(When using dummy data)
* to_s(16) allocates a string per character
Instead of converting the ord to hex and determining if the hex
is over 2 characters long, just see if the ord is over 255.
* .match allocates a MatchData instance and sets all sorts of backrefs
($1, $2, etc). match? just returns a boolean.
casecmp?(str) is 1.5x faster than casecmp(str).zero?
It's 1 less method call in Ruby, and the C code can convert
to boolean, rather than returning a number and determining
if it's zero.
• Updated:
- LinkBlock checks for if status text contains blocked domain
- normalize_link to use domain instead of normalized_host
• Added:
- normalize_link_domain to check for if entire domains are blocked or not for spam
Zeitwerk operates on files in the autoload paths. Since the
entire "app" directory is autoloaded, all files inside need to
play by Zeitwerk's rules. Zeitwerk expects that a file named
"exceptions.rb" would define a constant named "Exceptions".
The exceptions file doesn't follow Zeitwerk's conventions.
The easiest way to solve this is to move the execptions out of
app/lib and into lib, where `require_relative` doesn't have
Zeitwerk taken into account.
• Added:
- New Account filtering
- PreviewCard viewing/sorting/filtering deleting (todo)
- DeletePreviewCardWorker, Service
- Status viewing/sorting/filtering deleting
- ChatMessage viewing/sorting/filtering deleting (todo)
- Account > Follows view
• Updated:
- LinkBlock to sort alphabetically
- Groups to be under "Moderation" instead of "Admin" in navigation.rb
- Status in admin to have group name/link
- Reports reset button
- Group filtering/sorting
- LinkBlock filtering/sorting
- Account now has bio and few more data points in dashboard
• Updated:
- SortingQueryBuilder for ExploreTimeline, GroupCollectionTimeline, GroupTimeline
- Test on a lot of data to ensure no repeats
- Test reducers/timeline updates to appending and concating non status.id sorted results
new MediaAttachment video style :playable for mp4 to make videojs work with multiple files, hiding albums, hiding bookmark collections. may need tweaks on mediaattachment for mov and other formats : todo :