Merge branch 'master' into header-link
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
on: pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Check files for compliance
run: .github/workflows/scripts/
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
set -eu
check_size() {
size="$(stat --printf="%s" "$1")"
if [ "$size" -gt "$SIZE_LIMIT" ]; then
echo "File $1 is bigger than specified $SIZE_LIMIT limit"
check_file_name() {
shouldname="${expectedFolder}/$(basename "$fileName" |
iconv --to-code=utf-8 |
tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' |
tr '_ ' '-')"
if [ "$shouldname" != "$fileName" ]; then
echo "$1 should be named $shouldname."
check_webp_name() {
check_file_name "$1" "data/pix"
check_recipe_name() {
check_file_name "$1" "src"
check_recipe_content() {
errMsgs="$(awk '
# First line should be the title
NR == 1 && /^# / {
$0 == "## Ingredients" {
$0 == "## Directions" {
$0 == "" {
$0 != "" {
# Last line should be the tags list
if ($1 == ";tags:") {
NUM_TAGS = NF - 1;
# Loop through all the tags
for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) {
# Make sure that each tag only contains lowercase letters and hyphens
if ($i !~ "^[a-z-]+$") {
if (!HAS_TITLE) {
print "Recipe does not have a properly formatted title on the first line."
if (!HAS_TAGS) {
print "Recipe does not have a properly formatted tags on the last line."
} else {
print "Recipe has invalid tags. Tags must be separated by spaces and contain only lowercase letters or hyphens (-)";
if (NUM_TAGS < 2) {
print "Recipe only has " NUM_TAGS " tags. Add some more."
} else if (NUM_TAGS > 5) {
print "Recipe has " NUM_TAGS " tags which is too many. Remove some tags."
print "Recipe does not have an ingredients list."
print "Recipe does not have a directions section."
print "Recipe has at least 2 consecutive empty lines.";
' "$1")"
if [ -n "$errMsgs" ]; then
echo "$errMsgs"
while IFS= read -r file; do
echo "Checking '$file'"
case "$file" in
# Ignore these files
|||| ;;
.github/*.md) ;;
check_size "$file"
check_webp_name "$file"
check_recipe_name "$file"
check_recipe_content "$file"
# Separate each file for easier reading.
echo ""
done <<EOF
$(git diff --name-only "$(git merge-base origin/master HEAD)")
exit $FAIL
@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ jobs:
port: ${{ secrets.based_port }}
script: |
cd repo
git stash
git pull --force origin master
make clean deploy
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ BLOG_SRC ?= articles
.PHONY: help init build deploy clean taglist
ARTICLES = $(shell git ls-tree HEAD --name-only -- $(BLOG_SRC)/ 2>/dev/null)
ARTICLES = $(shell git ls-tree HEAD --name-only -- $(BLOG_SRC)/*.md 2>/dev/null)
TAGFILES = $(patsubst $(BLOG_SRC)/,tags/%,$(ARTICLES))
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ config:
tags/%: $(BLOG_SRC)/
mkdir -p tags
grep -i '^; *tags:' "$<" | cut -d: -f2- | sed 's/ */\n/g' | sed '/^$$/d' | sort -u > $@
grep -ih '^; *tags:' "$<" | cut -d: -f2- | tr -c '[^a-z\-]' ' ' | sed 's/ */\n/g' | sed '/^$$/d' | sort -u > $@
blog/index.html: $(ARTICLES) $(TAGFILES) $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header index_header tag_list_header tag_entry tag_separator tag_list_footer article_list_header article_entry article_separator article_list_footer index_footer footer))
mkdir -p blog
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ blog/@%.html: $(TAGFILES) $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header tag_in
envsubst < templates/tag_index_header.html >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/article_list_header.html >> $@; \
first=true; \
for f in $(shell grep -FH '$*' $(TAGFILES) | sed 's,^tags/\([^:]*\):.*,$(BLOG_SRC)/\,'); do \
for f in $(shell awk '$$0 == "$*" { gsub("tags", "$(BLOG_SRC)", FILENAME); print FILENAME ".md"; nextfile; }' $(TAGFILES)); do \
printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s $(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT_INDEX)" --pretty=format:'%ad%n' -- "$$f"; \
done | sort | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE; do \
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ blog/%.html: $(BLOG_SRC)/ $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header ar
mkdir -p blog
TITLE="$(shell head -n1 $< | sed 's/^# \+//')"; \
export TITLE; \
PAGE_TITLE="$${TITLE} Recipe — $(BLOG_TITLE)"; \
export PAGE_TITLE; \
AUTHOR="$(shell git log --format="%an" -- "$<" | tail -n 1)"; \
export AUTHOR; \
@ -167,30 +167,30 @@ blog/rss.xml: $(ARTICLES)
printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" --pretty=format:'%ad%n' -- "$$f"; \
done | sort -k2nr | head -n $(BLOG_FEED_MAX) | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE; do \
printf '<item>\n<title>%s</title>\n<link>%s</link>\n<guid>%s</guid>\n<pubDate>%s</pubDate>\n<description>%s</description>\n</item>\n' \
printf '<item>\n<title>%s</title>\n<link>%s</link>\n<guid>%s</guid>\n<pubDate>%s</pubDate>\n<description><![CDATA[%s]]></description>\n</item>\n' \
"`head -n 1 $$FILE | sed 's/^# //'`" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/`basename $$FILE`.html" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/`basename $$FILE`.html" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)`basename $$FILE | sed 's/\.md/\.html/'`" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)`basename $$FILE | sed 's/\.md/\.html/'`" \
"$$DATE" \
"`tail -n+3 < $$FILE`"; \
"`markdown < $$FILE`"; \
done >> $@
printf '</channel>\n</rss>\n' >> $@
blog/atom.xml: $(ARTICLES)
printf '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en">\n<title type="text">%s</title>\n<subtitle type="text">%s</subtitle>\n<updated>%s</updated>\n<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="%s"/>\n<id>%s</id>\n<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="%s"/>\n' \
"$(BLOG_TITLE)" "$(BLOG_DESCRIPTION)" "$(shell date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/atom.xml" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/atom.xml" > $@
"$(BLOG_TITLE)" "$(BLOG_DESCRIPTION)" "$(shell date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)atom.xml" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/atom.xml" > $@
for f in $(ARTICLES); do \
printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" --pretty=format:'%ad %aN%n' -- "$$f"; \
done | sort -k2nr | head -n $(BLOG_FEED_MAX) | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE AUTHOR; do \
printf '<entry>\n<title type="text">%s</title>\n<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="%s"/>\n<id>%s</id>\n<published>%s</published>\n<updated>%s</updated>\n<author><name>%s</name></author>\n<summary type="text">%s</summary>\n</entry>\n' \
printf '<entry>\n<title type="text">%s</title>\n<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="%s"/>\n<id>%s</id>\n<published>%s</published>\n<updated>%s</updated>\n<author><name>%s</name></author>\n<summary type="html"><![CDATA[%s]]></summary>\n</entry>\n' \
"`head -n 1 $$FILE | sed 's/^# //'`" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/`basename $$FILE`.html" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/`basename $$FILE`.html" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)`basename $$FILE | sed 's/\.md/\.html/'`" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)`basename $$FILE | sed 's/\.md/\.html/'`" \
"$$DATE" \
"`git log -n 1 --date="format:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" --pretty=format:'%ad' -- "$$FILE"`" \
"$$AUTHOR" \
"`tail -n+3 $$FILE`"; \
"`markdown < $$FILE`"; \
done >> $@
printf '</feed>\n' >> $@
@ -2,22 +2,24 @@
## To-do
This is a simple cooking website where users can submit recipes here for credit.
There are no ads, trackers, cookies (unless recipes thereof) or javascript.
- get many recipes
- make and take pictures of recipes
- decide on CSS/styling, something good-looking and readable, but nothing too complicated
- search function? See below
- keep it simple
## Ways to contribute
- By adding a recipe.
- Make a recipe and take a nice picture of it if no nice picture already
exists. Submitted images should be small `.webp` files ideally less than 100K
or so.
- Fix errors in recipes or add minor improvements.
## Rules for submission
- Model submission files after []( Put them in `src/`.
- Recipes should start with a title, with a single `#`, *on the first line*. No
empty line at the top, not trailing line at the end. The file needs to be `\n`
terminated in linux-fashion (if you're on linux you don't need to care, it
should be automatic).
- Recipes should be `.md` files in the `src/` directory. Look at already
existing `.md` files for examples or see [example](
- File names should be the name of the dish with words separated by hyphens
(`-`). Not underscores, and definitely not spaces.
- Recipe must be based, i.e. good traditional and substantial food. Nothing
@ -47,12 +49,14 @@ List of special, categorical tags to use if relevant:
to be incorporated in another recipe.
- `breakfast`
- `dessert`
- `drink`
- `quick`: for recipes that can be cooked in under ~20 minutes.
- `side`: side dishes such as mash, fries, etc.
- `snack`
- `spread`
If your recipe contains no meat or dairy, include the `strict-fast` tag.
If it includes dairy but no milk, incude the `cheesefare` tag.
### Images
Images are stored in `data/pix`.
@ -66,8 +70,6 @@ If you see a bad or substandard image, you may submit a better one.
Images should be in `.webp` format and with as small file size as possible.
If you submit an image for say, ``, it should be added as `pix/chicken-parmesan.webp`.
I will create smaller images from that which is seen on the page,
and upon being clicked, the user will see the full-size image.
If you would like to add additional directional images,
they should be numbered with two digits like: `pix/chicken-parmesan-01.webp`, etc.
@ -83,18 +85,6 @@ This is not necessary yet though.
I don't really want images of recipes on the mainpage yet.
I'll think about how best to do it to minimize bandwidth if possible.
## curl/Search function in the future
I eventually want a command-line/curl interface to this site.
Part of this would be an implicit search function.
So suppose someone wants a recipe with chicken, I'd like
`curl` to return articles with that title.
If there is only one result, that page is opened.
Just something to think about.
Then people could make a simple two or three character alias to get a simple text recipe.
## License
This website and all its content is in the public domain.
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@ -1,14 +1,29 @@
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@ -25,7 +40,8 @@ code {
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li img {
img[alt="BTC logo"],
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max-width: 1em ;
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display: inline ;
@ -36,19 +52,22 @@ li img {
text-decoration: none;
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background: white ;
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h2 {
color: tomato ;
color: inherit ;
code {
color: forestgreen ;
@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ If there is a title image of this dish, it should be above this paragraph.
You may also include prep/cook time and the number of servings as below:
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳Cook time: 30 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- There must be a blank line above all lists.
- List the ingredients
- in an unordered list
- similar to this.
@ -30,13 +31,16 @@ You may also include prep/cook time and the number of servings as below:
Here, just put your name and links to yourself (maybe a website or donation link) if you want.
You may say "Anonymous" or a screenname if desired.
If you add something substantial to an already existing recipe (including and image) you may add your name below with the contribution in parens.
If you add something substantial to an already existing recipe (including an image) you may add your name below with the contribution in parens.
Note that your commit name will be used to sign the recipe, so for full
anonymity either commit with a name that can't be traced back to you, or ask
someone else to commit for you.
If you add a Bitcoin/Monero address, put it in "code" between \`'s, like below. This is for formatting, especially with long Monero addresses.
- Luke Smith - [website](, [donate](
- Luke Smith (photo credit) - [website](, [donate](
- Billy Smith - btc: `bc1q763s4ud0hgfa66ce64gyh6tsss49vyk5cqcm6w`
- Sally Smith (photo credit) - [website](, [donate](
;tags: tag1 tag2 tag3 (see README for tag guidelines)
@ -1,12 +1,23 @@
## About this site
Founded to provide a simple online cookbook without ads and obese web design.
See the story of this site unfold in three videos:
1. [A Demonstration of Modern Web Bloat](
2. [The War against Web Bloat Continues](
3. [SoyDevs DESTROYED Epic Style by Based Cooking](
### It's easy to contribute!
- Submit new recipes via git via [Github]( or [Gitlab](
- If a recipe has no image for it, make the recipe as presented and submit a picture above or to [](
- Submit new recipes using git via [GitHub](
- You may also improve recipes or add an image to those without them.
- Donate to the individual people who contribute pages whose names are at the bottom of each page.
- Donate to the site's long-term maintenance fund:
-  Bitcoin: `bc1q763s4ud0hgfa66ce64gyh6tsss49vyk5cqcm6w` ([QR code](pix/bitcoin-based-cooking.webp))
-  Monero: `48jewbtxe4jU3MnzJFjTs3gVFWh2nRrAMWdUuUd7Ubo375LL4SjLTnMRKBrXburvEh38QSNLrJy3EateykVCypnm6gcT9bh` ([QR code](
### Donate to the Based.Cooking maintenance fund
We are funded by you only, not 20MB of ads or privacy-violating trackers per page.
-  Bitcoin ([QR code](pix/bitcoin-based-cooking.webp)): `bc1q763s4ud0hgfa66ce64gyh6tsss49vyk5cqcm6w`
-  Monero ([QR code]( `48jewbtxe4jU3MnzJFjTs3gVFWh2nRrAMWdUuUd7Ubo375LL4SjLTnMRKBrXburvEh38QSNLrJy3EateykVCypnm6gcT9bh`
- [Donate to Luke]( and add a comment saying it's for Based.Cooking.
- Brave users may also donate BAT to this website.
@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ Cooking time: ~30 minutes
## Directions
1. Fry bacon cubes in pot (this pot will be used for everything so choose an appropriately large one)
1. Fry bacon cubes in pot (this pot will be used for everything so choose an appropriately large one).
2. Cut onions into half-rings and let them sweat in the same pot. Add some butter if your bacon was not fatty enough.
3. Peel potatoes and cut them into ~1 cm/half inch cubes
3. Peel potatoes and cut them into ~1 cm/half inch cubes.
4. When the onions have become sufficiently cooked, add potatoes.
5. Top everything with milk and let the potatoes cook for about 10 minutes.
7. Add macaroni and the remaining milk to cover everything. Most of the milk will be absorbed by the macaroni.
8. Shred your cheese.
9. A minute or two before the macaroni are done, add the shredded cheese into the pot. It should appear a bit too runny in the pot. While cooling it will increase in viscosity quite a bit. If the final texture is not creamy enough it is most likely due to using the wrong cheese.
9. A minute or two before the macaroni are done, add the shredded cheese into the pot. It should appear a bit too runny in the pot. While cooling it will increase in viscosity quite a bit. If the final texture is not creamy enough, it is most likely due to using the wrong cheese.
10. Season to taste. (Needs quite a bit of salt). Nutmeg also works well here.
11. Serve with apple sauce. Should be eaten together, not as a dessert.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Spaghetti aglio e olio
Aglio e olio, pasta with garlic and olive oil, is one of the simplest yet greatest pasta dishes of all time. It's quick, easy, and uses a lot of basic pantry ingredients which makes this a convenient weeknight meal.
## Ingredients
- 1 pound (500g) spaghetti (or similarly shaped pasta)
- 1/2 cup (110g) extra virgin olive oil
- 5-6 cloves of garlic
- 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
- A bunch of fresh parsley
## Directions
1. Heat a large skillet on medium-high heat and put a large pot of water to a boil.
2. Finely slice or mince the garlic and finely chop the parsley.
3. Add the oil and garlic to the skillet and gently cook it until it's lightly golden brown.
4. Once the water is boiling add a few generous pinches of salt and drop in the pasta until it is al dente (firm to the bite).
5. Add the red pepper flakes to the skillet and turn down the heat to let its flavor infuse the oil.
6. When the pasta has finished cooking, drain it, and reserve at least around a cup of the cooking water.
7. Now add the drained pasta with some of the cooking water to the skillet and toss vigorously. The starch in the pasta water will help the sauce emulsify and get it to the right consistency.
8. At the very last second add the parsley, to preserve its freshness. Adjust the seasoning to taste if necessary.
## Contribution
- Robert [github](
;tags: italian pasta
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Aljotta
Aljotta ("jo" as in "Yo!") is a light fish soup with roots in french bouillabaisse and similarly refers to the method of serving the fish that are cooked in it. The most appropriate fish to use for both the stock and the accompanying meal are 'clean' white fish that don't turn the broth cloudy, ideally stargazers, monkfish, red gurnard, and moray eels but also hake, mullets, cod and haddock. There are a some variants; restaurant versions could very well include lemon juice and shellfish which I don't associate with aljotta. Rice eventually became a staple with it and how much you put in is up to you. I recommend just a little. In fact, there are no ingredient amounts; the picture should give you an idea of the density you're going for. **Fresh herbs are a must**.
## Ingredients
- Fish stock (see 2.)
- Fish, raw
- Onion, roughly chopped
- Garlic, sliced or diced
- Tomatos, chopped
- frying oil/lard
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Marjoram
- Black pepper (optional)
- Mint, small amount (optional, I never use it myself as it's too overpowering)
- Lemon wedge/juice (optional, also overpowering)
- Rice (optional)
## Directions
1. Cook some rice and set aside. White short-grain is best but other types will do as long as it's not starchy. Don't use arborio or sushi rice.
2. Prepare the stock, possibly the day before, by boiling fish and fish bones in a tall stock pot on medium heat for 1-2 hours. It's customary to have loose chunks of fish in the soup so you can boil the fish and seperate the meat as it starts to cook. As an example, the head, tail, skin and spine from the [anglerfish fillet recipe]( were used to make stock, then half a fillet and meat that separated from the offal became part of the soup.
3. In a pot, heat some oil on low heat and add in the onions. Saute until translucent.
4. Add the garlic, tomato, herbs and salt if desired. Switch to medium heat, stirring occationally until the water starts to boil.
5. Add the fish and let simmer on low heat until the fish are cooked thoroughly, being careful not to break them. Turn the heat off and add the olive oil.
6. Take the fish out to be served seperately. They are traditionally served topped with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon with steamed vegetables.
7. If you are using lemon juice or rice, add them to each serving according to your preference.
8. Leave some for tomorrow. It always tastes better the next day.
## Contribution
Shou, [website](
;tags: fish soup mediterranian
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Apple strudel

- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 40 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- Puff pastry
- Apricot jam (about 300 g | 10 oz)
- 3 apples
- Ground cinnamon
- Breadcrumbs / crushed cookies
- Butter (optional)
- Powdered sugar (optional)
## Directions
1. Peel and cut the apples in thin slices.
2. Roll out the puff pastry with a rolling pin.
3. Spread the jam over the puff pastry with a spoon.
4. Arrange the apple slices over the jam.
5. Sprinkle with cinnamon and breadcrumbs.
6. Cut tiny pieces of butter and arrange them over the apple slices.

7. Roll the puff pastry edges over, overlapping them.
8. Bake for around 40 minutes at 180°C (360° F).
9. Cover with powdered sugar.
## Contribution
- Lorenzo Iuri
;tags: dessert breakfast
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Arroz Chaufa
Peruvian-chinese dish. Easy to cook just add and mix everything.

- ⏲️ Prep time: 40 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- Rice
- Salt
- Bell Pepper
- Chicken
- Eggs
- Soy Sauce
- Welsh Onion

## Directions
1. Cut the chicken into pieces and fry it. Don't forget the salt.
2. Cook scrambled eggs. Don't forget the salt.
3. Cook the rice. If it is yesterday's rice better, preferably without salt.
4. Cut the welsh onion and bell pepper into small squares.
5. Mix everything over low heat, adding soy sauce.
6. Optional: Add bacon, sesame oil.
7. If everything is salty, you can reduce it with just a teaspoon of sugar, especially if you cook the rice with salt.
## Contribution
- Andy Rufasto
- [](
;tags: peruvian chinese rice
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Asian Style Chicken with Sticky Sauce
Asian style crispy coated chicken with sweetish sauce recipe. Served with boiled rice.

## Ingredients
### Chicken with crispy coating
- Around 14 ounces or 400 grams of chicken breast
- 1 Egg
- 3 tbsp of cornflour
- 10 tbsp all-purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp paprika powder
- Around 5 tbsp of vegetable oil for frying the chicken
### Sauce
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 2 garlic cloves, mashed to paste.
- 1 tbsp Chinese rice vinegar or alternatively white wine vinegar
- 3 tbsp honey
- 2 tbsp ketchup
- 2 tbsp brown sugar
- 4 tbsp soy sauce
## Directions
1. Prepare the sauce by mixing the indgredients together in a bowl.
2. Cut the chicken into bite sized pieces.
3. Place all-purpose flour in a shallow bowl. Mix in garlic powder as well as salt and pepper, 1/2 tsp each.
4. Place lightly beaten egg in another shallow bowl.
5. Coat the chicken in corn flour, dip it in egg and finally coat with seasoned all purpose-flour.
6. Heat a good amount of oil on a pan to fry the chicken in. The oil should be hot enough so that the chicken sizzles when placed in the pan. You may want to do this in a couple of batches depending on the size of your pan.
7. Fry until chicken is cooked and has a nice golden-brownish coating.
8. Pour out excess oil, put the sauce in and mix to coat the chicken. Or place the chicken in a bowl with kitchen towels and do another batch.
9. Let the sauce bubble for one or two minutes and you're done.
10. Serve with boiled rice.
## Contribution
- pazu
- xmr: 48QiCovstDPbHtMR5DP8tp3fUgguVUcdUX2pjbh6utt88fMe5h233ZnY7PxxdQYCjrVuCBQA2D8JBYU7rH2MdVDHFKd7QJi
- btc: 17FWEWrKuock7eeZY3DTne7LgES1uKYZK5
;tags: asian chicken
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Assam Tea

This is a simple Assam tea recipe.
- ⏲️ Prep time: 1 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 5 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 1
## Ingredients
- 2 teaspoons of Assam Tea
- 150 ml of fresh water
- Sugar (Optional)
- Milk (Optional)
## Directions
1. Add 150 ml of water to a small pan and bring it to boil.
2. Then add 2 teaspoons of tea into it and reduce the heat to low.
3. Strain the tea using a tea filter into a cup.
4. Add sugar and milk to taste.
## Contribution
- Chandra Kiran - [GitHub](
;tags: drink quick
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Baba's Feta Pasta
Greek Pasta Recipe with sauce made out of feta, stock, cream cheese and other ingredients.
Uses mixed spice for special flavour, and is a great dinner or mid-day meal.
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15-30 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 25-30 min
## Ingredients
Serves Around 3 People. You can scale up to 4 If you increase most quantities by +1/4.
- Medium Sweet Onion (Finely Chopped)
- Virgin olive oil (not extra-virgin)
- White Sugar
- 3 Fresh Medium Garlic Cloves (Chopped Fine)
- 15-20 Kalamon/Kalamata Olives (Cut into thirds)
- Whole small courgette (Cut to small pieces)
- 6 Medium Mushrooms (Cut smallish and small stalk)
- 1/2 Broccli (Chopped small)
- 8-10 Finely sliced cherry tomatoes
- 1/2 Block of feta (Washed)
- 1 Chicken stock (Added to 3/4 Mug boiling water)
- Overfilled Teaspoon Mixed Spice
- 3/4 Bowls fusilli pasta
- Overfilled tablespoon Creme Cheese
- 1/3 Mug whole milk
## Instructions
Make sure to prepare & chop most ingredients before you start.
1. Get a small deepish pan and heat it to low-medium temperature. Add a good amount of virgin olive oil and place one of the small onion pieces into the pan. Wait until it starts to sizzle and add the rest of the onion. Mix well and make sure the temperature is not too high as it can damage ingredients. Optional: You can sprinkle some sugar over the onion to make it sweeter. Then after a few minutes, when the onion has browned/softened, add in the garlic and wait 1-2 minutes, then you can turn off heat and put it to the side for later.
2. Get a medium-large sized deepish pan, heat with oil and then add in the olives, courgettes and mushrooms. Sprinkle salt every now and then to enhance taste. After a few minutes when they are soft and are around the same color, then add in the onion and garlic from the smaller pan.
3. Wait a couple minutes and then add the broccli and tomato slices to the mix. Wait 2-3 more minutes and then get your rinsed feta and melt it in the pan (chop to speed up).
4. When the feta has nearly finished melting, add in the stock to the mix. Turn the pan temperature down slightly and then let it bubble for 5 mins (add a timer). Make sure to add the cover to the pan to keep in the flavor.
5. Immediately after, get a large deep pan for the pasta and add boiling water. Turn the pan on high and add generous amounts of salt to it, and a little drop of olive oil if you want too (or keep stirring) to stop pasta sticking. Optional: At this step you can put on plates/bowls to heat.
6. After the 5 mins timer is up, add the overfilled tablespoon creme cheese to the main mix, stir, then re-add lid.
7. Wait 2-3 more minutes and then you can test the sauce if you want. If you feel there is some missing, add more mixed spice or herbs such as parsley to it.
8. Turn down the main mix again slightly, Now test a pasta piece. If the pasta is semi-soft, wait until it is fully done. When it is done all the way through, turn off the pasta pan and add the 1/3 Mug of Whole milk to the mix.
9. Strain the Pasta, when done, wait one minute and turn off the main mix.
10. Serve your pasta and cover with the sauce. Enjoy!
## Credit
- peepopoggers - [github](
- Original recipe.
;tags: greek feta pasta supper
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Baked Mostaccioli

Baked pasta cooked in dish with spicy sauce
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 15-20 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 8 bowls
## Ingredients
- 24 oz or 1 jar of Fradiavolo Sauce ([Victoria](
- 1 box Mostaccioli Rigati or Penne Rigati ([Ronzoni](
- ~8 oz shredded Mozzarella Cheese ([Poly-O](
- I've found that pre-shredded cheese doesn't taste as good as shredding it right before cooking.
- 2x 2 quart (8") baking dishes or 1 large baking dish (see picture below)
## Directions
1. Bring a pot to a boil and cook pasta for 6 minutes (very al dante).
2. Put pasta and sauce in baking dish(es) and mix well.
3. Cover pasta and sauce generously with grated cheese until you can't see the pasta.
4. Bake at 350°F / 175°C for 20 minutes
- Or 375°F / 190°C for 15 minutes on convection bake.

## Contributors
- Recipe created by Dan
- Refined & Uploaded by Zyansheep.
;tags: pasta italian
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Baked Salmon
Simple method for making a good serving of salmon. Goes well with just about anything.
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 19 min
## Ingredients
- Salmon Steaks
- Red Pepper Flakes
- Lemon Juice
- Butter
- Cooking oil / spray
- Aluminum Foil
## Directions
1. Season salmon with salt, black pepper, and red pepper to taste.
2. Spray or rub in cooking oil on aluminum foil and place on cookie sheet or in baking pan.
3. Squeeze lemon juice and place a teaspoon of butter on each salmon steak.
4. Bake at 400°F / 200°C for 19 mins.
## Contribution
- Carl Zimmerman -- [website](
;tags: basic fish
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Not too sweet. Great for when you have friends over for tea.
## Directions
1. Preheat oven to 350° F (175° C)
1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C)
2. Mix the wet ingredients (eggs, bananas, oil, sugar) in one bowl.
3. Mix the dry ingredients (flour, baking soda/powder, spices, salt) in another
@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ Not too sweet. Great for when you have friends over for tea.
- Martin Chrzanowski -- [website](, [donate](
;tags: bread dessert sweet
;tags: bread dessert sweet strict-fast
@ -21,9 +21,7 @@
5. Pour the mass into your muffin dish.
6. Heat up the oven to 160 °C / 320 °F and bake the muffins for around 20-30 minutes in 170 °C / 340 °F.
## Contribution
- Łukasz Drukała - [website](, [donate](
;tags: dessert sweet snack cake
;tags: dessert sweet snack cake strict-fast
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ Either eat the pancakes as they get ready or put a plate in a preheated oven (lo
- Ricky Lindén - [website](, [donate](
;tags: breakfast quick sweet cake
;tags: breakfast quick sweet pancake cheesefare
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Tender chunks of meat in a rich brown gravy poured over sour cream mashed potato
## Contributors
- **Batu Cam** -- Transcribed recipe from Mark Rippetoe's video with moderate to significant modifications based on experience -- Monero (XMR) to help me save for an unazoomer cabin: 85eZ4uVd4gkiCsQEeDnsQG9pUbDzdi1r1VSJ9hK5Sx7hKsFZjvmqtWV7gU1ysWUR32jhWutBRGUUq8VAJNUfin9wBCCuTdg
- **Batu Cam** -- Transcribed recipe from Mark Rippetoe's video with moderate to significant modifications based on experience -- Monero (XMR) to help me save for an unazoomer cabin: `85eZ4uVd4gkiCsQEeDnsQG9pUbDzdi1r1VSJ9hK5Sx7hKsFZjvmqtWV7gU1ysWUR32jhWutBRGUUq8VAJNUfin9wBCCuTdg`
- **Mark Rippetoe** -- Original recipe author, creator of starting strength, and pink nationalist -- [Website](
;tags: american beef
;tags: american beef potato
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Belgian pear syrup
A delicious syrup that can be eaten on bread and used in a multitude of recipes.
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 6 hours
## Ingredients
- 7 pears (quality doesn't matter, you can argue that overripe pears are better because they have more suggar content)
- 3 apples
- a small handfull of dates, raisins, dried appricots or prunes (optional, you can experiment with these they can bring some nice flavors)
- 150 grams sugar
- 1 glass of water
- find sieve or cheese cloth
- glass jar
## Directions
1. Wash the outside of the fruit with water and cut it in 8 medium sized pieces, you don't have to core or deseed the fruit everything can go in the pot.
2. Place the fruit in a large pan with a thick bottom so you get even heat, i suggest you place the pears on the bottom since they don't burn as fast, add the glass of water.
3. If you are using them add the dried fruits at this point.
4. Put the heat as low as you can get it and let it all slowly stew for 3 hours, stiring every now and then.
5. At this point you can boil your glass jars to sterilize them, place them on a clean, dry towel.
6. When the fruit is done cooking for 3 hours grab your sieve or cleese cloth and place it over a bowl, run your fruit through it until you have extracted all the clear liquid, you can discard the pulp.
7. Quickly rins the pot with water so its clean and add the fruit liquid back, put back on the stove.
8. Add the sugar, add a bit less sugar if you also used dried fruits.
9. Cook for another 2 hours, after that stir every so often, Be careful with the stirring if you stir too often it might caramelize too quickly.
10. After two to two and a halve hours your syrup should be nearly done
11. At this point its up to you on how thick you want your syrup to be, a good way to test the viscosity is to drop a little bit on a cold plate or your countertop to see how it is at room temperature.
12. when you are happy with the viscosity poor the syrup into your sterilized jars and immeadiatly seal them.
## Contribution
- Yiusa, eth `0x68f1317c6512f0267fa711cafb6c134ae968fa80`
;tags: syrup fruit belgian
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Bloody Mary Mix
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 5 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 8
## Ingredients
- 1 (46 fluid ounce) bottle tomato-vegetable juice cocktail
- 1 fruit, without seeds lemons, juiced
- 1 teaspoon brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon steak sauce
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish
- 1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
- 1/2 teaspoon celery salt
## Directions
1. In a large pitcher, combine juice cocktail, lemon juice and brown sugar. Season with Worcestershire sauce, horseradish, hot sauce and celery salt. Cover, and refrigerate 8 to 12 hours to allow flavors to meld.
## Contribution
Front3ndNinja - [Website](
;tags: drink sweet breakfast
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Bolinhos de Coco
This is a Portuguese dish that translates to "coconut cupcakes," though there are probably lots of equivalent dishes from other cultures.
Its simplicity and short preparation time make it perfect for a snack or dessert.
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 min
## Ingredients
- 300 g coconut
- 150 g sugar
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 whole egg
- Powdered sugar (optional)
## Directions
1. Mix the non-optional ingredients in a medium bowl.
2. Scoop tablespoons of the batter into a cookie sheet or cupcake pan.
3. Cook for around 10 minutes or until slightly brown on top.
4. Top with powdered sugar if desired.
5. Let cool and enjoy!
## Contribution
- A family recipe (not mine)
- Submitted by Mealwhiles
;tags: portuguese quick sweet dessert cheesefare
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Bolo do Caco (Caco Bread)
_A tradicional Madeiran-Portuguese Bread_
- ⏲️ Prep time: 1 hour
- 🍳 Cook time: 45 min
- 💤 Rest time: 3 days
- 🍽️ Servings: 10 breads
## Ingredients
- 1¾ lb sweet potato
- 8 cups all-purpose flour
- ⅔ cup water (warm at 75F / 35C)
- 3 tablespoons active dry - yeast
- 3 teaspoons salt
- 750 g sweet potato
- 1 kg all-purpose flour
- 150 ml water (warm at 75F / 35C)
- 3 tablespoons active dry yeast
- 3 teaspoons salt
## Directions
1. Peel the sweet potatoes. Cut into large pieces and place in a saucepan.
2. Cover with water, bring to a boil and cook covered for 20 minutes over 1. medium-high heat.
3. Drain the sweet potatoes and mash them. Add salt.
4. Mix the yeast and water and let stand for 10 minutes.
5. Pour the flour into a large salad bowl.
6. Dig a well in the center and add the mashed sweet potato and yeast.
7. Knead to obtain a homogeneous and elastic dough.
8. Let the dough ferment for 3 days in the refrigerator.
9. After 3 days, divide the dough into 8 to 10 pieces of equal weight on a work surface dusted with flour.
10. Form balls and flatten them to a thickness of about 1 inch (2,5cm).
11. Let them rest for 30 minutes in a warm place, protected from drafts.
12. Heat a dry pan over medium-high heat and cook the bolos do caco on both sides until a thin and slightly hard crust is formed. Turn them over very regularly.
13. Then take each bolo do caco with tongs and turn them around on the hot pan to bake the sides.
14. Serve warm or lukewarm with salted butter and parsley.
## Contribution
- João Freitas - [website](, [github](
;tags: bread portuguese
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Bolognese Sauce

Basic bolognese sauce for lasagne or pasta dishes
- ⏲️ Prep time: 45 min
- 🍳 Cook time: at least 4 hours
## Ingredients
- extra virgin olive oil
- 2 carrots
- 2 celery sticks
- 1 large onion
- 2 garlic cloves (optional, but not traditional)
- 200 grams pancetta (optional)
- 300 grams beef mince
- 350 grams pork mince
- 350 grams veal mince (if you cant find veal replace with pork)
- 140 grams concentrated tomato paste
- 690 grams diced tomatoes
- water
- 1 can peeled tomatoes
- 1-2 glasses wine (whatever you have open)
- 1 glass of milk (optional)
- 1 glass of beef/vegetable stock (optional)
## Directions
1. Finely dice the carrots, celery, onion and pancetta, if your blender can handle it you can optionally blend all this to speed it up.
2. Heat up a large saucepan or dutch oven on medium low heat and put enough olive oil in to cover the bottom of the pan.
3. Put in your diced veggies and pancetta and let it slowly sauté for about 10 minutes until everything is fragrant and soft.
4. If you are using garlic add it here and let it sweat for a minute
5. Add in your minced meat and break it up into small clumps about the size of a rice grain with a spoon, keep stiring until all your meat is lightly cooked.
6. Once all your meat is cooked and looks a bit grey add your wine, add enough to fully deglaze the pan (I usually add a little bit extra for the flavor)
stir it through until it has completely evaporated. (If you are using it you can also add the stock at this point)
6. Once your pan is somewhat dry you can add the tomato paste to the beef, let it cook for a minute to remove the slight metallic taste.
7. Add your canned and peeled tomatoes and use your spoon to break them up, you don't have to be too thorough since they will soften up while the sauce cooks.
8. add the diced tomatoes, fill the jar your tomatos came in with water give it a shake and add that to the pot, do the same with your can of peeled tomatoes.
9. lower your heat to the lowest setting and slightly cover the pan with your lid.
10. let it simmer for as long as you can wait, preferably at least 4 hours, if it starts getting a bit too dry you can add a bit more water to make sure the sauce doesn't burn.
11. Once it's done simmering for as long as you can muster and its nice and thick, the liquid should not come above your meat and should be pretty concentrated
12. You can add your glass of milk, let it simmer for 10 more minutes and serve.
## Contribution
- Yiusa, eth `0x68f1317c6512f0267fa711cafb6c134ae968fa80`
;tags: sauce italian pasta
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ This is a recipe for a basic loaf of bread. The dough itself can be used however
* 1/2 Tbsp salt
* 3 3/4 cups Unbleached All-Purpose Flour (plus more for rolling / dusting)
## Instructions
## Directions
1. Proof the yeast. To do this warm 1/4 cup water to about bath water heat (110 degrees F, 43 degrees C) add active dry yeast and 1 Tsp sugar. Let sit for about 10 minutes, mixture should at least be doubled in size after waiting.
1. Combine rest of water, yeast mixture, maple syrup (or other sweetener), salt, and flour in a large mixing bowl and stir. The result will be a sticky, rough dough. Use a spoon to stir until well combined and when it can no longer do the job, knead and turn it in the bowl with your hands.
@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ This is a recipe for a basic loaf of bread. The dough itself can be used however
Alex Selimov - [Website](
;tags: basic bread
;tags: basic bread strict-fast
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Breakfast Wrap
The basic parts of a full English in a wrap. Inspired by McDonald's breakfast wraps.
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 1 (2 wraps)
## Ingredients
- 2 sausages
- 2 bacon rashers
- 1 egg
- 2 wraps
- milk
- ketchup (optional)
## Directions
1. Begin by cutting the sausages in half and frying them ensuring that they're cooked the whole way through.
2. Next, fry the bacon.
3. Next, possibly while the bacon is frying, crack an egg into a bowl, add a dash of milk and whisk it
4. Then, put the egg mixture into the microwave for a minute, take it out and whisk it again, do this twice again or until the scrambled egg is ready.
5. Add the sausage, bacon and scrambled egg to a wrap (I recommend two sausage halves, a bacon rasher and half the bowl of scrambled egg per wrap). Add ketchup if desired.
## Contribution
- Linux Lounge
;tags: breakfast quick basic eggs
@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ It will then be easier to spread the dough.
- Aeredren - [GitHub](
;tags: french
;tags: french cheesefare
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Brigadeiro
A very traditional Brazilian dessert that is present in every Brazilian birthday party! Delicious and super easy to make.
## Ingredients
- One can of condensed milk.
- Three or four spoons of chocolate powder or cocoa powder.
- One spoon of butter (Actual butter and preferably unsalted. No margarine!)
- Sprinkles (Optional)
## Directions
1. Add all ingredients into a pan.
2. Put it under low heat and stir it (preferably with a wooden spoon) until it stops sticking to the bottom of the pan.
3. Remove it from the pan and eat it with a spoon or roll it into small balls.
4. If you chose to roll it into balls, you may also roll them around in sprinkles while still hot.
## Closing remarks
Depending on how much brigadeiro you want to make, you'll have to add more or less of each ingredient, so be creative! Be careful with the chocolate powder, you definitely do not want to add too much of it!
## Contribution
;tags: dessert quick brazilian cheesefare
@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ So here's a recipe to make it look---and taste!---more appealing.
## Contribution
- O.Q. Olarte [website](, [donate](
;tags: fish
;tags: fish cheesefare
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Brown Sauce
A very basic sauce that can be used for various dishes.
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- 1 onion
- 75g butter
- 1dl flour
- 1l bouillon
- Black pepper freshly grounded
## Directions
1. Chop and sauté the onions and put the aside for a while
2. Melt the butter on a pan and add the flour to it
3. Brown the flour on medium heat until the mixture is dark brown
4. Add the bouillon in small batches while stirring with a whisker
5. Let the sauce boil and thicken for few minutes
6. Add the onions and ground some pepper in the sauce
7. (optional) Add preferred meat to the sauce or use as is
## Contribution
- Vili Kangas
;tags: sauce meat
@ -6,25 +6,26 @@ Cacio e Pepe (meaning cheese and pepper) is not only based but also incredibly s
## Ingredients
- Spaghetti (recipe works with pretty much any type)
- Grated Parmasean Cheese (or something similar, pic above uses parmasean and fresh mozzarella)
- Grated Parmesan Cheese (or something similar)
- Spaghetti
- Grated Pecorino Romano
- Peppercorns (you can also use pepper but it will change the flavour)
## Directions
1. Cook your chosen amount of spaghetti 1-2 minutes under the time on the package
according to the directions on the package or however you usually do it.
2. Discard most of the water, leaving about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water in with the pasta (it depends on how much pasta you're making)
3. On medium heat, add the grated Parmesan cheese and stir everything so that the cheese melts and evenly coats the pasta.
How much cheese you need depends on how much spaghetti you're cooking. If it doesn't taste cheesy enough, add more on top at the end.
4. After 1 minute or so on medium heat, the pasta water and cheese will combine to form a creamy sauce.
5. Top with more cheese if you need, then add black pepper and salt according to your taste.
Pasta water and the cheese are already salty, so you may not need to add any extra salt.
6. It's done!
1. Cook your chosen amount of spaghetti 3-4 minutes under the time on the package
according to the directions on the package or however you usually do it.
2. Meanwhile place the peppercorns on a cutting board and mash them with a pestle.
3. Place half of the peppercorns in a pan and toast them at medium heat.
4. Drain the pasta, place it in the pan and save the boiling water for later use.
5. Add the pasta with the pepper with 2 spoons of the water previously saved.
6. Prepare the Pecorino by putting half of it a bowl with a spoon of boiling water; continue mixing the cheese with the water until a cream is formed.
7. When the pasta is almost cooked, add the cream and mix (you can add more water if the pasta is too dry).
8. Serve on a plate with the Pecorino left before on top.
## Contributors
- Some guy called [siedes](
- Batu Cam -- Added picture -- XMR: 85eZ4uVd4gkiCsQEeDnsQG9pUbDzdi1r1VSJ9hK5Sx7hKsFZjvmqtWV7gU1ysWUR32jhWutBRGUUq8VAJNUfin9wBCCuTdg
- Batu Cam -- Added picture -- XMR: `85eZ4uVd4gkiCsQEeDnsQG9pUbDzdi1r1VSJ9hK5Sx7hKsFZjvmqtWV7gU1ysWUR32jhWutBRGUUq8VAJNUfin9wBCCuTdg`
- [S0NN1]( -- fixed the recipe based on the original italian one -- [website](
;tags: italian quick pasta
;tags: italian quick pasta cheesefare
@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ Caesar Salad is an easy and delicious meal for lunch or dinner.
- gucko
;tags: italian salad
;tags: italian salad cheesefare
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Cannellini Bean Salad
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 2
## Ingredients
- 1 can Cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
- 2 tbsp minced garlic
- 1/2 onion
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- 1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 1 15 oz can diced tomatoes
- 1 tbsp parsley flakes
- Prosciutto
- Arugula
## Directions
1. Sauté garlic and onions in olive oil until onions are translucent.
2. Add diced tomatoes, seasonings, and salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 3 minutes.
3. Add the beans, season to taste, mix until combined, and simmer for an additional 2 minutes.
4. Serve over arugula and top with bits of prosciutto.
## Contribution
- Carl Zimmerman -- [website](
;tags: beans italian salad
@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ The smoked bacon is not in the traditional recipe but it's good. Don't add it if
## Contribution
- anon btc: 1FJSSps89rEMtYm8Vvkp2uyTX9MFpZtcGy
- anon btc: `1FJSSps89rEMtYm8Vvkp2uyTX9MFpZtcGy`
;tags: flemish stew beef
@ -10,28 +10,24 @@ This recipe assumes large eggs (63 g | 2 1/4 oz).
## Ingredients
- Spaghetti or linguine: 125 g | 4 1/3 oz pp.
- Egg: 1
- Egg yolk: 1 pp.
- Parmigiano-Reggiano (grated): 30 g | 1 oz pp.
- Pecorino Romano (grated): 30 g | 1 oz pp.
- Guanciale (cleaned and cubed): 75 g | 2 oz pp.
- Spaghetti or linguine: 100 g | 3 1/2 oz pp.
- Eggs: 1
- Guanciale (cleaned and cubed): 60 g | 2 oz pp.
- Sausage: 1 (optional)
- Parmigiano-Reggiano (grated)(optional)
- Pecorino Romano (grated)(optional)
## Directions
1. Combine the cheese, egg and egg yolks in a bowl, together with a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper and optionally a dash of whole milk.
2. Fill a pot with just enough water to be able to cook the spaghetti without it sticking together or burning. Use less salt than you would normally. The aim is starchy water.
3. Depending on the cooking time of your pasta, you can add it now (8+ minutes and you should be fine). Cook the pasta 1 minute less than advised.
4. Fry the guanciale in a dry pan on low to medium heat until the sides are crisp but the insides are chewy. Leave the resulting fat in the pan and set the guanciale aside.
5. When your pasta is almost done, add some tablespoons of the starchy pasta water to your egg/cheese mixture. Mix well, and add more water as needed.
An option here is to make a bain-marie over your boiling pasta pot to melt the cheese -- this will result in an extremely creamy and well integrated emulsion.
6. When your pasta is done (-1 minute), remove it to the pan with the fat. Keep it on low heat and mix the fat and spaghetti.
7. Now add the egg/cheese mixture and keep moving and stirring to fully incorporate the sauce. Add pasta water as needed.
The carbonara is done when the sauce looks a bit runnier than you would like, as it will start to thicken immediately after leaving the pan.
Add the guanciale back in and give it a quick toss to mix. Plate and optionally garnish with grated cheese and freshly ground black pepper. Voila.
1. Crack the eggs in a bowl. Add a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper and optionally a dash of whole milk.
2. Fill a pot with water, and when it boils cook the pasta 1 minute less than advised. Use less salt than you would normally too.
3. Fry the guanciale in a dry pan on low to medium heat until the sides are crisp but the insides are chewy. Optionally you can open a sausage and put the insides together with guanciale. See the proportions though.
4. While everything is being cooked and fried, beat the eggs manually using a fork until everything is entirely liquid. Remember to watch the time.
5. When your pasta is done (-1 minute), drain it and put it in the bowl with eggs. At this step you may consider the timing: if the pasta is too hot you will cook the eggs, and some people don't like it this way, so just wait for a minute. Keep moving and stirring to fully incorporate the eggs. Add guanciale and as many fats remaining in the pan as you want. Keep moving and stirring.
6. Plate and optionally garnish with grated cheese and freshly ground black pepper. Voila.
## Contribution
Peter Piontek
Peter Piontek, Ladislao Blanchi
;tags: italian pasta quick
;tags: italian pasta quick cheesefare
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Cheesy Pasta Bake
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hr
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 300-400g Pasta (Fusilli recommended but not essential)
- 50g Butter
- 100g Flour
- 200ml Milk
- 400g Cheddar Cheese
- 6 Rashers of bacon (optional)
## Directions
1. Grate the cheese.
2. Chop up the bacon into roughly 2cm x 2cm squares.
3. Start boiling some water, when boiling, add the pasta.
4. While the water is boiling, start melting the butter in another saucepan.
5. Once melted, add flour and mix until the mixture forms a paste that does not stick to the sides. The quantity of flour required may vary.
6. Now start adding the milk slowly, while mixing, as to avoid lumps.
7. Heat on low heat while stirring until the sauce becomes thick. If unsure, taste the sauce, and if you cannot taste the flour, it is ready for the next step.
8. Add 80% of the cheese and stir until melted in.
9. Drain the pasta and add to baking dish.
10. Add the sauce and mix in.
11. If using bacon, fry it up and mix into the dish, making sure to include any fat that comes out of the bacon for extra flavour.
12. Use the rest of the cheese to cover the top.
13. Bake at gas mark 6 for about 30 minutes.
## Contribution
- TechieDamien - [website](
;tags: bacon cheese italian pasta
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Cheesy Potato Bake
Potatoes baked in a dish smothered with cheese, what's not to love?
**You will need a deep dish that is oven safe**
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 45 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 30g+ Butter
- 250g Cheddar Cheese
- 275ml Milk
- 16g Flour
- 600g Potatoes
- As much bacon as you want to garnish
## Instructions
1. Preparation:
1. Preheat to 180C
2. Butter deep baking dish
3. Peal and thinly slice potatoes
4. Grate Cheese
2. Sauce:
1. Melt Butter in Pot
2. Slowly add flour and stir constantly
3. After 2 min or bubbly remove from heat
4. Add milk slowly, stirring constantly
5. Add 3/4 of the cheese
6. Salt and Pepper to taste
3. Assembly:
1. Add a thin layer of potatoes to the dish
2. Add a layer of cheese sauce
3. Add bacon
4. Repeat steps 1-3 of assembly until there are no more potatoes/sauce
5. Add the remaining 1/4 cheese to the top
6. Put in oven for 45 min. If it starts to brown too much cover with tinfoil
Originally published at [](
## Contribution
- Kyle Johnson and Sabina Mortensen — [website](
;tags: american cheese baked potato
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Chicharrones
## Ingredients
- Pork Butt with fat
- Adobo Goya all purpose
- Cumin
- Goya Naranja juice
- Corn oil (preferred)
## Directions
1. Cut pork butt to around bite sized pieces with fat attached for frying and flavor.
2. Add Adobo Goya and spread evenly throughout the pork
3. Add Black pepper 1 ml
4. Add Cumin 1 ml
5. Add Salt 5 ml
6. Add Goya Naranja 15 ml
7. Rub all of it to spread the spices along the meat
8. Have a colander to put the Chicharonnes in after having fried it and have another pot on the bottom that has some paper inside for oil
9. Put it in deep dish skillet around Medium (3-4) heat cover with lid for around 30-35 mins till you see it's cooked, turning to make sure everything is cooking evenly
10. After it dries up at around 30-35 mins put the temperature to High (6-7) without the lid
11. Put some oil to make sure it doesn't stick too much
12. Use spoon to spin/stir and fry until a golden brown
13. Take out the Chicharonnes and put into the colander. You may keep some of the fried bits that come off to eat as well.
## Contribution
- Abuela's Cooking
;tags: mexican pork
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Chicken in Red Wine Vinegar Sauce
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 25 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- 3 tablespoons/~44 milliliters extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon/~14 grams unsalted butter
- 1 whole chicken, cut into 10 pieces (alternatively, use breasts or legs)
- 4 shallots, finely chopped
- 1 cup/720 milliliters red wine vinegar
- 1 cup/240 milliliters crème fraîche or heavy cream
- Finely chopped parsley (optional)
## Directions
1. Rub each piece of chicken in salt and pepper mixture.
2. Heat oil and melt butter in deep-sided, 12-inch (~30 centimeter) sauté pan on medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, but not smoking, use tongs to add chicken skin side down.
3. Brown both sides until skin is golden brown and chicken is cooked, about 12-15 minutes. Remove chicken to a platter and cover loosely with aluminum foil to keep warm.
4. Pour out half of oil from pan, and use other half to brown shallots over medium-high heat. Slowly add vinegar and boil until reduced to almost a syrup. Add crème fraîche/cream and cook until blended and brown, about 5 minutes. Return chicken to pan to coat and heat.
5. Return chicken to platter. Add garnish if available, and serve.
## Contribution
- Anonymous
;tags: chicken french wine
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
# Chicken Pasta Casserole

Easy to throw together and transport for the working fellow. High in protein!
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳Cook time: 35 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 35 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 4-6
## Ingredients
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Chicken Soup
Hearty soup that is adaptable to customizing to your desired vegetables or other additions
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 2 hours
- 🍽️ Servings:
## Ingredients
- 2 [chicken breasts](pan-seared-chicken.html)
- 1 Onion
- 2 carrots
- 2 celery stalks
- 32 oz Chicken Stock or Broth
- Pasta (Optional)
## Directions
1. Cook [chicken breasts](pan-seared-chicken.html), shred, and set aside in a bowl.
2. Cut up carrots and celery, place in pot and saute.
3. Add in chicken and stock or broth and mix together well. Season with salt, pepper, hot sauce, whatever you desire
4. Allow it to simmer on low heat for 2 hours mixing every so often.
5. If adding noodles, add in pasta and allow pasta to cook until al dente.
## Contribution
- AJ XMR: `45kYSzfMbY79HeuFoJC2sSGwoXCkty7X6F8nD7rNMkmuZvsDwoAnxDk3B1bT4rK2Je6z9cvKoxxGqS7aUbzvQajzEcK8nfQ`
;tags: chicken soup
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@
- Luke Smith -- [website](, [donate](
;tags: mexican chicken
;tags: mexican chicken slowcooked
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Chimichanga
Essentially, just a fried burrito. Use whatever your favorite filling is.
- ⏲️ Prep time: 120min
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 min
- Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- [taco-meat](taco-meat.html)
- 1 Onion
- Diced Tomatoes
- 1 Bell Pepper
- Burrito sized tortilla
- Plain Greek Yogurt or Sour Cream
- Any other vegetables you want
- Shredded cheese of choice (Optional)
## Directions
1. Dice peppers, tomatoes, and onions and saute
2. Add in meat. Season and cook until browned or fully cooked through
3. Warm your tortilla and place small layer of yogurt, cheese, and filling on the bottom half of the tortilla
4. Wrap by folding bottom over filling, folding sides in, and then rolling.
5. Fry using your preferred method (info on a couple of methods below)
## Frying
* My preferred method to frying is air frying, place into air fryer and set for about 10 minutes. Just as crunchy with practically no grease from oil
* For oil frying, I've found using just a film of oil and flipping on to the sides works well with more time.
## Contribution
- AJ XMR: `45kYSzfMbY79HeuFoJC2sSGwoXCkty7X6F8nD7rNMkmuZvsDwoAnxDk3B1bT4rK2Je6z9cvKoxxGqS7aUbzvQajzEcK8nfQ`
;tags: mexican beef basic
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Cinque Pi

This is a nice simple dish made up of five ingredients: panna, pomodori, parmigiano, pepe, e prezzemolo
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 15 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- pasta: 800g | 1 1/2 lb
- Cream: 4dl | 1 1/2 cups
- Tomato purée
- Parmigiano (grated)
- Parsley
## Directions
1. Boil the pasta in a big pot. Don't forget to add salt.
2. Mix the cream with the purée and bring to a boil.
3. Turn the heat down to medium and add the grated parmigiano.
4. Let it cook on medium to low heat until the pasta are done.
5. Add chopped up parsley and pepper.
6. You can either add the sauce to the pasta ore serve separately.
7. Serve with some additional parmigiano and a leaf of parsley.
## Contribution
- **Elias Pahls** - [contact](
;tags: italian pasta quick
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Classic béchamel sauce
Classic French sauce, base for a lot of dishes
- ⏲️ Prep time: 0m
- 🍳 Cook time: 15-20 min
## Ingredients
- 5 Teaspoons unsalted butter
- 5 Teaspoons flour
- 1 litre whole milk
- Salt to taste
- Pepper to taste
- Pinch of nutmeg
## Directions
1. Put your butter in your pot and let is slowly melt on medium to low heat.
2. Once the butter is fully melted add the flour and stir it in to make a roux.
3. Keep stiring your roux on medium low heat until it gets lightly golden brown and starts melling a bit nutty.
4. Add about a glass of your whole milk and stir until combined, repeat this process until you have a thick sauce in your pan and new milk you add easily combines. Never stop stirring.
5. At this point you can add the rest of your milk, if you skip the previous step you will end up with lumps of roux that are hard to get out.
6. Lower your heat to low and keep stiring don't forget to get in the corners of the pot because your sauce will burn easily.
7. Once your sauce has the desired thickness give it a taste and add your salt and pepper until it is to your liking. A pinch of nutmeg, preferably freshly grated, will also go a long way.
## Contribution
-yiusa, eth: `0x68F1317c6512f0267fA711cafB6C134Ae968FA80`
;tags: basic sauce french italian
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Coconut Oil Coffee
## Ingredients
- 2 cups hot coffee
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
## Directions
1. Blend coffee, coconut oil, and butter together in a blender until oil and butter are melted and coffee is frothy.
## Contribution
Front3ndNinja - [Website](
;tags: drink sweet breakfast
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Cooked Chickpeas
Easy recipe for cooked chickpeas. Can be add to salads, rice, or almost anything else.
- ⏲️ Prep time: 1 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 15 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 3
## Ingredients
- 1 can chickpeas / garbanzo beans, drained
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper
## Directions
1. Heat oil in pan. Add chickpeas and seasonings.
2. Cook over medium-high heat for 10-15 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste.
## Contribution
- Carl Zimmerman -- [website](
;tags: basic beans strict-fast
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Corn Salsa
- Prep time: 10 Minutes
- Cook time: 1 Hour+ in fridge
## Ingredients
- 2 pounds frozen corn, defrosted
- 1/2 Red onion, finely chopped
- 4 Radishes, sliced thin and chopped
- Few pinches of Cilantro, finely chopped
- 1-2 Jalepenos, finely chopped (optional)
- Juice of 2-3 Limes
- Salt and pepper, to taste
## Directions
1. Chop everything to pieces smaller than the corn kernals. Mix well and let sit covered in the fridge for at least an hour, even better overnight.
## Contributions
- Joe Powerhouse
- BTC:1KPxw9js2VukakhMv2wUUFUQZnHQL842ju
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Country Crisp Cereals
This is a recipe for making Jordan's Country Crisp-like cereals.
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳Cook time: 2 h
- 🍽️ Servings: 7
## Ingredients
- Oat Flakes (270 g - 800 mL)
- Rice Flour (or any other flour) (20 g - 55mL)
- Sugar (100 g)
- Crushed Hazelnuts (20 g)
- Oil (any type) (60 g - 75 mL)
- Water (50 g)
- Chocolate (70 g) (optional)
- Vanilla Extract (1/2 tsp) (optional)
## Directions
1. Preheat the oven at 120°C.
2. Prepare the cooking support with for example, a parchment paper on a cooking plate.
3. Mix the sugar and the water, until the sugar disolves.
4. In a large container (like a salad bowl) introduce the Flour, the Oat Flakes, and the Crushed Hazelnuts (and optionally the Vanilla Extract), and mix.
5. Introduce in the previous mixture, the Sugar Syrup and the Oil, and mix again.
6. Deposit the paste obtained on the cooking plate without exceeding 2 cm in height.
7. Bake the mixture in the 120°C oven until it becomes hard (in approximately 2 hours)
8. Break the hardened mixture to obtain cereals.
9. Add if you want some broken chocolate (or chocolate chips) in the cereals, or anything you want.
## Contribution
Recipe translated from french and tested by [Pr.Walter Bulbazor](, from [this blog article](
;tags: breakfast cereals english
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ have used, but seldom use.
* A couple of Champignon 'shrooms**
* Some slices of bell pepper**
## Instructions
## Directions
1. Cut the bacon into pieces and fry it on a pan.
2. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.
@ -58,12 +58,11 @@ have used, but seldom use.
\*Personally, I prefer to beat the eggs first in a bowl before adding them to the
frying pan.
Originally published at [](
## Contribution
- Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov — [website](,
- Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov — [website](,
[other website](,
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Crab salad
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 3
## Ingredients
- Сrab meat (300 grams)
- Egg (3)
- Rice (50 grams)
- Corn (1 can)
- Cucumber (1)
- Carrot (1)
- Onion (1)
- Mayonnaise (100 grams)
## Directions
1. Chop crab meat and all other ingredients
2. Combine and mix all ingredients
3. Add mayonnaise
4. Chill before serving
## Contribution
;tags: salad russian
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ eating this as a side dish, it might be more like 6-8 portions.
\*You can play with the proportions depending on how creamy or dry you want the
mashed potatoes to be.
## Instructions
## Directions
1. Peel and cut the potatoes into medium sized pieces.
2. Put the potatoes in a pot with some water so that it covers the potatoes and
@ -45,13 +45,12 @@ mashed potatoes to be.
add the shredded cheese and fried bacon and mix a little.
9. Serve and top with chopped green onions.
Originally published at [](
## Contribution
- Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov — [website](,
- Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov — [website](,
[other website](,
;tags: potato side
;tags: potato side cheesefare
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ Croutons are an essential addition to many salads. They are delicious and easy
- gucko
;tags: basic french salad
;tags: basic french salad strict-fast
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Danish Pancake

Danish Pancake recipe
## Ingredients
- 375g wheat flour
- a little bit of salt (1/3 of a teaspoon)
- 1 ½ tablespoon sugar
- 9 dl milk
- 4 Eggs
## Directions
1. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and stir until it's all mixed up.
2. Preheat a pan with butter or Margarine.
3. Turn when one side starts turning brown.
4. They are done when both sides start turning brown.
5. Add Butter or Margarine when needed.
## Served With
- Sugar
- Syrup
- Powdered sugar
- Marmalade (Jam)
## Contribution
XMR: `88cPx6Gzv5RWRRJLstUt6hACF1BRKPp1RMka1ukyu2iuHT7iqzkNfMogYq3YdDAC8AAYRqmqQMkCgBXiwdD5Dvqw3LsPGLU`
;tags: quick breakfast sweet pancake cheesefare
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Dominican Spaghetti
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 25 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1 box Spaghetti
- 1 Onion minced
- 1 Green Pepper minced
- 2 Garlic cloves minced
- 1 tbsp Chicken Bouillon Cube or Adobo
- 1 tbsp sazón
- 1 tbsp Tomato Paste
- 1 cup Tomato Sauce
- 1 tbsp Butter
- ¼ cup Evaporated Milk
- 2 tbsp Green Olives
- 1 tsp Sugar
- 1 cup Starchy Pasta Water
## Directions
1. Boil spaghetti.
2. In a separate pan, Sauté onions, peppers, and garlic until soft.
3. Add seasonings and black pepper to taste. Mix until well combined.
4. Add tomato paste, sauce, and the pasta water. Mix and let it come to a simmer. Simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Add evaporated milk, butter, sugar, and olives.
6. Taste for seasoning and heat to desired temperature.
7. Add spaghetti and toss into the sauce.
## Contribution
- Carl Zimmerman -- [website](
;tags: pasta supper dominican cheesefare