// 1. Click on "New Graph" on the command bar. // 2. Pane with the title "Add Container" should appear on the right side of the screen // 3. It includes an input box for the database Id. // 4. It includes a checkbox called "Create now". // 5. When the checkbox is marked, enter new database id. // 3. Create a database WITH "Provision throughput" checked. // 4. Enter minimum throughput value of 400. // 5. Enter container id to the container id text box. // 6. Enter partition key to the partition key text box. // 7. Click "OK" to create a new container. // 8. Verify the new container is created along with the database id and should appead in the Data Explorer list in the left side of the screen. const connectionString = require("../../../utilities/connectionString"); let crypt = require("crypto"); context("Graph API Test", () => { beforeEach(() => { connectionString.loginUsingConnectionString(connectionString.constants.graph); }); it("Create a new graph in Graph API", () => { const dbId = `TestDatabase${crypt.randomBytes(8).toString("hex")}`; const graphId = `TestGraph${crypt.randomBytes(8).toString("hex")}`; const partitionKey = `SharedKey${crypt.randomBytes(8).toString("hex")}`; cy.get("iframe").then($element => { const $body = $element.contents().find("body"); cy.wrap($body) .find('div[class="commandBarContainer"]') .should("be.visible") .find('button[data-test="New Graph"]') .should("be.visible") .click(); cy.wrap($body) .find('div[class="contextual-pane-in"]') .should("be.visible") .find('span[id="containerTitle"]'); cy.wrap($body) .find('input[data-test="addCollection-createNewDatabase"]') .check(); cy.wrap($body) .find('input[data-test="addCollection-newDatabaseId"]') .should("be.visible") .type(dbId); cy.wrap($body) .find('input[data-test="addCollectionPane-databaseSharedThroughput"]') .check(); cy.wrap($body) .find('input[data-test="databaseThroughputValue"]') .should("have.value", "400"); cy.wrap($body) .find('input[data-test="addCollection-collectionId"]') .type(graphId); cy.wrap($body) .find('input[data-test="addCollection-partitionKeyValue"]') .type(partitionKey); cy.wrap($body) .find('input[data-test="addCollection-createCollection"]') .click(); cy.wait(10000); cy.wrap($body) .find('div[data-test="resourceTreeId"]') .should("exist") .find('div[class="treeComponent dataResourceTree"]') .should("contain", dbId) .click() .should("contain", graphId); }); }); });