export class CodeOfConductEndpoints { public static privacyStatement: string = "https://aka.ms/ms-privacy-policy"; public static codeOfConduct: string = "https://aka.ms/cosmos-code-of-conduct"; public static termsOfUse: string = "https://aka.ms/ms-terms-of-use"; } export class EndpointsRegex { public static readonly cassandra = [ "AccountEndpoint=(.*).cassandra.cosmosdb.azure.com", "HostName=(.*).cassandra.cosmos.azure.com", ]; public static readonly mongo = "mongodb://.*:(.*)@(.*).documents.azure.com"; public static readonly mongoCompute = "mongodb://.*:(.*)@(.*).mongo.cosmos.azure.com"; public static readonly sql = "AccountEndpoint=https://(.*).documents.azure.com"; public static readonly table = "TableEndpoint=https://(.*).table.cosmosdb.azure.com"; } export class ApiEndpoints { public static runtimeProxy: string = "/api/RuntimeProxy"; public static guestRuntimeProxy: string = "/api/guest/RuntimeProxy"; } export class ServerIds { public static localhost: string = "localhost"; public static blackforest: string = "blackforest"; public static fairfax: string = "fairfax"; public static mooncake: string = "mooncake"; public static productionPortal: string = "prod"; public static dev: string = "dev"; } export class ArmApiVersions { public static readonly documentDB: string = "2015-11-06"; public static readonly arcadia: string = "2019-06-01-preview"; public static readonly arcadiaLivy: string = "2019-11-01-preview"; public static readonly arm: string = "2015-11-01"; public static readonly armFeatures: string = "2014-08-01-preview"; public static readonly publicVersion = "2020-04-01"; } export class ArmResourceTypes { public static readonly notebookWorkspaces = "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/notebookWorkspaces"; public static readonly synapseWorkspaces = "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces"; } export class BackendDefaults { public static partitionKeyKind = "Hash"; public static partitionKeyMultiHash = "MultiHash"; public static maxNumMultiHashPartition = 2; public static singlePartitionStorageInGb: string = "10"; public static multiPartitionStorageInGb: string = "100"; public static maxChangeFeedRetentionDuration: number = 10; public static partitionKeyVersion = 2; } export class ClientDefaults { public static requestTimeoutMs: number = 60000; public static portalCacheTimeoutMs: number = 10000; public static errorNotificationTimeoutMs: number = 5000; public static copyHelperTimeoutMs: number = 2000; public static waitForDOMElementMs: number = 500; public static cacheBustingTimeoutMs: number = 10 /** minutes **/ * 60 /** to seconds **/ * 1000 /** to milliseconds **/; public static databaseThroughputIncreaseFactor: number = 100; public static readonly arcadiaTokenRefreshInterval: number = 20 /** minutes **/ * 60 /** to seconds **/ * 1000 /** to milliseconds **/; public static readonly arcadiaTokenRefreshIntervalPaddingMs: number = 2000; } export enum AccountKind { DocumentDB = "DocumentDB", MongoDB = "MongoDB", Parse = "Parse", GlobalDocumentDB = "GlobalDocumentDB", Default = "DocumentDB", } export class CorrelationBackend { public static Url: string = "https://aka.ms/cosmosdbanalytics"; } export class CapabilityNames { public static EnableTable: string = "EnableTable"; public static EnableGremlin: string = "EnableGremlin"; public static EnableCassandra: string = "EnableCassandra"; public static EnableAutoScale: string = "EnableAutoScale"; public static readonly EnableNotebooks: string = "EnableNotebooks"; public static readonly EnableStorageAnalytics: string = "EnableStorageAnalytics"; public static readonly EnableMongo: string = "EnableMongo"; public static readonly EnableServerless: string = "EnableServerless"; public static readonly EnableNoSQLVectorSearch: string = "EnableNoSQLVectorSearch"; public static readonly EnableNoSQLFullTextSearch: string = "EnableNoSQLFullTextSearch"; } export enum CapacityMode { Provisioned = "Provisioned", Serverless = "Serverless", } export enum WorkloadType { Learning = "Learning", DevelopmentTesting = "Development/Testing", Production = "Production", None = "None", } // flight names returned from the portal are always lowercase export class Flights { public static readonly SettingsV2 = "settingsv2"; public static readonly MongoIndexEditor = "mongoindexeditor"; public static readonly MongoIndexing = "mongoindexing"; public static readonly AutoscaleTest = "autoscaletest"; public static readonly PartitionKeyTest = "partitionkeytest"; public static readonly PKPartitionKeyTest = "pkpartitionkeytest"; public static readonly PhoenixNotebooks = "phoenixnotebooks"; public static readonly PhoenixFeatures = "phoenixfeatures"; public static readonly NotebooksDownBanner = "notebooksdownbanner"; public static readonly PublicGallery = "publicgallery"; } export class AfecFeatures { public static readonly Spark = "spark-public-preview"; public static readonly Notebooks = "sparknotebooks-public-preview"; public static readonly StorageAnalytics = "storageanalytics-public-preview"; } export class TagNames { public static defaultExperience: string = "defaultExperience"; public static WorkloadType: string = "hidden-workload-type"; } export class MongoDBAccounts { public static protocol: string = "https"; public static defaultPort: string = "10255"; } export enum MongoBackendEndpointType { local, remote, } export class BackendApi { public static readonly GenerateToken: string = "GenerateToken"; public static readonly PortalSettings: string = "PortalSettings"; public static readonly AccountRestrictions: string = "AccountRestrictions"; public static readonly RuntimeProxy: string = "RuntimeProxy"; public static readonly DisallowedLocations: string = "DisallowedLocations"; public static readonly SampleData: string = "SampleData"; } export class PortalBackendEndpoints { public static readonly Development: string = "https://localhost:7235"; public static readonly Mpac: string = "https://cdb-ms-mpac-pbe.cosmos.azure.com"; public static readonly Prod: string = "https://cdb-ms-prod-pbe.cosmos.azure.com"; public static readonly Fairfax: string = "https://cdb-ff-prod-pbe.cosmos.azure.us"; public static readonly Mooncake: string = "https://cdb-mc-prod-pbe.cosmos.azure.cn"; } export class MongoProxyEndpoints { public static readonly Development: string = "https://localhost:7238"; public static readonly Mpac: string = "https://cdb-ms-mpac-mp.cosmos.azure.com"; public static readonly Prod: string = "https://cdb-ms-prod-mp.cosmos.azure.com"; public static readonly Fairfax: string = "https://cdb-ff-prod-mp.cosmos.azure.us"; public static readonly Mooncake: string = "https://cdb-mc-prod-mp.cosmos.azure.cn"; } export class MongoProxyApi { public static readonly ResourceList: string = "ResourceList"; public static readonly QueryDocuments: string = "QueryDocuments"; public static readonly CreateDocument: string = "CreateDocument"; public static readonly ReadDocument: string = "ReadDocument"; public static readonly UpdateDocument: string = "UpdateDocument"; public static readonly DeleteDocument: string = "DeleteDocument"; public static readonly CreateCollectionWithProxy: string = "CreateCollectionWithProxy"; public static readonly LegacyMongoShell: string = "LegacyMongoShell"; public static readonly BulkDelete: string = "BulkDelete"; } export class CassandraProxyEndpoints { public static readonly Development: string = "https://localhost:7240"; public static readonly Mpac: string = "https://cdb-ms-mpac-cp.cosmos.azure.com"; public static readonly Prod: string = "https://cdb-ms-prod-cp.cosmos.azure.com"; public static readonly Fairfax: string = "https://cdb-ff-prod-cp.cosmos.azure.us"; public static readonly Mooncake: string = "https://cdb-mc-prod-cp.cosmos.azure.cn"; } //TODO: Remove this when new backend is migrated over export class CassandraBackend { public static readonly createOrDeleteApi: string = "api/cassandra/createordelete"; public static readonly guestCreateOrDeleteApi: string = "api/guest/cassandra/createordelete"; public static readonly queryApi: string = "api/cassandra"; public static readonly guestQueryApi: string = "api/guest/cassandra"; public static readonly keysApi: string = "api/cassandra/keys"; public static readonly guestKeysApi: string = "api/guest/cassandra/keys"; public static readonly schemaApi: string = "api/cassandra/schema"; public static readonly guestSchemaApi: string = "api/guest/cassandra/schema"; } export class CassandraProxyAPIs { public static readonly createOrDeleteApi: string = "api/cassandra/createordelete"; public static readonly connectionStringCreateOrDeleteApi: string = "api/connectionstring/cassandra/createordelete"; public static readonly queryApi: string = "api/cassandra"; public static readonly connectionStringQueryApi: string = "api/connectionstring/cassandra"; public static readonly keysApi: string = "api/cassandra/keys"; public static readonly connectionStringKeysApi: string = "api/connectionstring/cassandra/keys"; public static readonly schemaApi: string = "api/cassandra/schema"; public static readonly connectionStringSchemaApi: string = "api/connectionstring/cassandra/schema"; } export class AadEndpoints { public static readonly Prod: string = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/"; public static readonly Fairfax: string = "https://login.microsoftonline.us/"; public static readonly Mooncake: string = "https://login.partner.microsoftonline.cn/"; } export class Queries { public static CustomPageOption: string = "custom"; public static UnlimitedPageOption: string = "unlimited"; public static itemsPerPage: number = 100; public static unlimitedItemsPerPage: number = 100; // TODO: Figure out appropriate value so it works for accounts with a large number of partitions public static containersPerPage: number = 50; public static QueryEditorMinHeightRatio: number = 0.1; public static QueryEditorMaxHeightRatio: number = 0.4; public static readonly DefaultMaxDegreeOfParallelism = 6; public static readonly DefaultRetryAttempts = 9; public static readonly DefaultRetryIntervalInMs = 0; public static readonly DefaultMaxWaitTimeInSeconds = 30; } export class RBACOptions { public static setAutomaticRBACOption: string = "Automatic"; public static setTrueRBACOption: string = "True"; public static setFalseRBACOption: string = "False"; } export class SavedQueries { public static readonly CollectionName: string = "___Query"; public static readonly DatabaseName: string = "___Cosmos"; public static readonly OfferThroughput: number = 400; public static readonly PartitionKeyProperty: string = "id"; } export class DocumentsGridMetrics { public static DocumentsPerPage: number = 100; public static IndividualRowHeight: number = 34; public static BufferHeight: number = 28; public static SplitterMinWidth: number = 200; public static SplitterMaxWidth: number = 360; public static DocumentEditorMinWidthRatio: number = 0.2; public static DocumentEditorMaxWidthRatio: number = 0.4; } export class Areas { public static ResourceTree: string = "Resource Tree"; public static ContextualPane: string = "Contextual Pane"; public static Tab: string = "Tab"; public static ShareDialog: string = "Share Access Dialog"; public static Notebook: string = "Notebook"; public static Copilot: string = "Copilot"; } export class HttpHeaders { public static activityId: string = "x-ms-activity-id"; public static apiType: string = "x-ms-cosmos-apitype"; public static authorization: string = "authorization"; public static collectionIndexTransformationProgress: string = "x-ms-documentdb-collection-index-transformation-progress"; public static continuation: string = "x-ms-continuation"; public static correlationRequestId: string = "x-ms-correlation-request-id"; public static enableScriptLogging: string = "x-ms-documentdb-script-enable-logging"; public static guestAccessToken: string = "x-ms-encrypted-auth-token"; public static getReadOnlyKey: string = "x-ms-get-read-only-key"; public static connectionString: string = "x-ms-connection-string"; public static msDate: string = "x-ms-date"; public static location: string = "Location"; public static contentType: string = "Content-Type"; public static offerReplacePending: string = "x-ms-offer-replace-pending"; public static user: string = "x-ms-user"; public static populatePartitionStatistics: string = "x-ms-documentdb-populatepartitionstatistics"; public static queryMetrics: string = "x-ms-documentdb-query-metrics"; public static requestCharge: string = "x-ms-request-charge"; public static resourceQuota: string = "x-ms-resource-quota"; public static resourceUsage: string = "x-ms-resource-usage"; public static retryAfterMs: string = "x-ms-retry-after-ms"; public static scriptLogResults: string = "x-ms-documentdb-script-log-results"; public static populateCollectionThroughputInfo = "x-ms-documentdb-populatecollectionthroughputinfo"; public static supportSpatialLegacyCoordinates = "x-ms-documentdb-supportspatiallegacycoordinates"; public static usePolygonsSmallerThanAHemisphere = "x-ms-documentdb-usepolygonssmallerthanahemisphere"; public static autoPilotThroughput = "autoscaleSettings"; public static autoPilotThroughputSDK = "x-ms-cosmos-offer-autopilot-settings"; public static partitionKey: string = "x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey"; public static migrateOfferToManualThroughput: string = "x-ms-cosmos-migrate-offer-to-manual-throughput"; public static migrateOfferToAutopilot: string = "x-ms-cosmos-migrate-offer-to-autopilot"; public static xAPIKey: string = "X-API-Key"; } export class ContentType { public static applicationJson: string = "application/json"; } export class ApiType { // Mapped to hexadecimal values in the backend public static readonly MongoDB: number = 1; public static readonly Gremlin: number = 2; public static readonly Cassandra: number = 4; public static readonly Table: number = 8; public static readonly SQL: number = 16; } export class HttpStatusCodes { public static readonly OK: number = 200; public static readonly Created: number = 201; public static readonly Accepted: number = 202; public static readonly NoContent: number = 204; public static readonly NotModified: number = 304; public static readonly BadRequest: number = 400; public static readonly Unauthorized: number = 401; public static readonly Forbidden: number = 403; public static readonly NotFound: number = 404; public static readonly TooManyRequests: number = 429; public static readonly Conflict: number = 409; public static readonly InternalServerError: number = 500; public static readonly BadGateway: number = 502; public static readonly ServiceUnavailable: number = 503; public static readonly GatewayTimeout: number = 504; public static readonly RetryableStatusCodes: number[] = [ HttpStatusCodes.TooManyRequests, HttpStatusCodes.InternalServerError, // TODO: Handle all 500s on Portal backend and remove from retries list HttpStatusCodes.BadGateway, HttpStatusCodes.ServiceUnavailable, HttpStatusCodes.GatewayTimeout, ]; } export class Urls { public static feedbackEmail = "https://aka.ms/cosmosdbfeedback?subject=Cosmos%20DB%20Data%20Explorer%20Feedback"; public static autoscaleMigration = "https://aka.ms/cosmos-autoscale-migration"; public static freeTierInformation = "https://aka.ms/cosmos-free-tier"; public static cosmosPricing = "https://aka.ms/azure-cosmos-db-pricing"; } export class HashRoutePrefixes { public static databases: string = "/dbs/{db_id}"; public static collections: string = "/dbs/{db_id}/colls/{coll_id}"; public static sprocHash: string = "/sprocs/"; public static sprocs: string = HashRoutePrefixes.collections + HashRoutePrefixes.sprocHash + "{sproc_id}"; public static docs: string = HashRoutePrefixes.collections + "/docs/{doc_id}/"; public static conflicts: string = HashRoutePrefixes.collections + "/conflicts"; public static databasesWithId(databaseId: string): string { return this.databases.replace("{db_id}", databaseId).replace("/", ""); // strip the first slash since hasher adds it } public static collectionsWithIds(databaseId: string, collectionId: string): string { const transformedDatabasePrefix: string = this.collections.replace("{db_id}", databaseId); return transformedDatabasePrefix.replace("{coll_id}", collectionId).replace("/", ""); // strip the first slash since hasher adds it } public static sprocWithIds( databaseId: string, collectionId: string, sprocId: string, stripFirstSlash: boolean = true, ): string { const transformedDatabasePrefix: string = this.sprocs.replace("{db_id}", databaseId); const transformedSprocRoute: string = transformedDatabasePrefix .replace("{coll_id}", collectionId) .replace("{sproc_id}", sprocId); if (!!stripFirstSlash) { return transformedSprocRoute.replace("/", ""); // strip the first slash since hasher adds it } return transformedSprocRoute; } public static conflictsWithIds(databaseId: string, collectionId: string) { const transformedDatabasePrefix: string = this.conflicts.replace("{db_id}", databaseId); return transformedDatabasePrefix.replace("{coll_id}", collectionId).replace("/", ""); // strip the first slash since hasher adds it; } public static docsWithIds(databaseId: string, collectionId: string, docId: string) { const transformedDatabasePrefix: string = this.docs.replace("{db_id}", databaseId); return transformedDatabasePrefix.replace("{coll_id}", collectionId).replace("{doc_id}", docId).replace("/", ""); // strip the first slash since hasher adds it } } export class ConfigurationOverridesValues { public static IsBsonSchemaV2: string = "true"; } export class KeyCodes { public static Space: number = 32; public static Enter: number = 13; public static Escape: number = 27; public static UpArrow: number = 38; public static DownArrow: number = 40; public static LeftArrow: number = 37; public static RightArrow: number = 39; public static Tab: number = 9; } // Normalized per: https://www.w3.org/TR/uievents-key/#named-key-attribute-values export class NormalizedEventKey { public static readonly Space = " "; public static readonly Enter = "Enter"; public static readonly Escape = "Escape"; public static readonly UpArrow = "ArrowUp"; public static readonly DownArrow = "ArrowDown"; public static readonly LeftArrow = "ArrowLeft"; public static readonly RightArrow = "ArrowRight"; } export class TryCosmosExperience { public static extendUrl: string = "https://trycosmosdb.azure.com/api/resource/extendportal?userId={0}"; public static deleteUrl: string = "https://trycosmosdb.azure.com/api/resource/deleteportal?userId={0}"; public static collectionsPerAccount: number = 3; public static maxRU: number = 5000; public static defaultRU: number = 3000; } export class OfferVersions { public static V1: string = "V1"; public static V2: string = "V2"; } export enum ConflictOperationType { Replace = "replace", Create = "create", Delete = "delete", } export enum ConnectionStatusType { Connect = "Connect", Connecting = "Connecting", Connected = "Connected", Failed = "Connection Failed", Reconnect = "Reconnect", } export enum ContainerStatusType { Active = "Active", Disconnected = "Disconnected", } export enum PoolIdType { DefaultPoolId = "default", QueryCopilot = "query-copilot", } export const EmulatorMasterKey = //[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CS002:SecretInNextLine", Justification="Well known public masterKey for emulator")] "C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw=="; export class Notebook { public static readonly defaultBasePath = "./notebooks"; public static readonly heartbeatDelayMs = 60000; public static readonly containerStatusHeartbeatDelayMs = 30000; public static readonly kernelRestartInitialDelayMs = 1000; public static readonly kernelRestartMaxDelayMs = 20000; public static readonly autoSaveIntervalMs = 300000; public static readonly memoryGuageToGB = 1048576; public static readonly lowMemoryThreshold = 0.8; public static readonly remainingTimeForAlert = 10; public static readonly retryAttempts = 3; public static readonly retryAttemptDelayMs = 5000; public static readonly temporarilyDownMsg = "Notebooks is currently not available. We are working on it."; public static readonly mongoShellTemporarilyDownMsg = "We have identified an issue with the Mongo Shell and it is unavailable right now. We are actively working on the mitigation."; public static readonly cassandraShellTemporarilyDownMsg = "We have identified an issue with the Cassandra Shell and it is unavailable right now. We are actively working on the mitigation."; public static saveNotebookModalTitle = "Save notebook in temporary workspace"; public static saveNotebookModalContent = "This notebook will be saved in the temporary workspace and will be removed when the session expires."; public static newNotebookModalTitle = "Create notebook in temporary workspace"; public static newNotebookUploadModalTitle = "Upload notebook to temporary workspace"; public static newNotebookModalContent1 = "A temporary workspace will be created to enable you to work with notebooks. When the session expires, any notebooks in the workspace will be removed."; public static newNotebookModalContent2 = "To save your work permanently, save your notebooks to a GitHub repository or download the notebooks to your local machine before the session ends. "; public static galleryNotebookDownloadContent1 = "To download, run, and make changes to this sample notebook, a temporary workspace will be created. When the session expires, any notebooks in the workspace will be removed."; public static galleryNotebookDownloadContent2 = "To save your work permanently, save your notebooks to a GitHub repository or download the Notebooks to your local machine before the session ends. "; public static cosmosNotebookHomePageUrl = "https://aka.ms/cosmos-notebooks-limits"; public static cosmosNotebookGitDocumentationUrl = "https://aka.ms/cosmos-notebooks-github"; public static learnMore = "Learn more."; } export class SparkLibrary { public static readonly nameMinLength = 3; public static readonly nameMaxLength = 63; } export class AnalyticalStorageTtl { public static readonly Days90: number = 7776000; public static readonly Infinite: number = -1; public static readonly Disabled: number = 0; } export class TerminalQueryParams { public static readonly Terminal = "terminal"; public static readonly Server = "server"; public static readonly Token = "token"; public static readonly SubscriptionId = "subscriptionId"; public static readonly TerminalEndpoint = "terminalEndpoint"; } export class JunoEndpoints { public static readonly Test = "https://juno-test.documents-dev.windows-int.net"; public static readonly Test2 = "https://juno-test2.documents-dev.windows-int.net"; public static readonly Test3 = "https://juno-test3.documents-dev.windows-int.net"; public static readonly Prod = "https://tools.cosmos.azure.com"; public static readonly Stage = "https://tools-staging.cosmos.azure.com"; } export class PriorityLevel { public static readonly High = "high"; public static readonly Low = "low"; public static readonly Default = "low"; } export class ariaLabelForLearnMoreLink { public static readonly AnalyticalStore = "Learn more about analytical store."; public static readonly AzureSynapseLink = "Learn more about Azure Synapse Link."; } export class FeedbackLabels { public static readonly provideFeedback: string = "Provide feedback"; } export const QueryCopilotSampleDatabaseId = "CopilotSampleDB"; export const QueryCopilotSampleContainerId = "SampleContainer"; export const QueryCopilotSampleContainerSchema = { product: { sampleData: { id: "c415e70f-9bf5-4cda-aebe-a290cb8b94c2", name: "Amazing Phone 3000 (Black)", price: 223.33, category: "Electronics", description: "This Amazing Phone 3000 (Black) is made of black metal! It has a very well made aluminum body and it feels very comfortable. We loved the sound that comes out of it! Also, the design of the phone was a little loose at first because I was using the camera and felt uncomfortable wearing it. The phone is actually made slightly smaller than these photos! This is due to the addition of a 3.3mm filter", stock: 84, countryOfOrigin: "USA", firstAvailable: "2018-09-07 19:41:44", priceHistory: [238.68, 234.7, 221.49, 205.88, 220.15], customerRatings: [ { username: "steven66", firstName: "Carol", gender: "female", lastName: "Shelton", age: "25-35", area: "suburban", address: "261 Collins Burgs Apt. 332\nNorth Taylor, NM 32268", stars: 5, date: "2021-04-22 13:42:14", verifiedUser: true, }, { username: "khudson", firstName: "Ronald", gender: "male", lastName: "Webb", age: "18-24", area: "suburban", address: "9912 Parker Court Apt. 068\nNorth Austin, HI 76225", stars: 5, date: "2021-02-07 07:00:22", verifiedUser: false, }, { username: "lfrancis", firstName: "Brady", gender: "male", lastName: "Wright", age: "35-45", area: "urban", address: "PSC 5437, Box 3159\nAPO AA 26385", stars: 2, date: "2022-02-23 21:40:10", verifiedUser: false, }, { username: "nicolemartinez", firstName: "Megan", gender: "female", lastName: "Tran", age: "18-24", area: "rural", address: "7445 Salazar Brooks\nNew Sarah, PW 18097", stars: 4, date: "2021-09-01 22:21:40", verifiedUser: false, }, { username: "uguzman", firstName: "Deanna", gender: "female", lastName: "Campbell", age: "18-24", area: "urban", address: "41104 Moreno Fort Suite 872\nPort Michaelbury, AK 48712", stars: 1, date: "2022-03-07 02:23:14", verifiedUser: false, }, { username: "rebeccahunt", firstName: "Jared", gender: "male", lastName: "Lopez", age: "18-24", area: "rural", address: "392 Morgan Village Apt. 785\nGreenshire, CT 05921", stars: 5, date: "2021-04-17 04:17:49", verifiedUser: false, }, ], rareProperty: true, }, schema: { properties: { id: { type: "string", }, name: { type: "string", }, price: { type: "number", }, category: { type: "string", }, description: { type: "string", }, stock: { type: "number", }, countryOfOrigin: { type: "string", }, firstAvailable: { type: "string", }, priceHistory: { items: { type: "number", }, type: "array", }, customerRatings: { items: { properties: { username: { type: "string", }, firstName: { type: "string", }, gender: { type: "string", }, lastName: { type: "string", }, age: { type: "string", }, area: { type: "string", }, address: { type: "string", }, stars: { type: "number", }, date: { type: "string", }, verifiedUser: { type: "boolean", }, }, type: "object", }, type: "array", }, rareProperty: { type: "boolean", }, }, type: "object", }, }, }; export const ShortenedQueryCopilotSampleContainerSchema = { containerSchema: { product: { sampleData: { categoryName: "Components, Saddles", name: "LL Road Seat/Saddle", price: 27.12, tags: [ { id: "0573D684-9140-4DEE-89AF-4E4A90E65666", name: "Tag-113", }, { id: "6C2F05C8-1E61-4912-BE1A-C67A378429BB", name: "Tag-5", }, ], }, schema: { properties: { categoryName: { type: "string", }, name: { type: "string", }, price: { type: "number", }, tags: { items: { properties: { id: { type: "string", }, name: { type: "string", }, }, type: "object", }, type: "array", }, }, type: "object", }, }, }, userPrompt: "find all products", };