2020-04-23 23:17:27 -04:00
import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component'
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'
import { defineMessages , injectIntl } from 'react-intl'
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
import {
} from '../../constants'
import { boostModal , me } from '../../initial_state'
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import { quoteCompose } from '../../actions/compose'
import { repost , unrepost } from '../../actions/interactions'
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
import { closePopover } from '../../actions/popover'
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import { openModal } from '../../actions/modal'
import PopoverLayout from './popover_layout'
import List from '../list'
const messages = defineMessages ( {
repost : { id : 'repost' , defaultMessage : 'Repost' } ,
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
removeRepost : { id : 'status.cancel_repost_private' , defaultMessage : 'Remove Repost' } ,
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repostWithComment : { id : 'repost_with_comment' , defaultMessage : 'Repost with comment' } ,
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
quoteMessage : { id : 'confirmations.quote.message' , defaultMessage : 'Quoting now will overwrite the message you are currently composing. Are you sure you want to proceed?' } ,
quoteConfirm : { id : 'confirmations.quote.confirm' , defaultMessage : 'Quote' } ,
} )
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const mapDispatchToProps = ( dispatch , { intl } ) => ( {
onQuote ( status , router ) {
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
if ( ! me ) return dispatch ( openModal ( MODAL _UNAUTHORIZED ) )
dispatch ( closePopover ( ) )
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dispatch ( ( _ , getState ) => {
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
const state = getState ( )
2020-04-23 23:17:27 -04:00
if ( state . getIn ( [ 'compose' , 'text' ] ) . trim ( ) . length !== 0 ) {
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
dispatch ( openModal ( MODAL _CONFIRM , {
2020-04-23 23:17:27 -04:00
message : intl . formatMessage ( messages . quoteMessage ) ,
confirm : intl . formatMessage ( messages . quoteConfirm ) ,
onConfirm : ( ) => dispatch ( quoteCompose ( status , router ) ) ,
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
} ) )
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} else {
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dispatch ( quoteCompose ( status , router ) )
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} )
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} ,
onRepost ( status ) {
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
if ( ! me ) return dispatch ( openModal ( MODAL _UNAUTHORIZED ) )
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2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
dispatch ( closePopover ( ) )
const alreadyReposted = status . get ( 'reblogged' )
if ( boostModal && ! alreadyReposted ) {
dispatch ( openModal ( MODAL _BOOST , {
status ,
onRepost : ( ) => dispatch ( repost ( status ) ) ,
} ) )
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} else {
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if ( alreadyReposted ) {
dispatch ( unrepost ( status ) )
} else {
dispatch ( repost ( status ) )
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} ,
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} )
2020-04-23 23:17:27 -04:00
export default
@ injectIntl
@ connect ( null , mapDispatchToProps )
class RepostOptionsPopover extends ImmutablePureComponent {
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
static contextTypes = {
router : PropTypes . object ,
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static defaultProps = {
intl : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
onQuote : PropTypes . func . isRequired ,
onRepost : PropTypes . func . isRequired ,
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status : ImmutablePropTypes . map . isRequired ,
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2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
updateOnProps = [
'status' ,
2020-04-23 23:17:27 -04:00
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
handleOnQuote = ( ) => {
this . props . onQuote ( this . props . status , this . context . router . history )
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2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
handleOnRepost = ( ) => {
this . props . onRepost ( this . props . status )
2020-04-23 23:17:27 -04:00
render ( ) {
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
const { intl , status } = this . props
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2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
const alreadyReposted = status . get ( 'reblogged' )
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return (
< PopoverLayout width = { 220 } >
< List
scrollKey = 'repost_options'
size = 'large'
2020-05-01 01:50:27 -04:00
items = { [
hideArrow : true ,
icon : 'repost' ,
title : intl . formatMessage ( ! alreadyReposted ? messages . repost : messages . removeRepost ) ,
onClick : this . handleOnRepost ,
} ,
hideArrow : true ,
icon : 'pencil' ,
title : intl . formatMessage ( messages . repostWithComment ) ,
onClick : this . handleOnQuote ,
] }
2020-04-23 23:17:27 -04:00
/ >
< / P o p o v e r L a y o u t >