Added CaretDownIcon, StarOutlineIcon

• Added:
- CaretDownIcon, StarOutlineIcon
This commit is contained in:
mgabdev 2020-07-24 20:16:04 -05:00
parent 78838ff241
commit 05d26a0efc
3 changed files with 52 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
const CaretDownIcon = ({
className = '',
size = '24px',
title = '',
}) => (
viewBox='0 0 24 24'
<path d='M 23.58 5.7 C 23.29 5.41 22.93 5.26 22.53 5.26 L 1.5 5.26 C 1.09 5.26 0.74 5.41 0.45 5.7 C 0.15 6 0 6.35 0 6.76 C 0 7.16 0.15 7.52 0.45 7.81 L 10.96 18.33 C 11.26 18.63 11.61 18.77 12.02 18.77 C 12.42 18.77 12.77 18.63 13.07 18.33 L 23.58 7.81 C 23.88 7.52 24.03 7.16 24.03 6.76 C 24.03 6.35 23.88 6 23.58 5.7 Z M 23.58 5.7' />
export default CaretDownIcon

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
const StarOutlineIcon = ({
className = '',
size = '24px',
title = '',
}) => (
viewBox='0 0 24 24'
<path d="M 5.37 23.5 C 5.11 23.5 4.85 23.42 4.62 23.26 C 4.21 22.96 4.02 22.45 4.13 21.95 L 5.67 15.15 L 0.44 10.56 C 0.05 10.22 -0.09 9.69 0.06 9.2 C 0.22 8.72 0.65 8.37 1.16 8.32 L 8.09 7.7 L 10.82 1.29 C 11.02 0.82 11.48 0.52 12 0.52 C 12.51 0.52 12.96 0.82 13.17 1.29 L 15.91 7.7 L 22.83 8.32 C 23.34 8.37 23.77 8.72 23.93 9.2 C 24.09 9.69 23.94 10.22 23.55 10.56 L 18.32 15.15 L 19.86 21.95 C 19.98 22.45 19.79 22.96 19.37 23.26 C 18.95 23.56 18.4 23.59 17.97 23.32 L 12 19.75 L 6.02 23.32 C 5.82 23.45 5.6 23.5 5.37 23.5 Z M 12 18.21 C 12.22 18.21 12.45 18.28 12.65 18.4 L 18.29 21.77 L 16.83 15.35 C 16.72 14.89 16.88 14.42 17.23 14.11 L 22.18 9.77 L 15.64 9.18 C 15.16 9.14 14.76 8.84 14.58 8.41 L 12 2.36 L 9.41 8.41 C 9.23 8.84 8.82 9.14 8.36 9.18 L 1.82 9.77 L 6.76 14.11 C 7.11 14.42 7.27 14.89 7.16 15.35 L 5.71 21.77 L 11.34 18.4 C 11.54 18.28 11.77 18.21 12 18.21 Z M 8.03 7.82 C 8.03 7.82 8.03 7.82 8.03 7.82 Z M 15.96 7.82 L 15.96 7.82 C 15.96 7.82 15.96 7.82 15.96 7.82 Z M 15.96 7.82" />
export default StarOutlineIcon

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import BlockquoteIcon from '../assets/blockquote_icon'
import BoldIcon from '../assets/bold_icon'
import BookmarkIcon from '../assets/bookmark_icon'
import CalendarIcon from '../assets/calendar_icon'
import CaretDownIcon from '../assets/caret_down_icon'
import ChatIcon from '../assets/chat_icon'
import CheckIcon from '../assets/check_icon'
import CircleIcon from '../assets/circle_icon'
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ import ShareIcon from '../assets/share_icon'
import ShopIcon from '../assets/shop_icon'
import SortIcon from '../assets/sort_icon'
import StarIcon from '../assets/star_icon'
import StarOutlineIcon from '../assets/star_outline_icon'
import StopWatchIcon from '../assets/stopwatch_icon'
import StrikethroughIcon from '../assets/strikethrough_icon'
import SubtractIcon from '../assets/subtract_icon'
@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ const ICONS = {
'bold': BoldIcon,
'bookmark': BookmarkIcon,
'calendar': CalendarIcon,
'caret-down': CaretDownIcon,
'chat': ChatIcon,
'check': CheckIcon,
'close': CloseIcon,
@ -151,6 +154,7 @@ const ICONS = {
'shop': ShopIcon,
'sort': SortIcon,
'star': StarIcon,
'star-outline': StarOutlineIcon,
'stopwatch': StopWatchIcon,
'strikethrough': StrikethroughIcon,
'subtract': SubtractIcon,