2021-01-20 09:15:01 -06:00
import * as ko from "knockout" ;
2021-03-26 12:18:04 -07:00
import { KeyCodes } from "../../../Common/Constants" ;
2021-04-18 02:24:47 +05:30
import { userContext } from "../../../UserContext" ;
2021-01-20 09:15:01 -06:00
import * as Constants from "../Constants" ;
2021-03-26 12:18:04 -07:00
import { getQuotedCqlIdentifier } from "../CqlUtilities" ;
2021-01-20 09:15:01 -06:00
import * as DataTableUtilities from "../DataTable/DataTableUtilities" ;
2021-03-26 12:18:04 -07:00
import TableEntityListViewModel from "../DataTable/TableEntityListViewModel" ;
2021-01-20 09:15:01 -06:00
import * as TableEntityProcessor from "../TableEntityProcessor" ;
import * as Utilities from "../Utilities" ;
2021-03-26 12:18:04 -07:00
import ClauseGroup from "./ClauseGroup" ;
import ClauseGroupViewModel from "./ClauseGroupViewModel" ;
import * as CustomTimestampHelper from "./CustomTimestampHelper" ;
import * as DateTimeUtilities from "./DateTimeUtilities" ;
import QueryClauseViewModel from "./QueryClauseViewModel" ;
import QueryViewModel from "./QueryViewModel" ;
2021-01-20 09:15:01 -06:00
export default class QueryBuilderViewModel {
/* Labels */
public andLabel = "And/Or" ; // localize
public actionLabel = "Action" ; // localize
public fieldLabel = "Field" ; // localize
public dataTypeLabel = "Type" ; // localize
public operatorLabel = "Operator" ; // localize
public valueLabel = "Value" ; // localize
/* controls */
public addNewClauseLine = "Add new clause" ; // localize
public insertNewFilterLine = "Insert new filter line" ; // localize
public removeThisFilterLine = "Remove this filter line" ; // localize
public groupSelectedClauses = "Group selected clauses" ; // localize
public clauseArray = ko . observableArray < QueryClauseViewModel > ( ) ; // This is for storing the clauses in flattened form queryClauses for easier UI data binding.
public queryClauses = new ClauseGroup ( true , null ) ; // The actual data structure containing the clause information.
public columnOptions : ko.ObservableArray < string > ;
public canGroupClauses = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
/* Observables */
public edmTypes = ko . observableArray ( [
Constants . TableType . String ,
Constants . TableType . Boolean ,
Constants . TableType . Binary ,
Constants . TableType . DateTime ,
Constants . TableType . Double ,
Constants . TableType . Guid ,
Constants . TableType . Int32 ,
Constants . TableType . Int64 ,
"" ,
] ) ;
public operators = ko . observableArray ( [
Constants . Operator . Equal ,
Constants . Operator . GreaterThan ,
Constants . Operator . GreaterThanOrEqualTo ,
Constants . Operator . LessThan ,
Constants . Operator . LessThanOrEqualTo ,
Constants . Operator . NotEqualTo ,
"" ,
] ) ;
public clauseRules = ko . observableArray ( [ Constants . ClauseRule . And , Constants . ClauseRule . Or ] ) ;
public timeOptions = ko . observableArray ( [
Constants . timeOptions . lastHour ,
Constants . timeOptions . last24Hours ,
Constants . timeOptions . last7Days ,
Constants . timeOptions . last31Days ,
Constants . timeOptions . last365Days ,
Constants . timeOptions . currentMonth ,
Constants . timeOptions . currentYear ,
] ) ;
public queryString = ko . observable < string > ( ) ;
private _queryViewModel : QueryViewModel ;
public tableEntityListViewModel : TableEntityListViewModel ;
private scrollEventListener : boolean ;
constructor ( queryViewModel : QueryViewModel , tableEntityListViewModel : TableEntityListViewModel ) {
2021-04-18 02:24:47 +05:30
if ( userContext . apiType === "Cassandra" ) {
2021-01-20 09:15:01 -06:00
this . edmTypes ( [
Constants . CassandraType . Text ,
Constants . CassandraType . Ascii ,
Constants . CassandraType . Bigint ,
Constants . CassandraType . Blob ,
Constants . CassandraType . Boolean ,
Constants . CassandraType . Decimal ,
Constants . CassandraType . Double ,
Constants . CassandraType . Float ,
Constants . CassandraType . Int ,
Constants . CassandraType . Uuid ,
Constants . CassandraType . Varchar ,
Constants . CassandraType . Varint ,
Constants . CassandraType . Inet ,
Constants . CassandraType . Smallint ,
Constants . CassandraType . Tinyint ,
] ) ;
this . clauseRules ( [
Constants . ClauseRule . And ,
// OR is not supported in CQL
] ) ;
this . andLabel = "And" ;
this . clauseArray ( ) ;
this . _queryViewModel = queryViewModel ;
this . tableEntityListViewModel = tableEntityListViewModel ;
this . columnOptions = ko . observableArray < string > ( queryViewModel . columnOptions ( ) ) ;
this . columnOptions . subscribe ( ( newColumnOptions ) = > {
queryViewModel . columnOptions ( newColumnOptions ) ;
} ) ;
public setExample() {
var example1 = new QueryClauseViewModel (
this ,
"" ,
"PartitionKey" ,
this . edmTypes ( ) [ 0 ] ,
Constants . Operator . Equal ,
this . tableEntityListViewModel . items ( ) [ 0 ] . PartitionKey . _ ,
false ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
) ;
var example2 = new QueryClauseViewModel (
this ,
"And" ,
"RowKey" ,
this . edmTypes ( ) [ 0 ] ,
Constants . Operator . Equal ,
this . tableEntityListViewModel . items ( ) [ 0 ] . RowKey . _ ,
true ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
) ;
this . addClauseImpl ( example1 , 0 ) ;
this . addClauseImpl ( example2 , 1 ) ;
public getODataFilterFromClauses = ( ) : string = > {
var filterString : string = "" ;
var treeTraversal = ( group : ClauseGroup ) : void = > {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < group . children . length ; i ++ ) {
var currentItem = group . children [ i ] ;
if ( currentItem instanceof QueryClauseViewModel ) {
var clause = < QueryClauseViewModel > currentItem ;
this . timestampToValue ( clause ) ;
filterString = filterString . concat (
this . constructODataClause (
filterString === "" ? "" : clause . and_or ( ) ,
this . generateLeftParentheses ( clause ) ,
clause . field ( ) ,
clause . type ( ) ,
clause . operator ( ) ,
clause . value ( ) ,
this . generateRightParentheses ( clause )
) ;
if ( currentItem instanceof ClauseGroup ) {
treeTraversal ( < ClauseGroup > currentItem ) ;
} ;
treeTraversal ( this . queryClauses ) ;
return filterString . trim ( ) ;
} ;
public getSqlFilterFromClauses = ( ) : string = > {
var filterString : string = "SELECT * FROM c" ;
if ( this . _queryViewModel . selectText ( ) && this . _queryViewModel . selectText ( ) . length > 0 ) {
filterString = "SELECT" ;
const selectText = this . _queryViewModel && this . _queryViewModel . selectText && this . _queryViewModel . selectText ( ) ;
selectText &&
selectText . forEach ( ( value : string ) = > {
if ( value === Constants . EntityKeyNames . PartitionKey ) {
value = ` [" ${ TableEntityProcessor . keyProperties . PartitionKey } "] ` ;
filterString = filterString . concat ( filterString === "SELECT" ? " c" : ", c" ) ;
} else if ( value === Constants . EntityKeyNames . RowKey ) {
2021-03-26 12:18:04 -07:00
value = ` [" ${ TableEntityProcessor . keyProperties . Id } "] ` ;
2021-01-20 09:15:01 -06:00
filterString = filterString . concat ( filterString === "SELECT" ? " c" : ", c" ) ;
} else {
if ( value === Constants . EntityKeyNames . Timestamp ) {
value = TableEntityProcessor . keyProperties . Timestamp ;
filterString = filterString . concat ( filterString === "SELECT" ? " c." : ", c." ) ;
filterString = filterString . concat ( value ) ;
} ) ;
filterString = filterString . concat ( " FROM c" ) ;
if ( this . queryClauses . children . length === 0 ) {
return filterString ;
filterString = filterString . concat ( " WHERE" ) ;
var first = true ;
var treeTraversal = ( group : ClauseGroup ) : void = > {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < group . children . length ; i ++ ) {
var currentItem = group . children [ i ] ;
if ( currentItem instanceof QueryClauseViewModel ) {
var clause = < QueryClauseViewModel > currentItem ;
let timeStampValue : string = this . timestampToSqlValue ( clause ) ;
var value = clause . value ( ) ;
if ( ! clause . isValue ( ) ) {
value = timeStampValue ;
filterString = filterString . concat (
this . constructSqlClause (
first ? "" : clause . and_or ( ) ,
this . generateLeftParentheses ( clause ) ,
clause . field ( ) ,
clause . type ( ) ,
clause . operator ( ) ,
value ,
this . generateRightParentheses ( clause )
) ;
first = false ;
if ( currentItem instanceof ClauseGroup ) {
treeTraversal ( < ClauseGroup > currentItem ) ;
} ;
treeTraversal ( this . queryClauses ) ;
return filterString . trim ( ) ;
} ;
public getCqlFilterFromClauses = ( ) : string = > {
const databaseId = this . _queryViewModel . queryTablesTab . collection . databaseId ;
const collectionId = this . _queryViewModel . queryTablesTab . collection . id ( ) ;
const tableToQuery = ` ${ getQuotedCqlIdentifier ( databaseId ) } . ${ getQuotedCqlIdentifier ( collectionId ) } ` ;
var filterString : string = ` SELECT * FROM ${ tableToQuery } ` ;
if ( this . _queryViewModel . selectText ( ) && this . _queryViewModel . selectText ( ) . length > 0 ) {
filterString = "SELECT" ;
const selectText = this . _queryViewModel && this . _queryViewModel . selectText && this . _queryViewModel . selectText ( ) ;
selectText &&
selectText . forEach ( ( value : string ) = > {
filterString = filterString . concat ( filterString === "SELECT" ? " " : ", " ) ;
filterString = filterString . concat ( value ) ;
} ) ;
filterString = filterString . concat ( ` FROM ${ tableToQuery } ` ) ;
if ( this . queryClauses . children . length === 0 ) {
return filterString ;
filterString = filterString . concat ( " WHERE" ) ;
var first = true ;
var treeTraversal = ( group : ClauseGroup ) : void = > {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < group . children . length ; i ++ ) {
var currentItem = group . children [ i ] ;
if ( currentItem instanceof QueryClauseViewModel ) {
var clause = < QueryClauseViewModel > currentItem ;
let timeStampValue : string = this . timestampToSqlValue ( clause ) ;
var value = clause . value ( ) ;
if ( ! clause . isValue ( ) ) {
value = timeStampValue ;
filterString = filterString . concat (
this . constructCqlClause (
first ? "" : clause . and_or ( ) ,
this . generateLeftParentheses ( clause ) ,
clause . field ( ) ,
clause . type ( ) ,
clause . operator ( ) ,
value ,
this . generateRightParentheses ( clause )
) ;
first = false ;
if ( currentItem instanceof ClauseGroup ) {
treeTraversal ( < ClauseGroup > currentItem ) ;
} ;
treeTraversal ( this . queryClauses ) ;
return filterString . trim ( ) ;
} ;
public updateColumnOptions = ( ) : void = > {
let originalHeaders = this . columnOptions ( ) ;
let newHeaders = this . tableEntityListViewModel . headers ;
this . columnOptions ( newHeaders . sort ( DataTableUtilities . compareTableColumns ) ) ;
} ;
private generateLeftParentheses ( clause : QueryClauseViewModel ) : string {
var result = "" ;
if ( clause . clauseGroup . isRootGroup || clause . clauseGroup . children . indexOf ( clause ) !== 0 ) {
return result ;
} else {
result = result . concat ( "(" ) ;
var currentGroup : ClauseGroup = clause . clauseGroup ;
while (
! currentGroup . isRootGroup &&
! currentGroup . parentGroup . isRootGroup &&
currentGroup . parentGroup . children . indexOf ( currentGroup ) === 0
) {
result = result . concat ( "(" ) ;
currentGroup = currentGroup . parentGroup ;
return result ;
private generateRightParentheses ( clause : QueryClauseViewModel ) : string {
var result = "" ;
if (
clause . clauseGroup . isRootGroup ||
clause . clauseGroup . children . indexOf ( clause ) !== clause . clauseGroup . children . length - 1
) {
return result ;
} else {
result = result . concat ( ")" ) ;
var currentGroup : ClauseGroup = clause . clauseGroup ;
while (
! currentGroup . isRootGroup &&
! currentGroup . parentGroup . isRootGroup &&
currentGroup . parentGroup . children . indexOf ( currentGroup ) === currentGroup . parentGroup . children . length - 1
) {
result = result . concat ( ")" ) ;
currentGroup = currentGroup . parentGroup ;
return result ;
private constructODataClause = (
clauseRule : string ,
leftParentheses : string ,
propertyName : string ,
type : string ,
operator : string ,
value : string ,
rightParentheses : string
) : string = > {
switch ( type ) {
case Constants . TableType . DateTime :
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } ${ propertyName } ${ this . operatorConverter (
) } $ { value } $ { rightParentheses } ` ;
case Constants . TableType . String :
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } ${ propertyName } ${ this . operatorConverter (
) } \ '${value}\' $ { rightParentheses } ` ;
case Constants . TableType . Guid :
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } ${ propertyName } ${ this . operatorConverter (
) } guid \ '${value}\' $ { rightParentheses } ` ;
case Constants . TableType . Binary :
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } ${ propertyName } ${ this . operatorConverter (
) } binary \ '${value}\' $ { rightParentheses } ` ;
default :
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } ${ propertyName } ${ this . operatorConverter (
) } $ { value } $ { rightParentheses } ` ;
} ;
private constructSqlClause = (
clauseRule : string ,
leftParentheses : string ,
propertyName : string ,
type : string ,
operator : string ,
value : string ,
rightParentheses : string
) : string = > {
if ( propertyName === Constants . EntityKeyNames . PartitionKey ) {
propertyName = TableEntityProcessor . keyProperties . PartitionKey ;
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } c[" ${ propertyName } "] ${ operator } \ ' ${ value } \ ' ${ rightParentheses } ` ;
} else if ( propertyName === Constants . EntityKeyNames . RowKey ) {
propertyName = TableEntityProcessor . keyProperties . Id ;
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } c. ${ propertyName } ${ operator } \ ' ${ value } \ ' ${ rightParentheses } ` ;
} else if ( propertyName === Constants . EntityKeyNames . Timestamp ) {
propertyName = TableEntityProcessor . keyProperties . Timestamp ;
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } c. ${ propertyName } ${ operator } ${ DateTimeUtilities . convertJSDateToUnix (
) } $ { rightParentheses } ` ;
switch ( type ) {
case Constants . TableType . DateTime :
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } c. ${ propertyName } [" $ v"] ${ operator } \ ' ${ DateTimeUtilities . convertJSDateToTicksWithPadding (
) } \ ' $ { rightParentheses } ` ;
case Constants . TableType . Int64 :
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } c. ${ propertyName } [" $ v"] ${ operator } \ ' ${ Utilities . padLongWithZeros (
) } \ ' $ { rightParentheses } ` ;
case Constants . TableType . String :
case Constants . TableType . Guid :
case Constants . TableType . Binary :
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } c. ${ propertyName } [" $ v"] ${ operator } \ ' ${ value } \ ' ${ rightParentheses } ` ;
default :
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } c. ${ propertyName } [" $ v"] ${ operator } ${ value } ${ rightParentheses } ` ;
} ;
private constructCqlClause = (
clauseRule : string ,
leftParentheses : string ,
propertyName : string ,
type : string ,
operator : string ,
value : string ,
rightParentheses : string
) : string = > {
if (
type === Constants . CassandraType . Text ||
type === Constants . CassandraType . Inet ||
type === Constants . CassandraType . Ascii ||
type === Constants . CassandraType . Varchar
) {
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } ${ propertyName } ${ operator } \ ' ${ value } \ ' ${ rightParentheses } ` ;
return ` ${ clauseRule . toLowerCase ( ) } ${ leftParentheses } ${ propertyName } ${ operator } ${ value } ${ rightParentheses } ` ;
} ;
private operatorConverter = ( operator : string ) : string = > {
switch ( operator ) {
case Constants . Operator . Equal :
return Constants . ODataOperator . EqualTo ;
case Constants . Operator . GreaterThan :
return Constants . ODataOperator . GreaterThan ;
case Constants . Operator . GreaterThanOrEqualTo :
return Constants . ODataOperator . GreaterThanOrEqualTo ;
case Constants . Operator . LessThan :
return Constants . ODataOperator . LessThan ;
case Constants . Operator . LessThanOrEqualTo :
return Constants . ODataOperator . LessThanOrEqualTo ;
case Constants . Operator . NotEqualTo :
return Constants . ODataOperator . NotEqualTo ;
return null ;
} ;
public groupClauses = ( ) : void = > {
this . queryClauses . groupSelectedItems ( ) ;
this . updateClauseArray ( ) ;
this . updateCanGroupClauses ( ) ;
} ;
public addClauseIndex = ( index : number , data : any ) : void = > {
if ( index < 0 ) {
index = 0 ;
var newClause = new QueryClauseViewModel (
this ,
"And" ,
"" ,
this . edmTypes ( ) [ 0 ] ,
Constants . Operator . EqualTo ,
"" ,
true ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
) ;
this . addClauseImpl ( newClause , index ) ;
if ( index === this . clauseArray ( ) . length - 1 ) {
this . scrollToBottom ( ) ;
this . updateCanGroupClauses ( ) ;
newClause . isAndOrFocused ( true ) ;
$ ( window ) . resize ( ) ;
} ;
// adds a new clause to the end of the array
public addNewClause = ( ) : void = > {
this . addClauseIndex ( this . clauseArray ( ) . length , null ) ;
} ;
public onAddClauseKeyDown = ( index : number , data : any , event : KeyboardEvent , source : any ) : boolean = > {
if ( event . keyCode === KeyCodes . Enter || event . keyCode === KeyCodes . Space ) {
this . addClauseIndex ( index , data ) ;
event . stopPropagation ( ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
} ;
public onAddNewClauseKeyDown = ( source : any , event : KeyboardEvent ) : boolean = > {
if ( event . keyCode === KeyCodes . Enter || event . keyCode === KeyCodes . Space ) {
this . addClauseIndex ( this . clauseArray ( ) . length - 1 , null ) ;
event . stopPropagation ( ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
} ;
public deleteClause = ( index : number , data : any ) : void = > {
this . deleteClauseImpl ( index ) ;
if ( this . clauseArray ( ) . length !== 0 ) {
this . clauseArray ( ) [ 0 ] . and_or ( "" ) ;
this . clauseArray ( ) [ 0 ] . canAnd ( false ) ;
this . updateCanGroupClauses ( ) ;
$ ( window ) . resize ( ) ;
} ;
public onDeleteClauseKeyDown = ( index : number , data : any , event : KeyboardEvent , source : any ) : boolean = > {
if ( event . keyCode === KeyCodes . Enter || event . keyCode === KeyCodes . Space ) {
this . deleteClause ( index , data ) ;
event . stopPropagation ( ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
} ;
/ * *
* Generates an array of ClauseGroupViewModel objects for UI to display group information for this clause .
* All clauses have the same number of ClauseGroupViewModel objects , which is the depth of the clause tree .
* If the current clause is not the deepest in the tree , then the array will be filled by either a placeholder
* ( transparent ) or its parent group view models .
* /
public getClauseGroupViewModels = ( clause : QueryClauseViewModel ) : ClauseGroupViewModel [ ] = > {
var placeHolderGroupViewModel = new ClauseGroupViewModel ( this . queryClauses , false , this ) ;
var treeDepth = this . queryClauses . getTreeDepth ( ) ;
var groupViewModels = new Array < ClauseGroupViewModel > ( treeDepth ) ;
// Prefill the arry with placeholders.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < groupViewModels . length ; i ++ ) {
groupViewModels [ i ] = placeHolderGroupViewModel ;
var currentGroup = clause . clauseGroup ;
// This function determines whether the path from clause to the current group is on the left most.
var isLeftMostPath = ( ) : boolean = > {
var group = clause . clauseGroup ;
if ( group . children . indexOf ( clause ) !== 0 ) {
return false ;
while ( true ) {
if ( group . getId ( ) === currentGroup . getId ( ) ) {
break ;
if ( group . parentGroup . children . indexOf ( group ) !== 0 ) {
return false ;
group = group . parentGroup ;
return true ;
} ;
// This function determines whether the path from clause to the current group is on the right most.
var isRightMostPath = ( ) : boolean = > {
var group = clause . clauseGroup ;
if ( group . children . indexOf ( clause ) !== group . children . length - 1 ) {
return false ;
while ( true ) {
if ( group . getId ( ) === currentGroup . getId ( ) ) {
break ;
if ( group . parentGroup . children . indexOf ( group ) !== group . parentGroup . children . length - 1 ) {
return false ;
group = group . parentGroup ;
return true ;
} ;
var vmIndex = groupViewModels . length - 1 ;
var skipIndex = - 1 ;
var lastDepth = clause . groupDepth ;
while ( ! currentGroup . isRootGroup ) {
// The current group will be rendered at least once, and if there are any sibling groups deeper
// than the current group, we will repeat rendering the current group to fill up the gap between
// current & deepest sibling.
var deepestInSiblings = currentGroup . findDeepestGroupInChildren ( skipIndex ) . getCurrentGroupDepth ( ) ;
// Find out the depth difference between the deepest group under the siblings of currentGroup and
// the deepest group under currentGroup. If the result n is a positive number, it means there are
// deeper groups in siblings and we need to draw n + 1 group blocks on UI to fill up the depth
// differences. If the result n is a negative number, it means current group contains the deepest
// sub-group, we only need to draw the group block once.
var repeatCount = Math . max ( deepestInSiblings - lastDepth , 0 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i <= repeatCount ; i ++ ) {
var isLeftMost = isLeftMostPath ( ) ;
var isRightMost = isRightMostPath ( ) ;
var groupViewModel = new ClauseGroupViewModel ( currentGroup , i === 0 && isLeftMost , this ) ;
groupViewModel . showTopBorder ( isLeftMost ) ;
groupViewModel . showBottomBorder ( isRightMost ) ;
groupViewModel . showLeftBorder ( i === repeatCount ) ;
groupViewModels [ vmIndex ] = groupViewModel ;
vmIndex -- ;
skipIndex = currentGroup . parentGroup . children . indexOf ( currentGroup ) ;
currentGroup = currentGroup . parentGroup ;
lastDepth = Math . max ( deepestInSiblings , lastDepth ) ;
return groupViewModels ;
} ;
public runQuery = ( ) : DataTables . DataTable = > {
return this . _queryViewModel . runQuery ( ) ;
} ;
public addCustomRange ( timestamp : CustomTimestampHelper.ITimestampQuery , clauseToAdd : QueryClauseViewModel ) : void {
var index = this . clauseArray . peek ( ) . indexOf ( clauseToAdd ) ;
var newClause = new QueryClauseViewModel (
this ,
"And" ,
clauseToAdd . field ( ) ,
"DateTime" ,
Constants . Operator . LessThan ,
"" ,
true ,
Constants . timeOptions . custom ,
timestamp . endTime ,
"range" ,
) ;
newClause . isLocal = ko . observable ( timestamp . timeZone === "local" ) ;
this . addClauseImpl ( newClause , index + 1 ) ;
if ( index + 1 === this . clauseArray ( ) . length - 1 ) {
this . scrollToBottom ( ) ;
private scrollToBottom ( ) : void {
var scrollBox = document . getElementById ( "scroll" ) ;
if ( ! this . scrollEventListener ) {
scrollBox . addEventListener ( "scroll" , function ( ) {
var translate = "translate(0," + this . scrollTop + "px)" ;
const allTh = < NodeListOf < HTMLElement > > this . querySelectorAll ( "thead td" ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < allTh . length ; i ++ ) {
allTh [ i ] . style . transform = translate ;
} ) ;
this . scrollEventListener = true ;
var isScrolledToBottom = scrollBox . scrollHeight - scrollBox . clientHeight <= scrollBox . scrollHeight + 1 ;
if ( isScrolledToBottom ) {
scrollBox . scrollTop = scrollBox . scrollHeight - scrollBox . clientHeight ;
private addClauseImpl ( clause : QueryClauseViewModel , position : number ) : void {
this . queryClauses . insertClauseBefore ( clause , this . clauseArray ( ) [ position ] ) ;
this . updateClauseArray ( ) ;
private deleteClauseImpl ( index : number ) : void {
var clause = this . clauseArray ( ) [ index ] ;
var previousClause = index === 0 ? 0 : index - 1 ;
this . queryClauses . deleteClause ( clause ) ;
this . updateClauseArray ( ) ;
if ( this . clauseArray ( ) [ previousClause ] ) {
this . clauseArray ( ) [ previousClause ] . isDeleteButtonFocused ( true ) ;
public updateCanGroupClauses ( ) : void {
this . canGroupClauses ( this . queryClauses . canGroupSelectedItems ( ) ) ;
public updateClauseArray ( ) : void {
if ( this . clauseArray ( ) . length > 0 ) {
this . clauseArray ( ) [ 0 ] . canAnd ( true ) ;
this . queryClauses . flattenClauses ( this . clauseArray ) ;
if ( this . clauseArray ( ) . length > 0 ) {
this . clauseArray ( ) [ 0 ] . canAnd ( false ) ;
// Fix for 261924, forces the resize event so DataTableBindingManager will redo the calculation on table size.
private timestampToValue ( clause : QueryClauseViewModel ) : void {
if ( clause . isValue ( ) ) {
return ;
} else if ( clause . isTimestamp ( ) ) {
this . getTimeStampToQuery ( clause ) ;
// } else if (clause.isCustomLastTimestamp()) {
// clause.value(`datetime'${CustomTimestampHelper._queryLastTime(clause.customLastTimestamp().lastNumber, clause.customLastTimestamp().lastTimeUnit)}'`);
} else if ( clause . isCustomRangeTimestamp ( ) ) {
if ( clause . isLocal ( ) ) {
clause . value ( ` datetime' ${ DateTimeUtilities . getUTCDateTime ( clause . customTimeValue ( ) ) } ' ` ) ;
} else {
clause . value ( ` datetime' ${ clause . customTimeValue ( ) } Z' ` ) ;
private timestampToSqlValue ( clause : QueryClauseViewModel ) : string {
if ( clause . isValue ( ) ) {
return null ;
} else if ( clause . isTimestamp ( ) ) {
return this . getTimeStampToSqlQuery ( clause ) ;
// } else if (clause.isCustomLastTimestamp()) {
// clause.value(CustomTimestampHelper._queryLastTime(clause.customLastTimestamp().lastNumber, clause.customLastTimestamp().lastTimeUnit));
} else if ( clause . isCustomRangeTimestamp ( ) ) {
if ( clause . isLocal ( ) ) {
return DateTimeUtilities . getUTCDateTime ( clause . customTimeValue ( ) ) ;
} else {
return clause . customTimeValue ( ) ;
return null ;
private getTimeStampToQuery ( clause : QueryClauseViewModel ) : void {
switch ( clause . timeValue ( ) ) {
case Constants . timeOptions . lastHour :
clause . value ( ` datetime' ${ CustomTimestampHelper . _queryLastDaysHours ( 0 , 1 ) } ' ` ) ;
break ;
case Constants . timeOptions . last24Hours :
clause . value ( ` datetime' ${ CustomTimestampHelper . _queryLastDaysHours ( 0 , 24 ) } ' ` ) ;
break ;
case Constants . timeOptions . last7Days :
clause . value ( ` datetime' ${ CustomTimestampHelper . _queryLastDaysHours ( 7 , 0 ) } ' ` ) ;
break ;
case Constants . timeOptions . last31Days :
clause . value ( ` datetime' ${ CustomTimestampHelper . _queryLastDaysHours ( 31 , 0 ) } ' ` ) ;
break ;
case Constants . timeOptions . last365Days :
clause . value ( ` datetime' ${ CustomTimestampHelper . _queryLastDaysHours ( 365 , 0 ) } ' ` ) ;
break ;
case Constants . timeOptions . currentMonth :
clause . value ( ` datetime' ${ CustomTimestampHelper . _queryCurrentMonthLocal ( ) } ' ` ) ;
break ;
case Constants . timeOptions . currentYear :
clause . value ( ` datetime' ${ CustomTimestampHelper . _queryCurrentYearLocal ( ) } ' ` ) ;
break ;
private getTimeStampToSqlQuery ( clause : QueryClauseViewModel ) : string {
switch ( clause . timeValue ( ) ) {
case Constants . timeOptions . lastHour :
return CustomTimestampHelper . _queryLastDaysHours ( 0 , 1 ) ;
case Constants . timeOptions . last24Hours :
return CustomTimestampHelper . _queryLastDaysHours ( 0 , 24 ) ;
case Constants . timeOptions . last7Days :
return CustomTimestampHelper . _queryLastDaysHours ( 7 , 0 ) ;
case Constants . timeOptions . last31Days :
return CustomTimestampHelper . _queryLastDaysHours ( 31 , 0 ) ;
case Constants . timeOptions . last365Days :
return CustomTimestampHelper . _queryLastDaysHours ( 365 , 0 ) ;
case Constants . timeOptions . currentMonth :
return CustomTimestampHelper . _queryCurrentMonthLocal ( ) ;
case Constants . timeOptions . currentYear :
return CustomTimestampHelper . _queryCurrentYearLocal ( ) ;
return null ;
2021-06-15 03:27:47 +05:30
public checkIfClauseChanged ( ) : void {
this . _queryViewModel . checkIfBuilderChanged ( ) ;
2021-01-20 09:15:01 -06:00