import { ContainerDefinition } from "@azure/cosmos"; import { RequestOptions } from "@azure/cosmos/dist-esm"; import { AuthType } from "../../AuthType"; import { Collection } from "../../Contracts/DataModels"; import { userContext } from "../../UserContext"; import { createUpdateCassandraTable, getCassandraTable, } from "../../Utils/arm/generatedClients/cosmos/cassandraResources"; import { createUpdateGremlinGraph, getGremlinGraph } from "../../Utils/arm/generatedClients/cosmos/gremlinResources"; import { createUpdateMongoDBCollection, getMongoDBCollection, } from "../../Utils/arm/generatedClients/cosmos/mongoDBResources"; import { createUpdateSqlContainer, getSqlContainer } from "../../Utils/arm/generatedClients/cosmos/sqlResources"; import { createUpdateTable, getTable } from "../../Utils/arm/generatedClients/cosmos/tableResources"; import { ExtendedResourceProperties, MongoDBCollectionCreateUpdateParameters, SqlContainerCreateUpdateParameters, SqlContainerResource, } from "../../Utils/arm/generatedClients/cosmos/types"; import { logConsoleInfo, logConsoleProgress } from "../../Utils/NotificationConsoleUtils"; import { client } from "../CosmosClient"; import { handleError } from "../ErrorHandlingUtils"; export async function updateCollection( databaseId: string, collectionId: string, newCollection: Partial, options: RequestOptions = {} ): Promise { let collection: Collection; const clearMessage = logConsoleProgress(`Updating container ${collectionId}`); try { if (userContext.authType === AuthType.AAD && !userContext.useSDKOperations && userContext.apiType !== "Tables") { collection = await updateCollectionWithARM(databaseId, collectionId, newCollection); } else { const sdkResponse = await client() .database(databaseId) .container(collectionId) .replace(newCollection as ContainerDefinition, options); collection = sdkResponse.resource as Collection; } logConsoleInfo(`Successfully updated container ${collectionId}`); return collection; } catch (error) { handleError(error, "UpdateCollection", `Failed to update container ${collectionId}`); throw error; } finally { clearMessage(); } } async function updateCollectionWithARM( databaseId: string, collectionId: string, newCollection: Partial ): Promise { const { subscriptionId, resourceGroup, apiType, databaseAccount } = userContext; const accountName =; switch (apiType) { case "SQL": return updateSqlContainer(databaseId, collectionId, subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, newCollection); case "Cassandra": return updateCassandraTable(databaseId, collectionId, subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, newCollection); case "Gremlin": return updateGremlinGraph(databaseId, collectionId, subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, newCollection); case "Tables": return updateTable(collectionId, subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, newCollection); case "Mongo": return updateMongoDBCollection( databaseId, collectionId, subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, newCollection ); default: throw new Error(`Unsupported default experience type: ${apiType}`); } } async function updateSqlContainer( databaseId: string, collectionId: string, subscriptionId: string, resourceGroup: string, accountName: string, newCollection: Partial ): Promise { const getResponse = await getSqlContainer(subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, databaseId, collectionId); if (getResponse && && { = newCollection as SqlContainerResource & ExtendedResourceProperties; const updateResponse = await createUpdateSqlContainer( subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, databaseId, collectionId, getResponse as SqlContainerCreateUpdateParameters ); return updateResponse && ( as Collection); } throw new Error(`Sql container to update does not exist. Database id: ${databaseId} Collection id: ${collectionId}`); } export async function updateMongoDBCollection( databaseId: string, collectionId: string, subscriptionId: string, resourceGroup: string, accountName: string, newCollection: Partial ): Promise { const getResponse = await getMongoDBCollection(subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, databaseId, collectionId); if (getResponse && && { = newCollection as SqlContainerResource & ExtendedResourceProperties; const updateResponse = await createUpdateMongoDBCollection( subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, databaseId, collectionId, getResponse as MongoDBCollectionCreateUpdateParameters ); return updateResponse && ( as Collection); } throw new Error( `MongoDB collection to update does not exist. Database id: ${databaseId} Collection id: ${collectionId}` ); } async function updateCassandraTable( databaseId: string, collectionId: string, subscriptionId: string, resourceGroup: string, accountName: string, newCollection: Partial ): Promise { const getResponse = await getCassandraTable(subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, databaseId, collectionId); if (getResponse && && { = newCollection as SqlContainerResource & ExtendedResourceProperties; const updateResponse = await createUpdateCassandraTable( subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, databaseId, collectionId, getResponse as SqlContainerCreateUpdateParameters ); return updateResponse && ( as Collection); } throw new Error( `Cassandra table to update does not exist. Database id: ${databaseId} Collection id: ${collectionId}` ); } async function updateGremlinGraph( databaseId: string, collectionId: string, subscriptionId: string, resourceGroup: string, accountName: string, newCollection: Partial ): Promise { const getResponse = await getGremlinGraph(subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, databaseId, collectionId); if (getResponse && && { = newCollection as SqlContainerResource & ExtendedResourceProperties; const updateResponse = await createUpdateGremlinGraph( subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, databaseId, collectionId, getResponse as SqlContainerCreateUpdateParameters ); return updateResponse && ( as Collection); } throw new Error(`Gremlin graph to update does not exist. Database id: ${databaseId} Collection id: ${collectionId}`); } async function updateTable( collectionId: string, subscriptionId: string, resourceGroup: string, accountName: string, newCollection: Partial ): Promise { const getResponse = await getTable(subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, collectionId); if (getResponse && && { = newCollection as SqlContainerResource & ExtendedResourceProperties; const updateResponse = await createUpdateTable( subscriptionId, resourceGroup, accountName, collectionId, getResponse as SqlContainerCreateUpdateParameters ); return updateResponse && ( as Collection); } throw new Error(`Table to update does not exist. Table id: ${collectionId}`); }