; TITLE MSHEAD.ASM -- MS-DOS DEFINITIONS PAGE ; MS-DOS High-performance operating system for the 8086 version 1.28 ; by Microsoft MSDOS development group: ; Tim Paterson (Ret.) ; Aaron Reynolds ; Nancy Panners (Parenting) ; Mark Zbikowski ; Chris Peters (BIOS) (ret.) ; ****************** Revision History ************************* ; >> EVERY change must noted below!! << ; ; 0.34 12/29/80 General release, updating all past customers ; 0.42 02/25/81 32-byte directory entries added ; 0.56 03/23/81 Variable record and sector sizes ; 0.60 03/27/81 Ctrl-C exit changes, including register save on user stack ; 0.74 04/15/81 Recognize I/O devices with file names ; 0.75 04/17/81 Improve and correct buffer handling ; 0.76 04/23/81 Correct directory size when not 2^N entries ; 0.80 04/27/81 Add console input without echo, Functions 7 & 8 ; 1.00 04/28/81 Renumber for general release ; 1.01 05/12/81 Fix bug in `STORE' ; 1.10 07/21/81 Fatal error trapping, NUL device, hidden files, date & time, ; RENAME fix, general cleanup ; 1.11 09/03/81 Don't set CURRENT BLOCK to 0 on open; fix SET FILE SIZE ; 1.12 10/09/81 Zero high half of CURRENT BLOCK after all (CP/M programs don't) ; 1.13 10/29/81 Fix classic "no write-through" error in buffer handling ; 1.20 12/31/81 Add time to FCB; separate FAT from DPT; Kill SMALLDIR; Add ; FLUSH and MAPDEV calls; allow disk mapping in DSKCHG; Lots ; of smaller improvements ; 1.21 01/06/82 HIGHMEM switch to run DOS in high memory ; 1.22 01/12/82 Add VERIFY system call to enable/disable verify after write ; 1.23 02/11/82 Add defaulting to parser; use variable escape character Don't ; zero extent field in IBM version (back to 1.01!) ; 1.24 03/01/82 Restore fcn. 27 to 1.0 level; add fcn. 28 ; 1.25 03/03/82 Put marker (00) at end of directory to speed searches ; 1.26 03/03/82 Directory buffers searched as a circular queue, current buffer ; is searched first when possible to minimize I/O ; 03/03/82 STORE routine optimized to tack on partial sector tail as ; full sector write when file is growing ; 03/09/82 Multiple I/O buffers ; 03/29/82 Two bugs: Delete all case resets search to start at beginning ; of directory (infinite loop possible otherwise), DSKRESET ; must invalidate all buffers (disk and directory). ; 1.27 03/31/82 Installable device drivers ; Function call 47 - Get pointer to device table list ; Function call 48 - Assign CON AUX LIST ; 04/01/82 Spooler interrupt (INT 28) added. ; 1.28 04/15/82 DOS retructured to use ASSUMEs and PROC labels around system ; call entries. Most CS relative references changed to SS ; relative with an eye toward putting a portion of the DOS in ; ROM. DOS source also broken into header, data and code pieces ; 04/15/82 GETDMA and GETVECT calls added as 24 and 32. These calls ; return the current values. ; 04/15/82 INDOS flag implemented for interrupt processing along with ; call to return flag location (call 29) ; 04/15/82 Volume ID attribute added ; 04/17/82 Changed ABORT return to user to a long ret from a long jump to ; avoid a CS relative reference. ; 04/17/82 Put call to STATCHK in dispatcher to catch ^C more often ; 04/20/82 Added INT int_upooler into loop ^S wait ; 04/22/82 Dynamic disk I/O buffer allocation and call to manage them ; call 49. ; 04/23/82 Added GETDSKPTDL as call 50, similar to GETFATPT(DL), returns ; address of DPB ; 04/29/82 Mod to WRTDEV to look for ^C or ^S at console input when ; writting to console device via file I/O. Added a console ; output attribute to devices. ; 04/30/82 Call to en/dis able ^C check in dispatcher Call 51 ; 04/30/82 Code to allow assignment of func 1-12 to disk files as well ; as devices.... pipes, redirection now possible ; 04/30/82 Expanded GETLIST call to 2.0 standard ; 05/04/82 Change to INT int_fatal_abort callout int HARDERR. DOS SS ; (data segment) stashed in ES, INT int_fatal_abort routines must ; preserve ES. This mod so HARDERR can be ROMed. ; 1.29 06/01/82 Installable block and character devices as per 2.0 spec ; 06/04/82 Fixed Bug in CLOSE regarding call to CHKFATWRT. It got left ; out back about 1.27 or so (oops). ARR ; 1.30 06/07/82 Directory sector buffering added to main DOS buffer queue ; 1.40 06/15/82 Tree structured directories. XENIX Path Parser MKDIR CHDIR ; RMDIR Xenix calls ; 1.41 06/13/82 Made GETBUFFR call PLACEBUF ; 1.50 06/17/82 FATs cached in buffer pool, get FAT pointer calls disappear ; Frees up lots of memory. ; 1.51 06/24/82 BREAKDOWN modified to do EXACT one sector read/write through ; system buffers ; 1.52 06/30/82 OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE, DUP, DUP2, LSEEK implemented ; 1.53 07/01/82 OPEN CLOSE mod for Xenix calls, saves and gets remote dir ; 1.54 07/11/82 Function calls 1-12 make use of new 2.0 PDB. Init code ; changed to set file handle environment. ; 2.00 08/01/82 Number for IBM release ; 01/19/83 No environ bug in EXEC ; 01/19/83 MS-DOS OEM INT 21 extensions (SET_OEM_HANDLER) ; 01/19/83 Performance bug fix in cooked write to NUL ; 01/27/83 Growcnt fixed for 32-bits ; 01/27/83 Find-first problem after create ; 2.01 02/17/83 International DOS ; 2.11 08/12/83 Dos split into several more modules for assembly on ; an IBM PC ; ; ************************************************************* SUBTTL EQUATES PAGE ; Interrupt Entry Points: ; INTBASE: ABORT ; INTBASE+4: COMMAND ; INTBASE+8: BASE EXIT ADDRESS ; INTBASE+C: CONTROL-C ABORT ; INTBASE+10H: FATAL ERROR ABORT ; INTBASE+14H: BIOS DISK READ ; INTBASE+18H: BIOS DISK WRITE ; INTBASE+1CH: END BUT STAY RESIDENT (NOT SET BY DOS) ; INTBASE+20H: SPOOLER INTERRUPT ; INTBASE+40H: Long jump to CALL entry point ENTRYPOINTSEG EQU 0CH MAXDIF EQU 0FFFH SAVEXIT EQU 10 INCLUDE DOSSYM.ASM INCLUDE DEVSYM.ASM SUBTTL ^C, terminate/abort/exit and Hard error actions PAGE ; ; There are three kinds of context resets that can occur during normal DOS ; functioning: ^C trap, terminate/abort/exit, and Hard-disk error. These must ; be handles in a clean fashion that allows nested executions along with the ; ability to trap one's own errors. ; ; ^C trap - A process may elect to catch his own ^Cs. This is achieved by ; using the $GET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR and $SET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR as ; follows: ; ; $GET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR for INT int_ctrl_c ; Save it in static memory. ; $SET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR for INT int_ctrl_c ; ; The interrupt service routine must preserve all registers and ; return carry set iff the operation is to be aborted (via abort ; system call), otherwise, carry is reset and the operation is ; restarted. ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS WILL LEAD TO UNRELIABLE ; RESULTS. ; ; To restore original ^C processing (done on terminate/abort/exit), ; restore INT int_ctrl_c from the saved vector. ; ; Hard-disk error -- The interrupt service routine for INT int_fatal_abort must ; also preserve registers and return one of three values in AL: 0 and ; 1 imply retry and ignore (???) and 2 indicates an abort. The user ; himself is not to issue the abort, rather, the dos will do it for ; him by simulating a normal abort/exit system call. ANY DEVIATION ; FROM THIS WILL LEAD TO UNRELIABLE RESULTS. ; ; terminate/abort/exit -- The user may not, under any circumstances trap an ; abort call. This is reserved for knowledgeable system programs. ; ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS WILL LEAD TO UNRELIABLE RESULTS. SUBTTL SEGMENT DECLARATIONS PAGE ; The following are all of the segments used. They are declared in the order ; that they should be placed in the executable ; ; segment ordering for MSDOS ; START SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'START' START ENDS CONSTANTS SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'CONST' CONSTANTS ENDS DATA SEGMENT WORD PUBLIC 'DATA' DATA ENDS CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'CODE' CODE ENDS LAST SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'LAST' LAST ENDS DOSGROUP GROUP CODE,CONSTANTS,DATA,LAST ; The following segment is defined such that the data/const classes appear ; before the code class for ROMification START SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'START' ASSUME CS:DOSGROUP,DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING,SS:NOTHING JMP DOSINIT START ENDS