require("dotenv/config"); const path = require("path"); const MonacoWebpackPlugin = require("monaco-editor-webpack-plugin"); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin"); const { EnvironmentPlugin } = require("webpack"); const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin"); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); const CleanWebpackPlugin = require("clean-webpack-plugin"); const CaseSensitivePathsPlugin = require("case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin"); const CreateFileWebpack = require("create-file-webpack"); const childProcess = require("child_process"); const BundleAnalyzerPlugin = require("webpack-bundle-analyzer").BundleAnalyzerPlugin; const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin"); const isCI = require("is-ci"); const gitSha = childProcess.execSync("git rev-parse HEAD").toString("utf8"); const AZURE_CLIENT_ID = "fd8753b0-0707-4e32-84e9-2532af865fb4"; const AZURE_TENANT_ID = "72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47"; const SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "69e02f2d-f059-4409-9eac-97e8a276ae2c"; const RESOURCE_GROUP = "runners"; const AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET = process.env.AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET || process.env.NOTEBOOKS_TEST_RUNNER_CLIENT_SECRET; // TODO Remove. Exists for backwards compat with old .env files. Prefer AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET if (!AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET) { console.warn("AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET is not set. testExplorer.html will not work."); } const cssRule = { test: /\.css$/, use: [MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, "css-loader"], }; const lessRule = { test: /\.less$/, use: [MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, "css-loader", "less-loader"], exclude: [path.resolve(__dirname, "less/Common/Constants.less")], }; const imagesRule = { test: /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg|pdf|ico)$/, loader: "file-loader", options: { name: "images/[name].[ext]", }, }; const fontRule = { test: /\.(woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/, loader: "file-loader", options: { name: "[name].[ext]", }, }; const htmlRule = { test: /\.html$/, use: [ { loader: "html-loader", options: { minify: false, removeComments: false, collapseWhitespace: false, root: path.resolve(__dirname, "images"), }, }, ], }; // We compile our own code with ts-loader const typescriptRule = { test: /\.tsx?$/, use: [ { loader: "ts-loader", options: { transpileOnly: true, }, }, ], exclude: /node_modules/, }; module.exports = function (env = {}, argv = {}) { const mode = argv.mode || "development"; const rules = [fontRule, lessRule, imagesRule, cssRule, htmlRule, typescriptRule]; const envVars = { GIT_SHA: gitSha, PORT: process.env.PORT || "1234", }; if (mode === "production") { envVars.NODE_ENV = "production"; } if (mode === "development") { envVars.NODE_ENV = "development"; envVars.AZURE_CLIENT_ID = AZURE_CLIENT_ID; envVars.AZURE_TENANT_ID = AZURE_TENANT_ID; envVars.AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET = AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET; envVars.SUBSCRIPTION_ID = SUBSCRIPTION_ID; envVars.RESOURCE_GROUP = RESOURCE_GROUP; typescriptRule.use[0].options.compilerOptions = { target: "ES2018" }; } const plugins = [ new CleanWebpackPlugin(["dist"]), new CreateFileWebpack({ path: "./dist", fileName: "version.txt", content: `${gitSha.trim()} ${new Date().toUTCString()}`, }), new CaseSensitivePathsPlugin(), new MiniCssExtractPlugin({ filename: "[name].[contenthash].css", }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "explorer.html", template: "src/explorer.html", chunks: ["main"], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "terminal.html", template: "src/Terminal/index.html", chunks: ["terminal"], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "quickstart.html", template: "src/quickstart.html", chunks: ["quickstart"], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "index.html", template: "src/index.html", chunks: ["index"], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "hostedExplorer.html", template: "src/hostedExplorer.html", chunks: ["hostedExplorer"], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "testExplorer.html", template: "test/testExplorer/testExplorer.html", chunks: ["testExplorer"], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "Heatmap.html", template: "src/Controls/Heatmap/Heatmap.html", chunks: ["heatmap"], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "notebookViewer.html", template: "src/NotebookViewer/notebookViewer.html", chunks: ["notebookViewer"], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "gallery.html", template: "src/GalleryViewer/galleryViewer.html", chunks: ["galleryViewer"], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "connectToGitHub.html", template: "src/connectToGitHub.html", chunks: ["connectToGitHub"], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "selfServe.html", template: "src/SelfServe/selfServe.html", chunks: ["selfServe"], }), new MonacoWebpackPlugin(), new CopyWebpackPlugin({ patterns: [{ from: "DataExplorer.nuspec" }, { from: "web.config" }, { from: "quickstart/*.zip" }], }), new EnvironmentPlugin(envVars), ]; if (argv.analyze) { plugins.push(new BundleAnalyzerPlugin()); } return { mode: mode, entry: { main: "./src/Main.tsx", index: "./src/Index.ts", quickstart: "./src/quickstart.ts", hostedExplorer: "./src/HostedExplorer.tsx", testExplorer: "./test/testExplorer/TestExplorer.ts", heatmap: "./src/Controls/Heatmap/Heatmap.ts", terminal: "./src/Terminal/index.ts", notebookViewer: "./src/NotebookViewer/NotebookViewer.tsx", galleryViewer: "./src/GalleryViewer/GalleryViewer.tsx", selfServe: "./src/SelfServe/SelfServe.tsx", connectToGitHub: "./src/GitHub/GitHubConnector.ts", }, node: { util: true, tls: "empty", net: "empty", }, output: { chunkFilename: "[name].[chunkhash:6].js", filename: "[name].[chunkhash:6].js", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"), }, devtool: mode === "development" ? "cheap-eval-source-map" : "source-map", plugins, module: { rules, }, resolve: { extensions: [".tsx", ".ts", ".js"], }, optimization: { minimize: mode === "production" ? true : false, minimizer: [ new TerserPlugin({ terserOptions: { // These options increase our initial bundle size by ~5% but the builds are significantly faster and won't run out of memory compress: false, mangle: { keep_fnames: true, keep_classnames: true, }, }, }), ], }, watch: isCI || mode === "production" ? false : true, // Hack since it is hard to disable watch entirely with webpack dev server watchOptions: isCI ? { poll: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } : {}, devServer: { hot: false, inline: !isCI, liveReload: !isCI, https: true, host: "", port: envVars.PORT, stats: "minimal", headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true", "Access-Control-Max-Age": "3600", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "*", }, proxy: { "/api": { target: "", changeOrigin: true, logLevel: "debug", bypass: function (req, res, proxyOptions) { if (req.method === "OPTIONS") { res.statusCode = 200; res.send(); } }, }, "/proxy": { target: "", changeOrigin: true, secure: false, logLevel: "debug", pathRewrite: { "^/proxy": "" }, router: (req) => { let newTarget = req.headers["x-ms-proxy-target"]; return newTarget; }, }, "/_explorer": { target: process.env.EMULATOR_ENDPOINT || "https://localhost:8081/", changeOrigin: true, secure: false, logLevel: "debug", }, "/explorerProxy": { target: process.env.EMULATOR_ENDPOINT || "https://localhost:8081/", pathRewrite: { "^/explorerProxy": "" }, changeOrigin: true, secure: false, logLevel: "debug", }, [`/${AZURE_TENANT_ID}`]: { target: "", changeOrigin: true, secure: false, logLevel: "debug", }, }, }, stats: "minimal", node: { fs: "empty", }, }; };