--- title: "Oven Asado" date: 2022-09-10 tags: ['argentinian', 'meat'] author: mttwdevelops --- Such a simple way to prepare such a juicy slab of meat- Argentinian style! - ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min - 🍳 Cook time: 45 min ## Ingredients - Beef chuck short ribs (bone in preferrably) - Celusal BBQ Salt - Iodized (including the specific type of salt due to smaller salt grains not working well) ## Directions 1. Heat oven to 400F/200C 2. Take beef out of fridge and let thaw or reach near room temperature 3. [OPTIONAL] Rinse each end of the beef to get rid of any remaining bone fragments from when the meat was cut 4. Pat all sides of beef dry with a paper towel 5. Salt each side of the beef **generously**, salt will drip off of the meat due to the fat as the meat cooks 6. Place beef on a rack and place in oven **bone-side down** 7. 20 minutes into cooking, flip each piece over (should be bone-side top now) 8. After another 20 minutes, flip each piece again 9. Take out of the oven after a total of 40 - 45 minutes, and let rest for 5 - 10 minutes