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synced 2025-03-09 19:40:28 +00:00
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114 lines
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import "expect-puppeteer";
import { getTestExplorerFrame } from "../testExplorer/TestExplorerUtils";
import { createDatabase, onClickSaveButton } from "../utils/shared";
import { generateUniqueName } from "../utils/shared";
import { ApiKind } from "../../src/Contracts/DataModels";
describe("MongoDB Index policy tests", () => {
it("Open, Create and Save Index", async () => {
try {
const singleFieldId = generateUniqueName("key");
const wildCardId = generateUniqueName("key") + "$**";
const frame = await getTestExplorerFrame(ApiKind.MongoDB);
const dropDown = "Index Type ";
let index = 0;
//open dataBaseMenu
await frame.waitForSelector('div[class="splashScreen"] > div[class="title"]', { visible: true });
await frame.waitFor(LOADING_STATE_DELAY);
await frame.waitForSelector('div[class="splashScreen"] > div[class="title"]', { visible: true });
const dbId = await createDatabase(frame);
await frame.waitFor(25000);
// click on database
await frame.waitForSelector(`div[data-test="${dbId}"]`);
await frame.waitFor(LOADING_STATE_DELAY);
await frame.click(`div[data-test="${dbId}"]`);
await frame.waitFor(LOADING_STATE_DELAY);
// click on scale & setting
const containers = await frame.$$(
`div[class="nodeChildren"] > div[class="collectionHeader main2 nodeItem "]> div[class="treeNodeHeader "]`
const selectedContainer = (await frame.evaluate((element) => element.innerText, containers[0]))
.replace(/[\u{0080}-\u{FFFF}]/gu, "")
await frame.waitFor(`div[data-test="${selectedContainer}"]`), { visible: true };
await frame.waitFor(LOADING_STATE_DELAY);
await frame.click(`div[data-test="${selectedContainer}"]`);
await frame.waitFor(`div[data-test="Scale & Settings"]`), { visible: true };
await frame.waitFor(LOADING_STATE_DELAY);
await frame.click(`div[data-test="Scale & Settings"]`);
await frame.waitFor(`button[data-content="Indexing Policy"]`), { visible: true };
await frame.waitFor(LOADING_STATE_DELAY);
await frame.click(`button[data-content="Indexing Policy"]`);
// Type to single Field
let throughput = await frame.$$(".ms-TextField-field");
const selectedDropDownSingleField = dropDown + index;
await frame.waitFor(`div[aria-label="${selectedDropDownSingleField}"]`), { visible: true };
await throughput[index].type(singleFieldId);
await frame.click(`div[aria-label="${selectedDropDownSingleField}"]`);
await frame.waitFor(LOADING_STATE_DELAY);
await frame.click(`button[title="Single Field"]`);
// Type to wild card
throughput = await frame.$$(".ms-TextField-field");
await throughput[index].type(wildCardId);
const selectedDropDownWildCard = dropDown + index;
await frame.waitFor(`div[aria-label="${selectedDropDownWildCard}"]`), { visible: true };
await frame.click(`div[aria-label="${selectedDropDownWildCard}"]`);
await frame.waitFor(LOADING_STATE_DELAY);
await frame.click(`button[title="Wildcard"]`);
// click save Button
await onClickSaveButton(frame);
// check the array
let singleFieldIndexInserted = false,
wildCardIndexInserted = false;
await frame.waitFor("div[data-automationid='DetailsRowCell'] > span"), { visible: true };
await frame.waitFor(20000);
const elements = await frame.$$("div[data-automationid='DetailsRowCell'] > span");
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
const element = elements[i];
const text = await frame.evaluate((element) => element.textContent, element);
if (text.includes(wildCardId)) {
wildCardIndexInserted = true;
} else if (text.includes(singleFieldId)) {
singleFieldIndexInserted = true;
await frame.waitFor(20000);
//delete all index policy
await frame.waitFor("button[aria-label='Delete index Button']"), { visible: true };
const deleteButton = await frame.$$("button[aria-label='Delete index Button']");
for (let i = 0; i < deleteButton.length; i++) {
await frame.click(`button[aria-label="Delete index Button"]`);
await onClickSaveButton(frame);
//check for cleaning
await frame.waitFor(20000);
await frame.waitFor("div[data-automationid='DetailsRowCell'] > span"), { visible: true };
const isDeletionComplete = await frame.$$("div[data-automationid='DetailsRowCell'] > span");
} catch (error) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const testName = (expect as any).getState().currentTestName;
await page.screenshot({ path: `failed-${testName}.jpg` });
throw error;