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export interface DatabaseAccount {
id: string;
name: string;
location: string;
type: string;
kind: string;
tags: any;
properties: DatabaseAccountExtendedProperties;
export interface DatabaseAccountExtendedProperties {
documentEndpoint: string;
tableEndpoint: string;
gremlinEndpoint: string;
cassandraEndpoint: string;
configurationOverrides?: ConfigurationOverrides;
capabilities?: Capability[];
enableMultipleWriteLocations?: boolean;
mongoEndpoint?: string;
readLocations?: DatabaseAccountResponseLocation[];
writeLocations?: DatabaseAccountResponseLocation[];
enableFreeTier?: boolean;
enableAnalyticalStorage?: boolean;
export interface DatabaseAccountResponseLocation {
documentEndpoint: string;
failoverPriority: number;
id: string;
locationId: string;
locationName: string;
provisioningState: string;
export interface ConfigurationOverrides {
EnableBsonSchema: string;
export interface Capability {
name: string;
description: string;
export interface AccessInputMetadata {
accountName: string;
apiEndpoint: string;
apiKind: number;
documentEndpoint: string;
expiryTimestamp: string;
mongoEndpoint?: string;
export enum ApiKind {
SQL = 0,
export interface GenerateTokenResponse {
readWrite: string;
read: string;
export interface Subscription {
uniqueDisplayName: string;
displayName: string;
subscriptionId: string;
tenantId: string;
state: string;
subscriptionPolicies: SubscriptionPolicies;
authorizationSource: string;
export interface SubscriptionPolicies {
locationPlacementId: string;
quotaId: string;
spendingLimit?: string;
export interface Resource {
_rid: string;
_self: string;
_etag: string;
_ts: number | string;
id: string;
export interface ResourceRequest {
id: string;
export interface Collection extends Resource {
defaultTtl?: number;
indexingPolicy?: IndexingPolicy;
partitionKey?: PartitionKey;
statistics?: Statistic[];
uniqueKeyPolicy?: UniqueKeyPolicy;
conflictResolutionPolicy?: ConflictResolutionPolicy;
changeFeedPolicy?: ChangeFeedPolicy;
analyticalStorageTtl?: number;
geospatialConfig?: GeospatialConfig;
export interface CreateCollectionWithRpResponse extends Resource {
properties: Collection;
name: string;
type: string;
export interface CollectionRequest extends ResourceRequest {
defaultTtl?: number;
indexingPolicy?: IndexingPolicy;
partitionKey?: PartitionKey;
uniqueKeyPolicy?: UniqueKeyPolicy;
conflictResolutionPolicy?: ConflictResolutionPolicy;
export interface Database extends Resource {
collections?: Collection[];
export interface DocumentId extends Resource {}
export interface Script extends Resource {
body: string;
export interface StoredProcedure extends Script {}
export interface UserDefinedFunction extends Script {}
export interface Trigger extends Script {
triggerType: string;
triggerOperation: string;
export interface ConflictId extends Resource {
resourceId?: string;
resourceType?: string;
operationType?: string;
content?: string;
export interface AuthHeaders {
"x-ms-date": string;
authorization: string;
export interface KeyResource {
Token: string;
export interface IndexingPolicy {}
export interface PartitionKey {
paths: string[];
kind: string;
version: number;
systemKey?: boolean;
export interface Statistic {
documentCount: number;
id: string;
partitionKeys: any[];
sizeInKB: number;
export interface QueryPreparationTimes {
queryCompilationTime: any;
logicalPlanBuildTime: any;
physicalPlanBuildTime: any;
queryOptimizationTime: any;
export interface RuntimeExecutionTimes {
queryEngineExecutionTime: any;
systemFunctionExecutionTime: any;
userDefinedFunctionExecutionTime: any;
export interface QueryMetrics {
clientSideMetrics: any;
documentLoadTime: any;
documentWriteTime: any;
indexHitDocumentCount: number;
indexLookupTime: any;
outputDocumentCount: number;
outputDocumentSize: number;
queryPreparationTimes: QueryPreparationTimes;
retrievedDocumentCount: number;
retrievedDocumentSize: number;
runtimeExecutionTimes: RuntimeExecutionTimes;
totalQueryExecutionTime: any;
vmExecutionTime: any;
export interface Offer extends Resource {
offerVersion?: string;
offerType?: string;
content?: {
offerThroughput: number;
offerIsRUPerMinuteThroughputEnabled: boolean;
collectionThroughputInfo?: OfferThroughputInfo;
offerAutopilotSettings?: AutoPilotOfferSettings;
resource?: string;
offerResourceId?: string;
export interface OfferWithHeaders extends Offer {
headers: any;
export interface CollectionQuotaInfo {
storedProcedures: number;
triggers: number;
functions: number;
documentsSize: number;
collectionSize: number;
documentsCount: number;
usageSizeInKB: number;
numPartitions: number;
uniqueKeyPolicy?: UniqueKeyPolicy; // TODO: This should ideally not be a part of the collection quota. Remove after refactoring. (#119617)
export interface OfferThroughputInfo {
minimumRUForCollection: number;
numPhysicalPartitions: number;
export interface UniqueKeyPolicy {
uniqueKeys: UniqueKey[];
export interface UniqueKey {
paths: string[];
// Returned by DocumentDb client proxy
// Inner errors in BackendErrorDataModel when error is in SQL syntax
export interface ErrorDataModel {
message: string;
severity?: string;
location?: {
start: string;
end: string;
code?: string;
* Defines a property bag for telemetry e.g. see ITelemetryError.
export interface ITelemetryProperties {
[propertyName: string]: string;
* Defines a property bag for telemetry e.g. see ITelemetryError.
export interface ITelemetryEvent {
name: string;
properties?: ITelemetryProperties;
* Defines an error to be logged as telemetry data.
export interface ITelemetryError extends ITelemetryEvent {
error: any;
export interface CreateDatabaseAndCollectionRequest {
databaseId: string;
collectionId: string;
offerThroughput: number;
databaseLevelThroughput: boolean;
rupmEnabled?: boolean;
partitionKey?: PartitionKey;
indexingPolicy?: IndexingPolicy;
uniqueKeyPolicy?: UniqueKeyPolicy;
autoPilot?: AutoPilotCreationSettings;
analyticalStorageTtl?: number;
hasAutoPilotV2FeatureFlag?: boolean;
export interface AutoPilotCreationSettings {
autopilotTier?: AutopilotTier;
maxThroughput?: number;
export enum AutopilotTier {
Tier1 = 1,
Tier2 = 2,
Tier3 = 3,
Tier4 = 4
export interface RpOptions {
[key: string]: string | AutoPilotCreationSettings;
export interface Query {
id: string;
resourceId: string;
queryName: string;
query: string;
export interface UpdateOfferThroughputRequest {
subscriptionId: string;
resourceGroup: string;
databaseAccountName: string;
databaseName: string;
collectionName: string;
throughput: number;
offerIsRUPerMinuteThroughputEnabled: boolean;
offerAutopilotSettings?: AutoPilotOfferSettings;
export interface AutoPilotOfferSettings {
tier?: AutopilotTier;
maximumTierThroughput?: number;
targetTier?: AutopilotTier;
maxThroughput?: number;
targetMaxThroughput?: number;
export interface CreateDatabaseRequest {
databaseId: string;
databaseLevelThroughput?: boolean;
offerThroughput?: number;
autoPilot?: AutoPilotCreationSettings;
hasAutoPilotV2FeatureFlag?: boolean;
export interface SharedThroughputRange {
minimumRU: number;
maximumRU: number;
defaultRU: number;
export interface Notification {
id: string;
kind: string;
accountName: string;
action: any;
buttonValue?: any;
collectionName?: string;
databaseName?: string;
description: string;
endDateUtc: number;
seenAtUtc: number;
state: string;
type: string;
updatedAtUtc: string;
export enum ConflictResolutionMode {
Custom = "Custom",
LastWriterWins = "LastWriterWins"
* Represents the conflict resolution policy configuration for specifying how to resolve conflicts
* in case writes from different regions result in conflicts on documents in the collection in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
export interface ConflictResolutionPolicy {
* Gets or sets the ConflictResolutionMode in the Azure Cosmos DB service. By default it is ConflictResolutionMode.LastWriterWins.
mode?: keyof typeof ConflictResolutionMode;
* Gets or sets the path which is present in each document in the Azure Cosmos DB service for last writer wins conflict-resolution.
* This path must be present in each document and must be an integer value.
* In case of a conflict occuring on a document, the document with the higher integer value in the specified path will be picked.
* If the path is unspecified, by default the timestamp path will be used.
* This value should only be set when using ConflictResolutionMode.LastWriterWins.
* ```typescript
* conflictResolutionPolicy.ConflictResolutionPath = "/name/first";
* ```
conflictResolutionPath?: string;
* Gets or sets the StoredProcedure which is used for conflict resolution in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
* This stored procedure may be created after the Container is created and can be changed as required.
* 1. This value should only be set when using ConflictResolutionMode.Custom.
* 2. In case the stored procedure fails or throws an exception, the conflict resolution will default to registering conflicts in the conflicts feed.
* ```typescript
* conflictResolutionPolicy.ConflictResolutionProcedure = "resolveConflict"
* ```
conflictResolutionProcedure?: string;
export interface ChangeFeedPolicy {
retentionDuration: number;
export interface GeospatialConfig {
type: string;
export interface GatewayDatabaseAccount {
MediaLink: string;
DatabasesLink: string;
MaxMediaStorageUsageInMB: number;
CurrentMediaStorageUsageInMB: number;
EnableMultipleWriteLocations?: boolean;
WritableLocations: RegionEndpoint[];
ReadableLocations: RegionEndpoint[];
export interface RegionEndpoint {
name: string;
documentAccountEndpoint: string;
export interface Tenant {
displayName: string;
id: string;
tenantId: string;
countryCode: string;
domains: Array<string>;
export interface AccountKeys {
primaryMasterKey: string;
secondaryMasterKey: string;
properties: {
primaryReadonlyMasterKey: string;
secondaryReadonlyMasterKey: string;
export interface AfecFeature {
id: string;
name: string;
properties: { state: string };
type: string;
export interface OperationStatus {
status: string;
id?: string;
name?: string; // operationId
properties?: any;
error?: { code: string; message: string };
export interface NotebookWorkspaceConnectionInfo {
authToken: string;
notebookServerEndpoint: string;
export interface NotebookWorkspaceFeedResponse {
value: NotebookWorkspace[];
export interface NotebookWorkspace {
id: string;
name: string;
properties: {
status: string;
notebookServerEndpoint: string;
export interface NotebookConfigurationEndpoints {
path: string;
endpoints: NotebookConfigurationEndpointInfo[];
export interface NotebookConfigurationEndpointInfo {
type: string;
endpoint: string;
username: string;
password: string;
token: string;
export interface SparkCluster {
id: string;
name: string;
type: string;
properties: {
kind: string;
driverSize: string;
workerSize: string;
workerInstanceCount: number;
creationTime: string;
status: string;
libraries?: SparkClusterLibrary[];
export interface SparkClusterFeedResponse {
value: SparkCluster[];
export interface SparkClusterConnectionInfo {
userName: string;
password: string;
endpoints: SparkClusterEndpoint[];
export interface SparkClusterEndpoint {
kind: SparkClusterEndpointKind;
endpoint: string;
export enum SparkClusterEndpointKind {
SparkUI = "SparkUI",
HistoryServerUI = "HistoryServerUI",
Livy = "Livy"
export interface RpParameters {
db: string;
offerThroughput?: number;
st: Boolean;
sid: string;
rg: string;
dba: string;
partitionKeyVersion?: number;
export interface MongoParameters extends RpParameters {
pk?: string;
resourceUrl?: string;
coll?: string;
cd?: Boolean;
is?: Boolean;
rid?: string;
rtype?: string;
isAutoPilot?: Boolean;
autoPilotTier?: string;
autoPilotThroughput?: string;
analyticalStorageTtl?: number;
export interface GraphParameters extends RpParameters {
pk: string;
coll: string;
cd: Boolean;
export interface CreationRequest {
properties: {
resource: {
id: string;
options: RpOptions;
export interface SqlCollectionParameters extends RpParameters {
uniqueKeyPolicy?: UniqueKeyPolicy;
pk: string;
coll: string;
cd: Boolean;
analyticalStorageTtl?: number;
export interface MongoCreationRequest extends CreationRequest {
properties: {
resource: {
id: string;
analyticalStorageTtl?: number;
shardKey?: {};
options: RpOptions;
export interface GraphCreationRequest extends CreationRequest {
properties: {
resource: {
id: string;
partitionKey: {};
options: RpOptions;
export interface CreateDatabaseWithRpResponse {
id: string;
name: string;
type: string;
properties: {
id: string;
export interface SparkClusterLibrary {
name: string;
export interface SqlCollectionCreationRequest extends CreationRequest {
properties: {
resource: {
uniqueKeyPolicy?: UniqueKeyPolicy;
id: string;
partitionKey: {};
analyticalStorageTtl?: number;
options: RpOptions;
export interface Library extends SparkClusterLibrary {
properties: {
kind: "Jar";
source: {
kind: "HttpsUri";
uri: string;
libraryFileName: string;
export interface LibraryFeedResponse {
value: Library[];
export interface ArmResource {
id: string;
location: string;
name: string;
type: string;
tags: { [key: string]: string };
export interface ArcadiaWorkspaceIdentity {
type: string;
principalId: string;
tenantId: string;
export interface ArcadiaWorkspaceProperties {
managedResourceGroupName: string;
provisioningState: string;
sqlAdministratorLogin: string;
connectivityEndpoints: {
artifacts: string;
dev: string;
spark: string;
sql: string;
web: string;
defaultDataLakeStorage: {
accountUrl: string;
filesystem: string;
export interface ArcadiaWorkspaceFeedResponse {
value: ArcadiaWorkspace[];
export interface ArcadiaWorkspace extends ArmResource {
identity: ArcadiaWorkspaceIdentity;
properties: ArcadiaWorkspaceProperties;
export interface SparkPoolFeedResponse {
value: SparkPool[];
export interface SparkPoolProperties {
creationDate: string;
sparkVersion: string;
nodeCount: number;
nodeSize: string;
nodeSizeFamily: string;
provisioningState: string;
autoScale: {
enabled: boolean;
minNodeCount: number;
maxNodeCount: number;
autoPause: {
enabled: boolean;
delayInMinutes: number;
export interface SparkPool extends ArmResource {
properties: SparkPoolProperties;
export interface MemoryUsageInfo {
freeKB: number;
totalKB: number;
export interface NotebookMetadata {
date: string;
description: string;
tags: string[];
author: string;
views: number;
likes: number;
downloads: number;
imageUrl: string;
export interface UserMetadata {
likedNotebooks: string[];
export interface GitHubInfoJunoResponse {
encoding: string;
encodedContent: string;
content: string;
target: string;
submoduleGitUrl: string;
name: string;
path: string;
sha: string;
size: number;
type: {
stringValue: string;
value: number;
downloadUrl: string;
url: string;
gitUrl: string;
htmlUrl: string;
metadata?: NotebookMetadata;
export interface LikedNotebooksJunoResponse {
likedNotebooksContent: GitHubInfoJunoResponse[];
userMetadata: UserMetadata;
export interface resourceTokenConnectionStringProperties {
accountEndpoint: string;
collectionId: string;
databaseId: string;
partitionKey?: string;
resourceToken: string;