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import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test";
import { DataExplorer, Editor, QueryTab, TestAccount } from "../fx";
import { TestContainerContext, TestItem, createTestSQLContainer } from "../testData";
let context: TestContainerContext = null!;
let explorer: DataExplorer = null!;
let queryTab: QueryTab = null!;
let queryEditor: Editor = null!;
test.beforeAll("Create Test Database", async () => {
context = await createTestSQLContainer(true);
test.beforeEach("Open new query tab", async ({ page }) => {
// Open a query tab
explorer = await DataExplorer.open(page, TestAccount.SQL);
// Container nodes should be visible. The explorer auto-expands database nodes when they are first loaded.
const containerNode = await explorer.waitForContainerNode(context.database.id, context.container.id);
await containerNode.openContextMenu();
await containerNode.contextMenuItem("New SQL Query").click();
// Wait for the editor to load
queryTab = explorer.queryTab("tab0");
queryEditor = queryTab.editor();
await queryEditor.locator.waitFor({ timeout: 30 * 1000 });
await queryTab.executeCTA.waitFor();
await explorer.frame.getByTestId("NotificationConsole/ExpandCollapseButton").click();
await explorer.frame.getByTestId("NotificationConsole/Contents").waitFor();
test.afterAll("Delete Test Database", async () => {
await context?.dispose();
test("Query results", async () => {
// Run the query and verify the results
await queryEditor.locator.click();
const executeQueryButton = explorer.commandBarButton("Execute Query");
await executeQueryButton.click();
await expect(queryTab.resultsEditor.locator).toBeAttached({ timeout: 60 * 1000 });
// Read the results
const resultText = await queryTab.resultsEditor.text();
const resultData: TestItem[] = JSON.parse(resultText!);
// Pick 3 random documents and assert them
const randomDocs = [0, 1, 2].map(() => resultData[Math.floor(Math.random() * resultData.length)]);
randomDocs.forEach((doc) => {
const matchingDoc = context?.testData.get(doc.id);
test("Query stats", async () => {
// Run the query and verify the results
await queryEditor.locator.click();
const executeQueryButton = explorer.commandBarButton("Execute Query");
await executeQueryButton.click();
await expect(queryTab.resultsEditor.locator).toBeAttached({ timeout: 60 * 1000 });
// Open the query stats tab and validate some data there
await expect(queryTab.queryStatsList).toBeAttached();
const showingResultsCell = queryTab.queryStatsList.getByTestId("Row:Showing Results/Column:value");
await expect(showingResultsCell).toContainText(/\d+ - \d+/);
test("Query errors", async () => {
test.skip(true, "Disabled due to an issue with error reporting in the backend.");
await queryEditor.locator.click();
await queryEditor.setText("SELECT\n glarb(c.id),\n blarg(c.id)\nFROM c");
// Run the query and verify the results
const executeQueryButton = explorer.commandBarButton("Execute Query");
await executeQueryButton.click();
await expect(queryTab.errorList).toBeAttached({ timeout: 60 * 1000 });
// Validating the squiggles requires a lot of digging through the Monaco model, OR a screenshot comparison.
// The screenshot ended up being fairly flaky, and a pain to maintain, so I decided not to include validation for the squiggles.
// Validate the errors are in the list
await expect(queryTab.errorList.getByTestId("Row:0/Column:code")).toHaveText("SC2005");
await expect(queryTab.errorList.getByTestId("Row:0/Column:location")).toHaveText("Line 2");
await expect(queryTab.errorList.getByTestId("Row:1/Column:code")).toHaveText("SC2005");
await expect(queryTab.errorList.getByTestId("Row:1/Column:location")).toHaveText("Line 3");