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export const TableType = {
String: "String",
Boolean: "Boolean",
Binary: "Binary",
DateTime: "DateTime",
Double: "Double",
Guid: "Guid",
Int32: "Int32",
Int64: "Int64",
export const CassandraType = {
Ascii: "Ascii",
Bigint: "Bigint",
Blob: "Blob",
Boolean: "Boolean",
Date: "Date",
Decimal: "Decimal",
Double: "Double",
Float: "Float",
Int: "Int",
Text: "Text",
Timestamp: "Timestamp",
Uuid: "Uuid",
Varchar: "Varchar",
Varint: "Varint",
Inet: "Inet",
Smallint: "Smallint",
Tinyint: "Tinyint",
List_Ascii: "List<Ascii>",
List_Bigint: "List<Bigint>",
List_Blob: "List<Blob>",
List_Boolean: "List<Boolean>",
List_Date: "List<Date>",
List_Decimal: "List<Decimal>",
List_Double: "List<Double>",
List_Float: "List<Float>",
List_Int: "List<Int>",
List_Text: "List<Text>",
List_Timestamp: "List<Timestamp>",
List_Uuid: "List<Uuid>",
List_Varchar: "List<Varchar>",
List_Varint: "List<Varint>",
List_Inet: "List<Inet>",
List_Smallint: "List<Smallint>",
List_Tinyint: "List<Tinyint>",
Map_Ascii: "Map<Ascii>",
Map_Bigint: "Map<Bigint>",
Map_Blob: "Map<Blob>",
Map_Boolean: "Map<Boolean>",
Map_Date: "Map<Date>",
Map_Decimal: "Map<Decimal>",
Map_Double: "Map<Double>",
Map_Float: "Map<Float>",
Map_Int: "Map<Int>",
Map_Text: "Map<Text>",
Map_Timestamp: "Map<Timestamp>",
Map_Uuid: "Map<Uuid>",
Map_Varchar: "Map<Varchar>",
Map_Varint: "Map<Varint>",
Map_Inet: "Map<Inet>",
Map_Smallint: "Map<Smallint>",
Map_Tinyint: "Map<Tinyint>",
Set_Ascii: "Set<Ascii>",
Set_Bigint: "Set<Bigint>",
Set_Blob: "Set<Blob>",
Set_Boolean: "Set<Boolean>",
Set_Date: "Set<Date>",
Set_Decimal: "Set<Decimal>",
Set_Double: "Set<Double>",
Set_Float: "Set<Float>",
Set_Int: "Set<Int>",
Set_Text: "Set<Text>",
Set_Timestamp: "Set<Timestamp>",
Set_Uuid: "Set<Uuid>",
Set_Varchar: "Set<Varchar>",
Set_Varint: "Set<Varint>",
Set_Inet: "Set<Inet>",
Set_Smallint: "Set<Smallint>",
Set_Tinyint: "Set<Tinyint>",
export const ClauseRule = {
And: "And",
Or: "Or",
export const Operator = {
EqualTo: "==",
GreaterThan: ">",
GreaterThanOrEqualTo: ">=",
LessThan: "<",
LessThanOrEqualTo: "<=",
NotEqualTo: "<>",
Equal: "=",
export const ODataOperator = {
EqualTo: "eq",
GreaterThan: "gt",
GreaterThanOrEqualTo: "ge",
LessThan: "lt",
LessThanOrEqualTo: "le",
NotEqualTo: "ne",
export const timeOptions = {
lastHour: "Last hour",
last24Hours: "Last 24 hours",
last7Days: "Last 7 days",
last31Days: "Last 31 days",
last365Days: "Last 365 days",
currentMonth: "Current month",
currentYear: "Current year",
custom: "Custom...",
export const htmlSelectors = {
dataTableSelector: "#storageTable",
dataTableAllRowsSelector: "#storageTable tbody tr",
dataTableHeadRowSelector: ".dataTable thead tr",
dataTableBodyRowSelector: ".dataTable tbody tr",
dataTableScrollBodySelector: ".dataTables_scrollBody",
dataTableScrollContainerSelector: ".dataTables_scroll",
dataTableHeaderTypeSelector: "table thead th",
dataTablePaginationButtonSelector: ".paginate_button",
dataTableHeaderTableSelector: "#storageTable_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHeadInner table",
dataTableBodyTableSelector: "#storageTable_wrapper .dataTables_scrollBody table",
searchInputField: ".search-input",
uploadDropdownSelector: "#upload-dropdown",
navigationDropdownSelector: "#navigation-dropdown",
addressBarInputSelector: "#address-bar",
breadCrumbsSelector: "#breadcrumb-list",
breadCrumbItemsSelector: ".breadcrumb li a",
paginateSelector: "#storageTable_paginate",
dataTablesInfoSelector: "#storageTable_info",
selectAllDropdownSelector: "#select-all-dropdown",
export const defaultHeader = " ";
export const EntityKeyNames = {
PartitionKey: "PartitionKey",
RowKey: "RowKey",
Timestamp: "Timestamp",
Metadata: ".metadata",
Etag: "etag",
export const htmlAttributeNames = {
dataTableNameAttr: "name_attr",
dataTableContentTypeAttr: "contentType_attr",
dataTableSnapshotAttr: "snapshot_attr",
dataTableRowKeyAttr: "rowKey_attr",
dataTableMessageIdAttr: "messageId_attr",
dataTableHeaderIndex: "data-column-index",
export const cssColors = {
commonControlsButtonActive: "#B4C7DC" /* A darker shade of [{common-controls-button-hover-background}] */,
export const clauseGroupColors = ["#ffe1ff", "#fffacd", "#f0ffff", "#ffefd5", "#f0fff0"];
export const transparentColor = "transparent";
export const keyCodes = {
RightClick: 3,
Enter: 13,
Esc: 27,
Tab: 9,
LeftArrow: 37,
UpArrow: 38,
RightArrow: 39,
DownArrow: 40,
Delete: 46,
A: 65,
B: 66,
C: 67,
D: 68,
E: 69,
F: 70,
G: 71,
H: 72,
I: 73,
J: 74,
K: 75,
L: 76,
M: 77,
N: 78,
O: 79,
P: 80,
Q: 81,
R: 82,
S: 83,
T: 84,
U: 85,
V: 86,
W: 87,
X: 88,
Y: 89,
Z: 90,
Period: 190,
DecimalPoint: 110,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123,
Dash: 189,
export const InputType = {
Text: "text",
// Chrome doesn't support datetime, instead, datetime-local is supported.
DateTime: "datetime-local",
Number: "number",