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synced 2025-03-05 01:18:33 +00:00
407 lines
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407 lines
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import { Notebook, stringifyNotebook, makeNotebookRecord, toJS } from "@nteract/commutable";
import { FileType, IContent, IContentProvider, IEmptyContent, IGetParams, ServerConfig } from "@nteract/core";
import { from, Observable, of } from "rxjs";
import { AjaxResponse } from "rxjs/ajax";
import { HttpStatusCodes } from "../Common/Constants";
import { Logger } from "../Common/Logger";
import { NotebookUtil } from "../Explorer/Notebook/NotebookUtil";
import { GitHubClient, IGitHubFile, IGitHubResponse, IGitHubCommit } from "./GitHubClient";
import { GitHubUtils } from "../Utils/GitHubUtils";
export interface GitHubContentProviderParams {
gitHubClient: GitHubClient;
promptForCommitMsg: (title: string, primaryButtonLabel: string) => Promise<string>;
class GitHubContentProviderError extends Error {
constructor(error: string, public errno: number = GitHubContentProvider.SelfErrorCode) {
// Provides 'contents' API for GitHub
// http://jupyter-api.surge.sh/#!/contents
export class GitHubContentProvider implements IContentProvider {
public static readonly SelfErrorCode = 555;
constructor(private params: GitHubContentProviderParams) {}
public remove(_: ServerConfig, uri: string): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
return from(
this.getContent(uri).then(async (content: IGitHubResponse<IGitHubFile | IGitHubFile[]>) => {
try {
const commitMsg = await this.validateContentAndGetCommitMsg(content, "Delete", "Delete");
const response = await this.params.gitHubClient.deleteFileAsync(content.data as IGitHubFile, commitMsg);
if (response.status !== HttpStatusCodes.OK) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Failed to delete", response.status);
return this.createSuccessAjaxResponse(HttpStatusCodes.NoContent, undefined);
} catch (error) {
Logger.logError(error, "GitHubContentProvider/remove", error.errno);
return this.createErrorAjaxResponse(error);
public get(_: ServerConfig, uri: string, params: Partial<IGetParams>): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
return from(
this.getContent(uri).then(async (content: IGitHubResponse<IGitHubFile | IGitHubFile[]>) => {
try {
if (content.status !== HttpStatusCodes.OK) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Failed to get content", content.status);
const gitHubInfo = GitHubUtils.fromGitHubUri(uri);
const commitResponse = await this.params.gitHubClient.getCommitsAsync(
if (commitResponse.status !== HttpStatusCodes.OK) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Failed to get commit", commitResponse.status);
return this.createSuccessAjaxResponse(
this.createContentModel(uri, content.data, commitResponse.data[0], params)
} catch (error) {
Logger.logError(error, "GitHubContentProvider/get", error.errno);
return this.createErrorAjaxResponse(error);
public update<FT extends FileType>(
_: ServerConfig,
uri: string,
model: Partial<IContent<FT>>
): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
return from(
this.getContent(uri).then(async (content: IGitHubResponse<IGitHubFile | IGitHubFile[]>) => {
try {
const gitHubFile = content.data as IGitHubFile;
const commitMsg = await this.validateContentAndGetCommitMsg(content, "Rename", "Rename");
const newUri = model.path;
const response = await this.params.gitHubClient.renameFileAsync(
if (response.status !== HttpStatusCodes.OK) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Failed to rename", response.status);
const updatedContentResponse = await this.getContent(model.path);
if (updatedContentResponse.status !== HttpStatusCodes.OK) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Failed to get content after renaming", updatedContentResponse.status);
return this.createSuccessAjaxResponse(
this.createContentModel(newUri, updatedContentResponse.data, response.data, { content: 0 })
} catch (error) {
Logger.logError(error, "GitHubContentProvider/update", error.errno);
return this.createErrorAjaxResponse(error);
public create<FT extends FileType>(
_: ServerConfig,
uri: string,
model: Partial<IContent<FT>> & { type: FT }
): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
return from(
this.params.promptForCommitMsg("Create New Notebook", "Create").then(async (commitMsg: string) => {
try {
if (!commitMsg) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Couldn't get a commit message");
if (model.type !== "notebook") {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Unsupported content type");
const gitHubInfo = GitHubUtils.fromGitHubUri(uri);
if (!gitHubInfo) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError(`Failed to parse ${uri}`);
const content = btoa(stringifyNotebook(toJS(makeNotebookRecord())));
const options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {
year: "numeric",
month: "short",
day: "numeric",
hour: "numeric",
minute: "numeric",
second: "numeric",
hour12: false
const name = `Untitled-${new Date().toLocaleString("default", options)}.ipynb`;
let path = name;
if (gitHubInfo.path) {
path = `${gitHubInfo.path}/${name}`;
const response = await this.params.gitHubClient.createOrUpdateFileAsync(
if (response.status !== HttpStatusCodes.Created) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Failed to create", response.status);
const newUri = GitHubUtils.toGitHubUriForRepoAndBranch(
const newContentResponse = await this.getContent(newUri);
if (newContentResponse.status !== HttpStatusCodes.OK) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Failed to get content after creating", newContentResponse.status);
return this.createSuccessAjaxResponse(
this.createContentModel(newUri, newContentResponse.data, response.data, { content: 0 })
} catch (error) {
Logger.logError(error, "GitHubContentProvider/create", error.errno);
return this.createErrorAjaxResponse(error);
public save<FT extends FileType>(
_: ServerConfig,
uri: string,
model: Partial<IContent<FT>>
): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
return from(
this.getContent(uri).then(async (content: IGitHubResponse<IGitHubFile | IGitHubFile[]>) => {
try {
const commitMsg = await this.validateContentAndGetCommitMsg(content, "Save", "Save");
let updatedContent: string;
if (model.type === "notebook") {
updatedContent = btoa(stringifyNotebook(model.content as Notebook));
} else if (model.type === "file") {
updatedContent = model.content as string;
if (model.format !== "base64") {
updatedContent = btoa(updatedContent);
} else {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Unsupported content type");
const gitHubFile = content.data as IGitHubFile;
const response = await this.params.gitHubClient.createOrUpdateFileAsync(
if (response.status !== HttpStatusCodes.OK) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Failed to update", response.status);
const savedContentResponse = await this.getContent(uri);
if (savedContentResponse.status !== HttpStatusCodes.OK) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Failed to get content after updating", savedContentResponse.status);
return this.createSuccessAjaxResponse(
this.createContentModel(uri, savedContentResponse.data, response.data, { content: 0 })
} catch (error) {
Logger.logError(error, "GitHubContentProvider/update", error.errno);
return this.createErrorAjaxResponse(error);
public listCheckpoints(_: ServerConfig, path: string): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
const error = new GitHubContentProviderError("Not implemented");
Logger.logError(error, "GitHubContentProvider/listCheckpoints", error.errno);
return of(this.createErrorAjaxResponse(error));
public createCheckpoint(_: ServerConfig, path: string): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
const error = new GitHubContentProviderError("Not implemented");
Logger.logError(error, "GitHubContentProvider/createCheckpoint", error.errno);
return of(this.createErrorAjaxResponse(error));
public deleteCheckpoint(_: ServerConfig, path: string, checkpointID: string): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
const error = new GitHubContentProviderError("Not implemented");
Logger.logError(error, "GitHubContentProvider/deleteCheckpoint", error.errno);
return of(this.createErrorAjaxResponse(error));
public restoreFromCheckpoint(_: ServerConfig, path: string, checkpointID: string): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
const error = new GitHubContentProviderError("Not implemented");
Logger.logError(error, "GitHubContentProvider/restoreFromCheckpoint", error.errno);
return of(this.createErrorAjaxResponse(error));
private async validateContentAndGetCommitMsg(
content: IGitHubResponse<IGitHubFile | IGitHubFile[]>,
promptTitle: string,
promptPrimaryButtonLabel: string
): Promise<string> {
if (content.status !== HttpStatusCodes.OK) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Failed to get content", content.status);
if (Array.isArray(content.data)) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Operation not supported for collections");
const commitMsg = await this.params.promptForCommitMsg(promptTitle, promptPrimaryButtonLabel);
if (!commitMsg) {
throw new GitHubContentProviderError("Couldn't get a commit message");
return commitMsg;
private getContent(uri: string): Promise<IGitHubResponse<IGitHubFile | IGitHubFile[]>> {
const gitHubInfo = GitHubUtils.fromGitHubUri(uri);
if (gitHubInfo) {
const { owner, repo, branch, path } = gitHubInfo;
return this.params.gitHubClient.getContentsAsync(owner, repo, branch, path);
return Promise.resolve({ status: GitHubContentProvider.SelfErrorCode, data: undefined });
private createContentModel(
uri: string,
content: IGitHubFile | IGitHubFile[],
commit: IGitHubCommit,
params: Partial<IGetParams>
): IContent<FileType> {
if (Array.isArray(content)) {
return this.createDirectoryModel(uri, content, commit);
if (content.type !== "file") {
return this.createDirectoryModel(uri, undefined, commit);
if (NotebookUtil.isNotebookFile(uri)) {
return this.createNotebookModel(content, commit, params);
return this.createFileModel(content, commit, params);
private createDirectoryModel(
uri: string,
gitHubFiles: IGitHubFile[] | undefined,
commit: IGitHubCommit
): IContent<"directory"> {
return {
name: NotebookUtil.getContentName(uri),
path: uri,
type: "directory",
writable: true, // TODO: tamitta: we don't know this info here
created: "", // TODO: tamitta: we don't know this info here
last_modified: commit.committer.date,
mimetype: undefined,
content: gitHubFiles?.map(
(file: IGitHubFile) =>
this.createContentModel(GitHubUtils.toGitHubUriForFile(file), file, commit, {
content: 0
}) as IEmptyContent<FileType>
format: "json"
private createNotebookModel(
gitHubFile: IGitHubFile,
commit: IGitHubCommit,
params: Partial<IGetParams>
): IContent<"notebook"> {
const content: Notebook =
gitHubFile.content && params.content !== 0 ? JSON.parse(atob(gitHubFile.content)) : undefined;
return {
name: gitHubFile.name,
path: GitHubUtils.toGitHubUriForFile(gitHubFile),
type: "notebook",
writable: true, // TODO: tamitta: we don't know this info here
created: "", // TODO: tamitta: we don't know this info here
last_modified: commit.committer.date,
mimetype: content ? "application/x-ipynb+json" : undefined,
format: content ? "json" : undefined
private createFileModel(
gitHubFile: IGitHubFile,
commit: IGitHubCommit,
params: Partial<IGetParams>
): IContent<"file"> {
const content: string = gitHubFile.content && params.content !== 0 ? atob(gitHubFile.content) : undefined;
return {
name: gitHubFile.name,
path: GitHubUtils.toGitHubUriForFile(gitHubFile),
type: "file",
writable: true, // TODO: tamitta: we don't know this info here
created: "", // TODO: tamitta: we don't know this info here
last_modified: commit.committer.date,
mimetype: content ? "text/plain" : undefined,
format: content ? "text" : undefined
private createSuccessAjaxResponse(status: number, content: IContent<FileType>): AjaxResponse {
return {
originalEvent: new Event("no-op"),
xhr: new XMLHttpRequest(),
request: {},
response: content ? content : undefined,
responseText: content ? JSON.stringify(content) : undefined,
responseType: "json"
private createErrorAjaxResponse(error: GitHubContentProviderError): AjaxResponse {
return {
originalEvent: new Event("no-op"),
xhr: new XMLHttpRequest(),
request: {},
status: error.errno,
response: error,
responseText: JSON.stringify(error),
responseType: "json"