# Cheesecake ![Cheesecake](pix/cheesecake.webp) Classic cheesecake with a sour cream topping. A springform pan is optimal, however a 9"x13" baking pan suffices. ## Ingredients - 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs - 5 tbsp melted butter - 1 1/2 cup sugar - 8 oz cream cheese (room temp) - 5 eggs - 3 1/2 cups sour cream - 2 tsp vanilla extract ## Directions 1 Preheat oven to 300°F (150°C) 2 Butter the pan 3 mix graham crackers, melted butter, and 1 tbsp sugar in bowl 4 Press into pan 5 Beat in 1 egg at a time into the cream cheese 6 Stir in 3/4 cup sugar and vanilla extract 7 Pour mixture into pan 8 Bake for an hour 9 For topping, mix sour cream and 3/4 cup sugar 10 Remove cake from oven and let it stand for 15 mins 11 Raise temp. to 350°F (175°C) 12 Spread topping and bake for another 15 mins 13 Chill cake for several hours & enjoy! ## Contribution - Thomas Fasano --[website](https://tomfasano.xyz), [donate](https://tomfasano.xyz/donate/donate.html) ;tags dessert sweet