{ "name": "Gab Social", "description": "A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server", "repository": "https://github.com/gab-ai-inc/gab-social", "logo": "https://github.com/tootsuite.png", "env": { "LOCAL_DOMAIN": { "description": "The domain that your Gab Social instance will run on (this can be appname.scalingo.io or a custom domain)", "required": true }, "LOCAL_HTTPS": { "description": "Will your domain support HTTPS? (Automatic for *.scalingo.io, requires manual configuration for custom domains)", "value": "true", "required": true }, "PAPERCLIP_SECRET": { "description": "The secret key for storing media files", "generator": "secret" }, "SECRET_KEY_BASE": { "description": "The secret key base", "generator": "secret" }, "OTP_SECRET": { "description": "One-time password secret", "generator": "secret" }, "SINGLE_USER_MODE": { "description": "Should the instance run in single user mode? (Disable registrations, redirect to front page)", "value": "false", "required": true }, "S3_ENABLED": { "description": "Should Gab Social use Amazon S3 for storage? This is highly recommended, as Scalingo does not have persistent file storage (files will be lost).", "value": "true", "required": false }, "S3_BUCKET": { "description": "Amazon S3 Bucket", "required": false }, "S3_REGION": { "description": "Amazon S3 region that the bucket is located in", "required": false }, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": { "description": "Amazon S3 Access Key", "required": false }, "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": { "description": "Amazon S3 Secret Key", "required": false }, "SMTP_SERVER": { "description": "Hostname for SMTP server, if you want to enable email", "required": false }, "SMTP_PORT": { "description": "Port for SMTP server", "required": false }, "SMTP_LOGIN": { "description": "Username for SMTP server", "required": false }, "SMTP_PASSWORD": { "description": "Password for SMTP server", "required": false }, "SMTP_DOMAIN": { "description": "Domain for SMTP server. Will default to instance domain if blank.", "required": false }, "SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS": { "description": "Address to send emails from", "required": false }, "SMTP_AUTH_METHOD": { "description": "Authentication method to use with SMTP server. Default is 'plain'.", "required": false }, "SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE": { "description": "SMTP server certificate verification mode. Defaults is 'peer'.", "required": false }, "SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO": { "description": "Enable STARTTLS if SMTP server supports it? Default is true.", "required": false }, "BUILDPACK_URL": { "description": "Internal scalingo configuration", "required": true, "value": "https://github.com/Scalingo/multi-buildpack.git" }, "WITH_FFPROBE": { "description": "Internal scalingo configuration to install ffprobe", "required": true, "value": "true" } }, "scripts": { "postdeploy": "bundle exec rails db:migrate && bundle exec rails db:seed" }, "addons": [ "postgresql", "redis" ] }