import ReactSwipeableViews from 'react-swipeable-views';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { closeOnboarding } from '../actions/onboarding';

// : todo :

class FrameWelcome extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    domain: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    onNext: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
    return nextProps.domain !== this.props.domain;

  render() {
    const { domain, onNext } = this.props;

    return (
      <div className='introduction__frame'>
        <div className='introduction__text introduction__text--centered'>
            <FormattedMessage id='introduction.welcome.headline' defaultMessage='First steps' />
              defaultMessage="Welcome to the fediverse! In a few moments, you'll be able to broadcast messages and talk to your friends across a wide variety of servers. But this server, {domain}, is special—it hosts your profile, so remember its name."
                domain: <code>{domain}</code>

        <div className='introduction__action'>
          <button className='button' onClick={onNext}>
            <FormattedMessage id='introduction.welcome.action' defaultMessage="Let's go!" />

class FrameFederation extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    onNext: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  shouldComponentUpdate() {
    return false;

  render() {
    return (
      <div className='introduction__frame'>
        <div className='introduction__text introduction__text--columnized'>
              <FormattedMessage id='introduction.federation.home.headline' defaultMessage='Home' />
                defaultMessage='Posts from people you follow will appear in your home feed. You can follow anyone on any server!'

        <div className='introduction__action'>
          <button className='button' onClick={onNext}>
            <FormattedMessage id='introduction.federation.action' defaultMessage='Next' />

class FrameInteractions extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    onNext: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  shouldComponentUpdate() {
    return false;

  render() {
    return (
      <div className='introduction__frame'>
        <div className='introduction__text introduction__text--columnized'>
              <FormattedMessage id='introduction.interactions.reply.headline' defaultMessage='Reply' />
                defaultMessage="You can reply to other people's and your own gabs, which will chain them together in a conversation."

              <FormattedMessage id='introduction.interactions.repost.headline' defaultMessage='Repost' />
              <FormattedMessage id='introduction.interactions.repost.text' defaultMessage="You can share other people's gabs with your followers by reposting them." />

              <FormattedMessage id='introduction.interactions.favorite.headline' defaultMessage='Favorite' />
              <FormattedMessage id='introduction.interactions.favorite.text' defaultMessage='You can save a gab for later, and let the author know that you liked it, by favoriting it.' />

        <div className='introduction__action'>
          <button className='button' onClick={onNext}>
            <FormattedMessage id='introduction.interactions.action' defaultMessage='Finish tutorial!' />

export default
@connect(state => ({ domain: state.getIn(['meta', 'domain']) }))
class Introduction extends PureComponent {

  static propTypes = {
    domain: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  state = {
    currentIndex: 0,

  componentWillMount () {
    this.pages = [
      <FrameWelcome domain={this.props.domain} onNext={this.handleNext} />,
      <FrameFederation onNext={this.handleNext} />,
      <FrameInteractions onNext={this.handleFinish} />,

  componentDidMount() {
    window.addEventListener('keyup', this.handleKeyUp);

  componentWillUnmount() {
    window.addEventListener('keyup', this.handleKeyUp);

  handleDot = (e) => {
    const i = Number(e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-index'));
    this.setState({ currentIndex: i });

  handlePrev = () => {
    this.setState(({ currentIndex }) => ({
      currentIndex: Math.max(0, currentIndex - 1),

  handleNext = () => {
    const { pages } = this;

    this.setState(({ currentIndex }) => ({
      currentIndex: Math.min(currentIndex + 1, pages.length - 1),

  handleSwipe = (index) => {
    this.setState({ currentIndex: index });

  handleFinish = () => {

  handleKeyUp = ({ key }) => {
    switch (key) {
    case 'ArrowLeft':
    case 'ArrowRight':

  render () {
    const { currentIndex } = this.state;
    const { pages } = this;

    return (
      <div className='introduction'>
        <ReactSwipeableViews index={currentIndex} onChangeIndex={this.handleSwipe} className='introduction__pager'>
          {, i) => (
            <div key={i} className={classNames('introduction__frame-wrapper', { 'active': i === currentIndex })}>{page}</div>

        <div className='introduction__dots'>
          {, i) => (
              className={classNames('introduction__dot', { active: i === currentIndex })}
