import { BREAKPOINT_EXTRA_SMALL, POPOVER_COMMENT_SORTING_OPTIONS, POPOVER_DATE_PICKER, POPOVER_EMOJI_PICKER, POPOVER_GROUP_MEMBER_OPTIONS, POPOVER_GROUP_OPTIONS, POPOVER_NAV_SETTINGS, POPOVER_PROFILE_OPTIONS, POPOVER_SEARCH, POPOVER_SIDEBAR_MORE, POPOVER_STATUS_OPTIONS, POPOVER_STATUS_EXPIRATION_OPTIONS, POPOVER_STATUS_VISIBILITY, POPOVER_USER_INFO, POPOVER_VIDEO_STATS, } from '../../constants' import { CommentSortingOptionsPopover, DatePickerPopover, EmojiPickerPopover, GroupMemberOptionsPopover, GroupOptionsPopover, NavSettingsPopover, ProfileOptionsPopover, SearchPopover, SidebarMorePopover, StatusExpirationOptionsPopover, StatusOptionsPopover, StatusVisibilityPopover, UserInfoPopover, VideoStatsPopover, } from '../../features/ui/util/async_components' import { closePopover } from '../../actions/popover' import { getWindowDimension } from '../../utils/is_mobile' import Bundle from '../../features/ui/util/bundle' import ModalBase from '../modal/modal_base' import PopoverBase from './popover_base' import ErrorPopover from './error_popover' import LoadingPopover from './loading_popover' const initialState = getWindowDimension() const POPOVER_COMPONENTS = {} POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_COMMENT_SORTING_OPTIONS] = CommentSortingOptionsPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_DATE_PICKER] = DatePickerPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_EMOJI_PICKER] = EmojiPickerPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_GROUP_MEMBER_OPTIONS] = GroupMemberOptionsPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_GROUP_OPTIONS] = GroupOptionsPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_NAV_SETTINGS] = NavSettingsPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_PROFILE_OPTIONS] = ProfileOptionsPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_SEARCH] = SearchPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_SIDEBAR_MORE] = SidebarMorePopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_STATUS_OPTIONS] = StatusOptionsPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_STATUS_EXPIRATION_OPTIONS] = StatusExpirationOptionsPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_STATUS_VISIBILITY] = StatusVisibilityPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_USER_INFO] = UserInfoPopover POPOVER_COMPONENTS[POPOVER_VIDEO_STATS] = VideoStatsPopover const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ type: state.getIn(['popover', 'popoverType']), props: state.getIn(['popover', 'popoverProps'], {}), }) const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ onClose: (type) => dispatch(closePopover(type)), }) export default @connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) class PopoverRoot extends PureComponent { static propTypes = { type: PropTypes.string, props: PropTypes.object, onClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired, } state = { width: initialState.width, } componentDidMount() { this.handleResize() window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize, false) } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize, false) } componentDidUpdate() { const { type } = this.props const { width } = this.state if (width <= BREAKPOINT_EXTRA_SMALL && !!type) { document.body.classList.add(_s.overflowYHidden) } else { document.body.classList.remove(_s.overflowYHidden) } } handleResize = () => { const { width } = getWindowDimension() this.setState({ width }) } renderLoading = () => { const { width } = this.state const isXS = width <= BREAKPOINT_EXTRA_SMALL return } renderError = () => { const { width } = this.state const isXS = width <= BREAKPOINT_EXTRA_SMALL return } render() { const { type, props, onClose } = this.props const { width } = this.state const visible = !!type const isXS = width <= BREAKPOINT_EXTRA_SMALL const Wrapper = isXS ? ModalBase : PopoverBase //If is XS and popover is user info, dont show //Since on mobile this should not be visible if (isXS && type === POPOVER_USER_INFO) return null return ( { visible && { (Component) => } } ) } }