TITLE Message file for MS-DOS SYS Program FALSE EQU 0 TRUE EQU NOT FALSE INCLUDE DOSSYM.ASM Message MACRO label,text PUBLIC label,label&Len label DB text label&Len DW $-label ENDM IBMJAPVER EQU FALSE CONST SEGMENT PUBLIC BYTE ; only this message must be terminated with a $ PUBLIC BadVer BADVER DB "Incorrect DOS version",13,10,"$" IF IBMJAPVER Message BadDisk,<"Destination disk cannot be booted"> ENDIF Message BadDrv,<"Invalid drive specification"> Message BadParm,<"Invalid parameter"> Message NoDest,<"No room for system on destination disk"> Message BadSiz,<"Incompatible system size"> Message Done,<"System transferred"> PUBLIC GetSys,SysDrv,GetSysLen GETSYS DB "Insert system disk in drive " SYSDRV DB "A",13,10 DB "and strike any key when ready",13,10 GetSysLen DW GetSysLen-GetSys CONST ENDS DATA SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC DATA ENDS CODE SEGMENT DG GROUP CODE,CONST,DATA ASSUME CS:DG,DS:DG,ES:DG,SS:DG CODE ENDS END