import * as ko from "knockout"; import * as ViewModels from "../../Contracts/ViewModels"; import * as Constants from "../../Common/Constants"; import * as DataModels from "../../Contracts/DataModels"; import { Action, ActionModifiers } from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryConstants"; import Collection from "./Collection"; import TriggerTab from "../Tabs/TriggerTab"; import ContextMenu from "../Menus/ContextMenu"; import TelemetryProcessor from "../../Shared/Telemetry/TelemetryProcessor"; import { ContextMenuButtonFactory } from "../ContextMenuButtonFactory"; export default class Trigger implements ViewModels.Trigger { public nodeKind: string; public container: ViewModels.Explorer; public collection: ViewModels.Collection; public self: string; public rid: string; public id: ko.Observable; public body: ko.Observable; public triggerType: ko.Observable; public triggerOperation: ko.Observable; public contextMenu: ViewModels.ContextMenu; constructor(container: ViewModels.Explorer, collection: ViewModels.Collection, data: any) { this.nodeKind = "Trigger"; this.container = container; this.collection = collection; this.self = data._self; this.rid = data._rid; = ko.observable(; this.body = ko.observable(data.body); this.triggerOperation = ko.observable(data.triggerOperation); this.triggerType = ko.observable(data.triggerType); this.contextMenu = new ContextMenu(this.container, this.rid); this.contextMenu.options(ContextMenuButtonFactory.createTriggerContextMenuButton(container)); } public select() { this.container.selectedNode(this); TelemetryProcessor.trace(Action.SelectItem, ActionModifiers.Mark, { description: "Trigger node", databaseAccountName: this.container.databaseAccount().name, defaultExperience: this.container.defaultExperience(), dataExplorerArea: Constants.Areas.ResourceTree }); } public static create(source: ViewModels.Collection, event: MouseEvent) { const id = source.container .openedTabs() .filter((tab: ViewModels.Tab) => tab.tabKind === ViewModels.CollectionTabKind.Triggers).length + 1; const trigger = { id: "", body: "function trigger(){}", triggerOperation: "All", triggerType: "Pre" }; let triggerTab: ViewModels.Tab = new TriggerTab({ resource: trigger, isNew: true, tabKind: ViewModels.CollectionTabKind.Triggers, title: `New Trigger ${id}`, tabPath: "", documentClientUtility: source.container.documentClientUtility, collection: source, node: source, hashLocation: `${Constants.HashRoutePrefixes.collectionsWithIds(source.databaseId,}/trigger`, selfLink: "", isActive: ko.observable(false), onUpdateTabsButtons: source.container.onUpdateTabsButtons, openedTabs: source.container.openedTabs() }); source.container.openedTabs.push(triggerTab); // Activate triggerTab.onTabClick(); // Hide Context Menu (if necessary) source.contextMenu.hide(source, event); } public open = () => {; let triggerTab: ViewModels.Tab = this.container .openedTabs() .filter(tab => tab.node && tab.node.rid === this.rid)[0]; if (!triggerTab) { const triggerData = { _rid: this.rid, _self: this.self, id:, body: this.body(), triggerOperation: this.triggerOperation(), triggerType: this.triggerType() }; triggerTab = new TriggerTab({ resource: triggerData, isNew: false, tabKind: ViewModels.CollectionTabKind.Triggers, title:, tabPath: "", documentClientUtility: this.container.documentClientUtility, collection: this.collection, node: this, hashLocation: `${Constants.HashRoutePrefixes.collectionsWithIds( this.collection.databaseId, )}/triggers/${}`, selfLink: "", isActive: ko.observable(false), onUpdateTabsButtons: this.container.onUpdateTabsButtons, openedTabs: this.container.openedTabs() }); this.container.openedTabs.push(triggerTab); } // Activate triggerTab.onTabClick(); }; public delete(source: Collection, event: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) { // Hide Context Menu (if necessary) this.contextMenu.hide(source, event); if (!window.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the trigger?")) { return; } const triggerData = { _rid: this.rid, _self: this.self, id:, body: this.body(), triggerOperation: this.triggerOperation(), triggerType: this.triggerType() }; this.container.documentClientUtility.deleteTrigger(this.collection, triggerData).then( () => { this.container.openedTabs.remove((tab: ViewModels.Tab) => tab.node && tab.node.rid === this.rid); this.collection.children.remove(this); }, reason => {} ); } public onKeyDown = (source: any, event: KeyboardEvent): boolean => { if (event.key === "Delete") { this.delete(source, event); return false; } return true; }; public onMenuKeyDown = (source: any, event: KeyboardEvent): boolean => { if (event.key === "Escape") { this.contextMenu.hide(source, event); return false; } return true; }; public onKeyPress = (source: any, event: KeyboardEvent): boolean => { if (event.key === " " || event.key === "Enter") {; return false; } return true; }; }