// 1. Click on "New Database" on the command bar // 2. a Pane with the title "Add Database" should appear on the right side of the screen // i. It includes an input box for the database Id. // ii. It includes a checkbox called "Provision throughput". // iii. Whe the checkbox is marked, a new input with a throughput control let's you customize RU at the database level // 3. Create a database WITHOUT "Provision throughput" checked. // 4. It should appear in the Data Explorer list. // 5. Repeat steps 1-3 but create a database WITH "Provision throughput" with the default RU value. // 6. It should appear in the Data Explorer list. // 7. If expanded, it should have the list item called "Scale", that once clicked, it should show the "Scale" tab. // 8. Inside that tab, a throughput control will let you change the RU value within the permited range. // 9. If you change the value, it should enable the "Save" button. // 10. Click "Save" and verify that the process completes without error. // 11. Close the tab and reopen it and verify that the input contains the last saved value.% const crypto = require("crypto"); const client = require("../../../utilities/cosmosClient"); const randomString = crypto.randomBytes(2).toString("hex"); const databaseId = `TestDB-${randomString}`; const collectionId = `TestColl-${randomString}`; context("Emulator - Create database -> container -> item", () => { beforeEach(async () => { const { resources } = await client.databases.readAll().fetchAll(); for (const database of resources) { await client.database(database.id).delete(); } }); it("creates a new database", () => { cy.visit(""); cy.contains("New Container").click(); cy.get("[data-test=addCollection-newDatabaseId]").click(); cy.get("[data-test=addCollection-newDatabaseId]").type(databaseId); cy.get("[data-test=addCollection-collectionId]").click(); cy.get("[data-test=addCollection-collectionId]").type(collectionId); cy.get("[data-test=addCollection-partitionKeyValue]").click(); cy.get("[data-test=addCollection-partitionKeyValue]").type("/pk"); cy.get('input[name="createCollection"]').click(); cy.get(".dataResourceTree").should("contain", databaseId); cy.get(".dataResourceTree") .contains(databaseId) .click(); cy.get(".dataResourceTree").should("contain", collectionId); cy.get(".dataResourceTree") .contains(collectionId) .click(); cy.get(".dataResourceTree") .contains("Items") .click(); cy.get(".dataResourceTree") .contains("Items") .click(); cy.wait(1000); // React rendering inside KO causes some weird async rendering that makes this test flaky without waiting cy.get(".commandBarContainer") .contains("New Item") .click(); cy.wait(1000); // React rendering inside KO causes some weird async rendering that makes this test flaky without waiting cy.get(".commandBarContainer") .contains("Save") .click(); cy.wait(1000); // React rendering inside KO causes some weird async rendering that makes this test flaky without waiting cy.get(".documentsGridHeaderContainer").should("contain", "replace_with_new_document_id"); }); });