2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
import * as ComponentRegisterer from "./ComponentRegisterer" ;
import * as Constants from "../Common/Constants" ;
import * as DataModels from "../Contracts/DataModels" ;
import * as ko from "knockout" ;
import * as MostRecentActivity from "./MostRecentActivity/MostRecentActivity" ;
import * as path from "path" ;
import * as SharedConstants from "../Shared/Constants" ;
import * as ViewModels from "../Contracts/ViewModels" ;
import _ from "underscore" ;
import AddCollectionPane from "./Panes/AddCollectionPane" ;
import AddDatabasePane from "./Panes/AddDatabasePane" ;
import AddTableEntityPane from "./Panes/Tables/AddTableEntityPane" ;
import AuthHeadersUtil from "../Platform/Hosted/Authorization" ;
import CassandraAddCollectionPane from "./Panes/CassandraAddCollectionPane" ;
import Database from "./Tree/Database" ;
import DeleteCollectionConfirmationPane from "./Panes/DeleteCollectionConfirmationPane" ;
import DeleteDatabaseConfirmationPane from "./Panes/DeleteDatabaseConfirmationPane" ;
2020-07-27 18:58:27 +01:00
import { readDatabases , readCollection , readOffers , refreshCachedResources } from "../Common/DocumentClientUtilityBase" ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
import EditTableEntityPane from "./Panes/Tables/EditTableEntityPane" ;
import EnvironmentUtility from "../Common/EnvironmentUtility" ;
import GraphStylingPane from "./Panes/GraphStylingPane" ;
import hasher from "hasher" ;
import NewVertexPane from "./Panes/NewVertexPane" ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
import NotebookV2Tab , { NotebookTabOptions } from "./Tabs/NotebookV2Tab" ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
import Q from "q" ;
import ResourceTokenCollection from "./Tree/ResourceTokenCollection" ;
import TelemetryProcessor from "../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryProcessor" ;
import TerminalTab from "./Tabs/TerminalTab" ;
import { Action , ActionModifiers } from "../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryConstants" ;
import { ActionContracts , MessageTypes } from "../Contracts/ExplorerContracts" ;
import { ArcadiaResourceManager } from "../SparkClusterManager/ArcadiaResourceManager" ;
import { ArcadiaWorkspaceItem } from "./Controls/Arcadia/ArcadiaMenuPicker" ;
import { AuthType } from "../AuthType" ;
import { BindingHandlersRegisterer } from "../Bindings/BindingHandlersRegisterer" ;
import { BrowseQueriesPane } from "./Panes/BrowseQueriesPane" ;
import { CassandraAPIDataClient , TableDataClient , TablesAPIDataClient } from "./Tables/TableDataClient" ;
import { CommandBarComponentAdapter } from "./Menus/CommandBar/CommandBarComponentAdapter" ;
import { config } from "../Config" ;
import { ConsoleData , ConsoleDataType } from "./Menus/NotificationConsole/NotificationConsoleComponent" ;
import { CosmosClient } from "../Common/CosmosClient" ;
import { decryptJWTToken , getAuthorizationHeader } from "../Utils/AuthorizationUtils" ;
import { DefaultExperienceUtility } from "../Shared/DefaultExperienceUtility" ;
import { DialogComponentAdapter } from "./Controls/DialogReactComponent/DialogComponentAdapter" ;
import { DialogProps , TextFieldProps } from "./Controls/DialogReactComponent/DialogComponent" ;
import { ExecuteSprocParamsPane } from "./Panes/ExecuteSprocParamsPane" ;
import { ExplorerMetrics } from "../Common/Constants" ;
import { ExplorerSettings } from "../Shared/ExplorerSettings" ;
import { FileSystemUtil } from "./Notebook/FileSystemUtil" ;
import { handleOpenAction } from "./OpenActions" ;
import { isInvalidParentFrameOrigin } from "../Utils/MessageValidation" ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
import { IGalleryItem } from "../Juno/JunoClient" ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
import { LoadQueryPane } from "./Panes/LoadQueryPane" ;
2020-06-23 16:45:51 +01:00
import * as Logger from "../Common/Logger" ;
2020-07-24 22:45:48 +01:00
import { sendMessage , sendCachedDataMessage , handleCachedDataMessage } from "../Common/MessageHandler" ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
import { NotebookContentItem , NotebookContentItemType } from "./Notebook/NotebookContentItem" ;
import { NotebookUtil } from "./Notebook/NotebookUtil" ;
import { NotebookWorkspaceManager } from "../NotebookWorkspaceManager/NotebookWorkspaceManager" ;
import { NotificationConsoleComponentAdapter } from "./Menus/NotificationConsole/NotificationConsoleComponentAdapter" ;
2020-08-03 23:11:07 +01:00
import * as NotificationConsoleUtils from "../Utils/NotificationConsoleUtils" ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
import { PlatformType } from "../PlatformType" ;
import { QueriesClient } from "../Common/QueriesClient" ;
import { QuerySelectPane } from "./Panes/Tables/QuerySelectPane" ;
import { RenewAdHocAccessPane } from "./Panes/RenewAdHocAccessPane" ;
import { ResourceProviderClientFactory } from "../ResourceProvider/ResourceProviderClientFactory" ;
import { ResourceTreeAdapter } from "./Tree/ResourceTreeAdapter" ;
import { ResourceTreeAdapterForResourceToken } from "./Tree/ResourceTreeAdapterForResourceToken" ;
import { RouteHandler } from "../RouteHandlers/RouteHandler" ;
import { SaveQueryPane } from "./Panes/SaveQueryPane" ;
import { SettingsPane } from "./Panes/SettingsPane" ;
import { SetupNotebooksPane } from "./Panes/SetupNotebooksPane" ;
import { SplashScreenComponentAdapter } from "./SplashScreen/SplashScreenComponentApdapter" ;
import { Splitter , SplitterBounds , SplitterDirection } from "../Common/Splitter" ;
import { StringInputPane } from "./Panes/StringInputPane" ;
import { TableColumnOptionsPane } from "./Panes/Tables/TableColumnOptionsPane" ;
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
import { TabsManager } from "./Tabs/TabsManager" ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
import { UploadFilePane } from "./Panes/UploadFilePane" ;
import { UploadItemsPane } from "./Panes/UploadItemsPane" ;
2020-06-10 08:15:32 +01:00
import { UploadItemsPaneAdapter } from "./Panes/UploadItemsPaneAdapter" ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
import { ReactAdapter } from "../Bindings/ReactBindingHandler" ;
2020-07-06 20:10:26 +01:00
import { toRawContentUri , fromContentUri } from "../Utils/GitHubUtils" ;
2020-07-21 19:50:51 +01:00
import UserDefinedFunction from "./Tree/UserDefinedFunction" ;
import StoredProcedure from "./Tree/StoredProcedure" ;
import Trigger from "./Tree/Trigger" ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
import { NotificationsClientBase } from "../Common/NotificationsClientBase" ;
import { ContextualPaneBase } from "./Panes/ContextualPaneBase" ;
import TabsBase from "./Tabs/TabsBase" ;
import { CommandButtonComponentProps } from "./Controls/CommandButton/CommandButtonComponent" ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
BindingHandlersRegisterer . registerBindingHandlers ( ) ;
// Hold a reference to ComponentRegisterer to prevent transpiler to ignore import
var tmp = ComponentRegisterer ;
enum ShareAccessToggleState {
ReadWrite ,
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
interface ExplorerOptions {
notificationsClient : NotificationsClientBase ;
isEmulator : boolean ;
interface AdHocAccessData {
readWriteUrl : string ;
readUrl : string ;
2020-07-20 18:59:40 +01:00
export default class Explorer {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public flight : ko.Observable < string > = ko . observable < string > (
SharedConstants . CollectionCreation . DefaultAddCollectionDefaultFlight
) ;
public addCollectionText : ko.Observable < string > ;
public addDatabaseText : ko.Observable < string > ;
public collectionTitle : ko.Observable < string > ;
public deleteCollectionText : ko.Observable < string > ;
public deleteDatabaseText : ko.Observable < string > ;
public collectionTreeNodeAltText : ko.Observable < string > ;
public refreshTreeTitle : ko.Observable < string > ;
public hasWriteAccess : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public collapsedResourceTreeWidth : number = ExplorerMetrics . CollapsedResourceTreeWidth ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
public databaseAccount : ko.Observable < DataModels.DatabaseAccount > ;
2020-05-26 19:53:41 +01:00
public collectionCreationDefaults : ViewModels.CollectionCreationDefaults = SharedConstants . CollectionCreationDefaults ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public subscriptionType : ko.Observable < ViewModels.SubscriptionType > ;
public quotaId : ko.Observable < string > ;
public defaultExperience : ko.Observable < string > ;
public isPreferredApiDocumentDB : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
public isPreferredApiCassandra : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
public isPreferredApiMongoDB : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
public isPreferredApiGraph : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
public isPreferredApiTable : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
public isFixedCollectionWithSharedThroughputSupported : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
2020-07-24 21:13:54 +01:00
public isServerlessEnabled : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public isEmulator : boolean ;
public isAccountReady : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public canSaveQueries : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
public features : ko.Observable < any > ;
public serverId : ko.Observable < string > ;
public extensionEndpoint : ko.Observable < string > ;
public armEndpoint : ko.Observable < string > ;
public isTryCosmosDBSubscription : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
public notificationsClient : NotificationsClientBase ;
public queriesClient : QueriesClient ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public tableDataClient : TableDataClient ;
public splitter : Splitter ;
public parentFrameDataExplorerVersion : ko.Observable < string > = ko . observable < string > ( "" ) ;
public mostRecentActivity : MostRecentActivity.MostRecentActivity ;
// Notification Console
public notificationConsoleData : ko.ObservableArray < ConsoleData > ;
public isNotificationConsoleExpanded : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
// Panes
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
public contextPanes : ContextualPaneBase [ ] ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
// Resource Tree
public databases : ko.ObservableArray < ViewModels.Database > ;
public nonSystemDatabases : ko.Computed < ViewModels.Database [ ] > ;
public selectedDatabaseId : ko.Computed < string > ;
public selectedCollectionId : ko.Computed < string > ;
public isLeftPaneExpanded : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public selectedNode : ko.Observable < ViewModels.TreeNode > ;
public isRefreshingExplorer : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
private resourceTree : ResourceTreeAdapter ;
// Resource Token
public resourceTokenDatabaseId : ko.Observable < string > ;
public resourceTokenCollectionId : ko.Observable < string > ;
public resourceTokenCollection : ko.Observable < ViewModels.CollectionBase > ;
public resourceTokenPartitionKey : ko.Observable < string > ;
public isAuthWithResourceToken : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public isResourceTokenCollectionNodeSelected : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
private resourceTreeForResourceToken : ResourceTreeAdapterForResourceToken ;
// Tabs
public isTabsContentExpanded : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public galleryTab : any ;
public notebookViewerTab : any ;
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
public tabsManager : TabsManager ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
// Contextual panes
2020-07-21 15:23:51 +01:00
public addDatabasePane : AddDatabasePane ;
public addCollectionPane : AddCollectionPane ;
public deleteCollectionConfirmationPane : DeleteCollectionConfirmationPane ;
public deleteDatabaseConfirmationPane : DeleteDatabaseConfirmationPane ;
public graphStylingPane : GraphStylingPane ;
public addTableEntityPane : AddTableEntityPane ;
public editTableEntityPane : EditTableEntityPane ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public tableColumnOptionsPane : TableColumnOptionsPane ;
public querySelectPane : QuerySelectPane ;
2020-07-21 15:23:51 +01:00
public newVertexPane : NewVertexPane ;
public cassandraAddCollectionPane : CassandraAddCollectionPane ;
public settingsPane : SettingsPane ;
public executeSprocParamsPane : ExecuteSprocParamsPane ;
public renewAdHocAccessPane : RenewAdHocAccessPane ;
public uploadItemsPane : UploadItemsPane ;
2020-06-10 08:15:32 +01:00
public uploadItemsPaneAdapter : UploadItemsPaneAdapter ;
2020-07-21 15:23:51 +01:00
public loadQueryPane : LoadQueryPane ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
public saveQueryPane : ContextualPaneBase ;
2020-07-21 15:23:51 +01:00
public browseQueriesPane : BrowseQueriesPane ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public uploadFilePane : UploadFilePane ;
public stringInputPane : StringInputPane ;
public setupNotebooksPane : SetupNotebooksPane ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
public gitHubReposPane : ContextualPaneBase ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
public publishNotebookPaneAdapter : ReactAdapter ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
// features
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
public isGalleryPublishEnabled : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public isGitHubPaneEnabled : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
public isPublishNotebookPaneEnabled : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public isHostedDataExplorerEnabled : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
2020-06-10 08:15:32 +01:00
public isRightPanelV2Enabled : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public canExceedMaximumValue : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
public hasAutoPilotV2FeatureFlag : ko.Computed < boolean > ;
public shouldShowShareDialogContents : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
public shareAccessData : ko.Observable < AdHocAccessData > ;
2020-07-20 18:59:40 +01:00
public renewExplorerShareAccess : ( explorer : Explorer , token : string ) = > Q . Promise < void > ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public renewTokenError : ko.Observable < string > ;
public tokenForRenewal : ko.Observable < string > ;
public shareAccessToggleState : ko.Observable < ShareAccessToggleState > ;
public shareAccessUrl : ko.Observable < string > ;
public shareUrlCopyHelperText : ko.Observable < string > ;
public shareTokenCopyHelperText : ko.Observable < string > ;
public shouldShowDataAccessExpiryDialog : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public shouldShowContextSwitchPrompt : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
// Notebooks
public isNotebookEnabled : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public isNotebooksEnabledForAccount : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public notebookServerInfo : ko.Observable < DataModels.NotebookWorkspaceConnectionInfo > ;
2020-07-21 19:50:51 +01:00
public notebookWorkspaceManager : NotebookWorkspaceManager ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public sparkClusterConnectionInfo : ko.Observable < DataModels.SparkClusterConnectionInfo > ;
public isSparkEnabled : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public isSparkEnabledForAccount : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public arcadiaToken : ko.Observable < string > ;
public arcadiaWorkspaces : ko.ObservableArray < ArcadiaWorkspaceItem > ;
public hasStorageAnalyticsAfecFeature : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public isSynapseLinkUpdating : ko.Observable < boolean > ;
public memoryUsageInfo : ko.Observable < DataModels.MemoryUsageInfo > ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
public notebookManager? : any ; // This is dynamically loaded
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
private _panes : ContextualPaneBase [ ] = [ ] ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
private _importExplorerConfigComplete : boolean = false ;
private _isSystemDatabasePredicate : ( database : ViewModels.Database ) = > boolean = database = > false ;
private _isInitializingNotebooks : boolean ;
private _isInitializingSparkConnectionInfo : boolean ;
private notebookBasePath : ko.Observable < string > ;
2020-07-21 19:50:51 +01:00
private _arcadiaManager : ArcadiaResourceManager ;
2020-07-06 20:10:26 +01:00
private notebookToImport : {
name : string ;
content : string ;
} ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
// React adapters
private commandBarComponentAdapter : CommandBarComponentAdapter ;
private splashScreenAdapter : SplashScreenComponentAdapter ;
private notificationConsoleComponentAdapter : NotificationConsoleComponentAdapter ;
private dialogComponentAdapter : DialogComponentAdapter ;
private _dialogProps : ko.Observable < DialogProps > ;
private addSynapseLinkDialog : DialogComponentAdapter ;
private _addSynapseLinkDialogProps : ko.Observable < DialogProps > ;
private static readonly MaxNbDatabasesToAutoExpand = 5 ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
constructor ( options : ExplorerOptions ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const startKey : number = TelemetryProcessor . traceStart ( Action . InitializeDataExplorer , {
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree
} ) ;
this . addCollectionText = ko . observable < string > ( "New Collection" ) ;
this . addDatabaseText = ko . observable < string > ( "New Database" ) ;
this . hasWriteAccess = ko . observable < boolean > ( true ) ;
this . collectionTitle = ko . observable < string > ( "Collections" ) ;
this . collectionTreeNodeAltText = ko . observable < string > ( "Collection" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionText = ko . observable < string > ( "Delete Collection" ) ;
this . deleteDatabaseText = ko . observable < string > ( "Delete Database" ) ;
this . refreshTreeTitle = ko . observable < string > ( "Refresh collections" ) ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
this . databaseAccount = ko . observable < DataModels.DatabaseAccount > ( ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . subscriptionType = ko . observable < ViewModels.SubscriptionType > (
SharedConstants . CollectionCreation . DefaultSubscriptionType
) ;
this . quotaId = ko . observable < string > ( "" ) ;
let firstInitialization = true ;
this . isRefreshingExplorer = ko . observable < boolean > ( true ) ;
this . isRefreshingExplorer . subscribe ( ( isRefreshing : boolean ) = > {
if ( ! isRefreshing && firstInitialization ) {
// set focus on first element
firstInitialization = false ;
try {
document . getElementById ( "createNewContainerCommandButton" ) . parentElement . parentElement . focus ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
Logger . logWarning (
"getElementById('createNewContainerCommandButton') failed to find element" ,
) ;
} ) ;
this . isAccountReady = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
this . _isInitializingNotebooks = false ;
this . _isInitializingSparkConnectionInfo = false ;
this . arcadiaToken = ko . observable < string > ( ) ;
this . arcadiaToken . subscribe ( ( token : string ) = > {
if ( token ) {
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
const notebookTabs = this . tabsManager . getTabs ( ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . NotebookV2 ) ;
( notebookTabs || [ ] ) . forEach ( ( tab : NotebookV2Tab ) = > {
tab . reconfigureServiceEndpoints ( ) ;
} ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
} ) ;
this . isNotebooksEnabledForAccount = ko . observable ( false ) ;
this . isNotebooksEnabledForAccount . subscribe ( ( isEnabledForAccount : boolean ) = > this . refreshCommandBarButtons ( ) ) ;
this . isSparkEnabledForAccount = ko . observable ( false ) ;
this . isSparkEnabledForAccount . subscribe ( ( isEnabledForAccount : boolean ) = > this . refreshCommandBarButtons ( ) ) ;
this . hasStorageAnalyticsAfecFeature = ko . observable ( false ) ;
this . hasStorageAnalyticsAfecFeature . subscribe ( ( enabled : boolean ) = > this . refreshCommandBarButtons ( ) ) ;
this . isSynapseLinkUpdating = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
this . isAccountReady . subscribe ( async ( isAccountReady : boolean ) = > {
if ( isAccountReady ) {
this . isAuthWithResourceToken ( ) ? this . refreshDatabaseForResourceToken ( ) : this . refreshAllDatabases ( true ) ;
RouteHandler . getInstance ( ) . initHandler ( ) ;
this . notebookWorkspaceManager = new NotebookWorkspaceManager ( this . armEndpoint ( ) ) ;
this . arcadiaWorkspaces = ko . observableArray ( ) ;
this . _arcadiaManager = new ArcadiaResourceManager ( this . armEndpoint ( ) ) ;
this . _isAfecFeatureRegistered ( Constants . AfecFeatures . StorageAnalytics ) . then ( isRegistered = >
this . hasStorageAnalyticsAfecFeature ( isRegistered )
) ;
Promise . all ( [ this . _refreshNotebooksEnabledStateForAccount ( ) , this . _refreshSparkEnabledStateForAccount ( ) ] ) . then (
async ( ) = > {
this . isNotebookEnabled (
! this . isAuthWithResourceToken ( ) &&
( ( await this . _containsDefaultNotebookWorkspace ( this . databaseAccount ( ) ) ) ||
this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . enableNotebooks ) )
) ;
TelemetryProcessor . trace ( Action . NotebookEnabled , ActionModifiers . Mark , {
isNotebookEnabled : this.isNotebookEnabled ( ) ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.Notebook
} ) ;
if ( this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) ) {
await this . initNotebooks ( this . databaseAccount ( ) ) ;
const workspaces = await this . _getArcadiaWorkspaces ( ) ;
this . arcadiaWorkspaces ( workspaces ) ;
2020-07-06 20:10:26 +01:00
} else if ( this . notebookToImport ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
// if notebooks is not enabled but the user is trying to do a quickstart setup with notebooks, open the SetupNotebooksPane
this . _openSetupNotebooksPaneForQuickstart ( ) ;
this . isSparkEnabled (
( this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) &&
this . isSparkEnabledForAccount ( ) &&
this . arcadiaWorkspaces ( ) &&
this . arcadiaWorkspaces ( ) . length > 0 ) ||
this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . enableSpark )
) ;
if ( this . isSparkEnabled ( ) ) {
const pollArcadiaTokenRefresh = async ( ) = > {
this . arcadiaToken ( await this . getArcadiaToken ( ) ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) = > pollArcadiaTokenRefresh ( ) , this . getTokenRefreshInterval ( this . arcadiaToken ( ) ) ) ;
} ;
await pollArcadiaTokenRefresh ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
this . memoryUsageInfo = ko . observable < DataModels.MemoryUsageInfo > ( ) ;
this . notificationsClient = options . notificationsClient ;
this . isEmulator = options . isEmulator ;
this . features = ko . observable ( ) ;
this . serverId = ko . observable < string > ( ) ;
this . extensionEndpoint = ko . observable < string > ( undefined ) ;
this . armEndpoint = ko . observable < string > ( undefined ) ;
this . queriesClient = new QueriesClient ( this ) ;
this . isTryCosmosDBSubscription = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
this . resourceTokenDatabaseId = ko . observable < string > ( ) ;
this . resourceTokenCollectionId = ko . observable < string > ( ) ;
this . resourceTokenCollection = ko . observable < ViewModels.CollectionBase > ( ) ;
this . resourceTokenPartitionKey = ko . observable < string > ( ) ;
this . isAuthWithResourceToken = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
this . shareAccessData = ko . observable < AdHocAccessData > ( {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
readWriteUrl : undefined ,
readUrl : undefined
} ) ;
this . tokenForRenewal = ko . observable < string > ( "" ) ;
this . renewTokenError = ko . observable < string > ( "" ) ;
this . shareAccessUrl = ko . observable < string > ( ) ;
this . shareUrlCopyHelperText = ko . observable < string > ( "Click to copy" ) ;
this . shareTokenCopyHelperText = ko . observable < string > ( "Click to copy" ) ;
this . shareAccessToggleState = ko . observable < ShareAccessToggleState > ( ShareAccessToggleState . ReadWrite ) ;
this . shareAccessToggleState . subscribe ( ( toggleState : ShareAccessToggleState ) = > {
if ( toggleState === ShareAccessToggleState . ReadWrite ) {
this . shareAccessUrl ( this . shareAccessData && this . shareAccessData ( ) . readWriteUrl ) ;
} else {
this . shareAccessUrl ( this . shareAccessData && this . shareAccessData ( ) . readUrl ) ;
} ) ;
this . shouldShowShareDialogContents = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
this . shouldShowDataAccessExpiryDialog = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
this . shouldShowContextSwitchPrompt = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
this . isGalleryPublishEnabled = ko . computed < boolean > ( ( ) = >
this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . enableGalleryPublish )
) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . isGitHubPaneEnabled = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
this . isPublishNotebookPaneEnabled = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . canExceedMaximumValue = ko . computed < boolean > ( ( ) = >
this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . canExceedMaximumValue )
) ;
this . hasAutoPilotV2FeatureFlag = ko . computed ( ( ) = > {
if ( this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . enableAutoPilotV2 ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
} ) ;
this . isNotificationConsoleExpanded = ko . observable < boolean > ( false ) ;
this . databases = ko . observableArray < ViewModels.Database > ( ) ;
this . canSaveQueries = ko . computed < boolean > ( ( ) = > {
const savedQueriesDatabase : ViewModels.Database = _ . find (
this . databases ( ) ,
( database : ViewModels.Database ) = > database . id ( ) === Constants . SavedQueries . DatabaseName
) ;
if ( ! savedQueriesDatabase ) {
return false ;
const savedQueriesCollection : ViewModels.Collection =
savedQueriesDatabase &&
_ . find (
savedQueriesDatabase . collections ( ) ,
( collection : ViewModels.Collection ) = > collection . id ( ) === Constants . SavedQueries . CollectionName
) ;
if ( ! savedQueriesCollection ) {
return false ;
return true ;
} ) ;
this . isLeftPaneExpanded = ko . observable < boolean > ( true ) ;
this . selectedNode = ko . observable < ViewModels.TreeNode > ( ) ;
this . selectedNode . subscribe ( ( nodeSelected : ViewModels.TreeNode ) = > {
// Make sure switching tabs restores tabs display
this . isTabsContentExpanded ( false ) ;
} ) ;
this . isResourceTokenCollectionNodeSelected = ko . computed < boolean > ( ( ) = > {
return (
this . selectedNode ( ) &&
this . resourceTokenCollection ( ) &&
this . selectedNode ( ) . id ( ) === this . resourceTokenCollection ( ) . id ( )
) ;
} ) ;
const splitterBounds : SplitterBounds = {
min : ExplorerMetrics.SplitterMinWidth ,
max : ExplorerMetrics.SplitterMaxWidth
} ;
this . splitter = new Splitter ( {
splitterId : "h_splitter1" ,
leftId : "resourcetree" ,
bounds : splitterBounds ,
direction : SplitterDirection.Vertical
} ) ;
this . notificationConsoleData = ko . observableArray < ConsoleData > ( [ ] ) ;
this . defaultExperience = ko . observable < string > ( ) ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
this . databaseAccount . subscribe ( databaseAccount = > {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . defaultExperience ( DefaultExperienceUtility . getDefaultExperienceFromDatabaseAccount ( databaseAccount ) ) ;
} ) ;
this . isPreferredApiDocumentDB = ko . computed ( ( ) = > {
const defaultExperience = ( this . defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ) || "" ;
return defaultExperience . toLowerCase ( ) === Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . DocumentDB . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . isPreferredApiCassandra = ko . computed ( ( ) = > {
const defaultExperience = ( this . defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ) || "" ;
return defaultExperience . toLowerCase ( ) === Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . Cassandra . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . isPreferredApiGraph = ko . computed ( ( ) = > {
const defaultExperience = ( this . defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ) || "" ;
return defaultExperience . toLowerCase ( ) === Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . Graph . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . isPreferredApiTable = ko . computed ( ( ) = > {
const defaultExperience = ( this . defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ) || "" ;
return defaultExperience . toLowerCase ( ) === Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . Table . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . isFixedCollectionWithSharedThroughputSupported = ko . computed ( ( ) = > {
if ( this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . enableFixedCollectionWithSharedThroughput ) ) {
return true ;
if ( this . databaseAccount && ! this . databaseAccount ( ) ) {
return false ;
const capabilities = this . databaseAccount ( ) . properties && this . databaseAccount ( ) . properties . capabilities ;
if ( ! capabilities ) {
return false ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < capabilities . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( typeof capabilities [ i ] === "object" ) {
if ( capabilities [ i ] . name === Constants . CapabilityNames . EnableMongo ) {
// version 3.6
return true ;
return false ;
} ) ;
2020-07-24 21:13:54 +01:00
this . isServerlessEnabled = ko . computed (
( ) = >
this . databaseAccount &&
this . databaseAccount ( ) ? . properties ? . capabilities ? . find (
item = > item . name === Constants . CapabilityNames . EnableServerless
) !== undefined
) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . isPreferredApiMongoDB = ko . computed ( ( ) = > {
const defaultExperience = ( this . defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ) || "" ;
if ( defaultExperience . toLowerCase ( ) === Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . MongoDB . toLowerCase ( ) ) {
return true ;
if ( defaultExperience . toLowerCase ( ) === Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . ApiForMongoDB . toLowerCase ( ) ) {
return true ;
if (
this . databaseAccount &&
this . databaseAccount ( ) &&
this . databaseAccount ( ) . kind . toLowerCase ( ) === Constants . AccountKind . MongoDB
) {
return true ;
return false ;
} ) ;
this . isHostedDataExplorerEnabled = ko . computed < boolean > (
( ) = >
this . getPlatformType ( ) === PlatformType . Portal &&
! this . isRunningOnNationalCloud ( ) &&
! this . isPreferredApiGraph ( )
) ;
2020-06-11 11:39:58 +01:00
this . isRightPanelV2Enabled = ko . computed < boolean > ( ( ) = >
this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . enableRightPanelV2 )
) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . defaultExperience . subscribe ( ( defaultExperience : string ) = > {
if (
defaultExperience &&
defaultExperience . toLowerCase ( ) === Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . Cassandra . toLowerCase ( )
) {
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
this . _isSystemDatabasePredicate = ( database : ViewModels.Database ) : boolean = > {
return database . id ( ) === "system" ;
} ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
} ) ;
this . selectedDatabaseId = ko . computed < string > ( ( ) = > {
const selectedNode = this . selectedNode ( ) ;
if ( ! selectedNode ) {
return "" ;
switch ( selectedNode . nodeKind ) {
case "Collection" :
return ( selectedNode as ViewModels . CollectionBase ) . databaseId || "" ;
case "Database" :
return selectedNode . id ( ) || "" ;
case "DocumentId" :
case "StoredProcedure" :
case "Trigger" :
case "UserDefinedFunction" :
return selectedNode . collection . databaseId || "" ;
default :
return "" ;
} ) ;
this . nonSystemDatabases = ko . computed ( ( ) = > {
return this . databases ( ) . filter ( ( database : ViewModels.Database ) = > ! this . _isSystemDatabasePredicate ( database ) ) ;
} ) ;
this . addDatabasePane = new AddDatabasePane ( {
id : "adddatabasepane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . addCollectionPane = new AddCollectionPane ( {
isPreferredApiTable : ko.computed ( ( ) = > this . isPreferredApiTable ( ) ) ,
id : "addcollectionpane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . deleteCollectionConfirmationPane = new DeleteCollectionConfirmationPane ( {
id : "deletecollectionconfirmationpane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . deleteDatabaseConfirmationPane = new DeleteDatabaseConfirmationPane ( {
id : "deletedatabaseconfirmationpane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . graphStylingPane = new GraphStylingPane ( {
id : "graphstylingpane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . addTableEntityPane = new AddTableEntityPane ( {
id : "addtableentitypane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . editTableEntityPane = new EditTableEntityPane ( {
id : "edittableentitypane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . tableColumnOptionsPane = new TableColumnOptionsPane ( {
id : "tablecolumnoptionspane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . querySelectPane = new QuerySelectPane ( {
id : "queryselectpane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . newVertexPane = new NewVertexPane ( {
id : "newvertexpane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . cassandraAddCollectionPane = new CassandraAddCollectionPane ( {
id : "cassandraaddcollectionpane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . settingsPane = new SettingsPane ( {
id : "settingspane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . executeSprocParamsPane = new ExecuteSprocParamsPane ( {
id : "executesprocparamspane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . renewAdHocAccessPane = new RenewAdHocAccessPane ( {
id : "renewadhocaccesspane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . uploadItemsPane = new UploadItemsPane ( {
id : "uploaditemspane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
2020-06-10 08:15:32 +01:00
this . uploadItemsPaneAdapter = new UploadItemsPaneAdapter ( this ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . loadQueryPane = new LoadQueryPane ( {
id : "loadquerypane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . saveQueryPane = new SaveQueryPane ( {
id : "savequerypane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . browseQueriesPane = new BrowseQueriesPane ( {
id : "browsequeriespane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . uploadFilePane = new UploadFilePane ( {
id : "uploadfilepane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . stringInputPane = new StringInputPane ( {
id : "stringinputpane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
this . setupNotebooksPane = new SetupNotebooksPane ( {
id : "setupnotebookspane" ,
visible : ko.observable < boolean > ( false ) ,
container : this
} ) ;
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
this . tabsManager = new TabsManager ( ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . _panes = [
this . addDatabasePane ,
this . addCollectionPane ,
this . deleteCollectionConfirmationPane ,
this . deleteDatabaseConfirmationPane ,
this . graphStylingPane ,
this . addTableEntityPane ,
this . editTableEntityPane ,
this . tableColumnOptionsPane ,
this . querySelectPane ,
this . newVertexPane ,
this . cassandraAddCollectionPane ,
this . settingsPane ,
this . executeSprocParamsPane ,
this . renewAdHocAccessPane ,
this . uploadItemsPane ,
this . loadQueryPane ,
this . saveQueryPane ,
this . browseQueriesPane ,
this . uploadFilePane ,
this . stringInputPane ,
2020-07-09 16:49:27 +01:00
this . setupNotebooksPane
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
] ;
this . addDatabaseText . subscribe ( ( addDatabaseText : string ) = > this . addDatabasePane . title ( addDatabaseText ) ) ;
this . isTabsContentExpanded = ko . observable ( false ) ;
document . addEventListener (
"contextmenu" ,
function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ,
) ;
$ ( function ( ) {
$ ( document . body ) . click ( ( ) = > $ ( ".commandDropdownContainer" ) . hide ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
// TODO move this to API customization class
this . defaultExperience . subscribe ( defaultExperience = > {
const defaultExperienceNormalizedString = (
defaultExperience || Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . Default
) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
switch ( defaultExperienceNormalizedString ) {
case Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . DocumentDB . toLowerCase ( ) :
this . addCollectionText ( "New Container" ) ;
this . addDatabaseText ( "New Database" ) ;
this . collectionTitle ( "SQL API" ) ;
this . collectionTreeNodeAltText ( "Container" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionText ( "Delete Container" ) ;
this . deleteDatabaseText ( "Delete Database" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . title ( "Add Container" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . collectionIdTitle ( "Container id" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . collectionWithThroughputInSharedTitle (
"Provision dedicated throughput for this container"
) ;
this . deleteCollectionConfirmationPane . title ( "Delete Container" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionConfirmationPane . collectionIdConfirmationText ( "Confirm by typing the container id" ) ;
this . refreshTreeTitle ( "Refresh containers" ) ;
break ;
case Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . MongoDB . toLowerCase ( ) :
case Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . ApiForMongoDB . toLowerCase ( ) :
this . addCollectionText ( "New Collection" ) ;
this . addDatabaseText ( "New Database" ) ;
this . collectionTitle ( "Collections" ) ;
this . collectionTreeNodeAltText ( "Collection" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionText ( "Delete Collection" ) ;
this . deleteDatabaseText ( "Delete Database" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . title ( "Add Collection" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . collectionIdTitle ( "Collection id" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . collectionWithThroughputInSharedTitle (
"Provision dedicated throughput for this collection"
) ;
this . refreshTreeTitle ( "Refresh collections" ) ;
break ;
case Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . Graph . toLowerCase ( ) :
this . addCollectionText ( "New Graph" ) ;
this . addDatabaseText ( "New Database" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionText ( "Delete Graph" ) ;
this . deleteDatabaseText ( "Delete Database" ) ;
this . collectionTitle ( "Gremlin API" ) ;
this . collectionTreeNodeAltText ( "Graph" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . title ( "Add Graph" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . collectionIdTitle ( "Graph id" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . collectionWithThroughputInSharedTitle ( "Provision dedicated throughput for this graph" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionConfirmationPane . title ( "Delete Graph" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionConfirmationPane . collectionIdConfirmationText ( "Confirm by typing the graph id" ) ;
this . refreshTreeTitle ( "Refresh graphs" ) ;
break ;
case Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . Table . toLowerCase ( ) :
this . addCollectionText ( "New Table" ) ;
this . addDatabaseText ( "New Database" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionText ( "Delete Table" ) ;
this . deleteDatabaseText ( "Delete Database" ) ;
this . collectionTitle ( "Azure Table API" ) ;
this . collectionTreeNodeAltText ( "Table" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . title ( "Add Table" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . collectionIdTitle ( "Table id" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . collectionWithThroughputInSharedTitle ( "Provision dedicated throughput for this table" ) ;
this . refreshTreeTitle ( "Refresh tables" ) ;
this . addTableEntityPane . title ( "Add Table Entity" ) ;
this . editTableEntityPane . title ( "Edit Table Entity" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionConfirmationPane . title ( "Delete Table" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionConfirmationPane . collectionIdConfirmationText ( "Confirm by typing the table id" ) ;
2020-07-27 18:58:27 +01:00
this . tableDataClient = new TablesAPIDataClient ( ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
break ;
case Constants . DefaultAccountExperience . Cassandra . toLowerCase ( ) :
this . addCollectionText ( "New Table" ) ;
this . addDatabaseText ( "New Keyspace" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionText ( "Delete Table" ) ;
this . deleteDatabaseText ( "Delete Keyspace" ) ;
this . collectionTitle ( "Cassandra API" ) ;
this . collectionTreeNodeAltText ( "Table" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . title ( "Add Table" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . collectionIdTitle ( "Table id" ) ;
this . addCollectionPane . collectionWithThroughputInSharedTitle ( "Provision dedicated throughput for this table" ) ;
this . refreshTreeTitle ( "Refresh tables" ) ;
this . addTableEntityPane . title ( "Add Table Row" ) ;
this . editTableEntityPane . title ( "Edit Table Row" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionConfirmationPane . title ( "Delete Table" ) ;
this . deleteCollectionConfirmationPane . collectionIdConfirmationText ( "Confirm by typing the table id" ) ;
this . deleteDatabaseConfirmationPane . title ( "Delete Keyspace" ) ;
this . deleteDatabaseConfirmationPane . databaseIdConfirmationText ( "Confirm by typing the keyspace id" ) ;
2020-07-27 18:58:27 +01:00
this . tableDataClient = new CassandraAPIDataClient ( ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
break ;
} ) ;
this . commandBarComponentAdapter = new CommandBarComponentAdapter ( this ) ;
this . notificationConsoleComponentAdapter = new NotificationConsoleComponentAdapter ( this ) ;
this . _initSettings ( ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceSuccess (
Action . InitializeDataExplorer ,
{ dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree } ,
) ;
this . isNotebookEnabled = ko . observable ( false ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
this . isNotebookEnabled . subscribe ( async ( ) = > {
if ( ! this . notebookManager ) {
const notebookManagerModule = await import (
/* webpackChunkName: "NotebookManager" */ "./Notebook/NotebookManager"
) ;
this . notebookManager = new notebookManagerModule . default ( ) ;
this . notebookManager . initialize ( {
container : this ,
dialogProps : this._dialogProps ,
notebookBasePath : this.notebookBasePath ,
resourceTree : this.resourceTree ,
refreshCommandBarButtons : ( ) = > this . refreshCommandBarButtons ( ) ,
refreshNotebookList : ( ) = > this . refreshNotebookList ( )
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
} ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
this . gitHubReposPane = this . notebookManager . gitHubReposPane ;
this . isGitHubPaneEnabled ( true ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
this . refreshCommandBarButtons ( ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . refreshNotebookList ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . isSparkEnabled = ko . observable ( false ) ;
this . isSparkEnabled . subscribe ( ( isEnabled : boolean ) = > this . refreshCommandBarButtons ( ) ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
this . resourceTree = new ResourceTreeAdapter ( this ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . resourceTreeForResourceToken = new ResourceTreeAdapterForResourceToken ( this ) ;
this . notebookServerInfo = ko . observable < DataModels.NotebookWorkspaceConnectionInfo > ( {
notebookServerEndpoint : undefined ,
authToken : undefined
} ) ;
this . notebookBasePath = ko . observable ( Constants . Notebook . defaultBasePath ) ;
this . sparkClusterConnectionInfo = ko . observable < DataModels.SparkClusterConnectionInfo > ( {
userName : undefined ,
password : undefined ,
endpoints : [ ]
} ) ;
// Override notebook server parameters from URL parameters
const featureSubcription = this . features . subscribe ( features = > {
const serverInfo = this . notebookServerInfo ( ) ;
if ( this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . notebookServerUrl ) ) {
serverInfo . notebookServerEndpoint = features [ Constants . Features . notebookServerUrl ] ;
if ( this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . notebookServerToken ) ) {
serverInfo . authToken = features [ Constants . Features . notebookServerToken ] ;
this . notebookServerInfo ( serverInfo ) ;
this . notebookServerInfo . valueHasMutated ( ) ;
if ( this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . notebookBasePath ) ) {
this . notebookBasePath ( features [ Constants . Features . notebookBasePath ] ) ;
if ( this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . livyEndpoint ) ) {
this . sparkClusterConnectionInfo ( {
userName : undefined ,
password : undefined ,
endpoints : [
endpoint : features [ Constants . Features . livyEndpoint ] ,
kind : DataModels.SparkClusterEndpointKind.Livy
} ) ;
this . sparkClusterConnectionInfo . valueHasMutated ( ) ;
featureSubcription . dispose ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . _dialogProps = ko . observable < DialogProps > ( {
isModal : false ,
visible : false ,
title : undefined ,
subText : undefined ,
primaryButtonText : undefined ,
secondaryButtonText : undefined ,
onPrimaryButtonClick : undefined ,
onSecondaryButtonClick : undefined
} ) ;
this . dialogComponentAdapter = new DialogComponentAdapter ( ) ;
this . dialogComponentAdapter . parameters = this . _dialogProps ;
this . splashScreenAdapter = new SplashScreenComponentAdapter ( this ) ;
this . mostRecentActivity = new MostRecentActivity . MostRecentActivity ( this ) ;
this . _addSynapseLinkDialogProps = ko . observable < DialogProps > ( {
isModal : false ,
visible : false ,
title : undefined ,
subText : undefined ,
primaryButtonText : undefined ,
secondaryButtonText : undefined ,
onPrimaryButtonClick : undefined ,
onSecondaryButtonClick : undefined
} ) ;
this . addSynapseLinkDialog = new DialogComponentAdapter ( ) ;
this . addSynapseLinkDialog . parameters = this . _addSynapseLinkDialogProps ;
public openEnableSynapseLinkDialog ( ) : void {
const addSynapseLinkDialogProps : DialogProps = {
linkProps : {
linkText : "Learn more" ,
linkUrl : "https://aka.ms/cosmosdb-synapselink"
} ,
isModal : true ,
visible : true ,
title : ` Enable Azure Synapse Link on your Cosmos DB account ` ,
2020-06-05 03:04:15 +01:00
subText : ` Enable Azure Synapse Link to perform near real time analytical analytics on this account, without impacting the performance of your transactional workloads.
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
Azure Synapse Link brings together Cosmos Db Analytical Store and Synapse Analytics ` ,
primaryButtonText : "Enable Azure Synapse Link" ,
secondaryButtonText : "Cancel" ,
onPrimaryButtonClick : async ( ) = > {
const startTime = TelemetryProcessor . traceStart ( Action . EnableAzureSynapseLink ) ;
const logId = NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . InProgress ,
"Enabling Azure Synapse Link for this account. This may take a few minutes before you can enable analytical store for this account."
) ;
this . isSynapseLinkUpdating ( true ) ;
this . _closeSynapseLinkModalDialog ( ) ;
const resourceProviderClient = new ResourceProviderClientFactory ( this . armEndpoint ( ) ) . getOrCreate (
this . databaseAccount ( ) . id
) ;
try {
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
const databaseAccount : DataModels.DatabaseAccount = await resourceProviderClient . patchAsync (
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . databaseAccount ( ) . id ,
"2019-12-12" ,
properties : {
enableAnalyticalStorage : true
) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . clearInProgressMessageWithId ( logId ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Info ,
"Enabled Azure Synapse Link for this account"
) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceSuccess ( Action . EnableAzureSynapseLink , startTime ) ;
this . databaseAccount ( databaseAccount ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
NotificationConsoleUtils . clearInProgressMessageWithId ( logId ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Error ,
` Enabling Azure Synapse Link for this account failed. ${ e . message || JSON . stringify ( e ) } `
) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceFailure ( Action . EnableAzureSynapseLink , startTime ) ;
} finally {
this . isSynapseLinkUpdating ( false ) ;
} ,
onSecondaryButtonClick : ( ) = > {
this . _closeSynapseLinkModalDialog ( ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceCancel ( Action . EnableAzureSynapseLink ) ;
} ;
this . _addSynapseLinkDialogProps ( addSynapseLinkDialogProps ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceStart ( Action . EnableAzureSynapseLink ) ;
// TODO: return result
public copyUrlLink ( src : any , event : MouseEvent ) : void {
const urlLinkInput : HTMLInputElement = document . getElementById ( "shareUrlLink" ) as HTMLInputElement ;
urlLinkInput && urlLinkInput . select ( ) ;
document . execCommand ( "copy" ) ;
this . shareUrlCopyHelperText ( "Copied" ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) = > this . shareUrlCopyHelperText ( "Click to copy" ) , Constants . ClientDefaults . copyHelperTimeoutMs ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . trace ( Action . SelectItem , ActionModifiers . Mark , {
description : "Copy full screen URL" ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ShareDialog
} ) ;
public onCopyUrlLinkKeyPress ( src : any , event : KeyboardEvent ) : boolean {
if ( event . keyCode === Constants . KeyCodes . Enter || event . keyCode === Constants . KeyCodes . Space ) {
this . copyUrlLink ( src , null ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
public copyToken ( src : any , event : MouseEvent ) : void {
const tokenInput : HTMLInputElement = document . getElementById ( "shareToken" ) as HTMLInputElement ;
tokenInput && tokenInput . select ( ) ;
document . execCommand ( "copy" ) ;
this . shareTokenCopyHelperText ( "Copied" ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) = > this . shareTokenCopyHelperText ( "Click to copy" ) , Constants . ClientDefaults . copyHelperTimeoutMs ) ;
public onCopyTokenKeyPress ( src : any , event : KeyboardEvent ) : boolean {
if ( event . keyCode === Constants . KeyCodes . Enter || event . keyCode === Constants . KeyCodes . Space ) {
this . copyToken ( src , null ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
public renewToken = ( ) : void = > {
TelemetryProcessor . trace ( Action . ConnectEncryptionToken ) ;
this . renewTokenError ( "" ) ;
const id : string = NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . InProgress ,
"Initiating connection to account"
) ;
this . renewExplorerShareAccess ( this , this . tokenForRenewal ( ) )
. fail ( ( error : any ) = > {
const stringifiedError : string = JSON . stringify ( error ) ;
this . renewTokenError ( "Invalid connection string specified" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Error ,
` Failed to initiate connection to account: ${ stringifiedError } `
) ;
} )
. finally ( ( ) = > NotificationConsoleUtils . clearInProgressMessageWithId ( id ) ) ;
} ;
public generateSharedAccessData ( ) : void {
const id : string = NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . InProgress , "Generating share url" ) ;
AuthHeadersUtil . generateEncryptedToken ( ) . then (
( tokenResponse : DataModels.GenerateTokenResponse ) = > {
NotificationConsoleUtils . clearInProgressMessageWithId ( id ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Info , "Successfully generated share url" ) ;
this . shareAccessData ( {
readWriteUrl : this._getShareAccessUrlForToken ( tokenResponse . readWrite ) ,
readUrl : this._getShareAccessUrlForToken ( tokenResponse . read )
} ) ;
! this . shareAccessData ( ) . readWriteUrl && this . shareAccessToggleState ( ShareAccessToggleState . Read ) ; // select read toggle by default for readers
this . shareAccessToggleState . valueHasMutated ( ) ; // to set initial url and token state
this . shareAccessData . valueHasMutated ( ) ;
this . _openShareDialog ( ) ;
} ,
( error : any ) = > {
NotificationConsoleUtils . clearInProgressMessageWithId ( id ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Error ,
` Failed to generate share url: ${ JSON . stringify ( error ) } `
) ;
console . error ( error ) ;
) ;
public renewShareAccess ( token : string ) : Q . Promise < void > {
if ( ! this . renewExplorerShareAccess ) {
return Q . reject ( "Not implemented" ) ;
const deferred : Q.Deferred < void > = Q . defer < void > ( ) ;
const id : string = NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . InProgress ,
"Initiating connection to account"
) ;
this . renewExplorerShareAccess ( this , token )
. then (
( ) = > {
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Info , "Connection successful" ) ;
this . renewAdHocAccessPane && this . renewAdHocAccessPane . close ( ) ;
deferred . resolve ( ) ;
} ,
( error : any ) = > {
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Error ,
` Failed to connect: ${ JSON . stringify ( error ) } `
) ;
deferred . reject ( error ) ;
. finally ( ( ) = > {
NotificationConsoleUtils . clearInProgressMessageWithId ( id ) ;
} ) ;
return deferred . promise ;
public displayGuestAccessTokenRenewalPrompt ( ) : void {
if ( ! $ ( "#dataAccessTokenModal" ) . dialog ( "instance" ) ) {
const connectButton = {
text : "Connect" ,
class : "connectDialogButtons connectButton connectOkBtns" ,
click : ( ) = > {
this . renewAdHocAccessPane . open ( ) ;
$ ( "#dataAccessTokenModal" ) . dialog ( "close" ) ;
} ;
const cancelButton = {
text : "Cancel" ,
class : "connectDialogButtons cancelBtn" ,
click : ( ) = > {
$ ( "#dataAccessTokenModal" ) . dialog ( "close" ) ;
} ;
$ ( "#dataAccessTokenModal" ) . dialog ( {
autoOpen : false ,
buttons : [ connectButton , cancelButton ] ,
closeOnEscape : false ,
draggable : false ,
dialogClass : "no-close" ,
height : 180 ,
modal : true ,
position : { my : "center center" , at : "center center" , of : window } ,
resizable : false ,
title : "Temporary access expired" ,
width : 435 ,
close : ( event : Event , ui : JQueryUI.DialogUIParams ) = > this . shouldShowDataAccessExpiryDialog ( false )
} ) ;
$ ( "#dataAccessTokenModal" ) . dialog ( "option" , "classes" , {
"ui-dialog-titlebar" : "connectTitlebar"
} ) ;
this . shouldShowDataAccessExpiryDialog ( true ) ;
$ ( "#dataAccessTokenModal" ) . dialog ( "open" ) ;
public isConnectExplorerVisible ( ) : boolean {
return $ ( "#connectExplorer" ) . is ( ":visible" ) || false ;
public displayContextSwitchPromptForConnectionString ( connectionString : string ) : void {
const yesButton = {
text : "OK" ,
class : "connectDialogButtons okBtn connectOkBtns" ,
click : ( ) = > {
$ ( "#contextSwitchPrompt" ) . dialog ( "close" ) ;
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
this . tabsManager . closeTabs ( ) ; // clear all tabs so we dont leave any tabs from previous session open
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . renewShareAccess ( connectionString ) ;
} ;
const noButton = {
text : "Cancel" ,
class : "connectDialogButtons cancelBtn" ,
click : ( ) = > {
$ ( "#contextSwitchPrompt" ) . dialog ( "close" ) ;
} ;
if ( ! $ ( "#contextSwitchPrompt" ) . dialog ( "instance" ) ) {
$ ( "#contextSwitchPrompt" ) . dialog ( {
autoOpen : false ,
buttons : [ yesButton , noButton ] ,
closeOnEscape : false ,
draggable : false ,
dialogClass : "no-close" ,
height : 255 ,
modal : true ,
position : { my : "center center" , at : "center center" , of : window } ,
resizable : false ,
title : "Switch account" ,
width : 440 ,
close : ( event : Event , ui : JQueryUI.DialogUIParams ) = > this . shouldShowDataAccessExpiryDialog ( false )
} ) ;
$ ( "#contextSwitchPrompt" ) . dialog ( "option" , "classes" , {
"ui-dialog-titlebar" : "connectTitlebar"
} ) ;
$ ( "#contextSwitchPrompt" ) . dialog ( "option" , "open" , ( event : Event , ui : JQueryUI.DialogUIParams ) = > {
$ ( ".ui-dialog " ) . css ( "z-index" , 1001 ) ;
$ ( "#contextSwitchPrompt" )
. parent ( )
. siblings ( ".ui-widget-overlay" )
. css ( "z-index" , 1000 ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#contextSwitchPrompt" ) . dialog ( "option" , "buttons" , [ yesButton , noButton ] ) ; // rebind buttons so callbacks accept current connection string
this . shouldShowContextSwitchPrompt ( true ) ;
$ ( "#contextSwitchPrompt" ) . dialog ( "open" ) ;
public displayConnectExplorerForm ( ) : void {
$ ( "#divExplorer" ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( "#connectExplorer" ) . css ( "display" , "flex" ) ;
public hideConnectExplorerForm ( ) : void {
$ ( "#connectExplorer" ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( "#divExplorer" ) . show ( ) ;
public isReadWriteToggled : ( ) = > boolean = ( ) : boolean = > {
return this . shareAccessToggleState ( ) === ShareAccessToggleState . ReadWrite ;
} ;
public isReadToggled : ( ) = > boolean = ( ) : boolean = > {
return this . shareAccessToggleState ( ) === ShareAccessToggleState . Read ;
} ;
public toggleReadWrite : ( src : any , event : MouseEvent ) = > void = ( src : any , event : MouseEvent ) = > {
this . shareAccessToggleState ( ShareAccessToggleState . ReadWrite ) ;
} ;
public toggleRead : ( src : any , event : MouseEvent ) = > void = ( src : any , event : MouseEvent ) = > {
this . shareAccessToggleState ( ShareAccessToggleState . Read ) ;
} ;
public onToggleKeyDown : ( src : any , event : KeyboardEvent ) = > boolean = ( src : any , event : KeyboardEvent ) = > {
if ( event . keyCode === Constants . KeyCodes . LeftArrow ) {
this . toggleReadWrite ( src , null ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( event . keyCode === Constants . KeyCodes . RightArrow ) {
this . toggleRead ( src , null ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
} ;
public isDatabaseNodeOrNoneSelected ( ) : boolean {
return this . isNoneSelected ( ) || this . isDatabaseNodeSelected ( ) ;
public isDatabaseNodeSelected ( ) : boolean {
return ( this . selectedNode ( ) && this . selectedNode ( ) . nodeKind === "Database" ) || false ;
public isNodeKindSelected ( nodeKind : string ) : boolean {
return ( this . selectedNode ( ) && this . selectedNode ( ) . nodeKind === nodeKind ) || false ;
public isNoneSelected ( ) : boolean {
return this . selectedNode ( ) == null ;
public isFeatureEnabled ( feature : string ) : boolean {
const features = this . features ( ) ;
if ( ! features ) {
return false ;
if ( feature in features && features [ feature ] ) {
return true ;
return false ;
public logConsoleData ( consoleData : ConsoleData ) : void {
this . notificationConsoleData . splice ( 0 , 0 , consoleData ) ;
public deleteInProgressConsoleDataWithId ( id : string ) : void {
const updatedConsoleData = _ . reject (
this . notificationConsoleData ( ) ,
( data : ConsoleData ) = > data . type === ConsoleDataType . InProgress && data . id === id
) ;
this . notificationConsoleData ( updatedConsoleData ) ;
public expandConsole ( ) : void {
this . isNotificationConsoleExpanded ( true ) ;
public collapseConsole ( ) : void {
this . isNotificationConsoleExpanded ( false ) ;
public toggleLeftPaneExpanded() {
this . isLeftPaneExpanded ( ! this . isLeftPaneExpanded ( ) ) ;
if ( this . isLeftPaneExpanded ( ) ) {
document . getElementById ( "expandToggleLeftPaneButton" ) . focus ( ) ;
this . splitter . expandLeft ( ) ;
} else {
document . getElementById ( "collapseToggleLeftPaneButton" ) . focus ( ) ;
this . splitter . collapseLeft ( ) ;
public refreshDatabaseForResourceToken ( ) : Q . Promise < any > {
const databaseId = this . resourceTokenDatabaseId ( ) ;
const collectionId = this . resourceTokenCollectionId ( ) ;
if ( ! databaseId || ! collectionId ) {
return Q . reject ( ) ;
const deferred : Q.Deferred < void > = Q . defer ( ) ;
2020-07-27 18:58:27 +01:00
readCollection ( databaseId , collectionId ) . then ( ( collection : DataModels.Collection ) = > {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . resourceTokenCollection ( new ResourceTokenCollection ( this , databaseId , collection ) ) ;
this . selectedNode ( this . resourceTokenCollection ( ) ) ;
deferred . resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
return deferred . promise ;
public refreshAllDatabases ( isInitialLoad? : boolean ) : Q . Promise < any > {
this . isRefreshingExplorer ( true ) ;
const startKey : number = TelemetryProcessor . traceStart ( Action . LoadDatabases , {
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree
} ) ;
let resourceTreeStartKey : number = null ;
if ( isInitialLoad ) {
resourceTreeStartKey = TelemetryProcessor . traceStart ( Action . LoadResourceTree , {
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree
} ) ;
2020-07-24 21:13:54 +01:00
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
// TODO: Refactor
const deferred : Q.Deferred < any > = Q . defer ( ) ;
2020-07-24 21:13:54 +01:00
const refreshDatabases = ( offers? : DataModels.Offer [ ] ) = > {
this . _setLoadingStatusText ( "Fetching databases..." ) ;
2020-07-27 18:58:27 +01:00
readDatabases ( null /*options*/ ) . then (
2020-07-24 21:13:54 +01:00
( databases : DataModels.Database [ ] ) = > {
this . _setLoadingStatusText ( "Successfully fetched databases." ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceSuccess (
Action . LoadDatabases ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree
} ,
) ;
const currentlySelectedNode : ViewModels.TreeNode = this . selectedNode ( ) ;
const deltaDatabases = this . getDeltaDatabases ( databases , offers ) ;
this . addDatabasesToList ( deltaDatabases . toAdd ) ;
this . deleteDatabasesFromList ( deltaDatabases . toDelete ) ;
this . selectedNode ( currentlySelectedNode ) ;
this . _setLoadingStatusText ( "Fetching containers..." ) ;
this . refreshAndExpandNewDatabases ( deltaDatabases . toAdd )
. then (
( ) = > {
this . _setLoadingStatusText ( "Successfully fetched containers." ) ;
deferred . resolve ( ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
} ,
2020-07-24 21:13:54 +01:00
reason = > {
this . _setLoadingStatusText ( "Failed to fetch containers." ) ;
deferred . reject ( reason ) ;
. finally ( ( ) = > this . isRefreshingExplorer ( false ) ) ;
} ,
error = > {
this . _setLoadingStatusText ( "Failed to fetch databases." ) ;
this . isRefreshingExplorer ( false ) ;
deferred . reject ( error ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceFailure (
Action . LoadDatabases ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree ,
error : JSON.stringify ( error )
} ,
) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Error ,
` Error while refreshing databases: ${ JSON . stringify ( error ) } `
) ;
) ;
} ;
if ( this . isServerlessEnabled ( ) ) {
// Serverless accounts don't support offers call
refreshDatabases ( ) ;
} else {
2020-07-27 18:58:27 +01:00
const offerPromise : Q.Promise < DataModels.Offer [ ] > = readOffers ( ) ;
2020-07-24 21:13:54 +01:00
this . _setLoadingStatusText ( "Fetching offers..." ) ;
offerPromise . then (
( offers : DataModels.Offer [ ] ) = > {
this . _setLoadingStatusText ( "Successfully fetched offers." ) ;
refreshDatabases ( offers ) ;
} ,
error = > {
this . _setLoadingStatusText ( "Failed to fetch offers." ) ;
this . isRefreshingExplorer ( false ) ;
deferred . reject ( error ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceFailure (
Action . LoadDatabases ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree ,
error : JSON.stringify ( error )
} ,
) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Error ,
` Error while refreshing databases: ${ JSON . stringify ( error ) } `
) ;
) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
return deferred . promise . then (
( ) = > {
if ( resourceTreeStartKey != null ) {
TelemetryProcessor . traceSuccess (
Action . LoadResourceTree ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree
} ,
) ;
} ,
reason = > {
if ( resourceTreeStartKey != null ) {
TelemetryProcessor . traceFailure (
Action . LoadResourceTree ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree ,
error : reason
} ,
) ;
) ;
public onRefreshDatabasesKeyPress = ( source : any , event : KeyboardEvent ) : boolean = > {
if ( event . keyCode === Constants . KeyCodes . Space || event . keyCode === Constants . KeyCodes . Enter ) {
this . onRefreshResourcesClick ( source , null ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
} ;
public onRefreshResourcesClick = ( source : any , event : MouseEvent ) : void = > {
const startKey : number = TelemetryProcessor . traceStart ( Action . LoadDatabases , {
description : "Refresh button clicked" ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree
} ) ;
this . isRefreshingExplorer ( true ) ;
2020-07-27 18:58:27 +01:00
refreshCachedResources ( ) . then (
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
( ) = > {
TelemetryProcessor . traceSuccess (
Action . LoadDatabases ,
description : "Refresh successful" ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree
} ,
) ;
this . isAuthWithResourceToken ( ) ? this . refreshDatabaseForResourceToken ( ) : this . refreshAllDatabases ( ) ;
} ,
( error : any ) = > {
this . isRefreshingExplorer ( false ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Error ,
` Error while refreshing data: ${ JSON . stringify ( error ) } `
) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceFailure (
Action . LoadDatabases ,
description : "Unable to refresh cached resources" ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree ,
error : error
} ,
) ;
throw error ;
) ;
this . refreshNotebookList ( ) ;
} ;
public toggleLeftPaneExpandedKeyPress = ( source : any , event : KeyboardEvent ) : boolean = > {
if ( event . keyCode === Constants . KeyCodes . Space || event . keyCode === Constants . KeyCodes . Enter ) {
this . toggleLeftPaneExpanded ( ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
} ;
// Facade
public provideFeedbackEmail = ( ) = > {
window . open ( Constants . Urls . feedbackEmail , "_self" ) ;
} ;
public async getArcadiaToken ( ) : Promise < string > {
return new Promise < string > ( ( resolve : ( token : string ) = > void , reject : ( error : any ) = > void ) = > {
2020-07-24 22:45:48 +01:00
sendCachedDataMessage < string > ( MessageTypes . GetArcadiaToken , undefined /** params **/ ) . then (
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
( token : string ) = > {
resolve ( token ) ;
} ,
( error : any ) = > {
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/getArcadiaToken" ) ;
resolve ( undefined ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
private async _getArcadiaWorkspaces ( ) : Promise < ArcadiaWorkspaceItem [ ] > {
try {
const workspaces = await this . _arcadiaManager . listWorkspacesAsync ( [ CosmosClient . subscriptionId ( ) ] ) ;
let workspaceItems : ArcadiaWorkspaceItem [ ] = new Array ( workspaces . length ) ;
const sparkPromises : Promise < void > [ ] = [ ] ;
workspaces . forEach ( ( workspace , i ) = > {
let promise = this . _arcadiaManager . listSparkPoolsAsync ( workspaces [ i ] . id ) . then (
sparkpools = > {
workspaceItems [ i ] = { . . . workspace , sparkPools : sparkpools } ;
} ,
error = > {
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/this._arcadiaManager.listSparkPoolsAsync" ) ;
) ;
sparkPromises . push ( promise ) ;
} ) ;
return Promise . all ( sparkPromises ) . then ( ( ) = > workspaceItems ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/this._arcadiaManager.listWorkspacesAsync" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , JSON . stringify ( error ) ) ;
return Promise . resolve ( [ ] ) ;
public async createWorkspace ( ) : Promise < string > {
2020-07-24 22:45:48 +01:00
return sendCachedDataMessage ( MessageTypes . CreateWorkspace , undefined /** params **/ ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public async createSparkPool ( workspaceId : string ) : Promise < string > {
2020-07-24 22:45:48 +01:00
return sendCachedDataMessage ( MessageTypes . CreateSparkPool , [ workspaceId ] ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public async initNotebooks ( databaseAccount : DataModels.DatabaseAccount ) : Promise < void > {
if ( ! databaseAccount ) {
throw new Error ( "No database account specified" ) ;
if ( this . _isInitializingNotebooks ) {
return ;
this . _isInitializingNotebooks = true ;
await this . ensureNotebookWorkspaceRunning ( ) ;
let connectionInfo : DataModels.NotebookWorkspaceConnectionInfo = {
authToken : undefined ,
notebookServerEndpoint : undefined
} ;
try {
connectionInfo = await this . notebookWorkspaceManager . getNotebookConnectionInfoAsync (
databaseAccount . id ,
) ;
} catch ( error ) {
this . _isInitializingNotebooks = false ;
Logger . logError ( error , "initNotebooks/getNotebookConnectionInfoAsync" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Error ,
` Failed to get notebook workspace connection info: ${ JSON . stringify ( error ) } `
) ;
throw error ;
} finally {
// Overwrite with feature flags
if ( this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . notebookServerUrl ) ) {
connectionInfo . notebookServerEndpoint = this . features ( ) [ Constants . Features . notebookServerUrl ] ;
if ( this . isFeatureEnabled ( Constants . Features . notebookServerToken ) ) {
connectionInfo . authToken = this . features ( ) [ Constants . Features . notebookServerToken ] ;
this . notebookServerInfo ( connectionInfo ) ;
this . notebookServerInfo . valueHasMutated ( ) ;
this . refreshNotebookList ( ) ;
this . _isInitializingNotebooks = false ;
public resetNotebookWorkspace() {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) || ! this . notebookManager ? . notebookClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const error = "Attempt to reset notebook workspace, but notebook is not enabled" ;
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/resetNotebookWorkspace" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , error ) ;
return ;
const resetConfirmationDialogProps : DialogProps = {
isModal : true ,
visible : true ,
title : "Reset Workspace" ,
subText : "This lets you keep your notebook files and the workspace will be restored to default. Proceed anyway?" ,
primaryButtonText : "OK" ,
secondaryButtonText : "Cancel" ,
onPrimaryButtonClick : this._resetNotebookWorkspace ,
onSecondaryButtonClick : this._closeModalDialog
} ;
this . _dialogProps ( resetConfirmationDialogProps ) ;
private async _containsDefaultNotebookWorkspace ( databaseAccount : DataModels.DatabaseAccount ) : Promise < boolean > {
if ( ! databaseAccount ) {
return false ;
try {
const workspaces = await this . notebookWorkspaceManager . getNotebookWorkspacesAsync ( databaseAccount . id ) ;
return workspaces && workspaces . length > 0 && workspaces . some ( workspace = > workspace . name === "default" ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/_containsDefaultNotebookWorkspace" ) ;
return false ;
private async ensureNotebookWorkspaceRunning() {
if ( ! this . databaseAccount ( ) ) {
return ;
try {
const notebookWorkspace = await this . notebookWorkspaceManager . getNotebookWorkspaceAsync (
this . databaseAccount ( ) . id ,
) ;
if (
notebookWorkspace &&
notebookWorkspace . properties &&
notebookWorkspace . properties . status &&
notebookWorkspace . properties . status . toLowerCase ( ) === "stopped"
) {
await this . notebookWorkspaceManager . startNotebookWorkspaceAsync ( this . databaseAccount ( ) . id , "default" ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/ensureNotebookWorkspaceRunning" ) ;
private _resetNotebookWorkspace = async ( ) = > {
this . _closeModalDialog ( ) ;
const id = NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . InProgress , "Resetting notebook workspace" ) ;
try {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
await this . notebookManager ? . notebookClient . resetWorkspace ( ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Info , "Successfully reset notebook workspace" ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceSuccess ( Action . ResetNotebookWorkspace ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , ` Failed to reset notebook workspace: ${ error } ` ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceFailure ( Action . ResetNotebookWorkspace , error ) ;
throw error ;
} finally {
NotificationConsoleUtils . clearInProgressMessageWithId ( id ) ;
} ;
private _closeModalDialog = ( ) = > {
this . _dialogProps ( ) . visible = false ;
this . _dialogProps . valueHasMutated ( ) ;
} ;
private _closeSynapseLinkModalDialog = ( ) = > {
this . _addSynapseLinkDialogProps ( ) . visible = false ;
this . _addSynapseLinkDialogProps . valueHasMutated ( ) ;
} ;
private _shouldProcessMessage ( event : MessageEvent ) : boolean {
if ( typeof event . data !== "object" ) {
return false ;
if ( event . data [ "signature" ] !== "pcIframe" ) {
return false ;
if ( ! ( "data" in event . data ) ) {
return false ;
if ( typeof event . data [ "data" ] !== "object" ) {
return false ;
// before initialization completed give exception
const message = event . data . data ;
if ( ! this . _importExplorerConfigComplete && message && message . type ) {
const messageType = message . type ;
switch ( messageType ) {
case MessageTypes . SendNotification :
case MessageTypes . ClearNotification :
case MessageTypes . LoadingStatus :
return true ;
if ( ! ( "inputs" in event . data [ "data" ] ) && ! this . _importExplorerConfigComplete ) {
return false ;
return true ;
public handleMessage ( event : MessageEvent ) {
if ( isInvalidParentFrameOrigin ( event ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! this . _shouldProcessMessage ( event ) ) {
return ;
const message : any = event . data . data ;
const inputs : ViewModels.DataExplorerInputsFrame = message . inputs ;
const isRunningInPortal = window . dataExplorerPlatform == PlatformType . Portal ;
const isRunningInDevMode = process . env . NODE_ENV === "development" ;
if ( inputs && config . BACKEND_ENDPOINT && isRunningInPortal && isRunningInDevMode ) {
inputs . extensionEndpoint = config . PROXY_PATH ;
const initPromise : Q.Promise < void > = inputs ? this . initDataExplorerWithFrameInputs ( inputs ) : Q ( ) ;
initPromise . then ( ( ) = > {
const openAction : ActionContracts.DataExplorerAction = message . openAction ;
if ( ! ! openAction ) {
if ( this . isRefreshingExplorer ( ) ) {
const subscription = this . databases . subscribe ( ( databases : ViewModels.Database [ ] ) = > {
handleOpenAction ( openAction , this . nonSystemDatabases ( ) , this ) ;
subscription . dispose ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
handleOpenAction ( openAction , this . nonSystemDatabases ( ) , this ) ;
if ( message . actionType === ActionContracts . ActionType . TransmitCachedData ) {
2020-07-24 22:45:48 +01:00
handleCachedDataMessage ( message ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
return ;
if ( message . type ) {
switch ( message . type ) {
case MessageTypes . UpdateLocationHash :
if ( ! message . locationHash ) {
break ;
hasher . replaceHash ( message . locationHash ) ;
RouteHandler . getInstance ( ) . parseHash ( message . locationHash ) ;
break ;
case MessageTypes . SendNotification :
if ( ! message . message ) {
break ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
message . consoleDataType || ConsoleDataType . Info ,
message . message ,
message . id
) ;
break ;
case MessageTypes . ClearNotification :
if ( ! message . id ) {
break ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . clearInProgressMessageWithId ( message . id ) ;
break ;
case MessageTypes . LoadingStatus :
if ( ! message . text ) {
break ;
this . _setLoadingStatusText ( message . text , message . title ) ;
break ;
return ;
this . splashScreenAdapter . forceRender ( ) ;
} ) ;
public findSelectedDatabase ( ) : ViewModels . Database {
if ( this . selectedNode ( ) . nodeKind === "Database" ) {
return _ . find ( this . databases ( ) , ( database : ViewModels.Database ) = > database . rid === this . selectedNode ( ) . rid ) ;
return this . findSelectedCollection ( ) . database ;
public findDatabaseWithId ( databaseId : string ) : ViewModels . Database {
return _ . find ( this . databases ( ) , ( database : ViewModels.Database ) = > database . id ( ) === databaseId ) ;
public isLastNonEmptyDatabase ( ) : boolean {
if ( this . isLastDatabase ( ) && this . databases ( ) [ 0 ] . collections && this . databases ( ) [ 0 ] . collections ( ) . length > 0 ) {
return true ;
return false ;
public isLastDatabase ( ) : boolean {
if ( this . databases ( ) . length > 1 ) {
return false ;
return true ;
public isSelectedDatabaseShared ( ) : boolean {
const database = this . findSelectedDatabase ( ) ;
if ( ! ! database ) {
return database . offer && ! ! database . offer ( ) ;
return false ;
public initDataExplorerWithFrameInputs ( inputs : ViewModels.DataExplorerInputsFrame ) : Q . Promise < void > {
if ( inputs != null ) {
const authorizationToken = inputs . authorizationToken || "" ;
const masterKey = inputs . masterKey || "" ;
const databaseAccount = inputs . databaseAccount || null ;
2020-05-26 19:53:41 +01:00
if ( inputs . defaultCollectionThroughput ) {
this . collectionCreationDefaults = inputs . defaultCollectionThroughput ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . features ( inputs . features ) ;
this . serverId ( inputs . serverId ) ;
this . extensionEndpoint ( inputs . extensionEndpoint || "" ) ;
this . armEndpoint ( EnvironmentUtility . normalizeArmEndpointUri ( inputs . csmEndpoint || config . ARM_ENDPOINT ) ) ;
this . notificationsClient . setExtensionEndpoint ( this . extensionEndpoint ( ) ) ;
this . databaseAccount ( databaseAccount ) ;
this . subscriptionType ( inputs . subscriptionType ) ;
this . quotaId ( inputs . quotaId ) ;
this . hasWriteAccess ( inputs . hasWriteAccess ) ;
this . flight ( inputs . addCollectionDefaultFlight ) ;
this . isTryCosmosDBSubscription ( inputs . isTryCosmosDBSubscription ) ;
this . isAuthWithResourceToken ( inputs . isAuthWithresourceToken ) ;
if ( ! ! inputs . dataExplorerVersion ) {
this . parentFrameDataExplorerVersion ( inputs . dataExplorerVersion ) ;
this . _importExplorerConfigComplete = true ;
CosmosClient . authorizationToken ( authorizationToken ) ;
CosmosClient . masterKey ( masterKey ) ;
CosmosClient . databaseAccount ( databaseAccount ) ;
CosmosClient . subscriptionId ( inputs . subscriptionId ) ;
CosmosClient . resourceGroup ( inputs . resourceGroup ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceSuccess (
Action . LoadDatabaseAccount ,
resourceId : this.databaseAccount && this . databaseAccount ( ) . id ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree ,
databaseAccount : this.databaseAccount && this . databaseAccount ( )
} ,
inputs . loadDatabaseAccountTimestamp
) ;
this . isAccountReady ( true ) ;
return Q ( ) ;
public findSelectedCollection ( ) : ViewModels . Collection {
if ( this . selectedNode ( ) . nodeKind === "Collection" ) {
return this . findSelectedCollectionForSelectedNode ( ) ;
} else {
return this . findSelectedCollectionForSubNode ( ) ;
// TODO: Refactor below methods, minimize dependencies and add unit tests where necessary
2020-07-21 19:50:51 +01:00
public findSelectedStoredProcedure ( ) : StoredProcedure {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const selectedCollection : ViewModels.Collection = this . findSelectedCollection ( ) ;
2020-07-21 19:50:51 +01:00
return _ . find ( selectedCollection . storedProcedures ( ) , ( storedProcedure : StoredProcedure ) = > {
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
const openedSprocTab = this . tabsManager . getTabs (
ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . StoredProcedures ,
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
tab = > tab . node && tab . node . rid === storedProcedure . rid
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
) ;
return (
storedProcedure . rid === this . selectedNode ( ) . rid ||
( ! ! openedSprocTab && openedSprocTab . length > 0 && openedSprocTab [ 0 ] . isActive ( ) )
) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-21 19:50:51 +01:00
public findSelectedUDF ( ) : UserDefinedFunction {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const selectedCollection : ViewModels.Collection = this . findSelectedCollection ( ) ;
2020-07-21 19:50:51 +01:00
return _ . find ( selectedCollection . userDefinedFunctions ( ) , ( userDefinedFunction : UserDefinedFunction ) = > {
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
const openedUdfTab = this . tabsManager . getTabs (
ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . UserDefinedFunctions ,
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
tab = > tab . node && tab . node . rid === userDefinedFunction . rid
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
) ;
return (
userDefinedFunction . rid === this . selectedNode ( ) . rid ||
( ! ! openedUdfTab && openedUdfTab . length > 0 && openedUdfTab [ 0 ] . isActive ( ) )
) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-21 19:50:51 +01:00
public findSelectedTrigger ( ) : Trigger {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const selectedCollection : ViewModels.Collection = this . findSelectedCollection ( ) ;
2020-07-21 19:50:51 +01:00
return _ . find ( selectedCollection . triggers ( ) , ( trigger : Trigger ) = > {
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
const openedTriggerTab = this . tabsManager . getTabs (
ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . Triggers ,
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
tab = > tab . node && tab . node . rid === trigger . rid
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
) ;
return (
trigger . rid === this . selectedNode ( ) . rid ||
( ! ! openedTriggerTab && openedTriggerTab . length > 0 && openedTriggerTab [ 0 ] . isActive ( ) )
) ;
} ) ;
public closeAllPanes ( ) : void {
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
this . _panes . forEach ( ( pane : ContextualPaneBase ) = > pane . close ( ) ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public getPlatformType ( ) : PlatformType {
return window . dataExplorerPlatform ;
public isRunningOnNationalCloud ( ) : boolean {
return (
this . serverId ( ) === Constants . ServerIds . blackforest ||
this . serverId ( ) === Constants . ServerIds . fairfax ||
this . serverId ( ) === Constants . ServerIds . mooncake
) ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
public onUpdateTabsButtons ( buttons : CommandButtonComponentProps [ ] ) : void {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . commandBarComponentAdapter . onUpdateTabsButtons ( buttons ) ;
public signInAad = ( ) = > {
TelemetryProcessor . trace ( Action . SignInAad , undefined , { area : "Explorer" } ) ;
2020-07-24 22:45:48 +01:00
sendMessage ( {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
type : MessageTypes . AadSignIn
} ) ;
} ;
public onSwitchToConnectionString = ( ) = > {
$ ( "#connectWithAad" ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( "#connectWithConnectionString" ) . show ( ) ;
} ;
public clickHostedAccountSwitch = ( ) = > {
2020-07-24 22:45:48 +01:00
sendMessage ( {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
type : MessageTypes . UpdateAccountSwitch ,
click : true
} ) ;
} ;
public clickHostedDirectorySwitch = ( ) = > {
2020-07-24 22:45:48 +01:00
sendMessage ( {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
type : MessageTypes . UpdateDirectoryControl ,
click : true
} ) ;
} ;
public refreshDatabaseAccount = ( ) = > {
2020-07-24 22:45:48 +01:00
sendMessage ( {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
type : MessageTypes . RefreshDatabaseAccount
} ) ;
} ;
private refreshAndExpandNewDatabases ( newDatabases : ViewModels.Database [ ] ) : Q . Promise < void > {
// we reload collections for all databases so the resource tree reflects any collection-level changes
// i.e addition of stored procedures, etc.
const deferred : Q.Deferred < void > = Q . defer < void > ( ) ;
let loadCollectionPromises : Q.Promise < void > [ ] = [ ] ;
// If the user has a lot of databases, only load expanded databases.
const databasesToLoad =
this . databases ( ) . length <= Explorer . MaxNbDatabasesToAutoExpand
? this . databases ( )
: this . databases ( ) . filter ( db = > db . isDatabaseExpanded ( ) ) ;
const startKey : number = TelemetryProcessor . traceStart ( Action . LoadCollections , {
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree
} ) ;
databasesToLoad . forEach ( ( database : ViewModels.Database ) = > {
loadCollectionPromises . push (
database . loadCollections ( ) . finally ( ( ) = > {
const isNewDatabase : boolean = _ . some ( newDatabases , ( db : ViewModels.Database ) = > db . rid === database . rid ) ;
if ( isNewDatabase ) {
database . expandDatabase ( ) ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
this . tabsManager . refreshActiveTab ( tab = > tab . collection && tab . collection . getDatabase ( ) . rid === database . rid ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
} )
) ;
} ) ;
Q . all ( loadCollectionPromises ) . done (
( ) = > {
deferred . resolve ( ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceSuccess (
Action . LoadCollections ,
{ dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree } ,
) ;
} ,
( error : any ) = > {
deferred . reject ( error ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceFailure (
Action . LoadCollections ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ResourceTree ,
trace : JSON.stringify ( error )
} ,
) ;
) ;
return deferred . promise ;
// TODO: Abstract this elsewhere
private _openShareDialog : ( ) = > void = ( ) : void = > {
if ( ! $ ( "#shareDataAccessFlyout" ) . dialog ( "instance" ) ) {
const accountMetadataInfo = {
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.ShareDialog
} ;
const openFullscreenButton = {
text : "Open" ,
class : "openFullScreenBtn openFullScreenCancelBtn" ,
click : ( ) = > {
TelemetryProcessor . trace (
Action . SelectItem ,
ActionModifiers . Mark ,
_ . extend ( { } , { description : "Open full screen" } , accountMetadataInfo )
) ;
const hiddenAnchorElement : HTMLAnchorElement = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
hiddenAnchorElement . href = this . shareAccessUrl ( ) ;
hiddenAnchorElement . target = "_blank" ;
$ ( "#shareDataAccessFlyout" ) . dialog ( "close" ) ;
hiddenAnchorElement . click ( ) ;
} ;
const cancelButton = {
text : "Cancel" ,
class : "shareCancelButton openFullScreenCancelBtn" ,
click : ( ) = > {
TelemetryProcessor . trace (
Action . SelectItem ,
ActionModifiers . Mark ,
_ . extend ( { } , { description : "Cancel open full screen" } , accountMetadataInfo )
) ;
$ ( "#shareDataAccessFlyout" ) . dialog ( "close" ) ;
} ;
$ ( "#shareDataAccessFlyout" ) . dialog ( {
autoOpen : false ,
buttons : [ openFullscreenButton , cancelButton ] ,
closeOnEscape : true ,
draggable : false ,
dialogClass : "no-close" ,
position : { my : "right top" , at : "right bottom" , of : $ ( ".OpenFullScreen" ) } ,
resizable : false ,
title : "Open Full Screen" ,
width : 400 ,
close : ( event : Event , ui : JQueryUI.DialogUIParams ) = > this . shouldShowShareDialogContents ( false )
} ) ;
$ ( "#shareDataAccessFlyout" ) . dialog ( "option" , "classes" , {
"ui-widget-content" : "shareUrlDialog" ,
"ui-widget-header" : "shareUrlTitle" ,
"ui-dialog-titlebar-close" : "shareClose" ,
"ui-button" : "shareCloseIcon" ,
"ui-button-icon" : "cancelIcon" ,
"ui-icon" : ""
} ) ;
$ ( "#shareDataAccessFlyout" ) . dialog ( "option" , "open" , ( event : Event , ui : JQueryUI.DialogUIParams ) = >
$ ( ".openFullScreenBtn" ) . focus ( )
) ;
$ ( "#shareDataAccessFlyout" ) . dialog ( "close" ) ;
this . shouldShowShareDialogContents ( true ) ;
$ ( "#shareDataAccessFlyout" ) . dialog ( "open" ) ;
} ;
private _getShareAccessUrlForToken ( token : string ) : string {
if ( ! token ) {
return undefined ;
const urlPrefixWithKeyParam : string = ` ${ config . hostedExplorerURL } ?key= ` ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
const currentActiveTab = this . tabsManager . activeTab ( ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
return ` ${ urlPrefixWithKeyParam } ${ token } #/ ${ ( currentActiveTab && currentActiveTab . hashLocation ( ) ) || "" } ` ;
private _initSettings() {
if ( ! ExplorerSettings . hasSettingsDefined ( ) ) {
ExplorerSettings . createDefaultSettings ( ) ;
private findSelectedCollectionForSelectedNode ( ) : ViewModels . Collection {
return this . findCollection ( this . selectedNode ( ) . rid ) ;
public findCollection ( rid : string ) : ViewModels . Collection {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . databases ( ) . length ; i ++ ) {
const database = this . databases ( ) [ i ] ;
for ( let j = 0 ; j < database . collections ( ) . length ; j ++ ) {
const collection = database . collections ( ) [ j ] ;
if ( collection . rid === rid ) {
return collection ;
return null ;
public isLastCollection ( ) : boolean {
let collectionCount = 0 ;
if ( this . databases ( ) . length == 0 ) {
return false ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . databases ( ) . length ; i ++ ) {
const database = this . databases ( ) [ i ] ;
collectionCount += database . collections ( ) . length ;
if ( collectionCount > 1 ) {
return false ;
return true ;
private getDeltaDatabases (
updatedDatabaseList : DataModels.Database [ ] ,
updatedOffersList : DataModels.Offer [ ]
) : { toAdd : ViewModels.Database [ ] ; toDelete : ViewModels.Database [ ] } {
const newDatabases : DataModels.Database [ ] = _ . filter ( updatedDatabaseList , ( database : DataModels.Database ) = > {
const databaseExists = _ . some (
this . databases ( ) ,
( existingDatabase : ViewModels.Database ) = > existingDatabase . rid === database . _rid
) ;
return ! databaseExists ;
} ) ;
const databasesToAdd : ViewModels.Database [ ] = _ . map ( newDatabases , ( newDatabase : DataModels.Database ) = > {
const databaseOffer : DataModels.Offer = this . getOfferForResource ( updatedOffersList , newDatabase . _self ) ;
return new Database ( this , newDatabase , databaseOffer ) ;
} ) ;
let databasesToDelete : ViewModels.Database [ ] = [ ] ;
ko . utils . arrayForEach ( this . databases ( ) , ( database : ViewModels.Database ) = > {
const databasePresentInUpdatedList = _ . some (
updatedDatabaseList ,
( db : DataModels.Database ) = > db . _rid === database . rid
) ;
if ( ! databasePresentInUpdatedList ) {
databasesToDelete . push ( database ) ;
} ) ;
return { toAdd : databasesToAdd , toDelete : databasesToDelete } ;
private addDatabasesToList ( databases : ViewModels.Database [ ] ) : void {
this . databases (
this . databases ( )
. concat ( databases )
. sort ( ( database1 , database2 ) = > database1 . id ( ) . localeCompare ( database2 . id ( ) ) )
) ;
private deleteDatabasesFromList ( databasesToRemove : ViewModels.Database [ ] ) : void {
const databasesToKeep : ViewModels.Database [ ] = [ ] ;
ko . utils . arrayForEach ( this . databases ( ) , ( database : ViewModels.Database ) = > {
const shouldRemoveDatabase = _ . some ( databasesToRemove , ( db : ViewModels.Database ) = > db . rid === database . rid ) ;
if ( ! shouldRemoveDatabase ) {
databasesToKeep . push ( database ) ;
} ) ;
this . databases ( databasesToKeep ) ;
private findSelectedCollectionForSubNode ( ) : ViewModels . Collection {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . databases ( ) . length ; i ++ ) {
const database = this . databases ( ) [ i ] ;
for ( let j = 0 ; j < database . collections ( ) . length ; j ++ ) {
const collection = database . collections ( ) [ j ] ;
if ( this . selectedNode ( ) . collection && collection . rid === this . selectedNode ( ) . collection . rid ) {
return collection ;
return null ;
private getOfferForResource ( offers : DataModels.Offer [ ] , resourceId : string ) : DataModels . Offer {
return _ . find ( offers , ( offer : DataModels.Offer ) = > offer . resource === resourceId ) ;
private uploadFile ( name : string , content : string , parent : NotebookContentItem ) : Promise < NotebookContentItem > {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) || ! this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const error = "Attempt to upload notebook, but notebook is not enabled" ;
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/uploadFile" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , error ) ;
throw new Error ( error ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
const promise = this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient . uploadFileAsync ( name , content , parent ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
. then ( ( ) = > this . resourceTree . triggerRender ( ) )
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
. catch ( ( reason : any ) = > this . showOkModalDialog ( "Unable to upload file" , reason ) ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
return promise ;
public async importAndOpen ( path : string ) : Promise < boolean > {
2020-05-26 19:53:41 +01:00
const name = NotebookUtil . getName ( path ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const item = NotebookUtil . createNotebookContentItem ( name , path , "file" ) ;
const parent = this . resourceTree . myNotebooksContentRoot ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( parent && parent . children && this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) && this . notebookManager ? . notebookClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const existingItem = _ . find ( parent . children , node = > node . name === name ) ;
if ( existingItem ) {
return this . openNotebook ( existingItem ) ;
const content = await this . readFile ( item ) ;
const uploadedItem = await this . uploadFile ( name , content , parent ) ;
return this . openNotebook ( uploadedItem ) ;
return Promise . resolve ( false ) ;
2020-07-06 20:10:26 +01:00
public async importAndOpenContent ( name : string , content : string ) : Promise < boolean > {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const parent = this . resourceTree . myNotebooksContentRoot ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( parent && parent . children && this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) && this . notebookManager ? . notebookClient ) {
2020-07-06 20:10:26 +01:00
if ( this . notebookToImport && this . notebookToImport . name === name && this . notebookToImport . content === content ) {
this . notebookToImport = undefined ; // we don't want to try opening this notebook again
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const existingItem = _ . find ( parent . children , node = > node . name === name ) ;
if ( existingItem ) {
2020-07-06 20:10:26 +01:00
return this . openNotebook ( existingItem ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const uploadedItem = await this . uploadFile ( name , content , parent ) ;
return this . openNotebook ( uploadedItem ) ;
2020-07-06 20:10:26 +01:00
this . notebookToImport = { name , content } ; // we'll try opening this notebook later on
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
return Promise . resolve ( false ) ;
2020-07-23 08:43:53 +01:00
public publishNotebook ( name : string , content : string | unknown , parentDomElement : HTMLElement ) : void {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( this . notebookManager ) {
2020-07-23 08:43:53 +01:00
this . notebookManager . openPublishNotebookPane ( name , content , parentDomElement ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
this . publishNotebookPaneAdapter = this . notebookManager . publishNotebookPaneAdapter ;
this . isPublishNotebookPaneEnabled ( true ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public showOkModalDialog ( title : string , msg : string ) : void {
this . _dialogProps ( {
isModal : true ,
visible : true ,
title ,
subText : msg ,
primaryButtonText : "Close" ,
secondaryButtonText : undefined ,
onPrimaryButtonClick : this._closeModalDialog ,
onSecondaryButtonClick : undefined
} ) ;
public showOkCancelModalDialog (
title : string ,
msg : string ,
okLabel : string ,
onOk : ( ) = > void ,
cancelLabel : string ,
onCancel : ( ) = > void
) : void {
this . _dialogProps ( {
isModal : true ,
visible : true ,
title ,
subText : msg ,
primaryButtonText : okLabel ,
secondaryButtonText : cancelLabel ,
onPrimaryButtonClick : ( ) = > {
this . _closeModalDialog ( ) ;
onOk && onOk ( ) ;
} ,
onSecondaryButtonClick : ( ) = > {
this . _closeModalDialog ( ) ;
onCancel && onCancel ( ) ;
} ) ;
public showOkCancelTextFieldModalDialog (
title : string ,
msg : string ,
okLabel : string ,
onOk : ( ) = > void ,
cancelLabel : string ,
onCancel : ( ) = > void ,
textFieldProps : TextFieldProps ,
isPrimaryButtonDisabled? : boolean
) : void {
let textFieldValue : string = null ;
this . _dialogProps ( {
isModal : true ,
visible : true ,
title ,
subText : msg ,
primaryButtonText : okLabel ,
secondaryButtonText : cancelLabel ,
onPrimaryButtonClick : ( ) = > {
this . _closeModalDialog ( ) ;
onOk && onOk ( ) ;
} ,
onSecondaryButtonClick : ( ) = > {
this . _closeModalDialog ( ) ;
onCancel && onCancel ( ) ;
} ,
primaryButtonDisabled : isPrimaryButtonDisabled ,
} ) ;
/ * *
* Note : To keep it simple , this creates a disconnected NotebookContentItem that is not connected to the resource tree .
* Connecting it to a tree possibly requires the intermediate missing folders if the item is nested in a subfolder .
* Manually creating the missing folders between the root and its parent dir would break the UX : expanding a folder
* will not fetch its content if the children array exists ( and has only one child which was manually created ) .
* Fetching the intermediate folders possibly involves a few chained async calls which isn ' t ideal .
* @param name
* @param path
* /
public createNotebookContentItemFile ( name : string , path : string ) : NotebookContentItem {
return NotebookUtil . createNotebookContentItem ( name , path , "file" ) ;
public async openNotebook ( notebookContentItem : NotebookContentItem ) : Promise < boolean > {
if ( ! notebookContentItem || ! notebookContentItem . path ) {
throw new Error ( ` Invalid notebookContentItem: ${ notebookContentItem } ` ) ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
const notebookTabs = this . tabsManager . getTabs (
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . NotebookV2 ,
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
tab = >
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
( tab as NotebookV2Tab ) . notebookPath &&
FileSystemUtil . isPathEqual ( ( tab as NotebookV2Tab ) . notebookPath ( ) , notebookContentItem . path )
) as NotebookV2Tab [ ] ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
let notebookTab = notebookTabs && notebookTabs [ 0 ] ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
if ( notebookTab ) {
this . tabsManager . activateTab ( notebookTab ) ;
} else {
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
const options : NotebookTabOptions = {
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
account : CosmosClient.databaseAccount ( ) ,
tabKind : ViewModels.CollectionTabKind.NotebookV2 ,
node : null ,
title : notebookContentItem.name ,
tabPath : notebookContentItem.path ,
collection : null ,
selfLink : null ,
masterKey : CosmosClient.masterKey ( ) || "" ,
hashLocation : "notebooks" ,
isActive : ko.observable ( false ) ,
isTabsContentExpanded : ko.observable ( true ) ,
onLoadStartKey : null ,
onUpdateTabsButtons : this.onUpdateTabsButtons ,
container : this ,
} ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
try {
const NotebookTabV2 = await import ( /* webpackChunkName: "NotebookV2Tab" */ "./Tabs/NotebookV2Tab" ) ;
notebookTab = new NotebookTabV2 . default ( options ) ;
this . tabsManager . activateNewTab ( notebookTab ) ;
} catch ( reason ) {
console . error ( "Import NotebookV2Tab failed!" , reason ) ;
return false ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
return true ;
public renameNotebook ( notebookFile : NotebookContentItem ) : Q . Promise < NotebookContentItem > {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) || ! this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const error = "Attempt to rename notebook, but notebook is not enabled" ;
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/renameNotebook" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , error ) ;
throw new Error ( error ) ;
// Don't delete if tab is open to avoid accidental deletion
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
const openedNotebookTabs = this . tabsManager . getTabs (
ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . NotebookV2 ,
( tab : NotebookV2Tab ) = > {
return tab . notebookPath && FileSystemUtil . isPathEqual ( tab . notebookPath ( ) , notebookFile . path ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
) ;
if ( openedNotebookTabs . length > 0 ) {
this . showOkModalDialog ( "Unable to rename file" , "This file is being edited. Please close the tab and try again." ) ;
return Q . reject ( ) ;
const originalPath = notebookFile . path ;
const result = this . stringInputPane
. openWithOptions < NotebookContentItem > ( {
errorMessage : "Could not rename notebook" ,
inProgressMessage : "Renaming notebook to" ,
successMessage : "Renamed notebook to" ,
inputLabel : "Enter new notebook name" ,
paneTitle : "Rename Notebook" ,
submitButtonLabel : "Rename" ,
defaultInput : FileSystemUtil.stripExtension ( notebookFile . name , "ipynb" ) ,
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
onSubmit : ( input : string ) = > this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient . renameNotebook ( notebookFile , input )
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
} )
. then ( newNotebookFile = > {
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
const notebookTabs = this . tabsManager . getTabs (
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . NotebookV2 ,
( tab : NotebookV2Tab ) = > tab . notebookPath && FileSystemUtil . isPathEqual ( tab . notebookPath ( ) , originalPath )
) ;
notebookTabs . forEach ( tab = > {
tab . tabTitle ( newNotebookFile . name ) ;
tab . tabPath ( newNotebookFile . path ) ;
( tab as NotebookV2Tab ) . notebookPath ( newNotebookFile . path ) ;
} ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
return newNotebookFile ;
} ) ;
result . then ( ( ) = > this . resourceTree . triggerRender ( ) ) ;
return result ;
public onCreateDirectory ( parent : NotebookContentItem ) : Q . Promise < NotebookContentItem > {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) || ! this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const error = "Attempt to create notebook directory, but notebook is not enabled" ;
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/onCreateDirectory" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , error ) ;
throw new Error ( error ) ;
const result = this . stringInputPane . openWithOptions < NotebookContentItem > ( {
errorMessage : "Could not create directory " ,
inProgressMessage : "Creating directory " ,
successMessage : "Created directory " ,
inputLabel : "Enter new directory name" ,
paneTitle : "Create new directory" ,
submitButtonLabel : "Create" ,
defaultInput : "" ,
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
onSubmit : ( input : string ) = > this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient . createDirectory ( parent , input )
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
} ) ;
result . then ( ( ) = > this . resourceTree . triggerRender ( ) ) ;
return result ;
public readFile ( notebookFile : NotebookContentItem ) : Promise < string > {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) || ! this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const error = "Attempt to read file, but notebook is not enabled" ;
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/downloadFile" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , error ) ;
throw new Error ( error ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
return this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient . readFileContent ( notebookFile . path ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public downloadFile ( notebookFile : NotebookContentItem ) : Promise < void > {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) || ! this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const error = "Attempt to download file, but notebook is not enabled" ;
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/downloadFile" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , error ) ;
throw new Error ( error ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
return this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient . readFileContent ( notebookFile . path ) . then (
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
( content : string ) = > {
const blob = new Blob ( [ content ] , { type : "octet/stream" } ) ;
if ( navigator . msSaveBlob ) {
// for IE and Edge
navigator . msSaveBlob ( blob , notebookFile . name ) ;
} else {
const downloadLink : HTMLAnchorElement = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
const url = URL . createObjectURL ( blob ) ;
downloadLink . href = url ;
downloadLink . target = "_self" ;
downloadLink . download = notebookFile . name ;
// for some reason, FF displays the download prompt only when
// the link is added to the dom so we add and remove it
document . body . appendChild ( downloadLink ) ;
downloadLink . click ( ) ;
downloadLink . remove ( ) ;
} ,
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
( error : any ) = > {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Error ,
` Could not download notebook ${ JSON . stringify ( error ) } `
) ;
) ;
private async _refreshNotebooksEnabledStateForAccount ( ) : Promise < void > {
const authType = window . authType as AuthType ;
2020-07-31 22:45:36 +01:00
if (
authType === AuthType . EncryptedToken ||
authType === AuthType . ResourceToken ||
authType === AuthType . MasterKey
) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
this . isNotebooksEnabledForAccount ( false ) ;
return ;
const databaseAccount = this . databaseAccount ( ) ;
const databaseAccountLocation = databaseAccount && databaseAccount . location . toLowerCase ( ) ;
const disallowedLocationsUri = ` ${ this . extensionEndpoint ( ) } /api/disallowedLocations ` ;
const authorizationHeader = getAuthorizationHeader ( ) ;
try {
const response = await fetch ( disallowedLocationsUri , {
method : "POST" ,
body : JSON.stringify ( {
resourceTypes : [ Constants . ArmResourceTypes . notebookWorkspaces ]
} ) ,
headers : {
[ authorizationHeader . header ] : authorizationHeader . token ,
[ Constants . HttpHeaders . contentType ] : "application/json"
} ) ;
if ( ! response . ok ) {
throw new Error ( "Failed to fetch disallowed locations" ) ;
const disallowedLocations : string [ ] = await response . json ( ) ;
if ( ! disallowedLocations ) {
Logger . logInfo ( "No disallowed locations found" , "Explorer/isNotebooksEnabledForAccount" ) ;
this . isNotebooksEnabledForAccount ( true ) ;
return ;
const isAccountInAllowedLocation = ! disallowedLocations . some (
disallowedLocation = > disallowedLocation === databaseAccountLocation
) ;
this . isNotebooksEnabledForAccount ( isAccountInAllowedLocation ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/isNotebooksEnabledForAccount" ) ;
this . isNotebooksEnabledForAccount ( false ) ;
public _refreshSparkEnabledStateForAccount = async ( ) : Promise < void > = > {
const subscriptionId = CosmosClient . subscriptionId ( ) ;
const armEndpoint = this . armEndpoint ( ) ;
const authType = window . authType as AuthType ;
if ( ! subscriptionId || ! armEndpoint || authType === AuthType . EncryptedToken ) {
// explorer is not aware of the database account yet
this . isSparkEnabledForAccount ( false ) ;
return ;
const featureUri = ` subscriptions/ ${ subscriptionId } /providers/Microsoft.Features/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDb/features/ ${ Constants . AfecFeatures . Spark } ` ;
const resourceProviderClient = new ResourceProviderClientFactory ( this . armEndpoint ( ) ) . getOrCreate ( featureUri ) ;
try {
const sparkNotebooksFeature : DataModels.AfecFeature = await resourceProviderClient . getAsync (
featureUri ,
Constants . ArmApiVersions . armFeatures
) ;
const isEnabled =
( sparkNotebooksFeature &&
sparkNotebooksFeature . properties &&
sparkNotebooksFeature . properties . state === "Registered" ) ||
false ;
this . isSparkEnabledForAccount ( isEnabled ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/isSparkEnabledForAccount" ) ;
this . isSparkEnabledForAccount ( false ) ;
} ;
public _isAfecFeatureRegistered = async ( featureName : string ) : Promise < boolean > = > {
const subscriptionId = CosmosClient . subscriptionId ( ) ;
const armEndpoint = this . armEndpoint ( ) ;
const authType = window . authType as AuthType ;
if ( ! featureName || ! subscriptionId || ! armEndpoint || authType === AuthType . EncryptedToken ) {
// explorer is not aware of the database account yet
return false ;
const featureUri = ` subscriptions/ ${ subscriptionId } /providers/Microsoft.Features/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDb/features/ ${ featureName } ` ;
const resourceProviderClient = new ResourceProviderClientFactory ( this . armEndpoint ( ) ) . getOrCreate ( featureUri ) ;
try {
const featureStatus : DataModels.AfecFeature = await resourceProviderClient . getAsync (
featureUri ,
Constants . ArmApiVersions . armFeatures
) ;
const isEnabled =
( featureStatus && featureStatus . properties && featureStatus . properties . state === "Registered" ) || false ;
return isEnabled ;
} catch ( error ) {
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/isSparkEnabledForAccount" ) ;
return false ;
} ;
private refreshNotebookList = async ( ) : Promise < void > = > {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) || ! this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
return ;
await this . resourceTree . initialize ( ) ;
2020-07-06 20:10:26 +01:00
if ( this . notebookToImport ) {
this . importAndOpenContent ( this . notebookToImport . name , this . notebookToImport . content ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
} ;
public deleteNotebookFile ( item : NotebookContentItem ) : Promise < void > {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) || ! this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const error = "Attempt to delete notebook file, but notebook is not enabled" ;
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/deleteNotebookFile" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , error ) ;
throw new Error ( error ) ;
// Don't delete if tab is open to avoid accidental deletion
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
const openedNotebookTabs = this . tabsManager . getTabs (
ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . NotebookV2 ,
( tab : NotebookV2Tab ) = > {
return tab . notebookPath && FileSystemUtil . isPathEqual ( tab . notebookPath ( ) , item . path ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
) ;
if ( openedNotebookTabs . length > 0 ) {
this . showOkModalDialog ( "Unable to delete file" , "This file is being edited. Please close the tab and try again." ) ;
return Promise . reject ( ) ;
if ( item . type === NotebookContentItemType . Directory && item . children && item . children . length > 0 ) {
this . _dialogProps ( {
isModal : true ,
visible : true ,
title : "Unable to delete file" ,
subText : "Directory is not empty." ,
primaryButtonText : "Close" ,
secondaryButtonText : undefined ,
onPrimaryButtonClick : this._closeModalDialog ,
onSecondaryButtonClick : undefined
} ) ;
return Promise . reject ( ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
return this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient . deleteContentItem ( item ) . then (
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
( ) = > {
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Info , ` Successfully deleted: ${ item . path } ` ) ;
} ,
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
( reason : any ) = > {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . Error ,
` Failed to delete " ${ item . path } ": ${ JSON . stringify ( reason ) } `
) ;
) ;
/ * *
* This creates a new notebook file , then opens the notebook
* /
public onNewNotebookClicked ( parent? : NotebookContentItem ) : void {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) || ! this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const error = "Attempt to create new notebook, but notebook is not enabled" ;
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/onNewNotebookClicked" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , error ) ;
throw new Error ( error ) ;
parent = parent || this . resourceTree . myNotebooksContentRoot ;
const notificationProgressId = NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage (
ConsoleDataType . InProgress ,
` Creating new notebook in ${ parent . path } `
) ;
const startKey : number = TelemetryProcessor . traceStart ( Action . CreateNewNotebook , {
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) && this . databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience && this . defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.Notebook
} ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
. createNewNotebookFile ( parent )
. then ( ( newFile : NotebookContentItem ) = > {
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Info , ` Successfully created: ${ newFile . name } ` ) ;
TelemetryProcessor . traceSuccess (
Action . CreateNewNotebook ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.Notebook
} ,
) ;
return this . openNotebook ( newFile ) ;
} )
. then ( ( ) = > this . resourceTree . triggerRender ( ) )
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
. catch ( ( reason : any ) = > {
2020-05-26 19:53:41 +01:00
const error = ` Failed to create a new notebook: ${ reason } ` ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , error ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
TelemetryProcessor . traceFailure (
Action . CreateNewNotebook ,
databaseAccountName : this.databaseAccount ( ) . name ,
defaultExperience : this.defaultExperience ( ) ,
dataExplorerArea : Constants.Areas.Notebook ,
2020-05-26 19:53:41 +01:00
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
} ,
) ;
} )
. finally ( ( ) = > NotificationConsoleUtils . clearInProgressMessageWithId ( notificationProgressId ) ) ;
public onUploadToNotebookServerClicked ( parent? : NotebookContentItem ) : void {
parent = parent || this . resourceTree . myNotebooksContentRoot ;
this . uploadFilePane . openWithOptions ( {
paneTitle : "Upload file to notebook server" ,
selectFileInputLabel : "Select file to upload" ,
errorMessage : "Could not upload file" ,
inProgressMessage : "Uploading file to notebook server" ,
successMessage : "Successfully uploaded file to notebook server" ,
onSubmit : async ( file : File ) : Promise < NotebookContentItem > = > {
const readFileAsText = ( inputFile : File ) : Promise < string > = > {
const reader = new FileReader ( ) ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) = > {
reader . onerror = ( ) = > {
reader . abort ( ) ;
reject ( ` Problem parsing file: ${ inputFile } ` ) ;
} ;
reader . onload = ( ) = > {
resolve ( reader . result as string ) ;
} ;
reader . readAsText ( inputFile ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
const fileContent = await readFileAsText ( file ) ;
return this . uploadFile ( file . name , fileContent , parent ) ;
} ,
extensions : undefined ,
submitButtonLabel : "Upload"
} ) ;
public refreshContentItem ( item : NotebookContentItem ) : Promise < void > {
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . isNotebookEnabled ( ) || ! this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient ) {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const error = "Attempt to refresh notebook list, but notebook is not enabled" ;
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/refreshContentItem" ) ;
NotificationConsoleUtils . logConsoleMessage ( ConsoleDataType . Error , error ) ;
return Promise . reject ( new Error ( error ) ) ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
return this . notebookManager ? . notebookContentClient . updateItemChildren ( item ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public getNotebookBasePath ( ) : string {
return this . notebookBasePath ( ) ;
public openNotebookTerminal ( kind : ViewModels.TerminalKind ) {
let title : string ;
let hashLocation : string ;
switch ( kind ) {
case ViewModels . TerminalKind . Default :
title = "Terminal" ;
hashLocation = "terminal" ;
break ;
case ViewModels . TerminalKind . Mongo :
title = "Mongo Shell" ;
hashLocation = "mongo-shell" ;
break ;
case ViewModels . TerminalKind . Cassandra :
title = "Cassandra Shell" ;
hashLocation = "cassandra-shell" ;
break ;
default :
throw new Error ( "Terminal kind: ${kind} not supported" ) ;
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
const terminalTabs : TerminalTab [ ] = this . tabsManager . getTabs (
ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . Terminal ,
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
tab = > tab . hashLocation ( ) == hashLocation
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
) as TerminalTab [ ] ;
let terminalTab : TerminalTab = terminalTabs && terminalTabs [ 0 ] ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
if ( terminalTab ) {
this . tabsManager . activateTab ( terminalTab ) ;
} else {
const newTab = new TerminalTab ( {
account : CosmosClient.databaseAccount ( ) ,
tabKind : ViewModels.CollectionTabKind.Terminal ,
node : null ,
title : title ,
tabPath : title ,
collection : null ,
selfLink : null ,
hashLocation : hashLocation ,
isActive : ko.observable ( false ) ,
isTabsContentExpanded : ko.observable ( true ) ,
onLoadStartKey : null ,
onUpdateTabsButtons : this.onUpdateTabsButtons ,
container : this ,
kind : kind
} ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
this . tabsManager . activateNewTab ( newTab ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
public async openGallery ( notebookUrl? : string , galleryItem? : IGalleryItem , isFavorite? : boolean ) {
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
let title : string = "Gallery" ;
let hashLocation : string = "gallery" ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
const galleryTabs = this . tabsManager . getTabs (
ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . Gallery ,
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
tab = > tab . hashLocation ( ) == hashLocation
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
) ;
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
let galleryTab = galleryTabs && galleryTabs [ 0 ] ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
if ( galleryTab ) {
this . tabsManager . activateTab ( galleryTab ) ;
} else {
if ( ! this . galleryTab ) {
this . galleryTab = await import ( /* webpackChunkName: "GalleryTab" */ "./Tabs/GalleryTab" ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
const newTab = new this . galleryTab . default ( {
// GalleryTabOptions
account : CosmosClient.databaseAccount ( ) ,
container : this ,
junoClient : this.notebookManager?.junoClient ,
notebookUrl ,
galleryItem ,
isFavorite ,
// TabOptions
tabKind : ViewModels.CollectionTabKind.Gallery ,
title : title ,
tabPath : title ,
documentClientUtility : null ,
selfLink : null ,
isActive : ko.observable ( false ) ,
hashLocation : hashLocation ,
onUpdateTabsButtons : this.onUpdateTabsButtons ,
isTabsContentExpanded : ko.observable ( true ) ,
onLoadStartKey : null
} ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
this . tabsManager . activateNewTab ( newTab ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
public async openNotebookViewer ( notebookUrl : string ) {
const title = path . basename ( notebookUrl ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const hashLocation = notebookUrl ;
2020-06-30 19:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! this . notebookViewerTab ) {
this . notebookViewerTab = await import ( /* webpackChunkName: "NotebookViewerTab" */ "./Tabs/NotebookViewerTab" ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const notebookViewerTabModule = this . notebookViewerTab ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
let isNotebookViewerOpen = ( tab : TabsBase ) = > {
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
const notebookViewerTab = tab as typeof notebookViewerTabModule . default ;
return notebookViewerTab . notebookUrl === notebookUrl ;
} ;
2020-07-27 22:05:25 +01:00
const notebookViewerTabs = this . tabsManager . getTabs ( ViewModels . CollectionTabKind . NotebookV2 , tab = > {
return tab . hashLocation ( ) == hashLocation && isNotebookViewerOpen ( tab ) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
let notebookViewerTab = notebookViewerTabs && notebookViewerTabs [ 0 ] ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
if ( notebookViewerTab ) {
this . tabsManager . activateNewTab ( notebookViewerTab ) ;
} else {
notebookViewerTab = new this . notebookViewerTab . default ( {
account : CosmosClient.databaseAccount ( ) ,
tabKind : ViewModels.CollectionTabKind.NotebookViewer ,
node : null ,
title : title ,
tabPath : title ,
documentClientUtility : null ,
collection : null ,
selfLink : null ,
hashLocation : hashLocation ,
isActive : ko.observable ( false ) ,
isTabsContentExpanded : ko.observable ( true ) ,
onLoadStartKey : null ,
onUpdateTabsButtons : this.onUpdateTabsButtons ,
container : this ,
} ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
this . tabsManager . activateNewTab ( notebookViewerTab ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
public onNewCollectionClicked ( ) : void {
if ( this . isPreferredApiCassandra ( ) ) {
this . cassandraAddCollectionPane . open ( ) ;
} else {
this . addCollectionPane . open ( this . selectedDatabaseId ( ) ) ;
document . getElementById ( "linkAddCollection" ) . focus ( ) ;
private refreshCommandBarButtons ( ) : void {
2020-07-09 21:53:37 +01:00
const activeTab = this . tabsManager . activeTab ( ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00
if ( activeTab ) {
activeTab . onActivate ( ) ; // TODO only update tabs buttons?
} else {
this . onUpdateTabsButtons ( [ ] ) ;
private getTokenRefreshInterval ( token : string ) : number {
let tokenRefreshInterval = Constants . ClientDefaults . arcadiaTokenRefreshInterval ;
if ( ! token ) {
return tokenRefreshInterval ;
try {
const tokenPayload = decryptJWTToken ( this . arcadiaToken ( ) ) ;
if ( tokenPayload && tokenPayload . hasOwnProperty ( "exp" ) ) {
const expirationTime = tokenPayload . exp as number ; // seconds since unix epoch
const now = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) / 1000 ;
const tokenExpirationIntervalInMs = ( expirationTime - now ) * 1000 ;
if ( tokenExpirationIntervalInMs < tokenRefreshInterval ) {
tokenRefreshInterval =
tokenExpirationIntervalInMs - Constants . ClientDefaults . arcadiaTokenRefreshIntervalPaddingMs ;
return tokenRefreshInterval ;
} catch ( error ) {
Logger . logError ( error , "Explorer/getTokenRefreshInterval" ) ;
return tokenRefreshInterval ;
private _setLoadingStatusText ( text : string , title : string = "Welcome to Azure Cosmos DB" ) {
if ( ! text ) {
return ;
const loadingText = document . getElementById ( "explorerLoadingStatusText" ) ;
if ( ! loadingText ) {
Logger . logError (
"getElementById('explorerLoadingStatusText') failed to find element" ,
) ;
return ;
loadingText . innerHTML = text ;
const loadingTitle = document . getElementById ( "explorerLoadingStatusTitle" ) ;
if ( ! loadingTitle ) {
Logger . logError (
"getElementById('explorerLoadingStatusTitle') failed to find element" ,
) ;
} else {
loadingTitle . innerHTML = title ;
TelemetryProcessor . trace (
Action . LoadingStatus ,
ActionModifiers . Mark ,
title !== "Welcome to Azure Cosmos DB" ? ` Title: ${ title } , Text: ${ text } ` : text
) ;
private _openSetupNotebooksPaneForQuickstart ( ) : void {
const title = "Enable Notebooks (Preview)" ;
const description =
"You have not yet created a notebooks workspace for this account. To proceed and start using notebooks, we'll need to create a default notebooks workspace in this account." ;
this . setupNotebooksPane . openWithTitleAndDescription ( title , description ) ;
public async handleOpenFileAction ( path : string ) : Promise < void > {
if ( this . isAccountReady ( ) && ! ( await this . _containsDefaultNotebookWorkspace ( this . databaseAccount ( ) ) ) ) {
this . closeAllPanes ( ) ;
this . _openSetupNotebooksPaneForQuickstart ( ) ;
2020-07-06 20:10:26 +01:00
// We still use github urls like https://github.com/Azure-Samples/cosmos-notebooks/blob/master/CSharp_quickstarts/GettingStarted_CSharp.ipynb
// when launching a notebook quickstart from Portal. In future we should just use gallery id and use Juno to fetch instead of directly
// calling GitHub. For now convert this url to a raw url and download content.
const gitHubInfo = fromContentUri ( path ) ;
if ( gitHubInfo ) {
const rawUrl = toRawContentUri ( gitHubInfo . owner , gitHubInfo . repo , gitHubInfo . branch , gitHubInfo . path ) ;
const response = await fetch ( rawUrl ) ;
if ( response . status === Constants . HttpStatusCodes . OK ) {
this . notebookToImport = {
name : NotebookUtil.getName ( path ) ,
content : await response . text ( )
} ;
this . importAndOpenContent ( this . notebookToImport . name , this . notebookToImport . content ) ;
2020-05-26 03:30:55 +01:00