import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl' import { source_url, version, } from '../initial_state' import { APP_NAME, DEFAULT_REL, } from '../constants' import Button from './button' import DotTextSeperator from './dot_text_seperator' import Divider from './divider' import Icon from './icon' import Text from './text' class ErrorBoundary extends React.PureComponent { state = { hasError: false, stackTrace: undefined, componentStack: undefined, copied: false, } componentDidCatch(error, info) { this.setState({ hasError: true, stackTrace: error.stack, componentStack: info && info.componentStack, copied: false, }) } handleCopyStackTrace = () => { const { stackTrace } = this.state; const textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); textarea.textContent = stackTrace; = 'fixed'; document.body.appendChild(textarea); try {; document.execCommand('copy'); } catch (e) { // } document.body.removeChild(textarea); this.setState({ copied: true }); setTimeout(() => this.setState({ copied: false }), 700); } render() { const { hasError, copied } = this.state if (!hasError) return this.props.children return ( <div className={[_s.d, _s.minH100VH, _s.w100PC, _s.aiCenter, _s.jcCenter].join(' ')}> <div className={[_s.d, _s.minH53PX, _s.bgBrand, _s.aiCenter, _s.z3, _s.top0, _s.right0, _s.left0, _s.posFixed].join(' ')} > <div className={[_s.d, _s.flexRow, _s.saveAreaInsetPT, _s.saveAreaInsetPL, _s.saveAreaInsetPR, _s.w1255PX].join(' ')}> <div className={[_s.d, _s.flexRow].join(' ')}> <h1 className={[_s.d, _s.mr15].join(' ')}> <Button href='/' isText aria-label='Gab' className={[_s.d, _s.jcCenter, _s.noSelect, _s.noUnderline, _s.h53PX, _s.cursorPointer, _s.px10, _s.mr15].join(' ')}> <Icon id='logo' className={_s.fillWhite} /> </Button> </h1> </div> </div> </div> <div className={[_s.d, _s.maxW640PX, _s.px15, _s.py10].join(' ')}> <Icon id='warning' size='28px' className={[_s.d, _s.cSecondary, _s.mb15].join(' ')} /> <Text size='medium' className={_s.pt15}> <FormattedMessage id='error.unexpected_crash.explanation' defaultMessage='Due to a bug in our code or a browser compatibility issue, this page or feature could not be displayed correctly.' /> </Text> <Text size='medium' className={_s.mt10}> <FormattedMessage id='error.unexpected_crash.next_steps' defaultMessage='Try refreshing the page or trying the action again. If that does not help, you may still be able to use Gab Social through a different browser or native app.' /> </Text> <div className={[_s.d, _s.py10, _s.my10].join(' ')}> <Text> {APP_NAME} ({version}) </Text> <div className={[_s.d, _s.flexRow, _s.mt10, _s.aiCenter].join(' ')}> <Button isText href={source_url} rel={DEFAULT_REL} target='_blank' backgroundColor='tertiary' color='primary' radiusSmall className={[_s.py2, _s.px10].join(' ')} > <Text color='inherit'> <FormattedMessage id='errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue' defaultMessage='Report issue' /> </Text> </Button> <DotTextSeperator /> <Button isText backgroundColor='tertiary' color='primary' onClick={this.handleCopyStackTrace} radiusSmall className={[_s.ml5, _s.py2, _s.px10].join(' ')} > <Text color='inherit'> <FormattedMessage id='errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace' defaultMessage='Copy error to clipboard' /> </Text> </Button> </div> </div> <Divider /> <div className={[_s.d, _s.flexRow].join(' ')}> <Button href='/home'> <Text align='center' color='inherit'> <FormattedMessage id='return_home' defaultMessage='Return Home' /> </Text> </Button> </div> </div> </div> ) } } ErrorBoundary.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, } export default ErrorBoundary