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import { AutopilotTier } from "../Contracts/DataModels";
import { config } from "../Config";
import { HashMap } from "./HashMap";
export class AuthorizationEndpoints {
public static arm: string = "https://management.core.windows.net/";
public static common: string = "https://login.windows.net/";
export class BackendEndpoints {
public static localhost: string = "https://localhost:12900";
public static dev: string = "https://ext.documents-dev.windows-int.net";
public static productionPortal: string = config.BACKEND_ENDPOINT || "https://main.documentdb.ext.azure.com";
export class EndpointsRegex {
public static readonly cassandra = "AccountEndpoint=(.*).cassandra.cosmosdb.azure.com";
public static readonly mongo = "mongodb://.*:(.*)@(.*).documents.azure.com";
public static readonly mongoCompute = "mongodb://.*:(.*)@(.*).mongo.cosmos.azure.com";
public static readonly sql = "AccountEndpoint=https://(.*).documents.azure.com";
public static readonly table = "TableEndpoint=https://(.*).table.cosmosdb.azure.com";
export class ApiEndpoints {
public static runtimeProxy: string = "/api/RuntimeProxy";
public static guestRuntimeProxy: string = "/api/guest/RuntimeProxy";
export class ServerIds {
public static localhost: string = "localhost";
public static blackforest: string = "blackforest";
public static fairfax: string = "fairfax";
public static mooncake: string = "mooncake";
public static productionPortal: string = "prod";
public static dev: string = "dev";
export class ArmApiVersions {
public static readonly documentDB: string = "2015-11-06";
public static readonly arcadia: string = "2019-06-01-preview";
public static readonly arcadiaLivy: string = "2019-11-01-preview";
public static readonly arm: string = "2015-11-01";
public static readonly armFeatures: string = "2014-08-01-preview";
public static readonly publicVersion = "2020-03-01";
export class ArmResourceTypes {
public static readonly notebookWorkspaces = "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/notebookWorkspaces";
public static readonly synapseWorkspaces = "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces";
export class BackendDefaults {
public static partitionKeyKind: string = "Hash";
public static singlePartitionStorageInGb: string = "10";
public static multiPartitionStorageInGb: string = "100";
public static maxChangeFeedRetentionDuration: number = 10;
public static partitionKeyVersion = 2;
export class ClientDefaults {
public static requestTimeoutMs: number = 60000;
public static portalCacheTimeoutMs: number = 10000;
public static errorNotificationTimeoutMs: number = 5000;
public static copyHelperTimeoutMs: number = 2000;
public static waitForDOMElementMs: number = 500;
public static cacheBustingTimeoutMs: number =
10 /** minutes **/ * 60 /** to seconds **/ * 1000 /** to milliseconds **/;
public static databaseThroughputIncreaseFactor: number = 100;
public static readonly arcadiaTokenRefreshInterval: number =
20 /** minutes **/ * 60 /** to seconds **/ * 1000 /** to milliseconds **/;
public static readonly arcadiaTokenRefreshIntervalPaddingMs: number = 2000;
export class AccountKind {
public static DocumentDB: string = "DocumentDB";
public static MongoDB: string = "MongoDB";
public static Parse: string = "Parse";
public static GlobalDocumentDB: string = "GlobalDocumentDB";
public static Default: string = AccountKind.DocumentDB;
export class CorrelationBackend {
public static Url: string = "https://aka.ms/cosmosdbanalytics";
export class DefaultAccountExperience {
public static DocumentDB: string = "DocumentDB";
public static Graph: string = "Graph";
public static MongoDB: string = "MongoDB";
public static ApiForMongoDB: string = "Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB API";
public static Table: string = "Table";
public static Cassandra: string = "Cassandra";
public static Default: string = DefaultAccountExperience.DocumentDB;
export class CapabilityNames {
public static EnableTable: string = "EnableTable";
public static EnableGremlin: string = "EnableGremlin";
public static EnableCassandra: string = "EnableCassandra";
public static EnableAutoScale: string = "EnableAutoScale";
public static readonly EnableNotebooks: string = "EnableNotebooks";
public static readonly EnableStorageAnalytics: string = "EnableStorageAnalytics";
public static readonly EnableMongo: string = "EnableMongo";
export class Features {
public static readonly graphs = "graphs";
public static readonly cosmosdb = "cosmosdb";
public static readonly enableChangeFeedPolicy = "enablechangefeedpolicy";
public static readonly enableRupm = "enablerupm";
public static readonly cacheOptimizations = "dataexplorercacheoptimizations";
public static readonly executeSproc = "dataexplorerexecutesproc";
public static readonly hostedDataExplorer = "hosteddataexplorerenabled";
public static readonly enableTtl = "enablettl";
public static readonly enableNotebooks = "enablenotebooks";
public static readonly enableGallery = "enablegallery";
public static readonly enableSpark = "enablespark";
public static readonly livyEndpoint = "livyendpoint";
public static readonly settingsPane = "dataexplorersettingspane";
public static readonly throughputOverview = "throughputOverview";
public static readonly enableNteract = "enablenteract";
public static readonly notebookServerUrl = "notebookserverurl";
public static readonly notebookServerToken = "notebookservertoken";
public static readonly notebookBasePath = "notebookbasepath";
public static readonly enableLegacyResourceTree = "enablelegacyresourcetree";
public static readonly canExceedMaximumValue = "canexceedmaximumvalue";
public static readonly enableFixedCollectionWithSharedThroughput = "enablefixedcollectionwithsharedthroughput";
public static readonly enableAutoPilotV2 = "enableautopilotv2";
public static readonly ttl90Days = "ttl90days";
export class AfecFeatures {
public static readonly Spark = "spark-public-preview";
public static readonly Notebooks = "sparknotebooks-public-preview";
public static readonly StorageAnalytics = "storageanalytics-public-preview";
export class Spark {
public static readonly MaxWorkerCount = 10;
public static readonly SKUs: HashMap<string> = new HashMap({
"Cosmos.Spark.D1s": "D1s / 1 core / 4GB RAM",
"Cosmos.Spark.D2s": "D2s / 2 cores / 8GB RAM",
"Cosmos.Spark.D4s": "D4s / 4 cores / 16GB RAM",
"Cosmos.Spark.D8s": "D8s / 8 cores / 32GB RAM",
"Cosmos.Spark.D16s": "D16s / 16 cores / 64GB RAM",
"Cosmos.Spark.D32s": "D32s / 32 cores / 128GB RAM",
"Cosmos.Spark.D64s": "D64s / 64 cores / 256GB RAM"
export class TagNames {
public static defaultExperience: string = "defaultExperience";
export class MongoDBAccounts {
public static protocol: string = "https";
public static defaultPort: string = "10255";
export enum MongoBackendEndpointType {
export class MongoBackend {
public static localhostEndpoint: string = "/api/mongo/explorer";
public static centralUsEndpoint: string = "https://main.documentdb.ext.azure.com/api/mongo/explorer";
public static northEuropeEndpoint: string = "https://main.documentdb.ext.azure.com/api/mongo/explorer";
public static southEastAsiaEndpoint: string = "https://main.documentdb.ext.azure.com/api/mongo/explorer";
public static endpointsByRegion: any = {
default: MongoBackend.centralUsEndpoint,
northeurope: MongoBackend.northEuropeEndpoint,
ukwest: MongoBackend.northEuropeEndpoint,
uksouth: MongoBackend.northEuropeEndpoint,
westeurope: MongoBackend.northEuropeEndpoint,
australiaeast: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
australiasoutheast: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
centralindia: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
eastasia: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
japaneast: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
japanwest: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
koreacentral: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
koreasouth: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
southeastasia: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
southindia: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
westindia: MongoBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint
public static endpointsByEnvironment: any = {
default: MongoBackendEndpointType.local,
localhost: MongoBackendEndpointType.local,
prod1: MongoBackendEndpointType.remote,
prod2: MongoBackendEndpointType.remote
// TODO: 435619 Add default endpoints per cloud and use regional only when available
export class CassandraBackend {
public static readonly localhostEndpoint: string = "https://localhost:12901/";
public static readonly devEndpoint: string = "https://platformproxycassandradev.azurewebsites.net/";
public static readonly centralUsEndpoint: string = "https://main.documentdb.ext.azure.com/";
public static readonly northEuropeEndpoint: string = "https://main.documentdb.ext.azure.com/";
public static readonly southEastAsiaEndpoint: string = "https://main.documentdb.ext.azure.com/";
public static readonly bf_default: string = "https://main.documentdb.ext.microsoftazure.de/";
public static readonly mc_default: string = "https://main.documentdb.ext.azure.cn/";
public static readonly ff_default: string = "https://main.documentdb.ext.azure.us/";
public static readonly endpointsByRegion: any = {
default: CassandraBackend.centralUsEndpoint,
northeurope: CassandraBackend.northEuropeEndpoint,
ukwest: CassandraBackend.northEuropeEndpoint,
uksouth: CassandraBackend.northEuropeEndpoint,
westeurope: CassandraBackend.northEuropeEndpoint,
australiaeast: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
australiasoutheast: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
centralindia: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
eastasia: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
japaneast: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
japanwest: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
koreacentral: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
koreasouth: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
southeastasia: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
southindia: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
westindia: CassandraBackend.southEastAsiaEndpoint,
// Black Forest
germanycentral: CassandraBackend.bf_default,
germanynortheast: CassandraBackend.bf_default,
// Fairfax
usdodeast: CassandraBackend.ff_default,
usdodcentral: CassandraBackend.ff_default,
usgovarizona: CassandraBackend.ff_default,
usgoviowa: CassandraBackend.ff_default,
usgovtexas: CassandraBackend.ff_default,
usgovvirginia: CassandraBackend.ff_default,
// Mooncake
chinaeast: CassandraBackend.mc_default,
chinaeast2: CassandraBackend.mc_default,
chinanorth: CassandraBackend.mc_default,
chinanorth2: CassandraBackend.mc_default
public static readonly createOrDeleteApi: string = "api/cassandra/createordelete";
public static readonly guestCreateOrDeleteApi: string = "api/guest/cassandra/createordelete";
public static readonly queryApi: string = "api/cassandra";
public static readonly guestQueryApi: string = "api/guest/cassandra";
public static readonly keysApi: string = "api/cassandra/keys";
public static readonly guestKeysApi: string = "api/guest/cassandra/keys";
public static readonly schemaApi: string = "api/cassandra/schema";
public static readonly guestSchemaApi: string = "api/guest/cassandra/schema";
export class RUPMStates {
public static on: string = "on";
public static off: string = "off";
export class Queries {
public static CustomPageOption: string = "custom";
public static UnlimitedPageOption: string = "unlimited";
public static itemsPerPage: number = 100;
public static unlimitedItemsPerPage: number = 100; // TODO: Figure out appropriate value so it works for accounts with a large number of partitions
public static QueryEditorMinHeightRatio: number = 0.1;
public static QueryEditorMaxHeightRatio: number = 0.4;
public static readonly DefaultMaxDegreeOfParallelism = 6;
export class SavedQueries {
public static readonly CollectionName: string = "___Query";
public static readonly DatabaseName: string = "___Cosmos";
public static readonly OfferThroughput: number = 400;
public static readonly PartitionKeyProperty: string = "id";
export class DocumentsGridMetrics {
public static DocumentsPerPage: number = 100;
public static IndividualRowHeight: number = 34;
public static BufferHeight: number = 28;
public static SplitterMinWidth: number = 200;
public static SplitterMaxWidth: number = 360;
public static DocumentEditorMinWidthRatio: number = 0.2;
public static DocumentEditorMaxWidthRatio: number = 0.4;
export class ExplorerMetrics {
public static SplitterMinWidth: number = 240;
public static SplitterMaxWidth: number = 400;
public static CollapsedResourceTreeWidth: number = 36;
export class SplitterMetrics {
public static CollapsedPositionLeft: number = ExplorerMetrics.CollapsedResourceTreeWidth;
export class Areas {
public static ResourceTree: string = "Resource Tree";
public static ContextualPane: string = "Contextual Pane";
public static Tab: string = "Tab";
public static ShareDialog: string = "Share Access Dialog";
public static Notebook: string = "Notebook";
export class HttpHeaders {
public static activityId: string = "x-ms-activity-id";
public static apiType: string = "x-ms-cosmos-apitype";
public static authorization: string = "authorization";
public static collectionIndexTransformationProgress: string =
public static continuation: string = "x-ms-continuation";
public static correlationRequestId: string = "x-ms-correlation-request-id";
public static enableScriptLogging: string = "x-ms-documentdb-script-enable-logging";
public static guestAccessToken: string = "x-ms-encrypted-auth-token";
public static getReadOnlyKey: string = "x-ms-get-read-only-key";
public static connectionString: string = "x-ms-connection-string";
public static msDate: string = "x-ms-date";
public static location: string = "Location";
public static contentType: string = "Content-Type";
public static offerReplacePending: string = "x-ms-offer-replace-pending";
public static user: string = "x-ms-user";
public static populatePartitionStatistics: string = "x-ms-documentdb-populatepartitionstatistics";
public static queryMetrics: string = "x-ms-documentdb-query-metrics";
public static requestCharge: string = "x-ms-request-charge";
public static resourceQuota: string = "x-ms-resource-quota";
public static resourceUsage: string = "x-ms-resource-usage";
public static retryAfterMs: string = "x-ms-retry-after-ms";
public static scriptLogResults: string = "x-ms-documentdb-script-log-results";
public static populateCollectionThroughputInfo = "x-ms-documentdb-populatecollectionthroughputinfo";
public static supportSpatialLegacyCoordinates = "x-ms-documentdb-supportspatiallegacycoordinates";
public static usePolygonsSmallerThanAHemisphere = "x-ms-documentdb-usepolygonssmallerthanahemisphere";
public static autoPilotThroughput = "ProvisionedThroughputSettings";
public static autoPilotTier = "x-ms-cosmos-offer-autopilot-tier";
public static partitionKey: string = "x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey";
public static migrateOfferToManualThroughput: string = "x-ms-cosmos-migrate-offer-to-manual-throughput";
public static migrateOfferToAutopilot: string = "x-ms-cosmos-migrate-offer-to-autopilot";
export class ApiType {
// Mapped to hexadecimal values in the backend
public static readonly MongoDB: number = 1;
public static readonly Gremlin: number = 2;
public static readonly Cassandra: number = 4;
public static readonly Table: number = 8;
public static readonly SQL: number = 16;
export class HttpStatusCodes {
public static readonly OK: number = 200;
public static readonly Created: number = 201;
public static readonly Accepted: number = 202;
public static readonly NoContent: number = 204;
public static readonly Unauthorized: number = 401;
public static readonly Forbidden: number = 403;
public static readonly NotFound: number = 404;
public static readonly TooManyRequests: number = 429;
public static readonly Conflict: number = 409;
public static readonly InternalServerError: number = 500;
public static readonly BadGateway: number = 502;
public static readonly ServiceUnavailable: number = 503;
public static readonly GatewayTimeout: number = 504;
public static readonly RetryableStatusCodes: number[] = [
HttpStatusCodes.InternalServerError, // TODO: Handle all 500s on Portal backend and remove from retries list
export class Urls {
public static feedbackEmail = "https://aka.ms/cosmosdbfeedback?subject=Cosmos%20DB%20Data%20Explorer%20Feedback";
public static autoscaleMigration = "https://aka.ms/cosmos-autoscale-migration";
export class HashRoutePrefixes {
public static databases: string = "/dbs/{db_id}";
public static collections: string = "/dbs/{db_id}/colls/{coll_id}";
public static sprocHash: string = "/sprocs/";
public static sprocs: string = HashRoutePrefixes.collections + HashRoutePrefixes.sprocHash + "{sproc_id}";
public static docs: string = HashRoutePrefixes.collections + "/docs/{doc_id}/";
public static conflicts: string = HashRoutePrefixes.collections + "/conflicts";
public static databasesWithId(databaseId: string): string {
return this.databases.replace("{db_id}", databaseId).replace("/", ""); // strip the first slash since hasher adds it
public static collectionsWithIds(databaseId: string, collectionId: string): string {
const transformedDatabasePrefix: string = this.collections.replace("{db_id}", databaseId);
return transformedDatabasePrefix.replace("{coll_id}", collectionId).replace("/", ""); // strip the first slash since hasher adds it
public static sprocWithIds(
databaseId: string,
collectionId: string,
sprocId: string,
stripFirstSlash: boolean = true
): string {
const transformedDatabasePrefix: string = this.sprocs.replace("{db_id}", databaseId);
const transformedSprocRoute: string = transformedDatabasePrefix
.replace("{coll_id}", collectionId)
.replace("{sproc_id}", sprocId);
if (!!stripFirstSlash) {
return transformedSprocRoute.replace("/", ""); // strip the first slash since hasher adds it
return transformedSprocRoute;
public static conflictsWithIds(databaseId: string, collectionId: string) {
const transformedDatabasePrefix: string = this.conflicts.replace("{db_id}", databaseId);
return transformedDatabasePrefix.replace("{coll_id}", collectionId).replace("/", ""); // strip the first slash since hasher adds it;
public static docsWithIds(databaseId: string, collectionId: string, docId: string) {
const transformedDatabasePrefix: string = this.docs.replace("{db_id}", databaseId);
return transformedDatabasePrefix
.replace("{coll_id}", collectionId)
.replace("{doc_id}", docId)
.replace("/", ""); // strip the first slash since hasher adds it
export class ConfigurationOverridesValues {
public static IsBsonSchemaV2: string = "true";
export class KeyCodes {
public static Space: number = 32;
public static Enter: number = 13;
public static Escape: number = 27;
public static UpArrow: number = 38;
public static DownArrow: number = 40;
public static LeftArrow: number = 37;
public static RightArrow: number = 39;
public static Tab: number = 9;
export class TryCosmosExperience {
public static extendUrl: string = "https://trycosmosdb.azure.com/api/resource/extendportal?userId={0}";
public static deleteUrl: string = "https://trycosmosdb.azure.com/api/resource/deleteportal?userId={0}";
public static collectionsPerAccount: number = 3;
public static maxRU: number = 5000;
public static defaultRU: number = 3000;
export class OfferVersions {
public static V1: string = "V1";
public static V2: string = "V2";
export enum ConflictOperationType {
Replace = "replace",
Create = "create",
Delete = "delete"
export class AutoPilot {
public static tier1Text: string = "4,000 RU/s";
public static tier2Text: string = "20,000 RU/s";
public static tier3Text: string = "100,000 RU/s";
public static tier4Text: string = "500,000 RU/s";
public static tierText = {
[AutopilotTier.Tier1]: "Tier 1",
[AutopilotTier.Tier2]: "Tier 2",
[AutopilotTier.Tier3]: "Tier 3",
[AutopilotTier.Tier4]: "Tier 4"
public static tierMaxRus = {
[AutopilotTier.Tier1]: 2000,
[AutopilotTier.Tier2]: 20000,
[AutopilotTier.Tier3]: 100000,
[AutopilotTier.Tier4]: 500000
public static tierMinRus = {
[AutopilotTier.Tier1]: 0,
[AutopilotTier.Tier2]: 0,
[AutopilotTier.Tier3]: 0,
[AutopilotTier.Tier4]: 0
public static tierStorageInGB = {
[AutopilotTier.Tier1]: 50,
[AutopilotTier.Tier2]: 200,
[AutopilotTier.Tier3]: 1000,
[AutopilotTier.Tier4]: 5000
export class DataExplorerVersions {
public static readonly v_1_0_0: string = "1.0.0";
public static readonly v_1_0_1: string = "1.0.1";
export class DataExplorerFeatures {
public static offerCache: string = "OfferCache";
export const DataExplorerFeaturesVersions: any = {
OfferCache: DataExplorerVersions.v_1_0_1
export const EmulatorMasterKey =
//[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CS002:SecretInNextLine", Justification="Well known public masterKey for emulator")]
// A variable @MyVariable defined in Constants.less is accessible as StyleConstants.MyVariable
export const StyleConstants = require("less-vars-loader!../../less/Common/Constants.less");
export class Notebook {
public static readonly defaultBasePath = "./notebooks";
public static readonly heartbeatDelayMs = 5000;
public static readonly kernelRestartInitialDelayMs = 1000;
public static readonly kernelRestartMaxDelayMs = 20000;
public static readonly autoSaveIntervalMs = 120000;
export class SparkLibrary {
public static readonly nameMinLength = 3;
public static readonly nameMaxLength = 63;
export class AnalyticalStorageTtl {
public static readonly Days90: number = 7776000;
public static readonly Infinite: number = -1;
public static readonly Disabled: number = 0;