import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import { List as ImmutableList } from 'immutable' import { me } from '../initial_state' const getAccountBase = (state, id) => state.getIn(['accounts', id], null) const getAccountCounters = (state, id) => state.getIn(['accounts_counters', id], null) const getAccountRelationship = (state, id) => state.getIn(['relationships', id], null) const getAccountMoved = (state, id) => state.getIn(['accounts', state.getIn(['accounts', id, 'moved'])]) export const makeGetAccount = () => { return createSelector([getAccountBase, getAccountCounters, getAccountRelationship, getAccountMoved], (base, counters, relationship, moved) => { if (base === null) { return null } return base.merge(counters).withMutations(map => { map.set('relationship', relationship) map.set('moved', moved) }); }); }; const toServerSideType = columnType => { switch (columnType) { case 'home': case 'notifications': case 'public': case 'thread': return columnType default: if (columnType.indexOf('list:') > -1) { return 'home' } else { return 'public' // community, account, hashtag } } }; export const getFilters = (state, { contextType }) => state.get('filters', ImmutableList()).filter(filter => contextType && filter.get('context').includes(toServerSideType(contextType)) && (filter.get('expires_at') === null || Date.parse(filter.get('expires_at')) > (new Date()))); const escapeRegExp = string => string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string export const regexFromFilters = filters => { if (filters.size === 0) { return null; } return new RegExp( => { let expr = escapeRegExp(filter.get('phrase')); if (filter.get('whole_word')) { if (/^[\w]/.test(expr)) { expr = `\\b${expr}`; } if (/[\w]$/.test(expr)) { expr = `${expr}\\b`; } } return expr; }).join('|'), 'i'); }; export const makeGetStatus = () => { return createSelector( [ (state) => state, (state, { id }) => state.getIn(['statuses', id]), (state, { id }) => state.getIn(['statuses', state.getIn(['statuses', id, 'quote_of_id'])]), (state, { id }) => state.getIn(['statuses', state.getIn(['statuses', id, 'reblog'])]), (state, { id }) => state.getIn(['accounts', state.getIn(['statuses', id, 'account'])]), (state, { id }) => state.getIn(['accounts', state.getIn(['statuses', state.getIn(['statuses', id, 'quote_of_id']), 'account'])]), (state, { id }) => state.getIn(['accounts', state.getIn(['statuses', state.getIn(['statuses', id, 'reblog']), 'account'])]), (state, { username }) => username, getFilters, ], (state, statusBase, quotedStatus, statusRepost, accountBase, accountQuoted, accountRepost, username, filters) => { if (!statusBase) { return null } const accountUsername = accountBase.get('acct'); //Must be owner of status if username exists if (accountUsername !== username && username !== undefined) { return null } if (statusRepost) { statusRepost = statusRepost.set('account', accountRepost) //Check if theres a quoted post that const statusRepostQuoteId = statusRepost.get('quote_of_id') if (!!statusRepostQuoteId) { //Get repost's quoted post let repostedQuotedStatus = state.getIn(['statuses', statusRepostQuoteId]) if (repostedQuotedStatus) { //Get/set account and set quoted_status const repostedQuotedStatusAccount = state.getIn(['accounts', repostedQuotedStatus.get('account')]) repostedQuotedStatus = repostedQuotedStatus.set('account', repostedQuotedStatusAccount) statusRepost = statusRepost.set('quoted_status', repostedQuotedStatus) } } } else { statusRepost = null; } if (quotedStatus) { quotedStatus = quotedStatus.set('account', accountQuoted); } //Find ancestor status const regex = (accountRepost || accountBase).get('id') !== me && regexFromFilters(filters); const filtered = regex && regex.test(statusBase.get('reblog') ? statusRepost.get('search_index') : statusBase.get('search_index')); return statusBase.withMutations(map => { map.set('quoted_status', quotedStatus); map.set('reblog', statusRepost); map.set('account', accountBase); map.set('filtered', filtered); }); } ); }; export const makeGetNotification = () => { return createSelector([ (_, base) => base, (state, _, accountId) => state.getIn(['accounts', accountId]), ], (base, account) => { return base.set('account', account); }); }; export const getAccountGallery = createSelector([ (state, id) => state.getIn(['timelines', `account:${id}:media`, 'items'], ImmutableList()), state => state.get('statuses'), ], (statusIds, statuses) => { let medias = ImmutableList(); statusIds.forEach(statusId => { const status = statuses.get(statusId); medias = medias.concat(status.get('media_attachments').map(media => media.set('status', status))); }); return medias; }); export const getOrderedLists = createSelector([state => state.get('lists')], lists => { if (!lists) return lists return lists.toList().filter(item => !!item).sort((a, b) => a.get('title').localeCompare(b.get('title'))) })