2021-11-10 14:22:30 -05:00

332 lines
10 KiB

import { ImmutableCodeCell, ImmutableNotebook } from "@nteract/commutable";
import { AppState, selectors } from "@nteract/core";
import domtoimage from "dom-to-image";
import Html2Canvas from "html2canvas";
import path from "path";
import * as GitHubUtils from "../../Utils/GitHubUtils";
import * as StringUtils from "../../Utils/StringUtils";
import { SnapshotFragment } from "./NotebookComponent/types";
import { NotebookContentItem, NotebookContentItemType } from "./NotebookContentItem";
// Must match rx-jupyter' FileType
export type FileType = "directory" | "file" | "notebook";
// Utilities for notebooks
export class NotebookUtil {
public static UntrustedNotebookRunHint = "Please trust notebook first before running any code cells";
* It's a notebook file if the filename ends with .ipynb.
public static isNotebookFile(notebookPath: string): boolean {
const fileName = NotebookUtil.getName(notebookPath);
return !!fileName && StringUtils.endsWith(fileName, ".ipynb");
* Note: this does not connect the item to a parent in a tree.
* @param name
* @param path
public static createNotebookContentItem(name: string, path: string, type: FileType): NotebookContentItem {
return {
type: NotebookUtil.getType(type),
timestamp: NotebookUtil.getCurrentTimestamp(),
* Convert rx-jupyter type to our type
* @param type
public static getType(type: FileType): NotebookContentItemType {
switch (type) {
case "directory":
return NotebookContentItemType.Directory;
case "notebook":
return NotebookContentItemType.Notebook;
case "file":
return NotebookContentItemType.File;
throw new Error(`Unknown file type: ${type}`);
public static getCurrentTimestamp(): number {
return new Date().getTime();
* Override from kernel-lifecycle.ts to improve kernel selection:
* Only return the kernel name persisted in the notebook
* @param filepath
* @param notebook
public static extractNewKernel(filepath: string | null, notebook: ImmutableNotebook) {
const cwd = (filepath && path.dirname(filepath)) || "/";
const kernelSpecName =
notebook.getIn(["metadata", "kernelspec", "name"]) || notebook.getIn(["metadata", "language_info", "name"]);
return {
public static getFilePath(path: string, fileName: string): string {
const contentInfo = GitHubUtils.fromContentUri(path);
if (contentInfo) {
let path = fileName;
if (contentInfo.path) {
path = `${contentInfo.path}/${path}`;
return GitHubUtils.toContentUri(contentInfo.owner, contentInfo.repo, contentInfo.branch, path);
return `${path}/${fileName}`;
public static getParentPath(filepath: string): undefined | string {
const basename = NotebookUtil.getName(filepath);
if (basename) {
const contentInfo = GitHubUtils.fromContentUri(filepath);
if (contentInfo) {
const parentPath = contentInfo.path.split(basename).shift();
if (parentPath === undefined) {
return undefined;
return GitHubUtils.toContentUri(
parentPath.replace(/\/$/, "") // no trailling slash
const parentPath = filepath.split(basename).shift();
if (parentPath) {
return parentPath.replace(/\/$/, ""); // no trailling slash
return undefined;
public static getName(path: string): undefined | string {
let relativePath: string = path;
const contentInfo = GitHubUtils.fromContentUri(path);
if (contentInfo) {
relativePath = contentInfo.path;
return relativePath.split("/").pop();
public static replaceName(path: string, newName: string): string {
const contentInfo = GitHubUtils.fromContentUri(path);
if (contentInfo) {
const contentName = contentInfo.path.split("/").pop();
if (!contentName) {
throw new Error(`Failed to extract name from github path ${contentInfo.path}`);
const basePath = contentInfo.path.split(contentName).shift();
return GitHubUtils.toContentUri(contentInfo.owner, contentInfo.repo, contentInfo.branch, `${basePath}${newName}`);
const contentName = path.split("/").pop();
if (!contentName) {
throw new Error(`Failed to extract name from path ${path}`);
const basePath = path.split(contentName).shift();
return `${basePath}${newName}`;
public static hasCodeCellOutput(cell: ImmutableCodeCell): boolean {
return !!cell?.outputs?.find(
(output) =>
output.output_type === "display_data" ||
output.output_type === "execute_result" ||
output.output_type === "stream"
public static isNotebookUntrusted(state: AppState, contentRef: string): boolean {
const content = selectors.content(state, { contentRef });
if (content?.type === "notebook") {
const metadata = selectors.notebook.metadata(content.model);
return metadata.getIn(["untrusted"]) as boolean;
return false;
* Find code cells with display
* @param notebookObject
* @returns array of cell ids
public static findCodeCellWithDisplay(notebookObject: ImmutableNotebook): string[] {
return notebookObject.cellOrder.reduce((accumulator: string[], cellId) => {
const cell = notebookObject.cellMap.get(cellId);
if (cell?.cell_type === "code") {
if (NotebookUtil.hasCodeCellOutput(cell as ImmutableCodeCell)) {
return accumulator;
}, []);
public static takeScreenshotHtml2Canvas = (
target: HTMLElement,
aspectRatio: number,
subSnapshots: SnapshotFragment[],
downloadFilename?: string
): Promise<{ imageSrc: string | undefined }> => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
// target.scrollIntoView();
const canvas = await Html2Canvas(target, {
useCORS: true,
allowTaint: true,
scale: 1,
logging: false,
//redraw canvas to fit aspect ratio
const originalImageData = canvas.toDataURL();
const width = parseInt(canvas.style.width.split("px")[0]);
if (aspectRatio) {
canvas.height = width * aspectRatio;
if (originalImageData === "data:,") {
// Empty output
resolve({ imageSrc: undefined });
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");
const image = new Image();
image.src = originalImageData;
image.onload = () => {
if (!context) {
reject(new Error("No context to draw on"));
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
// draw sub images
if (subSnapshots) {
const parentRect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
subSnapshots.forEach((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.image) {
snapshot.boundingClientRect.x - parentRect.x,
snapshot.boundingClientRect.y - parentRect.y
resolve({ imageSrc: canvas.toDataURL() });
if (downloadFilename) {
canvas.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream")
} catch (error) {
return reject(error);
public static takeScreenshotDomToImage = (
target: HTMLElement,
aspectRatio: number,
subSnapshots: SnapshotFragment[],
downloadFilename?: string
): Promise<{ imageSrc?: string }> => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
// target.scrollIntoView();
try {
const filter = (node: Node): boolean => {
const excludedList = ["IMG", "CANVAS"];
return !excludedList.includes((node as HTMLElement).tagName);
const originalImageData = await domtoimage.toPng(target, { filter });
if (originalImageData === "data:,") {
// Empty output
const baseImage = new Image();
baseImage.src = originalImageData;
baseImage.onload = () => {
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = baseImage.width;
canvas.height = aspectRatio !== undefined ? baseImage.width * aspectRatio : baseImage.width;
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");
if (!context) {
reject(new Error("No Canvas to draw on"));
// White background otherwise image is transparent
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillRect(0, 0, baseImage.width, baseImage.height);
context.drawImage(baseImage, 0, 0);
// draw sub images
if (subSnapshots) {
const parentRect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
subSnapshots.forEach((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.image) {
snapshot.boundingClientRect.x - parentRect.x,
snapshot.boundingClientRect.y - parentRect.y
resolve({ imageSrc: canvas.toDataURL() });
if (downloadFilename) {
canvas.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream")
} catch (error) {
private static downloadFile(filename: string, content: string): void {
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = content;
link.download = filename;