mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 19:21:49 +00:00
Remove Tabs from ComponentRegisterer (#713)
Now that Tabs are being rendered via Tabs.tsx the knockout component names are not needed either.
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,51 +20,6 @@ describe("Component Registerer", () => {
it("should register documents-tab component", () => {
it("should register stored-procedure-tab component", () => {
it("should register trigger-tab component", () => {
it("should register user-defined-function-tab component", () => {
it("should register settings-tab-v2 component", () => {
it("should register query-tab component", () => {
it("should register tables-query-tab component", () => {
it("should register graph-tab component", () => {
it("should register notebookv2-tab component", () => {
it("should register terminal-tab component", () => {
it("should register mongo-shell-tab component", () => {
it("should registeradd-collection-pane component", () => {
@ -8,21 +8,6 @@ import { JsonEditorComponent } from "./Controls/JsonEditor/JsonEditorComponent";
import { ThroughputInputComponentAutoPilotV3 } from "./Controls/ThroughputInput/ThroughputInputComponentAutoPilotV3";
import { GraphStyleComponent } from "./Graph/GraphStyleComponent/GraphStyleComponent";
import * as PaneComponents from "./Panes/PaneComponents";
import ConflictsTab from "./Tabs/ConflictsTab";
import DocumentsTab from "./Tabs/DocumentsTab";
import GalleryTab from "./Tabs/GalleryTab";
import GraphTab from "./Tabs/GraphTab";
import MongoShellTab from "./Tabs/MongoShellTab";
import NotebookTabV2 from "./Tabs/NotebookV2Tab";
import NotebookViewerTab from "./Tabs/NotebookViewerTab";
import QueryTab from "./Tabs/QueryTab";
import QueryTablesTab from "./Tabs/QueryTablesTab";
import SchemaAnalyzerTab from "./Tabs/SchemaAnalyzerTab";
import { DatabaseSettingsTabV2, SettingsTabV2 } from "./Tabs/SettingsTabV2";
import StoredProcedureTab from "./Tabs/StoredProcedureTab";
import TerminalTab from "./Tabs/TerminalTab";
import TriggerTab from "./Tabs/TriggerTab";
import UserDefinedFunctionTab from "./Tabs/UserDefinedFunctionTab";
ko.components.register("input-typeahead", new InputTypeaheadComponent());
ko.components.register("error-display", new ErrorDisplayComponent());
@ -33,26 +18,6 @@ ko.components.register("diff-editor", new DiffEditorComponent());
ko.components.register("dynamic-list", DynamicListComponent);
ko.components.register("throughput-input-autopilot-v3", ThroughputInputComponentAutoPilotV3);
// Collection Tabs
].forEach(({ component: { name, template } }) => ko.components.register(name, { template }));
// Panes
ko.components.register("add-database-pane", new PaneComponents.AddDatabasePaneComponent());
ko.components.register("add-collection-pane", new PaneComponents.AddCollectionPaneComponent());
@ -1,35 +1,34 @@
import { ConflictDefinition, FeedOptions, QueryIterator, Resource } from "@azure/cosmos";
import * as ko from "knockout";
import Q from "q";
import DeleteIcon from "../../../images/delete.svg";
import DiscardIcon from "../../../images/discard.svg";
import SaveIcon from "../../../images/save-cosmos.svg";
import * as Constants from "../../Common/Constants";
import { DocumentsGridMetrics, KeyCodes } from "../../Common/Constants";
import { createDocument } from "../../Common/dataAccess/createDocument";
import { deleteConflict } from "../../Common/dataAccess/deleteConflict";
import { deleteDocument } from "../../Common/dataAccess/deleteDocument";
import { queryConflicts } from "../../Common/dataAccess/queryConflicts";
import { updateDocument } from "../../Common/dataAccess/updateDocument";
import editable from "../../Common/EditableUtility";
import { getErrorMessage, getErrorStack } from "../../Common/ErrorHandlingUtils";
import * as HeadersUtility from "../../Common/HeadersUtility";
import { MinimalQueryIterator } from "../../Common/IteratorUtilities";
import { Splitter, SplitterBounds, SplitterDirection } from "../../Common/Splitter";
import * as DataModels from "../../Contracts/DataModels";
import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels";
import { Action } from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryConstants";
import { AccessibleVerticalList } from "../Tree/AccessibleVerticalList";
import { KeyCodes } from "../../Common/Constants";
import ConflictId from "../Tree/ConflictId";
import editable from "../../Common/EditableUtility";
import * as HeadersUtility from "../../Common/HeadersUtility";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
import { DocumentsGridMetrics } from "../../Common/Constants";
import { Splitter, SplitterBounds, SplitterDirection } from "../../Common/Splitter";
import * as TelemetryProcessor from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryProcessor";
import SaveIcon from "../../../images/save-cosmos.svg";
import DiscardIcon from "../../../images/discard.svg";
import DeleteIcon from "../../../images/delete.svg";
import { QueryIterator, Resource, ConflictDefinition, FeedOptions } from "@azure/cosmos";
import { MinimalQueryIterator } from "../../Common/IteratorUtilities";
import Explorer from "../Explorer";
import { CommandButtonComponentProps } from "../Controls/CommandButton/CommandButtonComponent";
import { getErrorMessage, getErrorStack } from "../../Common/ErrorHandlingUtils";
import { createDocument } from "../../Common/dataAccess/createDocument";
import { deleteDocument } from "../../Common/dataAccess/deleteDocument";
import { updateDocument } from "../../Common/dataAccess/updateDocument";
import { deleteConflict } from "../../Common/dataAccess/deleteConflict";
import { queryConflicts } from "../../Common/dataAccess/queryConflicts";
import Explorer from "../Explorer";
import { AccessibleVerticalList } from "../Tree/AccessibleVerticalList";
import ConflictId from "../Tree/ConflictId";
import template from "./ConflictsTab.html";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
export default class ConflictsTab extends TabsBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "conflicts-tab", template };
public readonly html = template;
public selectedConflictId: ko.Observable<ConflictId>;
public selectedConflictContent: ViewModels.Editable<string>;
public selectedConflictCurrent: ViewModels.Editable<string>;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import template from "./DocumentsTab.html";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
export default class DocumentsTab extends TabsBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "documents-tab", template };
public readonly html = template;
public selectedDocumentId: ko.Observable<DocumentId>;
public selectedDocumentContent: ViewModels.Editable<string>;
public initialDocumentContent: ko.Observable<string>;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<div style="height: 100%" data-bind="react:galleryAndNotebookViewerComponentAdapter, setTemplateReady: true"></div>
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
import { DatabaseAccount } from "../../Contracts/DataModels";
import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels";
import { IGalleryItem, JunoClient } from "../../Juno/JunoClient";
import { GalleryAndNotebookViewerComponentProps } from "../Controls/NotebookGallery/GalleryAndNotebookViewerComponent";
import { GalleryAndNotebookViewerComponentAdapter } from "../Controls/NotebookGallery/GalleryAndNotebookViewerComponentAdapter";
import { GalleryTab as GalleryViewerTab, SortBy } from "../Controls/NotebookGallery/GalleryViewerComponent";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
import Explorer from "../Explorer";
import { DatabaseAccount } from "../../Contracts/DataModels";
import { JunoClient, IGalleryItem } from "../../Juno/JunoClient";
import template from "./GalleryTab.html";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
interface GalleryTabOptions extends ViewModels.TabOptions {
account: DatabaseAccount;
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ interface GalleryTabOptions extends ViewModels.TabOptions {
* Notebook gallery tab
export default class GalleryTab extends TabsBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "gallery-tab", template };
public readonly html = '<div style="height: 100%" data-bind="react:galleryAndNotebookViewerComponentAdapter"></div>';
private container: Explorer;
private galleryAndNotebookViewerComponentProps: GalleryAndNotebookViewerComponentProps;
public galleryAndNotebookViewerComponentAdapter: GalleryAndNotebookViewerComponentAdapter;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<div class="graphExplorerContainer" role="tabpanel" data-bind="react:graphExplorerAdapter, attr:{ id: tabId }"></div>
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import { GraphExplorerAdapter } from "../Graph/GraphExplorerComponent/GraphExplo
import { ContextualPaneBase } from "../Panes/ContextualPaneBase";
import GraphStylingPane from "../Panes/GraphStylingPane";
import { NewVertexPanel } from "../Panes/NewVertexPanel/NewVertexPanel";
import template from "./GraphTab.html";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
export interface GraphIconMap {
[key: string]: { data: string; format: string };
@ -37,7 +36,8 @@ interface GraphTabOptions extends ViewModels.TabOptions {
export default class GraphTab extends TabsBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "graph-tab", template };
public readonly html =
'<div class="graphExplorerContainer" role="tabpanel" data-bind="react:graphExplorerAdapter, attr: {id: tabId}"></div>';
// Graph default configuration
public static readonly DEFAULT_NODE_CAPTION = "id";
private static readonly LINK_COLOR = "#aaa";
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import template from "./MongoShellTab.html";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
export default class MongoShellTab extends TabsBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "mongo-shell-tab", template };
public readonly html = template;
public url: ko.Computed<string>;
private _container: Explorer;
private _runtimeEndpoint: string;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<div data-bind="react:notebookComponentAdapter" style="height: 100%"></div>
@ -27,14 +27,13 @@ import { KernelSpecsDisplay } from "../Notebook/NotebookClientV2";
import { NotebookComponentAdapter } from "../Notebook/NotebookComponent/NotebookComponentAdapter";
import { NotebookContentItem } from "../Notebook/NotebookContentItem";
import NotebookTabBase, { NotebookTabBaseOptions } from "./NotebookTabBase";
import template from "./NotebookV2Tab.html";
export interface NotebookTabOptions extends NotebookTabBaseOptions {
notebookContentItem: NotebookContentItem;
export default class NotebookTabV2 extends NotebookTabBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "notebookv2-tab", template };
public readonly html = '<div data-bind="react:notebookComponentAdapter" style="height: 100%"></div>';
public notebookPath: ko.Observable<string>;
private selectedSparkPool: ko.Observable<string>;
private notebookComponentAdapter: NotebookComponentAdapter;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<div style="height: 100%" data-bind="react:notebookViewerComponentAdapter, setTemplateReady: true"></div>
@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
import * as ko from "knockout";
import * as React from "react";
import { ReactAdapter } from "../../Bindings/ReactBindingHandler";
import { DatabaseAccount } from "../../Contracts/DataModels";
import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels";
import { CommandButtonComponentProps } from "../Controls/CommandButton/CommandButtonComponent";
import {
} from "../Controls/NotebookViewer/NotebookViewerComponent";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
import Explorer from "../Explorer";
import { DatabaseAccount } from "../../Contracts/DataModels";
import { CommandButtonComponentProps } from "../Controls/CommandButton/CommandButtonComponent";
import template from "./NotebookViewerTab.html";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
interface NotebookViewerTabOptions extends ViewModels.TabOptions {
account: DatabaseAccount;
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ class NotebookViewerComponentAdapter implements ReactAdapter {
export default class NotebookViewerTab extends TabsBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "notebook-viewer-tab", template };
public readonly html = '<div style="height: 100%" data-bind="react:notebookViewerComponentAdapter"></div>';
private container: Explorer;
public notebookUrl: string;
@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
data-bind="setTemplateReady: true,
id: tabId
<div class="tab-pane" data-bind="attr:{id: tabId}" role="tabpanel">
<div class="tabPaneContentContainer">
<div class="mongoQueryHelper" data-bind="visible: isPreferredApiMongoDB && sqlQueryEditorContent().length === 0">
Start by writing a Mongo query, for example: <strong>{'id':'foo'}</strong> or <strong>{ }</strong> to get all the
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ enum ToggleState {
export default class QueryTab extends TabsBase implements ViewModels.WaitsForTemplate {
public static readonly component = { name: "query-tab", template };
public readonly html = template;
public queryEditorId: string;
public executeQueryButton: ViewModels.Button;
public fetchNextPageButton: ViewModels.Button;
@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
class="tab-pane tableContainer"
id: tabId
<div class="tab-pane tableContainer" data-bind="attr:{id: tabId}" role="tabpanel">
<!-- Tables Query Tab Query Builder - Start-->
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
// Will act as table explorer class
export default class QueryTablesTab extends TabsBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "tables-query-tab", template };
public readonly html = template;
public collection: ViewModels.Collection;
public tableEntityListViewModel = ko.observable<TableEntityListViewModel>();
public queryViewModel = ko.observable<QueryViewModel>();
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<div data-bind="react:schemaAnalyzerComponentAdapter" style="height: 100%"></div>
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
import { SchemaAnalyzerComponentAdapter } from "../Notebook/SchemaAnalyzerComponent/SchemaAnalyzerComponentAdapter";
import NotebookTabBase, { NotebookTabBaseOptions } from "./NotebookTabBase";
import template from "./SchemaAnalyzerTab.html";
export default class SchemaAnalyzerTab extends NotebookTabBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "schema-analyzer-tab", template };
public readonly html = '<div data-bind="react:schemaAnalyzerComponentAdapter" style="height: 100%"></div>';
private schemaAnalyzerComponentAdapter: SchemaAnalyzerComponentAdapter;
constructor(options: NotebookTabBaseOptions) {
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<div style="height: 100%" data-bind="react:settingsComponentAdapter"></div>
@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels";
import * as DataModels from "../../Contracts/DataModels";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
import { SettingsComponentAdapter } from "../Controls/Settings/SettingsComponentAdapter";
import { SettingsComponentProps } from "../Controls/Settings/SettingsComponent";
import { traceFailure } from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryProcessor";
import ko from "knockout";
import * as Constants from "../../Common/Constants";
import { Action } from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryConstants";
import { logConsoleError } from "../../Utils/NotificationConsoleUtils";
import { getErrorMessage, getErrorStack } from "../../Common/ErrorHandlingUtils";
import template from "./SettingsTabV2.html";
import * as DataModels from "../../Contracts/DataModels";
import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels";
import { Action } from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryConstants";
import { traceFailure } from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryProcessor";
import { logConsoleError } from "../../Utils/NotificationConsoleUtils";
import { SettingsComponentProps } from "../Controls/Settings/SettingsComponent";
import { SettingsComponentAdapter } from "../Controls/Settings/SettingsComponentAdapter";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
export class SettingsTabV2 extends TabsBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "collection-settings-tab-v2", template };
public readonly html = '<div style="height: 100%" data-bind="react:settingsComponentAdapter"></div>';
public settingsComponentAdapter: SettingsComponentAdapter;
constructor(options: ViewModels.TabOptions) {
@ -89,7 +88,6 @@ export class CollectionSettingsTabV2 extends SettingsTabV2 {
export class DatabaseSettingsTabV2 extends SettingsTabV2 {
public static readonly component = { name: "database-settings-tab-v2", template };
private notificationRead: ko.Observable<boolean>;
private notification: DataModels.Notification;
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ enum ToggleState {
export default class StoredProcedureTab extends ScriptTabBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "stored-procedure-tab", template };
public readonly html = template;
public collection: ViewModels.Collection;
public node: StoredProcedure;
public executeResultsEditorId: string;
@ -103,11 +103,8 @@ function TabPane({ tab, active }: { tab: Tab; active: boolean }) {
ko.applyBindings(tab, element);
const ctx = ko.contextFor(element).createChildContext(tab);
ko.applyBindingsToDescendants(ctx, element);
return () => ko.cleanNode(element);
if ("render" in tab) {
return () => ko.cleanNode(element);
}, [ref, tab]);
@ -115,5 +112,5 @@ function TabPane({ tab, active }: { tab: Tab; active: boolean }) {
return <div {...attrs}>{tab.render()}</div>;
return <div {...attrs} ref={ref} data-bind="html: constructor.component.template" />;
return <div {...attrs} ref={ref} data-bind="html:html" />;
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import { TabsManager } from "./TabsManager";
// TODO: Use specific actions for logging telemetry data
export default class TabsBase extends WaitsForTemplateViewModel {
private static id = 0;
public static readonly component = { name: "tab", template: "" };
public closeTabButton: ViewModels.Button;
public node: ViewModels.TreeNode;
public collection: ViewModels.CollectionBase;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<div style="height: 100%" data-bind="react:notebookTerminalComponentAdapter, setTemplateReady: true"></div>
@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
import * as ko from "knockout";
import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels";
import * as DataModels from "../../Contracts/DataModels";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
import * as React from "react";
import { ReactAdapter } from "../../Bindings/ReactBindingHandler";
import * as DataModels from "../../Contracts/DataModels";
import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels";
import { CommandButtonComponentProps } from "../Controls/CommandButton/CommandButtonComponent";
import { NotebookTerminalComponent } from "../Controls/Notebook/NotebookTerminalComponent";
import Explorer from "../Explorer";
import { CommandButtonComponentProps } from "../Controls/CommandButton/CommandButtonComponent";
import template from "./TerminalTab.html";
import TabsBase from "./TabsBase";
export interface TerminalTabOptions extends ViewModels.TabOptions {
account: DataModels.DatabaseAccount;
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ class NotebookTerminalComponentAdapter implements ReactAdapter {
export default class TerminalTab extends TabsBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "terminal-tab", template };
public readonly html = '<div style="height: 100%" data-bind="react:notebookTerminalComponentAdapter"></div> ';
private container: Explorer;
private notebookTerminalComponentAdapter: NotebookTerminalComponentAdapter;
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ import * as Constants from "../../Common/Constants";
import { createTrigger } from "../../Common/dataAccess/createTrigger";
import { updateTrigger } from "../../Common/dataAccess/updateTrigger";
import editable from "../../Common/EditableUtility";
import { getErrorMessage, getErrorStack } from "../../Common/ErrorHandlingUtils";
import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels";
import { Action } from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryConstants";
import * as TelemetryProcessor from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryProcessor";
import Trigger from "../Tree/Trigger";
import ScriptTabBase from "./ScriptTabBase";
import { getErrorMessage, getErrorStack } from "../../Common/ErrorHandlingUtils";
import template from "./TriggerTab.html";
export default class TriggerTab extends ScriptTabBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "trigger-tab", template };
public readonly html = template;
public collection: ViewModels.Collection;
public node: Trigger;
public triggerType: ViewModels.Editable<string>;
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ import { Resource, UserDefinedFunctionDefinition } from "@azure/cosmos";
import * as Constants from "../../Common/Constants";
import { createUserDefinedFunction } from "../../Common/dataAccess/createUserDefinedFunction";
import { updateUserDefinedFunction } from "../../Common/dataAccess/updateUserDefinedFunction";
import { getErrorMessage, getErrorStack } from "../../Common/ErrorHandlingUtils";
import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels";
import { Action } from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryConstants";
import * as TelemetryProcessor from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryProcessor";
import UserDefinedFunction from "../Tree/UserDefinedFunction";
import ScriptTabBase from "./ScriptTabBase";
import { getErrorMessage, getErrorStack } from "../../Common/ErrorHandlingUtils";
import template from "./UserDefinedFunctionTab.html";
export default class UserDefinedFunctionTab extends ScriptTabBase {
public static readonly component = { name: "user-defined-function-tab", template };
public readonly html = template;
public collection: ViewModels.Collection;
public node: UserDefinedFunction;
constructor(options: ViewModels.ScriptTabOption) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user