import * as Constants from "../Common/Constants"; import { AutoPilotOfferSettings, AutopilotTier, Offer } from "../Contracts/DataModels"; import { DropdownOption } from "../Contracts/ViewModels"; export const manualToAutoscaleDisclaimer = `The starting autoscale max RU/s will be determined by the system, based on the current manual throughput settings and storage of your resource. After autoscale has been enabled, you can change the max RU/s. Learn more.`; export const minAutoPilotThroughput = 4000; export const autoPilotIncrementStep = 1000; const autoPilotTiers: Array = [ AutopilotTier.Tier1, AutopilotTier.Tier2, AutopilotTier.Tier3, AutopilotTier.Tier4 ]; const autoPilotTierTextMap = { [AutopilotTier.Tier1]: Constants.AutoPilot.tier1Text, [AutopilotTier.Tier2]: Constants.AutoPilot.tier2Text, [AutopilotTier.Tier3]: Constants.AutoPilot.tier3Text, [AutopilotTier.Tier4]: Constants.AutoPilot.tier4Text }; export function isAutoPilotOfferUpgradedToV3(offer: AutoPilotOfferSettings): boolean { return offer && !offer.tier; } export function isValidV3AutoPilotOffer(offer: Offer): boolean { const maxThroughput = offer && offer.content && offer.content.offerAutopilotSettings && offer.content.offerAutopilotSettings.maxThroughput; return isValidAutoPilotThroughput(maxThroughput); } export function isValidV2AutoPilotOffer(offer: Offer): boolean { const tier = offer && offer.content && offer.content.offerAutopilotSettings && offer.content.offerAutopilotSettings.tier; if (!tier) { return false; } return isValidAutoPilotTier(tier); } export function isValidAutoPilotTier(tier: number | AutopilotTier): boolean { if (autoPilotTiers.indexOf(tier) >= 0) { return true; } return false; } export function getAutoPilotTextWithTier(tier: AutopilotTier): string { return !!autoPilotTierTextMap[tier] ? autoPilotTierTextMap[tier] : undefined; } export function getAvailableAutoPilotTiersOptions( tier: AutopilotTier = AutopilotTier.Tier1 ): DropdownOption[] { if (!isValidAutoPilotTier(tier)) { tier = AutopilotTier.Tier1; } return AutopilotTier) => ({ value: t, text: getAutoPilotTextWithTier(t) })); } export function isValidAutoPilotThroughput(maxThroughput: number): boolean { if (!maxThroughput) { return false; } if (maxThroughput < minAutoPilotThroughput) { return false; } if (maxThroughput % 1000) { return false; } return true; } export function getMinRUsBasedOnUserInput(throughput: number): number { return Math.round(throughput && throughput * 0.1); } export function getStorageBasedOnUserInput(throughput: number): number { return Math.round(throughput && throughput * 0.01); } export function getAutoPilotHeaderText(isV2Model: boolean): string { if (isV2Model) { return "Throughput (Autopilot)"; } return "Throughput (autoscale)"; }