// CSS Dependencies import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css"; import "../less/documentDB.less"; import "../less/tree.less"; import "../less/forms.less"; import "../less/menus.less"; import "../less/infobox.less"; import "../less/messagebox.less"; import "./Explorer/Controls/ErrorDisplayComponent/ErrorDisplayComponent.less"; import "./Explorer/Menus/NotificationConsole/NotificationConsole.less"; import "./Explorer/Menus/CommandBar/CommandBarComponent.less"; import "./Explorer/Menus/CommandBar/MemoryTrackerComponent.less"; import "./Explorer/Controls/CollapsiblePanel/CollapsiblePanelComponent.less"; import "./Explorer/Controls/DynamicList/DynamicListComponent.less"; import "./Explorer/Controls/JsonEditor/JsonEditorComponent.less"; import "./Explorer/Graph/GraphExplorerComponent/graphExplorer.less"; import "../less/TableStyles/queryBuilder.less"; import "../externals/jquery.dataTables.min.css"; import "../less/TableStyles/fulldatatables.less"; import "../less/TableStyles/EntityEditor.less"; import "../less/TableStyles/CustomizeColumns.less"; import "../less/resourceTree.less"; import "../externals/jquery.typeahead.min.css"; import "../externals/jquery-ui.min.css"; import "../externals/jquery-ui.structure.min.css"; import "../externals/jquery-ui.theme.min.css"; import "./Explorer/Graph/NewVertexComponent/newVertexComponent.less"; import "./Explorer/Panes/GraphNewVertexPane.less"; import "./Explorer/Tabs/QueryTab.less"; import "./Explorer/Controls/TreeComponent/treeComponent.less"; import "./Explorer/Controls/Accordion/AccordionComponent.less"; import "./Explorer/SplashScreen/SplashScreenComponent.less"; import "./Explorer/Controls/Notebook/NotebookTerminalComponent.less"; // Image Dependencies import "../images/CosmosDB_rgb_ui_lighttheme.ico"; import "../images/favicon.ico"; import "./Shared/appInsights"; import "babel-polyfill"; import "es6-symbol/implement"; import "webcrypto-liner/build/webcrypto-liner.shim.min"; import "./Libs/jquery"; import "bootstrap/dist/js/npm"; import "../externals/jquery.typeahead.min.js"; import "../externals/jquery-ui.min.js"; import "../externals/adal.js"; import "promise-polyfill/src/polyfill"; import "abort-controller/polyfill"; import "whatwg-fetch"; import "es6-object-assign/auto"; import "promise.prototype.finally/auto"; import "object.entries/auto"; import "./Libs/is-integer-polyfill"; import "url-polyfill/url-polyfill.min"; initializeIcons(); import * as ko from "knockout"; import * as TelemetryProcessor from "./Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryProcessor"; import { Action, ActionModifiers } from "./Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryConstants"; import { BindingHandlersRegisterer } from "./Bindings/BindingHandlersRegisterer"; import * as Emulator from "./Platform/Emulator/Main"; import Hosted from "./Platform/Hosted/Main"; import * as Portal from "./Platform/Portal/Main"; import { AuthType } from "./AuthType"; import { initializeIcons } from "office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Icons"; import { applyExplorerBindings } from "./applyExplorerBindings"; import { initializeConfiguration, Platform } from "./ConfigContext"; import Explorer from "./Explorer/Explorer"; import React, { useEffect } from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import errorImage from "../images/error.svg"; import copyImage from "../images/Copy.svg"; import hdeConnectImage from "../images/HdeConnectCosmosDB.svg"; import refreshImg from "../images/refresh-cosmos.svg"; import arrowLeftImg from "../images/imgarrowlefticon.svg"; import { KOCommentEnd, KOCommentIfStart } from "./koComment"; // TODO: Encapsulate and reuse all global variables as environment variables window.authType = AuthType.AAD; const App: React.FunctionComponent = () => { useEffect(() => { initializeConfiguration().then(config => { if (config.platform === Platform.Hosted) { try { Hosted.initializeExplorer().then( (explorer: Explorer) => { applyExplorerBindings(explorer); Hosted.configureTokenValidationDisplayPrompt(explorer); }, (error: unknown) => { try { const uninitializedExplorer: Explorer = Hosted.getUninitializedExplorerForGuestAccess(); window.dataExplorer = uninitializedExplorer; ko.applyBindings(uninitializedExplorer); BindingHandlersRegisterer.registerBindingHandlers(); if (window.authType !== AuthType.AAD) { uninitializedExplorer.isRefreshingExplorer(false); uninitializedExplorer.displayConnectExplorerForm(); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } console.error(error); } ); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } else if (config.platform === Platform.Emulator) { window.authType = AuthType.MasterKey; const explorer = Emulator.initializeExplorer(); applyExplorerBindings(explorer); } else if (config.platform === Platform.Portal) { TelemetryProcessor.trace(Action.InitializeDataExplorer, ActionModifiers.Open, {}); const explorer = Portal.initializeExplorer(); TelemetryProcessor.trace(Action.InitializeDataExplorer, ActionModifiers.IFrameReady, {}); applyExplorerBindings(explorer); } }); }, []); return (
{/* Main Command Bar - Start */}
{/* Main Command Bar - End */} {/* Share url flyout - Start */}
Open this database account in a new browser tab with Cosmos DB Explorer. Or copy the read-write or read only access urls below to share with others. For security purposes, the URLs grant time-bound access to the account. When access expires, you can reconnect, using a valid connection string for the account.
Copy link
{/* Share url flyout - End */} {/* Collections Tree and Tabs - Begin */}
{/* Collections Tree - Start */}
{/* Collections Tree Expanded - Start */}
{/* Collections Window - - Start */}
{/* Collections Window Title/Command Bar - Start */}
{/* Collections Window Title/Command Bar - End */} {!window.dataExplorer?.isAuthWithResourceToken() && (
)} {window.dataExplorer?.isAuthWithResourceToken() && (
{/* Collections Window - End */}
{/* Collections Tree Expanded - End */} {/* Collections Tree Collapsed - Start */}
  • Expand
{/* Collections Tree Collapsed - End */}
{/* Splitter - Start */}
{/* Splitter - End */}
{/* Collections Tree - End */}
{/* Collections Tree and Tabs - End */} {/* Explorer Connection - Encryption Token / AAD - Start */}

Azure Cosmos DB

Welcome to Azure Cosmos DB

Connect to your account with connection string

Connect to your account with connection string

Error notification

Sign In with Azure Account

{/* Explorer Connection - Encryption Token / AAD - End */} {/* Global loader - Start */}

Azure Cosmos DB

Welcome to Azure Cosmos DB

{/* Global loader - End */}
{/* Global access token expiration dialog - Start */}

Please reconnect to the account using the connection string.

{/* Global access token expiration dialog - End */} {/* Context switch prompt - Start */}

Please save your work before you switch! When you switch to a different Azure Cosmos DB account, current Data Explorer tabs will be closed.

Proceed anyway?

); }; ReactDOM.render(, document.body);