• Added:
- unique photos and videos tab to profile
- mediaType/media_type query string in api/statuses_controller
• Updated:
- /media to redirect to /photos
- AccountGallery, selector to accept mediaType and update on change in componentWillReceiveProps
• Removed:
- Generic "media" tab
• Todo:
- Create index for MediaAttachment.type
• Added:
- follow requests to notifications
• Updated:
- ui.js will mount to listen for path for follow_requests to set filter
- notification action expandNotifications to not request if filter is follow_request
- order of notification_filters
- AccountAuthorize
- FollowRequest page
• Added:
- emoji support for composer
- new emoji sheet
• Updated:
- Textarea to accomodate
- Reducers and actions to retrieve caretPosition on text change when typing
• Removed:
- Unused input type on AutosuggestTextbox
- Old emoji sheet.png
• Updated:
- how groups are fetched, loaded by setting flags for isLoading, isFetched per tab (new, admin, member, featured)
• Todo:
- Reload on group added, group removal
• Added:
- quote icon
- quote posting to status bar
• Removed:
- share from status bar (all share items now in status ellipsis menu)
- repost options popover
- share option popover
- unused code, constants
• Updated:
- ui.js to home, notifications differently...
- if landing on home page, on initial it loads home timeline
- if landing on notifications page, on initial it loads notifications
- if landing on any other page it does not load home, notifications until you navigate to the home/notifications page for the first time
• Hotfix:
- Turn off loading new notifications for now. Loading new notifications loads the same initial notifications. This will be in place until the notification page loads new notifications with max_id.