INTERNALS DIR Same as before except directories appear with the string "" in the size field RENAME Same as before REN Same as above ERASE Same as before except will now take paths DEL Same as above TYPE Same as before except will now take paths REM Same as before COPY Same as before only now takes paths PAUSE Same as before DATE Same as before TIME Same as before VER Prints MS-DOS version number VOL [d:] Prints the volume ID of drive d: (default if missing) CHDIR [d:]path Changes current directory of drive d: (default if missing) to path. CD Same as above MKDIR [d:]path Make a directory MD Same as above RMDIR [d:]path Remove a directory (directory must be empty except for . and ..) RD Same as above PWD [d:] Print working directory for d: (default if missing) BREAK ON or OFF Turns on/off ^C check in function dispatcher VERIFY ON or OFF Turns on/off verify after write PATH [; or (path;)...] Set command search path. Path with no argument prints the current path. the single ; sets the current path to the current directory olny. The other form sets the search path so that each "path" in the argument is searched in the order specified. EXIT For commands EXECed as a sub task, causes return to the invoker. CTTY dev Changes the stdin and stdout of command to the specified device. BATCH MODE STUFF ECHO ON or OFF or message Enable or suppress echoing of command lines, or print the message on standard output. GOTO label Continue Batch execution at the command after label SHIFT Shift the batch arguments %0 lost, %1->%0, %2->%1, ... new arg->%9 IF [NOT] (ERRORLEVEL n| EXISTS | string1 == string2) command If the condition is true, do the command. FOR %l IN ((set) or filespec) DO command Sequentually bind %l in the command and execute it. CLS Clears the Screen (only if ANSI supported on CON out) EXTERNAL COMMANDS FORMAT Formats disks CHKDSK Checks disks Now understands directory structure and has switches to prevent undesired blasting of disks and reports on extents EDLIN Ridiculous editor DEBUG The huge debugger, now has an assemble command SYS Copies the operating system onto disks RECOVER Reconstructs disk directories from the FAT and squeezes bad sectors out of files PRINT The infamous background file printing utility which fools you into thinking MS-DOS can do something it really can't. FILCOM Has not changed a bit EXEFIX Fixes .EXE files for stack allocation, and converts .COM files into .EXE format. LOCATE Sort of inverse of the above, turnes .EXE files into .COM files (sometimes). CONFIG.SYS A special file which will do all sorts of wonderous things when the system is booted. SORT, CIPHER, FGREP, MORE Filters (talk to CHRISP for details)