return seq, nil }
EscapeSequenceCharacter <- char:EscapeCharacter
EscapeCharacter <- "'"
/ '"'
/ "\\"
/ "b" { return "\b", nil }
/ "f" { return "\f", nil }
/ "n" { return "\n", nil }
/ "r" { return "\r", nil }
/ "t" { return "\t", nil }
non_escape_character <- !(escape_character) char:.
{ return string(c.text), nil }
ws <- [ \t\n\r]*
EOF <- !.