
37 lines
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2024-01-20 16:17:43 +04:00
class_name TimeScaleManager extends Node
@export var pitchShiftDuration : float
@export var timeScaleLerpDuration : float
var moving = false
var elapsed = 0
var from
var to
func _process(delta):
func BeginTimeScaleLerp(start : float, end : float):
moving = false
elapsed = 0
from = start
to = end
moving = true
func LerpTimeScale():
if (moving):
elapsed += get_process_delta_time()
var c = clampf(elapsed / timeScaleLerpDuration, 0.0 , 1.0)
c = ease(c, 0.4)
var val = lerpf(from, to, c)
Engine.time_scale = val
func _unhandled_input(event):
if GlobalVariables.mp_debugging:
if event.is_action_pressed("-"):
moving = false
if event.is_action_pressed(","):
moving = false
if event.is_action_pressed("."):
moving = false