import * as ko from "knockout"; import * as Constants from "../../Common/Constants"; import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels"; import { ContextualPaneBase } from "./ContextualPaneBase"; import { ConsoleDataType } from "../Menus/NotificationConsole/NotificationConsoleComponent"; import { NotificationConsoleUtils } from "../../Utils/NotificationConsoleUtils"; import * as ErrorParserUtility from "../../Common/ErrorParserUtility"; import { UploadDetailsRecord, UploadDetails } from "../../workers/upload/definitions"; const UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT = 2097152; export class UploadItemsPane extends ContextualPaneBase { public selectedFilesTitle: ko.Observable; public files: ko.Observable; public uploadFileDataVisible: ko.Computed; public uploadFileData: ko.ObservableArray; constructor(options: ViewModels.PaneOptions) { super(options); this._initTitle(); this.resetData(); this.selectedFilesTitle = ko.observable(""); this.uploadFileData = ko.observableArray(); this.uploadFileDataVisible = ko.computed( () => !!this.uploadFileData() && this.uploadFileData().length > 0 ); this.files = ko.observable(); this.files.subscribe((newFiles: FileList) => this._updateSelectedFilesTitle(newFiles)); } public submit() { this.formErrors(""); if (!this.files() || this.files().length === 0) { this.formErrors("No files specified"); this.formErrorsDetails("No files were specified. Please input at least one file."); NotificationConsoleUtils.logConsoleMessage( ConsoleDataType.Error, "Could not upload items -- No files were specified. Please input at least one file." ); return; } else if (this._totalFileSizeForFileList(this.files()) > UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT) { this.formErrors("Upload file size limit exceeded"); this.formErrorsDetails("Total file upload size exceeds the 2 MB file size limit."); NotificationConsoleUtils.logConsoleMessage( ConsoleDataType.Error, "Could not upload items -- Total file upload size exceeds the 2 MB file size limit." ); return; } const selectedCollection: ViewModels.Collection = this.container.findSelectedCollection(); this.isExecuting(true); selectedCollection && selectedCollection .uploadFiles(this.files()) .then( (uploadDetails: UploadDetails) => { this.uploadFileData(; this.files(undefined); this._resetFileInput(); }, (error: any) => { const message = ErrorParserUtility.parse(error); this.formErrors(message[0].message); this.formErrorsDetails(message[0].message); } ) .finally(() => { this.isExecuting(false); }); } public updateSelectedFiles(element: any, event: any): void { this.files(; } public close() { super.close(); this.resetData(); this.files(undefined); this.uploadFileData([]); this._resetFileInput(); } public onImportLinkClick(source: any, event: MouseEvent): boolean { document.getElementById("importDocsInput").click(); return false; } public onImportLinkKeyPress = (source: any, event: KeyboardEvent): boolean => { if (event.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.Enter || event.keyCode === Constants.KeyCodes.Space) { this.onImportLinkClick(source, null); return false; } return true; }; public fileUploadSummaryText = (numSucceeded: number, numFailed: number): string => { return `${numSucceeded} items created, ${numFailed} errors`; }; private _totalFileSizeForFileList(fileList: FileList): number { let totalFileSize: number = 0; if (!fileList) { return totalFileSize; } for (let i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { totalFileSize = totalFileSize + fileList.item(i).size; } return totalFileSize; } private _updateSelectedFilesTitle(fileList: FileList) { this.selectedFilesTitle(""); if (!fileList || fileList.length === 0) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { const originalTitle = this.selectedFilesTitle(); this.selectedFilesTitle(originalTitle + `"${fileList.item(i).name}"`); } } private _initTitle(): void { if (this.container.isPreferredApiCassandra() || this.container.isPreferredApiTable()) { this.title("Upload Tables"); } else if (this.container.isPreferredApiGraph()) { this.title("Upload Graph"); } else { this.title("Upload Items"); } } private _resetFileInput(): void { const inputElement = $("#importDocsInput"); inputElement .wrap("
") .closest("form") .get(0) .reset(); inputElement.unwrap(); } }