29 May 1984 The object files given here are sufficient to create the BIOS for the IBM system. Some sources are given as examples for OEM supplied device drivers. These sources do not necessarily implement all the features described in the device driver documentation. They have evolved in parallel with the documentation, so some features described in the documentation may not yet be present in the drivers. Below is a summary of the files supplied: read_me This file. ibmbio.asm Main body of the BIOS. ibmdsk.asm Floppy and Hard disk drivers. ibmmtcon.asm Multi-screen console driver. ansi.inc ANSI X3.64 terminal emulation. bugcode.inc Module which implements debugging prints. The routine PUTC must be modified for other devices. See also the file DEFDBUG.INC. sys*.obj The SYSINIT program. No source supplied. biosobj.mak Contains instructions for building the IBM BIOS. bootpach.exe Modifies a V2.0 boot sector (on A:) for the IBM to accomodate the larger BIOS.