This is a simple cooking website where users can submit recipes here for credit.
There are no ads, trackers, cookies (unless recipes thereof) or javascript.
## Ways to contribute
- By adding a recipe.
- Make a recipe and take a nice picture of it if no nice picture already
exists. Submitted images should be small `.webp` files ideally less than 100K
or so.
- Fix errors in recipes or add minor improvements.
## Rules for submission
- Model submission files after []( Put them in `src/`.
- /fit/ infographics should be a simple .md file with the picture inside. put them in `fitposts/`
- Recipes should start with a title, with a single `#`, *on the first line*. No
empty line at the top, no trailing line at the end. The file needs to be `\n`
terminated in linux-fashion (if you're on linux you don't need to care, it
should be automatic).
- File names should be the name of the dish with words separated by hyphens
(`-`). Not underscores, and definitely not spaces.
- Recipe must be based, i.e. good traditional and substantial food. Nothing
ironic, meme-tier hyper-sugary, meat-substitute, etc.
- Don't include salt and pepper and other ubiquitous things in the ingredients
**If you fail to do these things, I will close your submission and you will have to resubmit. I am tired of having to fix more than 50% of submissions.**
### Tags
You can (and should) add tags at the end of your recipe. The syntax is:
;tags: tag1 tag2 tag3
The tag line should be a single line, at the end of the markdown file, preceded
by a blank line.
Add between 1 and 4 tags, **prioritize existing tags**. As a general guideline,
add the country from which the recipe originates if the recipe is representative
of said country, using the adjective form (eg. *mexican*, *italian*, etc). Tag
the main ingredient if it's something slightly special.
List of special, categorical tags to use if relevant:
-`basic`: for basic recipes that aren't meant to be stand alone but are supposed
to be incorporated in another recipe.
-`quick`: for recipes that can be cooked in under ~20 minutes.
-`side`: side dishes such as mash, fries, etc.
### Images
Images are stored in `/pix`.
Images for /fit/ infographics are stored in `/fitpics`
Each recipe can have a title image at the top and perhaps
several instructional images as absolutely necessary.
Do not add stock images you found on the internet.
Take a good picture yourself of the actual dish created.
If you see a bad or substandard image, you may submit a better one.
Images should be in `.webp` format and with as small file size as possible.
If you submit an image for say, ``, it should be added as `pix/chicken-parmesan.webp`.
If you would like to add additional directional images,
they should be numbered with two digits like: `pix/chicken-parmesan-01.webp`, etc.