2020-01-19 17:54:16 +02:00
# TikTok-DL
2020-01-19 18:24:07 +02:00

2020-01-19 17:54:16 +02:00
A simple tiktok video downloader written in go
## Basic usage
2020-01-19 18:24:07 +02:00
Download the executable from `https://github.com/pikami/tiktok-dl/releases`\
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You can download all videos from user by running `./tiktok-dl [Options] TIKTOK_USERNAME`\
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You can download single video by running `./tiktok-dl [Options] VIDEO_URL`\
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You can download all videos by music by running `./tiktok-dl [Options] MUSIC_URL`\
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You can download items listed in a text file by running `./tiktok-dl [OPTIONS] -batch-file path/to/items.txt`
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2020-01-19 18:24:07 +02:00
## Build instructions
Clone this repository and run `go build` to build the executable.
2020-01-19 17:54:16 +02:00
## Available options
* `-debug` - enables debug mode
* `-output some_directory` - Output path (default "./downloads")
2020-01-20 21:29:42 +02:00
* `-metadata` - Write video metadata to a .json file
2020-01-24 19:02:50 +02:00
* `-batch-file` - File containing URLs/Usernames to download, one value per line. Lines starting with '#', are considered as comments and ignored.
2020-01-19 17:54:16 +02:00
## Acknowledgments
2020-01-24 19:14:52 +02:00
This software uses the **chromedp** for web scraping, it can be found here: https://github.com/chromedp/chromedp \
2020-01-24 19:02:50 +02:00
For releases the JS code is minified by using **terser** toolkit, it can be found here: https://github.com/terser/terser