@description('A prefix to apply to the name of each account.') param accountPrefix string @description('The name of the owner of this account, usually a Microsoft alias, but can be any string.') param ownerName string @description('The Azure location in which to create the account.') param location string @description('The total throughput limit for the account. Defaults to 10000 RU/s.') param totalThroughputLimit int = 10000 @allowed([ 'tables' 'cassandra' 'gremlin' 'mongo' 'mongo32' 'sql' ]) @description('The type of accounts to create.') param testAccountTypes string[] var actualPrefix = endsWith(accountPrefix, '-') ? accountPrefix : '${accountPrefix}-' module testAccount './account.bicep' = [for testAccountType in testAccountTypes: { name: '${actualPrefix}${testAccountType}' params: { accountName: '${actualPrefix}${testAccountType}' ownerName: ownerName location: location totalThroughputLimit: totalThroughputLimit testAccountType: testAccountType } }]