Mark Zbikowski 2d04cacc53 MZ is back!
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2024-04-25 22:32:27 +00:00

                                Multi-Taking MS-DOS
                               Beta Test Release 1.00

                                   Release Notes

                 Enclosed you  will find  Microsoft's first beta release
            of Multi-tasking  MS-DOS.  This version is based upon MS-DOS
            Version 2  sources, we  will be  reimplementing  the  multi-
            tasking enhancements on top of Version 3 sources shortly.

                 Although we  have distributed  a bootable  disk for the
            IBM PC,  this package  can be adapted to any MS-DOS machine.
            Those manufacturers  who are  designing IBM compatible ROMs,
            would be  wise to keep multi-tasking in mind.  Specifically,
            this IBM  PC implementation  has had  to hook out the entire
            disk (both  floppy and  hard disk) ROM code because after he
            IBM code  set's up  the DMA  transfer it simply loops in ROM
            waiting for the interrupt to occur (routine WAIT_INT).

            Problems you may wish to avoid within future ROMs are:
                 1)   loading ES  with the  physical video  RAM location
                      (label M3)
                 2)   Looping in ROM on Cntrl-NumLock (label K40)
                 3)   No  way  to  add  special  detecting  special  key
                      strokes which  a jump  out into  RAM after reading
                      the keystroke at KB_INT would avoid
                 4)   Not being  able to hook the loading of DS to point
                      to DATA (EQU 40H) in numerous routines.
            Other than  these deficiencies the ROM code developed should
            be very usable.

                 By implementing the above suggestions, the size of your
            BIOS can  be reduced  since it  will  not  be  necessary  to
            duplicate functionality in RAM.

                 More  detailed  specifications  of  the  device  driver
            formats will  be forth  coming.  For the time being you will
            have to  make use  of the sample source code for the IBM PC.
            If you  have further  questions please contact Microsoft OEM
            customer support through Technical Assist Requests (TAR).

               * * *  WARNING  * * *  WARNING  * * *  WARNING  * * *

                 Each copy  of this  software distribution has been
                 individually serialized  to facilitate  tracing of
                 unauthorized duplication.

               * * *  WARNING  * * *  WARNING  * * *  WARNING  * * *