2020-05-25 21:30:55 -05:00
export var TableType = {
String: "String",
Boolean: "Boolean",
Binary: "Binary",
DateTime: "DateTime",
Double: "Double",
Guid: "Guid",
Int32: "Int32",
Int64: "Int64"
export var CassandraType = {
Ascii: "Ascii",
Bigint: "Bigint",
Blob: "Blob",
Boolean: "Boolean",
Decimal: "Decimal",
Double: "Double",
Float: "Float",
Int: "Int",
Text: "Text",
Uuid: "Uuid",
Varchar: "Varchar",
Varint: "Varint",
Inet: "Inet",
Smallint: "Smallint",
Tinyint: "Tinyint"
export var ClauseRule = {
And: "And",
Or: "Or"
export var Operator = {
EqualTo: "==",
GreaterThan: ">",
GreaterThanOrEqualTo: ">=",
LessThan: "<",
LessThanOrEqualTo: "<=",
NotEqualTo: "<>",
Equal: "="
export var ODataOperator = {
EqualTo: "eq",
GreaterThan: "gt",
GreaterThanOrEqualTo: "ge",
LessThan: "lt",
LessThanOrEqualTo: "le",
NotEqualTo: "ne"
export var timeOptions = {
lastHour: "Last hour",
last24Hours: "Last 24 hours",
last7Days: "Last 7 days",
last31Days: "Last 31 days",
last365Days: "Last 365 days",
currentMonth: "Current month",
currentYear: "Current year",
custom: "Custom..."
export var htmlSelectors = {
dataTableSelector: "#storageTable",
dataTableAllRowsSelector: "#storageTable tbody tr",
dataTableHeadRowSelector: ".dataTable thead tr",
dataTableBodyRowSelector: ".dataTable tbody tr",
dataTableScrollBodySelector: ".dataTables_scrollBody",
dataTableScrollContainerSelector: ".dataTables_scroll",
dataTableHeaderTypeSelector: "table thead th",
dataTablePaginationButtonSelector: ".paginate_button",
Add summary to each table of the DataTable for narrator context (#238)
The DataTable control creates 3 tables in the DOM, one for the header, one for the body and one for the footer. Because of this when navigating through the tablem it says "leaving table", when it is really the same table. It seems this is not the default and because of the option **dom: "RZlfrtip"**, the DataTable is created this way.
If I remove that setting, it will only create one table, BUT other things break, because there is a lot of custom DOM manipulation assuming the DOM was the way it was before (gross). This make me question if we wanted this on purpose to maybe solve a cross browser scrolling issue.
Instead I decided to leave it as is, until migrating to Microsoft's Fluent UI is prioritized. However I did add a summary attribute to each table, so that when listening to the narrator, it make more sense when leaving one part of the table into another part of the table. While not optimal, it should at least satisfy accessibility concern of it being confusing.
2020-10-12 13:30:37 -07:00
dataTableHeaderTableSelector: "#storageTable_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHeadInner table",
dataTableBodyTableSelector: "#storageTable_wrapper .dataTables_scrollBody table",
2020-05-25 21:30:55 -05:00
searchInputField: ".search-input",
uploadDropdownSelector: "#upload-dropdown",
navigationDropdownSelector: "#navigation-dropdown",
addressBarInputSelector: "#address-bar",
breadCrumbsSelector: "#breadcrumb-list",
breadCrumbItemsSelector: ".breadcrumb li a",
paginateSelector: "#storageTable_paginate",
dataTablesInfoSelector: "#storageTable_info",
selectAllDropdownSelector: "#select-all-dropdown"
export var defaultHeader = " ";
export var EntityKeyNames = {
PartitionKey: "PartitionKey",
RowKey: "RowKey",
Timestamp: "Timestamp",
Metadata: ".metadata",
Etag: "etag"
export var htmlAttributeNames = {
dataTableNameAttr: "name_attr",
dataTableContentTypeAttr: "contentType_attr",
dataTableSnapshotAttr: "snapshot_attr",
dataTableRowKeyAttr: "rowKey_attr",
dataTableMessageIdAttr: "messageId_attr",
dataTableHeaderIndex: "data-column-index"
export var cssColors = {
commonControlsButtonActive: "#B4C7DC" /* A darker shade of [{common-controls-button-hover-background}] */
export var clauseGroupColors = ["#ffe1ff", "#fffacd", "#f0ffff", "#ffefd5", "#f0fff0"];
export var transparentColor = "transparent";
export var keyCodes = {
RightClick: 3,
Enter: 13,
Esc: 27,
Tab: 9,
LeftArrow: 37,
UpArrow: 38,
RightArrow: 39,
DownArrow: 40,
Delete: 46,
A: 65,
B: 66,
C: 67,
D: 68,
E: 69,
F: 70,
G: 71,
H: 72,
I: 73,
J: 74,
K: 75,
L: 76,
M: 77,
N: 78,
O: 79,
P: 80,
Q: 81,
R: 82,
S: 83,
T: 84,
U: 85,
V: 86,
W: 87,
X: 88,
Y: 89,
Z: 90,
Period: 190,
DecimalPoint: 110,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123,
Dash: 189
export var InputType = {
Text: "text",
// Chrome doesn't support datetime, instead, datetime-local is supported.
DateTime: "datetime-local",
Number: "number"