import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import classNames from 'classnames/bind' // Bind CSS Modules global variable `_s` to classNames module const cx = classNames.bind(_s) // Define colors for enumeration for Text component `color` prop const COLORS = { primary: 'primary', secondary: 'secondary', tertiary: 'tertiary', brand: 'brand', error: 'error', white: 'white', inherit: 'inherit', } // Define sizes for enumeration for Text component `size` prop const SIZES = { extraSmall: 'extraSmall', small: 'small', normal: 'normal', medium: 'medium', large: 'large', extraLarge: 'extraLarge', extraExtraLarge: 'extraExtraLarge', } // Define weights for enumeration for Text component `weight` prop const WEIGHTS = { normal: 'normal', medium: 'medium', bold: 'bold', extraBold: 'extraBold', } // Define alignments for enumeration for Text component `align` prop const ALIGNMENTS = { center: 'center', left: 'left', } /** * Renders a text component * @param {string} [props.align='left] - the alignment of the text * @param {bool} [props.isBadge] - to style the text as a badge * @param {string} [props.className] - add custom className * @param {string} [props.color='primary'] color of the text * @param {bool} [props.hasUnderline] - if the text is underlined * @param {string} [props.htmlFor] - define the `for` attribute on the tag * @param {string} [props.size='normal'] size of the text * @param {string} [props.tagName='span'] tagName of the text element * @param {string} [props.weight='normal'] weight of the text */ export default class Text extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { align: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(ALIGNMENTS)), isBadge: PropTypes.bool, children: PropTypes.any, className: PropTypes.string, color: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(COLORS)), hasUnderline: PropTypes.bool, htmlFor: PropTypes.string, size: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(SIZES)), tagName: PropTypes.string, weight: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(WEIGHTS)), } static defaultProps = { tagName: 'span', align: ALIGNMENTS.left, color: COLORS.primary, size: SIZES.normal, weight: WEIGHTS.normal, } render() { const { tagName, className, children, color, size, weight, align, htmlFor, isBadge, hasUnderline, } = this.props // Style the component according to props const classes = cx(className, { default: 1, text: 1, radiusSmall: isBadge, lineHeight15: isBadge, px5: isBadge, colorPrimary: color === COLORS.primary, colorSecondary: color === COLORS.secondary, colorTertiary: color === COLORS.tertiary, colorBrand: color === COLORS.brand, colorWhite: color === COLORS.white, inherit: color === COLORS.inherit, fs24PX: size === SIZES.extraExtraLarge, fs19PX: size === SIZES.extraLarge, fs16PX: size === SIZES.large, fs15PX: size === SIZES.medium, fs14PX: size === SIZES.normal, fs13PX: size === SIZES.small, fs12PX: size === SIZES.extraSmall, fontWeightNormal: weight === WEIGHTS.normal, fontWeightMedium: weight === WEIGHTS.medium, fontWeightBold: weight === WEIGHTS.bold, fontWeightExtraBold: weight === WEIGHTS.extraBold, textAlignLeft: align === ALIGNMENTS.left, textAlignCenter: align ===, underline: hasUnderline, }) return React.createElement( tagName, { htmlFor, className: classes, }, children, ) } }