• Updated:
- Explore,Group,GroupCollection timeline controllers unauth result limits to be max 2 pages (group still empty for now)
- Max limit to be 25 (for everything, unless provided default) in BaseController
- Removed status counting in dashboard for admins
- Added limit to notifications to only 7 days ago
- Removed ability for non-logged in users to view group, group-collection timelines
- Limited account realtime search on compose, list, chat actions
- Removed fetching of user suggestions
- Removed fetching of shortcuts
- Removed featured groups, user suggestions timeline injections
- Removed group featured panel from explore layout for non logged in users
- Removed media gallery panel from profile layout
- Removed lists, suggestions, groups panel from home page
- Removed user suggestions to list page
- Updated pro_timelie in status.rb to find only from 1 hour ago
- Updated home timeline to not include groups and to find only latest from 5 days ago
- Removed search for non logged in users
• Updated:
- SortingQueryBuilder for ExploreTimeline, GroupCollectionTimeline, GroupTimeline
- Test on a lot of data to ensure no repeats
- Test reducers/timeline updates to appending and concating non status.id sorted results
removing .mov for now until we can figure out solution with videojs, added model to track username changes, got chat creation flow down, progress on bookmark collections, albums, filtering blocks/mutes from group, explore, collection timelines
• Added:
- GroupPinnedStatuses
- controllers for timeline, creation, deletion
- redux actions, reducers for creation, deletion
- timeline fetching in timelines action
- options to pin, unpin in status options popover for group admin
• Updated:
- groups to be public
- routes for /group and /groups/id to be public
- GroupTimeline to ignore relationships for loading
- Group fetching to be a where with is_archived: false
- GroupControllers to have if current_user, else
• Added:
- Meta and og information for view
- Group fetch
- public route api for featured groups, group timelines
• Removed:
- Doorkeeper for read:groups