4. In a large container (like a salad bowl) introduce the Flour, the Oat Flakes, and the Crushed Hazelnuts (and optionally the Vanilla Extract), and mix.
5. Introduce in the previous mixture, the Sugar Syrup and the Oil, and mix again.
6. Deposit the paste obtained on the cooking plate without exceeding 2 cm in height.
7. Bake the mixture in the 120°C oven until it becomes hard (in approximately 2 hours)
8. Break the hardened mixture to obtain cereals.
9. Add if you want some broken chocolate (or chocolate chips) in the cereals, or anything you want.
## Contribution
Recipe translated from french and tested by [Pr.Walter Bulbazor](https://prwalterbulbazor.868center.tech), from [this blog article](https://vegebon.wordpress.com/2010/07/27/country-crisp-au-chocolat-la-recette-maison/)