using streaming.js, when a status comes in to the current page, it queues up using updateTimelineQueue action, it then goes to the reducer to add "queuedItems" to state (up to max:40) and to tally up all count in that timeilne state "totalQueuedItemsCount".
the dequeueTimeline action takes in a "timelineId", "expandFunc", and "optionalExpandArgs". when clicking on the "click to load more" it passes in the timelineId (e.g. "home", "community", etc.) and the "handleLoadMore" function from the timeline component. if within the range of the max: 40, it pushes them to the dom, if over the max: 40 it clears the timeline and refreshes the page/timeline to show the most recent 20 statuses. Then, it resets the "queuedItems" and "totalQueuedItemsCount" in timeline state.
if no expandFunc is added, and timeline is "home" or "community" it expands those timelines with "optionalExpandArgs". Otherwise, it queues up to any other timeline (e.g. "hashtags", etc.)
updated streaming functionality to load notifications into a queue (if currently on notitications page) and to display TimelineQueueButtonHeader with outstanding notification count. (if not on notifications page, it behaves as normal, adding/updating notification state). Max 40 are saved to queuedNotifications state and all are tallied into the totalQueuedNotificationsCount state. On click of TimelineQueueButtonHeader it dequeues the queuedNotifications and loads on page if <= max, otherwise it refreshes the page and shows latest 20 (default count) and clears/resets the state for queuedNotifications and totalQueuedNotificationsCount.
Complaints about not being able to see scrollbars on the light theme.
This adjusts both themes to become visible.
Adjustments may follow, along with incorporating into all supported browsers.
The composer window will go through a round of major improvements.
This is a patch fix to lock the height of the composer window original message.
Prevents publish button from being inaccessible when replying to long posts.
One of the biggest complaints received at launch was the update speed of
the home timeline. This change disables the jobs and signals that
trigger the update to get pushed without altering other logic.
if account is verified, display name input in settings is not visible
if attempting to change the display name by other means, an error is return and you are redirected