import path from "path"; import { ImmutableNotebook, ImmutableCodeCell } from "@nteract/commutable"; import { NotebookContentItem, NotebookContentItemType } from "./NotebookContentItem"; import { StringUtils } from "../../Utils/StringUtils"; import * as GitHubUtils from "../../Utils/GitHubUtils"; // Must match rx-jupyter' FileType export type FileType = "directory" | "file" | "notebook"; // Utilities for notebooks export class NotebookUtil { /** * It's a notebook file if the filename ends with .ipynb. */ public static isNotebookFile(notebookPath: string): boolean { const fileName = NotebookUtil.getName(notebookPath); return !!fileName && StringUtils.endsWith(fileName, ".ipynb"); } /** * Note: this does not connect the item to a parent in a tree. * @param name * @param path */ public static createNotebookContentItem(name: string, path: string, type: FileType): NotebookContentItem { return { name, path, type: NotebookUtil.getType(type), timestamp: NotebookUtil.getCurrentTimestamp() }; } /** * Convert rx-jupyter type to our type * @param type */ public static getType(type: FileType): NotebookContentItemType { switch (type) { case "directory": return NotebookContentItemType.Directory; case "notebook": return NotebookContentItemType.Notebook; case "file": return NotebookContentItemType.File; default: throw new Error(`Unknown file type: ${type}`); } } public static getCurrentTimestamp(): number { return new Date().getTime(); } /** * Override from kernel-lifecycle.ts to improve kernel selection: * Only return the kernel name persisted in the notebook * * @param filepath * @param notebook */ public static extractNewKernel(filepath: string | null, notebook: ImmutableNotebook) { const cwd = (filepath && path.dirname(filepath)) || "/"; const kernelSpecName = notebook.getIn(["metadata", "kernelspec", "name"]) || notebook.getIn(["metadata", "language_info", "name"]); return { cwd, kernelSpecName }; } public static getName(path: string): undefined | string { let relativePath: string = path; const contentInfo = GitHubUtils.fromContentUri(path); if (contentInfo) { relativePath = contentInfo.path; } return relativePath.split("/").pop(); } public static replaceName(path: string, newName: string): string { const contentInfo = GitHubUtils.fromContentUri(path); if (contentInfo) { const contentName = contentInfo.path.split("/").pop(); if (!contentName) { throw new Error(`Failed to extract name from github path ${contentInfo.path}`); } const basePath = contentInfo.path.split(contentName).shift(); return GitHubUtils.toContentUri(contentInfo.owner, contentInfo.repo, contentInfo.branch, `${basePath}${newName}`); } const contentName = path.split("/").pop(); if (!contentName) { throw new Error(`Failed to extract name from path ${path}`); } const basePath = path.split(contentName).shift(); return `${basePath}${newName}`; } public static findFirstCodeCellWithDisplay(notebookObject: ImmutableNotebook): number { let codeCellIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < notebookObject.cellOrder.size; i++) { const cellId = notebookObject.cellOrder.get(i); if (cellId) { const cell = notebookObject.cellMap.get(cellId); if (cell?.cell_type === "code") { const displayOutput = (cell as ImmutableCodeCell)?.outputs?.find( output => output.output_type === "display_data" || output.output_type === "execute_result" ); if (displayOutput) { return codeCellIndex; } codeCellIndex++; } } } throw new Error("Output does not exist for any of the cells."); } }