2021-05-17 16:10:15 -07:00
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< a href = "#cosmos-db-explorer" id = "cosmos-db-explorer" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h1 > Cosmos DB Explorer< / h1 >
< / a >
< p > UI for Azure Cosmos DB. Powers the < a href = "https://portal.azure.com/" > Azure Portal< / a > , < a href = "https://cosmos.azure.com/" > https://cosmos.azure.com/< / a > , and the < a href = "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/local-emulator" > Cosmos DB Emulator< / a > < / p >
< p > < img src = "https://sdkctlstore.blob.core.windows.net/exe/dataexplorer.gif" alt = "" > < / p >
< a href = "#getting-started" id = "getting-started" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h2 > Getting Started< / h2 >
< / a >
< ul >
< li > < code > npm install< / code > < / li >
< li > < code > npm run build< / code > < / li >
< / ul >
< a href = "#developing" id = "developing" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h2 > Developing< / h2 >
< / a >
< a href = "#watch-mode" id = "watch-mode" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h3 > Watch mode< / h3 >
< / a >
< p > Run < code > npm start< / code > to start the development server and automatically rebuild on changes< / p >
< a href = "#hosted-development-httpscosmosazurecom" id = "hosted-development-httpscosmosazurecom" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h3 > Hosted Development (< a href = "https://cosmos.azure.com" > https://cosmos.azure.com< / a > )< / h3 >
< / a >
< ul >
< li > Visit: < code > https://localhost:1234/hostedExplorer.html< / code > < / li >
2024-09-30 14:34:37 -04:00
< li > The default webpack dev server configuration will proxy requests to the production portal backend: < code > https://cdb-ms-mpac-pbe.cosmos.azure.com< / code > . This will allow you to use production connection strings on your local machine.< / li >
2021-05-17 16:10:15 -07:00
< / ul >
< a href = "#emulator-development" id = "emulator-development" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h3 > Emulator Development< / h3 >
< / a >
< ul >
< li > Start the Cosmos Emulator< / li >
< li > Visit: < a href = "https://localhost:1234/index.html" > https://localhost:1234/index.html< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< a href = "#setting-up-a-remote-emulator" id = "setting-up-a-remote-emulator" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h4 > Setting up a Remote Emulator< / h4 >
< / a >
< p > The Cosmos emulator currently only runs in Windows environments. You can still develop on a non-Windows machine by setting up an emulator on a windows box and exposing its ports publicly:< / p >
< ol >
< li > < p > Expose these ports publicly: 8081, 8900, 8979, 10250, 10251, 10252, 10253, 10254, 10255, 10256< / p >
< / li >
< li > < p > Download and install the emulator: < a href = "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/local-emulator" > https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/local-emulator< / a > < / p >
< / li >
< li > < p > Start the emulator from PowerShell:< / p >
< / li >
< / ol >
< pre > < code > < span style = "color: #000000" > > < / span > < span style = "color: #001080" > cd< / span > < span style = "color: #000000" > C:/< / span >
< span style = "color: #000000" > > .\< / span > < span style = "color: #001080" > CosmosDB< / span > < span style = "color: #000000" > .< / span > < span style = "color: #001080" > Emulator< / span > < span style = "color: #000000" > .< / span > < span style = "color: #001080" > exe< / span > < span style = "color: #000000" > -< / span > < span style = "color: #001080" > AllowNetworkAccess< / span > < span style = "color: #000000" > -< / span > < span style = "color: #001080" > Key< / span > < span style = "color: #000000" > =< / span > < span style = "color: #A31515" > " < EMULATOR MASTER KEY> " < / span >
< / code > < / pre >
< a href = "#portal-development" id = "portal-development" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h3 > Portal Development< / h3 >
< / a >
< ul >
< li > Visit: < a href = "https://ms.portal.azure.com/?dataExplorerSource=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A1234%2Fexplorer.html" > https://ms.portal.azure.com/?dataExplorerSource=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A1234%2Fexplorer.html< / a > < / li >
< li > You may have to manually visit < a href = "https://localhost:1234/explorer.html" > https://localhost:1234/explorer.html< / a > first and click through any SSL certificate warnings< / li >
< / ul >
< a href = "#testing" id = "testing" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h3 > Testing< / h3 >
< / a >
< a href = "#unit-tests" id = "unit-tests" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h4 > Unit Tests< / h4 >
< / a >
< p > Unit tests are located adjacent to the code under test and run with < a href = "https://jestjs.io/" > Jest< / a > :< / p >
< p > < code > npm run test< / code > < / p >
< a href = "#end-to-end-ci-tests" id = "end-to-end-ci-tests" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h4 > End to End CI Tests< / h4 >
< / a >
< p > Jest and Puppeteer are used for end to end browser based tests and are contained in < code > test/< / code > . To run these tests locally:< / p >
< ol >
< li > Copy .env.example to .env< / li >
< li > Update the values in .env including your local data explorer endpoint (ask a teammate/codeowner for help with .env values)< / li >
< li > Make sure all packages are installed < code > npm install< / code > < / li >
< li > Run the server < code > npm run start< / code > and wait for it to start< / li >
< li > Run < code > npm run test:e2e< / code > < / li >
< / ol >
< a href = "#releasing" id = "releasing" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h3 > Releasing< / h3 >
< / a >
< p > We generally adhere to the release strategy < a href = "https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/policies_repobranching.html#release-branches" > documented by the Azure SDK Guidelines< / a > . Most releases should happen from the master branch. If master contains commits that cannot be released, you may create a release from a < code > release/< / code > or < code > hotfix/< / code > branch. See linked documentation for more details.< / p >
< a href = "#architecture" id = "architecture" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h3 > Architecture< / h3 >
< / a >
< p > < a href = "https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor/#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-IGRhdGFwbGFuZVxuICBwb3J0YWwgLS0-IGFhZFxuICBob3N0ZWQgLS0-IHBvcnRhbFRva2VuICYgcmVzb3VyY2VUb2tlbiAmIGNvbm5lY3Rpb25TdHJpbmcgJiBhYWRcbiAgYWFkIC0tLT4gYXJtXG4gIGFhZCAtLS0-IGRhdGFwbGFuZVxuICBhYWQgLS0tPiBwcm94eVxuICByZXNvdXJjZVRva2VuIC0tLT4gc3FsIC0tPiBkYXRhcGxhbmVcbiAgcG9ydGFsVG9rZW4gLS0tPiBwcm94eVxuICBwcm94eSAtLT4gZGF0YXBsYW5lXG4gIGNvbm5lY3Rpb25TdHJpbmcgLS0-IHNxbCAmIG1vbmdvICYgY2Fzc2FuZHJhICYgZ3JhZiAmIHRhYmxlc1xuICBzcWwgLS0-IGRhdGFwbGFuZVxuICB0YWJsZXMgLS0-IGRhdGFwbGFuZVxuICBtb25nbyAtLT4gcHJveHlcbiAgY2Fzc2FuZHJhIC0tPiBwcm94eVxuICBncmFmIC0tPiBwcm94eVxuXG5cdFx0IiwibWVybWFpZCI6eyJ0aGVtZSI6ImRlZmF1bHQifSwidXBkYXRlRWRpdG9yIjpmYWxzZX0" > < img src = "https://mermaid.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-IGRhdGFwbGFuZVxuICBwb3J0YWwgLS0-IGFhZFxuICBob3N0ZWQgLS0-IHBvcnRhbFRva2VuICYgcmVzb3VyY2VUb2tlbiAmIGNvbm5lY3Rpb25TdHJpbmcgJiBhYWRcbiAgYWFkIC0tLT4gYXJtXG4gIGFhZCAtLS0-IGRhdGFwbGFuZVxuICBhYWQgLS0tPiBwcm94eVxuICByZXNvdXJjZVRva2VuIC0tLT4gc3FsIC0tPiBkYXRhcGxhbmVcbiAgcG9ydGFsVG9rZW4gLS0tPiBwcm94eVxuICBwcm94eSAtLT4gZGF0YXBsYW5lXG4gIGNvbm5lY3Rpb25TdHJpbmcgLS0-IHNxbCAmIG1vbmdvICYgY2Fzc2FuZHJhICYgZ3JhZiAmIHRhYmxlc1xuICBzcWwgLS0-IGRhdGFwbGFuZVxuICB0YWJsZXMgLS0-IGRhdGFwbGFuZVxuICBtb25nbyAtLT4gcHJveHlcbiAgY2Fzc2FuZHJhIC0tPiBwcm94eVxuICBncmFmIC0tPiBwcm94eVxuXG5cdFx0IiwibWVybWFpZCI6eyJ0aGVtZSI6ImRlZmF1bHQifSwidXBkYXRlRWRpdG9yIjpmYWxzZX0" alt = "" > < / a > < / p >
< a href = "#contributing" id = "contributing" style = "color: inherit; text-decoration: none;" >
< h1 > Contributing< / h1 >
< / a >
< p > Please read the < a href = "./CONTRIBUTING.md" > contribution guidelines< / a > .< / p >
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