title: "Quarkbällchen – Fried curd balls"
date: 2021-04-15
tags: ['german', 'fry', 'sweet', 'cheesefare']
author: kirill-schmidt

![An image of my finished curd balls](/pix/quarkbaellchen.webp)

“Quark” is a type of fresh dairy product. It's usually translated as curd cheese or cottage cheese.

## Ingredients

- 420ml quark (plain yoghurt can be used as a replacement)
- 2 eggs
- 6 or 7 tbsp of sugar
- 2 packets of vanilla sugar
- 400g flour (500g if using yoghurt)
- 2 packets of baking powder
- 1L sunflower oil for frying
- (Optional) icing sugar
- (Optional) Alcohol by eye so that they do not soak up so much oil

## Directions

1. Mix ingredients (quark, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder) in one bowl.
2. Pour the sunflower oil into a cooking pot and heat up the hotplate
3. Form balls from the dough and put them into the cooking pot
4. Once they are brown-ish, put them onto a plate
5. (Optional) add icing sugar
6. Enjoy!