targetScope = 'resourceGroup' @description('The name of the account to create/update. If the account already exists, it will be updated.') param accountName string @description('The name of the owner of this account, usually a Microsoft alias, but can be any string.') param ownerName string @description('The Azure location in which to create the account.') param location string @description('The total throughput limit for the account. Defaults to 10000 RU/s.') param totalThroughputLimit int = 10000 @allowed([ 'tables' 'cassandra' 'gremlin' 'mongo' 'mongo32' 'sql' ]) @description('The type of account to create.') param testAccountType string var kind = (testAccountType == 'mongo' || testAccountType == 'mongo32') ? 'MongoDB' : 'GlobalDocumentDB' var capabilities = (testAccountType == 'tables') ? [{name: 'EnableTable'}] : (testAccountType == 'cassandra') ? [{name: 'EnableCassandra'}] : (testAccountType == 'gremlin') ? [{name: 'EnableGremlin'}] : [] var serverVersion = (testAccountType == 'mongo32') ? '3.2' : (testAccountType == 'mongo') ? '6.0' : null resource testCosmosAccount 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2024-02-15-preview' = { name: accountName location: location tags: { 'DataExplorer:TestAccountType': testAccountType Owner: ownerName } kind: kind properties: { databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard' locations: [ { locationName: location failoverPriority: 0 } ] apiProperties: { serverVersion: serverVersion } capabilities: capabilities capacity: { totalThroughputLimit: totalThroughputLimit } } }